The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1584: 1 palm up to the sky

In the ancient times, the divine light of Lichen Daoist was the mega-shock of the heavens, and there were few rivals in all the heavens. Now, with the reincarnation of Lichen, after thousands of years of practice, the divine light of Lichen is even more powerful. Winner.

The Explosive Ape’s club was instantly swept away, the void twisted, and Lichen walked out of the void slowly: "Who are you?"

Bingqin stepped forward, holding a seal in his hand: "This is the seal left by the real person Miaoxiu back then. Please check the authenticity by the real person."

Li Chen's face changed when he heard the words, and took the seal in his hand. After checking it for a while, his brow furrowed: "Follow me in."

The three of them walked into the sky from the dusty cave and came to a peak, but saw a beautiful Taoist aunt on the top of the mountain standing on the top of the mountain, with a pair of eyes looking into the endless void, clothes fluttering in the wind, fluttering and ecstatic.

"So beautiful and exquisite Taoist." Even Wukong, the ape, had to praise the Taoist aunt in front of her for her utterly dusty temperament, which seemed shocking.

"Sister Wangchen, these two monks are here to find you" Li Chen said.

Wangchen chuckled, stretched out his palm, took the talisman, and nodded: "I already know the cause and effect of this incident, and my brother has given me guidance. Since the Holy Infant has already activated his spiritual wisdom, I can't mess around in the wild. To be a king among them, those six divine fires are the most ferocious, and it is the poison of time that has been smelted, and everything under the world cannot be ignited. I personally took this incident. surrender".

At this time, more than five thousand years have passed, Wangchen's cultivation base is already at the peak of good fortune, and it is still one step before he can comprehend his own Tao fruit, and begin to gather the innate immortal aura.

I have to say that Jade Duxiu’s Three Treasure Ruyi is a good thing. If you are attached to the Three Treasure Ruyi, you can practice without any calamity. As long as you follow the steps, the cultivation base will eventually have a peek into the day of immortality.

"Wangchen, don't go out. This is a matter of the Buddhism. Let's intervene arbitrarily. We will give the nine supreme ancestors a chance to make a move. Resentment arises in our hearts. Besides, the three treasures are infinitely powerful. "Aroused the peeping of interested people" Li Chen was worried, and persuaded.

"It's okay, brother has made arrangements for a long time, I know, brother is not dead, he has been guiding me to practice in the dark," Wang Chen had already taken the lead and walked out.

The three people came to Na Cuiping Mountain again, Wangchen looked at Wukong: "The Great Sage is just going to call the formation."

Wukong grinned and stood proudly on the top of the mountain with a stick and knocked it down: "That little boy, he didn't come out quickly, your uncle, I'm here again."

"Yeah, you hen, I was born thousands of years earlier than you, and you dare to call my uncle, rude and improper," Sheng Ying listened to Wukong's provocation, his anger rose, and a flame burst instantly. Get out.

"Please also Dao Chang's help." Wukong instantly rose into the clouds.

Wangchen chuckled: "Don't panic, the great sage, let's see what I do."

The Three Treasures Ruyi divine light shrouded, and instantly stretched out from the sleeves of self-forgetting dust. It was grasped by a delicate snow-white palm, and slowly suppressed downwards, only to see the Three Treasure Ruyi passing by, the void solidified, all flames He rolled back in an instant, and fell back into the belly of the holy infant again, making the holy infant stand there for a while, his eyes lost and at a loss.

"Three treasures wishful."

The three treasures wishful Qi machine appeared again, but it instantly shocked the countless powers of the heavens, and a pair of eyes looked towards the road to the sky.

In the past, the Three Treasure Ruyi, as the weapon of Yu Duxiu, was the iconic thing of Yu Duxiu. Everyone suspected that the three treasures of Ruyi contained Miaoxiu’s big secrets, but when Miaoxiu was transformed into Taoism, the Three Treasures Ruyi Lost and missing, the countless powers of the heavens rummaged through the nine states of the human race. After all, they did not find the shadow of the Three Treasure Ruyi. I did not expect the Three Treasure Ruyi to appear here.

Among the heavens, a pair of eyes greedily looked at the Three Treasure Ruyi. The Three Treasure Ruyi is not only the Three Treasure Ruyi, it is more likely to involve the secret of Miaoxiu's treasure back then, the whereabouts of the elixir of immortality.

"Sister Wangchen, show mercy."

