The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1604: Zhang Jiao's talisman? Avenue

In the East China Sea, the inspiration knelt down on the ground with a bewildered expression, lying motionless on the ground. Fan ☆Ji novel network`

"Long Jun, please be punished, the subordinates have nothing to say, let Long Jun deal with it" Inspiration fell to his knees, his voice hoarse.

Seeing the once energetic inspiration is so decadent at this time, Donghai Longjun smiled and said meaningfully: "Get up, experience so much, I just want to make you feel something. It is not easy to survive, even if it is you. No matter how strong his strength is, the most indispensable thing in the heavens and all realms is Tianjiao. There is no eternal invincibility. The unlucky ghost thought that the world was invincible. What happened? It was not that the ancestors broke up the flesh, the innate The Lingbao is broken, it's miserable."

"Later, Taiyi taught that the ancestors of the heavens and ten thousand realms dominate? So what? It was not surpassed by Amitabha. Then Amitabha was in the limelight at that time, so what? The fox **** and Taiyi taught ancestors did not quickly catch up, and the three legs "Donghai Longjun sighed deeply.

After listening to Donghai Longjun's words, the prince of inspiration flashed with enlightenment in his eyes at this time, did not say much, and continued to listen to the teachings of Donghai Longjun.

"My Dragon Clan has always been tepid. Between the Human Race and Manghuang, there is no detachment from the strong, nor can I compete with any side of the Manghuang Human. Why?" Donghai Longjun looked at the Prince of Inspiration. Ao Le and Jinlin turned to the side. ☆△◇☆Fanqi Novel Network``

"Why?" The Prince of Inspiration subconsciously said.

"Naturally because there is no gap between the dragon races in the four seas, but a family of brothers, close to each other, the human race is full of contradictions, internal struggles are constant, mutual calculations, and the major races in the wild are constantly fighting for the front and draining internal strength. , For so many years, I have been the only one who has continued to regenerate energy. Even the ancestors of the world have constantly searched for the interests of the heavens and the world. The human race and the monster race take the big head. My dragon race only took a small part, but my dragon race It is getting stronger and stronger, and the two races of humans and monsters are getting weaker and weaker. Why do the two races of humans and monsters obviously take the big head, but why are they getting weaker and weaker, and my world is getting stronger and stronger? Drinking water, drank a sip: "It is because although the human race and the monster race took the big heads, all the benefits of the foundation have been consumed in the constant battle, and only my dragon race has been favored by heaven and earth for millions of years. I’ve always been in peace. If it wasn’t for the cold stalks, the Dragon Clan would also take part in the Dragon Clan. I’m afraid that at this time, the Dragon Clan can already compete with the Human and Monster Clan, so why stay in such a bullet. Land". Tomato Little ◇say ☆net `----`

After listening to Donghai Longjun's words, the prince of inspiration kowtowed deeply: "My child understands."

"It’s good if you understand, it’s good if you understand. After all, these four seas are to be entrusted to your hands. Now both the monster race and the human race have been born of a detached realm. If my dragon race cannot break through as soon as possible, we can only become a human race. With the vassal of the monster race, this is something that I cannot bear. I will find an opportunity in the future. The four seas are entrusted to your hands. I will wait for retreat and study, and strive for an early breakthrough. Alas,,,, ,,".

At this time, the dragons of the four seas are all stunned, and anyone who is forced to press down a bit will be unconvinced.

Although there was a gap between Sihai Longjun and Taiyi Jiaozu and others, it was nothing. Taiyi Jiaozu had the upper hand at best, but now? .

Now it is truly leaving everyone behind and throwing them behind. With the passage of time in the future, the gap will inevitably become larger and larger, and ultimately cannot be made up. □▽○Tomato☆Small○Shuowang`---``---

"We're in retreat, what should I do with Han Yan?" Jin Lin said aside.

"Huh, Han Yan? Han Yan is afraid that it is better than we hope to break through that realm. After all, in the ancient times, Han Yan has already touched that realm and opened up a dimension. It is a pity that if it wasn't for my husband and wife to fight against each other, I’ve delayed Han Yan’s millions of years of hard work, and I’m afraid that the first person in the heavens and all realms will fall into my dragon clan." Donghai Longjun turned around after he finished saying, "Go back and go secretly familiar with the dragon clan. Things will be of great use in the future."

"Yes, thank you Longjun" deeply inspired, and turned away.

Seeing the Prince of Inspiration leave, Donghai Longjun clicked his lips, and Xihai Longjun said, "It's really strange, the eldest brother was merciful this time."

