The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1576: 0 Eyes

"Only after you have broken through this realm, will you know the mighty, broad, and never-ending realm of this realm." The fox **** was blinded at this time, as if water was dripping out, and his eyes were full of truth seeking knowledge.

After the demon gods finished their congratulations, they left one after another, but Amitabh still stood not far away.

"I have seen the Buddha" The fox **** gave Amitabha lightly.

Amitabha chuckled, "I don't know how the Fox God has broken through this realm now?".

"The vastness, the vastness, and the endlessness" the Fox God whispered softly, and his eyes looked towards the void, full of yearning.

"By the way, I would also like to thank the Buddha for his help. Otherwise, this breakthrough will have to be interrupted by someone. Only after the breakthrough did I know how great the palm of Taiyi Jiaozu is, it is not these few people at all. The demon **** can grasp the trajectory, because there is no cause and effect, so he can't intervene" Fox God Road.

"Hey, the reason for helping, this seat also has one thing to ask the Fox God." Amitabha chuckled.

"If you have anything to do with the Buddha, just open your mouth. The grace of protecting the path is more important than the stars." The Fox God fluffed his hair.

"I also ask the Fox God to slow down for a few years to start the war. My Buddhist family has not yet achieved great success in learning from the scriptures. This road to heaven has not yet been completed. Please also ask the Fox God to postpone it for thousands of years," Amitabha said.

"Thousands of years are just a hurried flick of a finger. That's it. The Lord of Buddha is serious. I have to integrate and train soldiers. As today, the star gods in the court succeeded to the throne. I was downwind and wanted to start. The war requires thousands of years of running-in from all races." Fox God laughed.

Hearing this, Amitabhas twisted forty-eight big ambitions, and turned around and said: "The world is unpredictable, and I only need a thousand years of time."

After speaking, Amitabha had disappeared in the void and disappeared.

Looking at Amitabha's back, a suspicious look appeared in the Fox God's eyes: "It's weird, a little weird."

The heavens and worlds are surging, but they can no longer stop the centipede ancestors from wanting to regain their own eyeballs.

"You go to the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan and stole the lamp oil and the night pearl for this seat. This seat has many rewards." Centipede ancestor looked at the trembling little mouse in front of him.

"My lord, it's not that I don't want to be a small person, but that the Great Leiyin Temple is a major place in the Buddhist school. The small cultivation base is shallow. When you get close to the Great Leiyin Temple, you will be instantly beaten back to its original shape by the Buddha's light. How to steal that "The Tathagata Pearl" said the mouse helplessly.

"Hmph, this seat will naturally bless you with the secret technique. If you can steal the Tathagata Pearl, then this seat will be rewarded with great rewards. Various geniuses and treasures are generously given to help you achieve the quasi-monster **** status." Centipede ancestors see Look at the mouse Jingdao.

"This, if the Buddhist school investigates it afterwards, what should it do?" the mouse Jing said nervously.

"Hmph, I am not without a strong person, especially now that I am proving the Dao with the demon gods, coupled with the assistance of the demon gods, Da Lei Yin Temple and Lingshan Pure Land are not a concern."

"The little one is willing to walk for the demon god" The mouse spirit turned his eyes.

Seeing the little mouse holding the secret method and holding the strange treasure, he walked out. A man with a face of fairy-style and bones came out and saluted the centipede: "Father, this little mouse has low magic power, how can it be accomplished? The big event? The Leiyin Temple is heavily guarded, and the little mouse spirit will be beaten up before it approaches."

"You don't understand this matter, it's my father's own calculations" The centipede ancestor's eyes were brilliant.

"Father, the Jinlan robes on the road to the sky has an eye like Father God, and the child is willing to walk for God Father, take Tang Sanzang, and then **** the Jinlan robes," the man said.

The centipede ancestor waved his hand when he heard the words: "For my father, he has just proclaimed the Dao now. Although he has the blessing of ancient blood, it is difficult to compete with the transcendent level masters like Amitabha. That is the case when the monk takes away. Then turn around to avoid getting into trouble."

"Yes." The man lowered his head, but his eyes showed a touch of disapproval. That is the magic medicine for immortality. If anyone can refine the monk, immortality is common.

On this day, the five masters and apprentices came to a beautiful mountain and river, but listened to the old ancestor Zhu Ba said: "This place is beautiful. Could it be that there is a person who practices qi training here? The fireworks are so much. There are obviously people in the mountains, why not enter the mountains and find a fast meal to solve the hunger and thirst in the belly?".

