The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1557: True and false goku

For Yu Duxiu, Sun Chi’s awe in his heart is like endless virtual valleys, even if he has now attained the quasi-superior status, immortal, but for his own master, Sun Chi has never dared Neglect half a minute. &Chinese&Fiction..

The more you understand your master, you will understand how terrifying and powerful your master might be. It is a bottomless pit. When you peeped at the tip of the iceberg, you will be scared to death.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing it for a period of time, the owner of the family actually concealed all the people from the heavens, changed his appearance, and directly proved that it was immortal. It was really incredible.

The two Wukong quarrels and fights in the air, attracting the eyes of all the powers of the heavens and the realms. At this time, a change in the Yinsi has gradually developed, but all the eyes of the heavens and the realms They are all attracted by the road to the sky, even if they are as strong as the ghost master, they have never looked at the'trash can' in the Yin Division.

Not only for Yinsi, but even for the entire world, the sea of ​​blood is a trash can, where countless filth converges here. The higher the status, the more evasive this place, wishing to stay far away.

At this moment, no one has noticed, and no one has noticed. A vortex in the deepest part of the sea of ​​blood is constantly spreading, the undercurrent of the entire sea of ​​blood is surging, and the blood of the endless beings in the heavens and all the worlds is instantaneous, even the supreme. The strong also feel a kind of bad luck slowly rising from his heart.

But this feeling was fleeting, and all the restlessness disappeared without a trace.

In the sea of ​​blood, I saw all the filthy air of the heavens and the world disappeared out of thin air, instantly appearing in the sea of ​​blood.

In the past, all the blood stains and various filthy powers of the heavens and the world slowly penetrated into the sea of ​​blood from the void, slowly pushed by the power of heaven and earth, but now it is not, now the blood demon is deep in the blood sea Rising in trouble, forging Yuantu Abi's two innate divine swords, reflecting the killing and defilement of the heavens and the world, but actively absorbing all kinds of filth from the heaven and the earth, which is equivalent to being a cleaner between the heaven and the earth. It is conducive to the operation of the laws of heaven and earth, with great merits, and the air fortune comes, and the blood demon merges with the original power of the blood sea more quickly.

"Blood **** child, come out. I will swallow the sea of ​​blood and turn the sea of ​​blood into my clone. In this way, this seat is the source of power that truly accommodates the heavens and the world, and it can be as strong as the heavens and the world. The will of the blood demon roared crazily in the sea of ​​blood.

The restlessness in the heart awakened Taiyi Jiaozu from the secret deduction, but seeing that Taiyi Jiazuzu's expression suddenly changed, he began to calculate the long river of fate, and after a while, his expression was gloomy and said: "Blood demon? Blood demon proved at this time. Dao is not good news. You must find him and stop him. This servant was conspired by this seat back then. If you prove the Dao in the future, how can this seat stop? This seat will miss the sky, this blood demon is absolutely impossible to calculate wrong".

After a while, a copper coin in Tai Yi taught the ancestor's hand instantly turned into powder: "How is it possible that all the information of the blood demon has disappeared. There seems to be a strange power in the dark, which is constantly filthy and resists the destiny of this seat. It’s weird where the Gorefiend is hiding.”

Taiyi teaches the ancestors to drive the chaotic river of destiny. He wants to break through all obstacles and peek into the real body of the blood demon. But at this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of a bell from the sky and the earth, everything vibrated, and the river of time rolled up. With waves, the long river of fate is fixed, and Tai Yi Jiaozu will never want to penetrate the long river of destiny in a short time, unless Tai Yi Jiaozu rashly tore the face with Yuanshi Tianzun, and forcibly broke the power of destiny. It is only the wisdom of Tai Yi Jiaozu that would go Do that kind of offending people? .

"In a dozen days or so, we will see a difference, and I will completely start the situation in the Yin Division, and no longer be so passive." Yu Duxiu twisted her rosary and sat silently on the bluestone.

"Master, master".

I heard a call from afar, and then I saw the two Wukongs coming together, followed by the panting Old Ancestor Zhu Ba, who instantly fell in front of Yu Duxiu, blocking the two Wukongs: "Don’t come here. , Come here again and I won’t blame my old Zhu for being polite.”