"Inspiration, this child is a seedling, I can’t bear to punish me." Donghai Longjun looked at Ao Le: "Le’er pay attention to the road to the sky. If there is a hero in the world, I should go to the road to the sky to rescue him immediately. Buddhism". Tomato Little ◇say ☆net `----`

"Yes, my child obeyed" Ao Le respectfully said.

On the road to the sky, Wukong looked at the great deer, but saw that great deer was looking up to the sky and sighed helplessly: "Your master and apprentice are really amazing. Let this matter go, this seat gave up, and in the future, I will leave this car and go to the mountains to retreat. Xiu, meeting a few people, will inevitably retreat and never dare to embarrass you."

After speaking, looking at the divided corpse Tiger Li Daxian, and the Yang Li Daxian with no bones left, Lu Li Daxian couldn't help but shudder. He still knows the current affairs as a handsome, otherwise he is already in the corpse field.

Watching Luli Daxian go away, Wukong looked at Prince Yinsi with a smile but a smile: "Prince Yinsi, don't pretend, you hooked my soul back then, my grandson has a fresh memory of you. You are a hidden spirit. The skill is indeed extraordinary, but I can't hide it from my old grandson. As the saying goes, Yin and Yang do not interfere with each other. I don't know how you have stolen the luck between the Yang world, how the nine supreme ancestors will deal with you."

As he said, the void twisted, and a piece of talisman paper slowly floated out of the void, only to see the light of the rune paper flickering, turning into a handsome man.

"Poor Dao Zhangjiao, met the great sage, met the holy monk, met the prince." The head teacher came to the scene, with a complete set of courtesies, and bowed to everyone one by one.

"Polite and reasonable, I don't know why you are here?" Wukong leaned forward.

Zhang Jiao looked at the prince of Yinsi who was sitting high: "In the name of the ancestor of Taiping, I come for the prince of Yinsi."

"Just relying on you, do you want to take care of this prince's nostalgia?" The Yinsi prince sits in a high position, motionless like a mountain, and his whole body is not happy at all, as if he is an emperor who suppresses the ages, controlling the cycle of life and death between thoughts and movements.

"The prince has now begun to integrate the Tao and the fruit, and condense the real body. It is indeed a step ahead of me, but it does not matter, as long as the cause and effect of today can be completed, it is only a matter of time to catch up with the prince." Zhang Jiao held a golden yellow in his hand. The talisman seal is sandwiched between the palms of your fingers. This talisman seal is made of no material. It is quite strange, even Yu Duxiu can't see through it.

"You want to lend me to the upper position, defeat me, and seize the car that the widow has stolen. You are really wishful thinking." The Crown Prince of Yin Si looked gloomy.

No matter who it is, it will not be too happy to hear someone say that someone is going to step on their own upper position.

"Prince, we are all sensible people. It is useless to say more. Let's see the real chapter in your hands." Zhang Jiao chuckled, holding the seal in his right hand, and instantly leaped across the void, and slashed towards the prince of Yinsi with a palm of his head.

"Huh, fortunately, you are still the proud son of Taiping Dao. I didn't expect Taiping ancestors to have eyes but no before abolished the most fascinating Yu Duxiu, and later I missed you and called that Miao Yubo After all, what face do you have in front of this seat saying that you are the proud son of the Taipingdao? Five skulls emerged from the whole body of the Prince Yinsi, exactly the same as the five innate ghosts of the ghost master and imperial envoy.

"Zhen Feng".

However, I saw that the talisman in the hand of the horn suddenly dropped out, exuding a mysterious light, countless rune pens and dragons and snakes, densely spread out in the void, turning into a barrier, and suddenly the five ghosts He bounced it back, and then the countless runes did not reduce the speed, and instantly enveloped the Yinsi prince.

"What kind of ghost is this? Can you actually restrain the five innate ghosts?" Seeing the rune, Prince Yinsi was taken aback for a moment, and the next moment he avoided the blow, then turned into a streamer and rose into the sky, turning around and grasping the corner. I caught the past: "The King of Hades told you to die for the third watch, who dares to keep you for the fifth watch, Zhang Jiao, now that you have reached the end of your life, you are not going to die quickly, and you are not going to die quickly."

"Hahaha, Guizi, this trick of yours has failed. The poor road has found its own avenue, which is the avenue of runes that restrains all the ghosts and gods in the world, and specifically restrains the avenue of runes that uses the power of the gods and ghosts in the world."

Um, I posted it together at night. (To be continued.)

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