The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1582: Quickly talk to Wukong

"This bastard" Gan Weather's face is black. This is the most humiliating thing in Gan Tian's life. If it weren't for this incident, he wouldn't have completely turned his face with Yu Duxiu.

"Puff" Wukong laughed, couldn't help but smile, his eyes looked in the direction of the 33rd Heaven: "True or false".

"Of course it's true. How can I tell lies, I witnessed this with my own eyes" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba slapped his chest with vows.


The Thirty-three Heavenly Thunder God struck down with a flash of lightning, instantly making the Pig Eighth Ancestor look dark and twitch.

"I'm so embarrassed and angry" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba murmured, then turned his head and looked at Wukong with his white teeth: "Brother, go to Da Leiyin Temple and invite Tathagata Buddha to do it himself."

Wukong hesitated when he heard the words, and then said: "No, my old grandson must personally surrender this little kid. If I invite Tathagata to subdue this little kid myself, where will my old grandson's face go? Wouldn't it be a loss? Tathagata is one thing".

After speaking, Wukong came to the East China Sea instantly in a somersault, calling out: "Old Dragon King, Old Dragon King".

"The Great Sage is urging, the old dragon is here, the old dragon is here" East China Sea Dragon King rose from the sea and stood opposite Nai Wukong: "The Great Sage recruits, I don't know what is going on?".

Wukong said: "My old grandson encountered difficulties in Huoyan Mountain. I met a child who was good at making flames. The old grandson who burned his head and tail ignored him, and asked the Dragon King to cast rain and extinguish the flame."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea chuckled: "This matter is simple, please lead the way in front of the Great Sage."

As for the road to heaven, the Dragon King of East China Sea, as the supreme powerhouse, naturally heard about it. No matter whether his water can extinguish the flame or not, he has to take it to the Buddhist school to see and sell it. Buddhism, if you get nasty with Sihailongjun in the future, you can still find another Mingzhu.

The East Sea Dragon King summoned relatives and friends, and the Four Sea Dragon Kings came together, driving the cloud head toward the Huoyan Mountain.

East China Sea Crystal Palace, East China Sea Dragon King's complexion was livid, and one side of the Jinlin said: "Brother, have these Four Sea Dragon Kings already reacted in their hearts?".

Dragon King of the East China Sea narrowed his eyes: "Before the three armies were fragile, but they lost their hearts. All beings in the four seas all support the Four Seas Dragon King. Even if our brothers want to quit the Dragon King, if the Four Seas Dragon Kings have not lost their virtues, We can’t stand up to our feet. In the future, the aquarium will be more thoroughly distracted. How to fight against the cold, if the army is passing by, the world will be converted instantly, there is no place for you and me. What we have to do now is to secretly observe the feet of the Sihailong King. Find a chance to suppress it."

For the Dragon King of the Four Seas, the tail of the Dragon King of the Four Seas is so big that it is like a prince who has an antipathy. However, this prince is quite beloved among the people and has his own fief. It is difficult for the monarch to punish such a prince. A certain influence must be taken into consideration.

The Four Seas Dragon King followed Wukong to the Flame Mountain, and Wukong came to Cuiping Mountain again and began to yell: "That hairy boy, come out quickly to your grandpa grandfather to die."

Liu Ding Liujia's sacred fire burns Wukong, at least it is Wukong who burns to death, but the pain is unavoidable. Wukong stood carefully, and then looked down at the Cuiping Mountain and cursed: "You yellow-mouthed kid, you dare to say and eat. My master, what I am doing is not to be a son of man, or a son of man, your uncle grandson, I will teach you today, let you know that the sky is high and the earth is rich and cannibalism is not a good habit."

"Okay, you Hohen, you dare to be my elders. Today I have to tell you to look good." The voice saw Wukong, knowing that melee combat would not be beneficial, and a burst of flames burst out instantly, and the sky burned towards that Wukong.

"Fast, fast, fast, rain, rain".

"Wind, rain, thunder and lightning, start."

The Four Seas Dragon Kings shot together, but never thought that after the fire met the rain, it instantly became more manic, and directly burned into the cloud head. The burned Four Seas Dragon King hugged his head, and the dragon's whiskers were burned and fled in embarrassment.

"What?" Listening to the little demon's report, the Xian Yimu Qingniu suddenly sat up cleverly: "The Holy Infant has caught the Sanzang monk, and will he refine it into a pill?".