After speaking, I saw the two Wukongs stopping together before turning around to face Yu Duxiu and said: "Master, now two monkey brothers have emerged, and I don’t know which one is real, which one is fake, maybe it’s a monkey. Brother used the avatar technique, and you might deliberately tease us to play. You may recite the Tightening Mantra and tell the truth."

Seeing the flesh rooting tightly, even the heart ape could hardly escape the shackles of the tight hoop curse, this tight hoop curse has broken away from the shackles of the body, it is very contaminated, and it is incarnate.

"Master, it was another evildoer who hurt you before. Please also ask Master Mingjian. It is really not my grandson who beat you." A great sage pointed to another.

Another great saint said: "Master, this monster turned into me and wounded you. You must be clear, don't blame the disciple."

Looking at the two Wukong in front of him, Yu Duxiu was taken aback for a moment, and said at a loss: "Which of you two is real and which is fake".

"Master, I'm real, it's fake".

"I am real, he is fake."

Two Wukong kept accusing each other, Yu Duxiu nodded secretly, what is the heart ape? It is a person’s thoughts, all kinds of distracting thoughts, a certain kind of distracting thought of Wukong, seven emotions and six desires, all kinds of love, hatred, hatred, and anger, all are the source of the power of the heart ape. The more angry Goku, the stronger the power of the heart ape , As long as Wu Kong has negative emotions in his heart, the heart ape will continue to grow.

If Wukong is able to subdue the heart ape, harness the power of the heart ape to practice, and then he will stay in the mind, and the mind and the heart will complement each other. It is only a matter of time to recover the lost power.

Now that the heart ape is only five hundred years old, it can already be comparable to the body, and it is even still growing continuously, which is really amazing.

Looking at the heart ape and Wukong, Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed with divine light, pretending to be helpless, "I'm just a mortal, how can I tell which of you is real and who is fake?".

The ancestor Zhu Ba's provocation was directly ignored by Yu Duxiu.

Then Wukong said: "Master, you just need to recite the Mantra once, if it hurts, it's true, and if it doesn't hurt, it's fake."

This kind of thing can't be faked, only Yu Duxiu and Wukong know whether or not to recite the magic spell. The other fairy definitely doesn't know it. When the time comes, the action will be a little slower, and it will naturally miss the stuffing.

When Yu Duxiu saw this, he didn't say much, and directly chanted the Mantra secretly, but saw two demon monkeys falling to the ground together, shouting: "Master, don't read it, don't read it".

"Have you ever seen that that is true and which is false?" Yu Duxiu looked at Old Ancestor Zhu Ba with a pair of eyes.

The ancestor Zhu Ba smiled after hearing the words: "Master, where do I have this ability, or you are reading it again and try."

"Master, don't want to read it, idiot, if you dare to instigate the master to recite a spell, see if I don't hit you" and the two Wukong threatened Old Ancestor Pig.

The old ancestor Zhu Ba smiled honestly: "Brother Monkey, the master is mortal with naked eyes, and I don’t understand the art of the heavenly eye. Why don’t you go to the South China Sea to find Guanshiyin Bodhisattva and argue the is also a good way. The golden hoop was bestowed by the Bodhisattva, and the Bodhisattva must know which one is real and which one is fake.” The two Wukong patted their thighs together.

It was not Wukong that distinguished it, but the golden hoop. The golden hoop was a treasure refined in the medicine pill furnace of the immortal god. The quantity was limited, but it could not be hidden from the eyes of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva.

The two great sages went to the Zizhu Forest together, Bingqin looked at the two great sages, knowing, but silent, and after a while, said: "I will recite the Curse three times, try the authenticity." .

As he said, he didn't wait for the two demon monkeys to agree, and directly chanted the curse three times, but the painful explosion ape grinned, gritted his teeth, and kept rolling.

After three times, the two Wukong stopped, but listened to one of them saying: "Bodhisattva, you don't want to read it, this fairy hasn't distinguished it, but my grandson's life is gone."

"Yes, yes, don't read it, don't read it, your head will blow up when you read it."

At this moment, all the gods and gods of all the heavens and all realms were watching the Buddha's shame in secret. Seeing this scene, they were very happy. (To be continued.)

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