"The second brother is right. Now that I have been along the way, the people and horses are exhausted, and I just need to rest and recuperate for a while" Monk Sha took over.

Yu Duxiu looked at the tribulations gathering around her, and a cold light flashed in her eyes. Since the tribulations have arrived, they cannot be avoided. If you hide, the tribulations will come to the door. It is better to take the initiative to meet them, but to see if they are. The guy who knew nothing about life and death dared to set himself up.

While talking, Wukong lifted off into the sky and drove the head of the cloud, patrolled around, and landed on the head of the cloud and said, "Master, follow me."

I saw a Taoist temple from a distance. This Taoist temple has beautiful scenery. It seems that Taoism has settled here. The old ancestor Zhuba knocked on the door, but saw the door open. A Taoist boy lazily opened the door and said: "You What is the so-called "a few monks who came to my thousand-eyed Taoist temple".

"Little Taoist priest, a few of our masters and apprentices came from Middle-Earth, and we were exhausted all the way, wanting to spend the night and make some fast food, I don't know if it is possible," Wukong grinned.

The little Taoist priest looked at the Great Sage and was not afraid. He just opened the door: "So, it's actually a monk in the procession. Come in. You have to be quiet. My master is currently concocting medicine and preparing to open the furnace to refine the Great Dan. Don’t disturb my master."

"Open the furnace to make alchemy? Your master can also make alchemy?" Wukong asked curiously.

The boy laughed when he heard the words: "What's so strange about this. Ever since the ancestor Miaoxiu used the pill to prove the Tao and refined the elixir of immortality, even if he did not cultivate the pill, he still had to know the technique of alchemy. Otherwise, I am embarrassed to say that I am a practitioner."

Having said this, the boy sat down with a few people. While talking, he heard a voice of Hong Zhong in the distance: "Disciple, why is it so noisy in front of him?".

The boy hurriedly said respectfully: "Master, a few monks came from Taoist Temple, and they said they were alms, so the disciples would serve them."


As he spoke, he saw a cultivator with the bones of immortal wind coming out, holding the whisk in his hand, and saluting the five masters and apprentices: "Thousand eyes of the poor, I have seen a few dao friends."

"It turns out to be the master with a thousand eyes. The poor monk is a monk from the Middle-earth Tang Dynasty who wants to go to the West to worship the Buddha and ask for sutras." Yu Duxiu stood up and looked at the Taoist priest with a clear look at the corner of his eyes.

When the Taoist priest heard the words, he was taken aback: "A monk from Middle-earth?"

"Disrespect and disrespect, it turned out that Zhongtu came from a long distance, but it was disrespect." The Taoist priest smiled: "The mage doesn't know how to call it?"

"Poor monk Sanzang, this is my big apprentice Sun Wukong, the second apprentice Zhu Bajie, and the third apprentice Sha Wujing." Yu Duxiu put his hands together.

The Taoist priest chuckled: "Several people have come from afar, and we still need to taste the specialties of my Taoist temple, and some will wait a moment."

After speaking, I saw the Taoist priest turned around and walked out, but for a moment, he was holding a few tea bowls, only to see that there were several dates in this tea bowl that were of different sizes, mixed with black and red.

"This is a special product of my Taoist Please also some elders to taste it" Taoist priest called out and arranged the tea cups separately.

Wukong pointed at the Taoist bowl and said, "Why do you only see red dates in your bowl, but not black dates".

The Taoist priest smiled helplessly: "This date is precious. Give some Taoists a fresh treat. I eat it myself and waste it."

Wukong said: "I changed tea cups with you, but my grandson doesn't like taking advantage of others."

"It's okay, a few people from far away are guests. This is the way to treat guests. Please also ask a few to drink this tea while it's hot" Taoist sneered.

Having said that, he had already taken a sip of tea.

Seeing this, Wukong chuckled and drank the tea. The five masters and apprentices drank the tea, but in a moment, they heard a wailing and screaming pain while holding their stomachs. Only Wukong's golden body and iron bones were true. The upright quasi-superior, no exception, Wukong grinned at the Taoist priest at this time: "You old Taoist, why do you harm my master and apprentice for no reason?".

"Hmph, this seat has already prepared the pill furnace, everything is ready, just wait for you to come, why do you want to harm you". (To be continued.)

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