After hearing the little demon's report, Xiantian Yimu Qingxin suddenly became calm, and suddenly sat up and said: "Walk around, go to Cuiping Mountain, go to Cuiping Mountain".

Arriving at Cuiping Mountain, Xiantian Yimu Qingniu happened to see the scene in front of him. The Four Sea Dragon Kings and Wukong fled in embarrassment by the sacred fire.

"The little master has such great magical powers, even if you meet the quasi-superior, you have to hug your head, but it is absolutely indispensable to refine the old master into a pill. Besides, that Amitabha is the number one of the heavens. A strong person, if this matter provokes Amitabha himself to take action, it will be in trouble at that time, and it will inevitably involve the Chaotian, Yinsi, Recklessness, and Human Race. At that time, there will be countless deaths and injuries, and the sin will be serious."

"Hurry up and call the door, so I said that the king is here." The innate Yimu green bull fell on Cuiping Mountain, facing the little demon who guarded the mountain.

Standing on the cloud head, Wukong and Sihailongwang comforted each other and looked at the innate Yimu Green Bull who walked into the Cuiping Mountain in the distance. Wukong said, "Who is this servant who can actually enter the holy infant's cave?".

The Dragon King of Four Seas glanced at each other, and the Dragon King of Beihai said: "I know that this guy is called a green bull. It seems to be Miaoxiu's previous mount. I used to have friendship with this guy in Beihai."

Wukong's eyes rolled: "Good opportunity, I finally figured out how to rescue my master".

"What is the best way for the Great Sage?" Sihailongwang said in unison.

Wukong chuckled, scratching his ears, and whispered.

"My uncle is here" Seeing Green Bull, Sheng Ying's face was full of joy.

"You have been good at supernatural powers over the years, but you have become a lot more powerful. The Four Seas Dragon King and the Explosive Ape didn't get any benefits in your hands. It seems that you haven't had any fun these years. How has your mother been in recent years?" Qing Niu said.

The holy infant's face suddenly dimmed when he heard the words: "My mother has lived in Biyun Mountain alone these years, depressed, unwilling to practice, her vitality is constantly being weakened, and she is gradually becoming haggard. She is about to catch the holy monk and refine it into the elixir of immortality. Give it to my mother, so that she will live forever and stay forever."


Qing Niu sighed when he was about to say something, and suddenly heard a little demon running in: "My lord, there is an invitation sent, saying that the North Sea Dragon King invited you to a banquet."

"Beihai Dragon King?" Qing Niu took the invitation and turned his gaze: "I know, it must be that Sihailongwang has sharp eyes. Seeing me walking into the cave, I went to see the Sihailongwang gourd sold What kind of medicine, to explore the wind for you".

After speaking, the blue bull walked up to Yu Duxiu, looked up and down Yu Duxiu for a while, turned around and walked out of the cave.

In the void, Wu Kong concealed his figure, seeing the blue bull walking away, but his body turned, turned into a blue bull, and walked into the cave.

"Uncle, why are you back again?" Saint Infant said.

Wukong said: "I walked halfway, but there is something to tell you, don't act indiscriminately, this monk can't eat it, then Amitabha in the Pure Land of Xitian Bliss is the number one strong in the ~ If you eat this monk, you will have stabbed the hornet's nest and you will never want to live in peace in the future. Even if you are immortal, you will have to be cramped and peeled by the Buddhists to reverse the immortality medicine."

Speaking of this, Wukong said: "Why didn't your mother come out?"

The Holy Baby heard the words and said calmly: "My mother is uncomfortable today and is resting in the cave. My uncle said that Amitab is great, but I am not afraid. The supreme patriarch of blood a few days ago personally recognized my mother as a daughter. What's the big deal?

"Is there such a thing?" Wukong asked, was surprised, and subconsciously scratched his ears, and then realized that he was not acting properly, he immediately stopped and said: "It is better to have less than one thing, the Queen of Heaven, Pantao, can prolong her life. The flat peach is much simpler than this Chen Monk meat."

"The flat peach can't be broken, it's under the control of others. One pill of this immortal medicine can be used once and for all, why not take it," Sheng Ying said with disdain.

Wukong suddenly became anxious: "This elixir of immortality was refined by your father. Why do you eat this monk and directly find the treasure hidden by your father. There must be the elixir of immortality in it. Isn't it better than eating a living person? Much better? How disgusting is this raw food." (To be continued.)

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