There was an exclamation in the distance, but I saw a simple, haggard, thirty-forty-year-old woman from a distance, driving a cloud head, and rushing towards the Holy Infant’s body, blocking Wangchen’s body. Three treasures wishful.

Behind the middle-aged woman was the female disciple who was entrusted to the baby by Yu Duxiu, who was nervously stopped in front of Sheng Ying.

"This Wen Yingji, it's actually you." When Wangchen saw this woman, Wangchen's expression suddenly changed, and then he was shocked: "Why are you dying like this?

"Junior sister, this child is Yu Duxiu's own flesh and blood. Although it has blocked the big plan of the Buddhist school, but please spare this rebellious son." Wen Yingji did not answer, but held the child with tears on his face.

"Just kidding, this child is the flesh and blood of Brother Miaoxiu. How could I be cruel, but I just wanted to bring him to Dafengzhou. Back then, Brother Miaoxiu had an agreement with Chaotian, Blood Demon, and Fuyao. One day there will be an accident, and this child will go into the school of three people to practice. Now I just counted that the Holy Infant has already opened up the spiritual wisdom, I should practice early, so as not to miss the qualifications. If the three people of Chaotian teach, the certificate will be approved in the future The fairy fruit position is certainly not difficult."

"Yes, it is not difficult for me to make a move with my ancestors."

A magnificent sound sounded in the void, and then I saw a palm sticking out from the void. This palm seemed to be the hand of the heavens, including the Great Dao of the Heavens and Worlds. The palm suddenly slapped, that burst of ape. Unprepared, he was instantly beaten into the depths of the earth, but he heard a mutter from the sky: "It's just you monkey that is troublesome."

After speaking, the palm of his hand was caught in the field, and Wen Yingji, Shengying, and the female disciple of Taipingdao had been captured by the big hand.

"Asshole, I dare to shoot from behind, I'm not the son of man" Wukong got out of the ground with a face full of anger, swinging his club, and trying to fight Chaotian to death and death, but there was already no trace of Chaotian in the field.

"Wangchen, these Three Treasure Ruyi are the things of Miaoxiu. Miaoxiu is my disciple of Taipingdao. The Three Treasure Ruyi should belong to my Taipingdao. You have collected it for so many years and you should turn it in today." Taipingdao, Taipingjiao The streamer flickered, the sound came from the void, the space was twisted and cracked, countless runes flowed, the Taiping ancestor descended on the scene with a palm, and grabbed the three treasures Ruyi.

Looking at the palms of the Taiping ancestors covering the sky and sun, the complexions of Wangchen and Bingqin changed. Without hesitation, Wangchen released the Three Treasure Ruyi, and everyone backed away instantly.

"Taiping, what you said was wrong. Back then, you and Miaoxiu had torn their skins and watched Miaoxiu's souls fly away. You dare to say that these three treasures belong to the Taipingdao. Your face grows with the Taoism. It's getting thicker and thicker." The killing air filled the void, and a white tiger's claws fell instantly, tearing the void, and froze with the palm of the Taiping ancestor.

"Before Miaoxiu died, he entrusted the Three Treasure Ruyi to this seat, and then took the initiative to disperse his soul. The Three Treasure Ruyi should belong to this seat, and you should not fight for it." Voice of Taiyuan Teacher It sounded in the void, but the words in it made people want to smoke him after listening.

"This is wrong. If it weren't for you, how could Miaoxiu's soul fly away? You personally beat Miaoxiu's soul out. If these three treasures of Ruyi fall into your hands, I am afraid that Yu Duxiu will really die."

The gentle voice of the Rabbit God came out, and a divine light flashed across the void. The palm of the Taiyuanjiao ancestor actually transformed into a big carrot in an instant. The Rabbit God snapped, and then broke directly with a'click', and then' The voice rang out, and the Rabbit God directly gnawed the arm of the Taiyuan Jiaozu.

"Rabbit God, you are too much." Taiyuan Jiao Ancestor's flesh and blood derive from his body, and then I saw the infinite divine light flashing in the Taiyuan Jiao Ancestor's body, holding the Five Elements Great Mill with one palm, facing the endless recklessness of suppression. go with.

"The Three Treasures Ruyi is a god-given treasure, which is obtained by those who are predestined. Although it is a Miaoxiu hammer forging, it is only blessed by the fate of the heaven and the earth. The heaven and the earth are created by their hands. If it is a wonderful thing, it would be too much." Tai Dou Jiaozu sneered, and Wuliang Xingdou poured down instantly. (To be continued.)

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