The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1623: Dry up the situation, Ji Zang shot

If a big man gives birth to a child, he will be a laughing stock in the heavens and all realms in the future, and he can't mix in the heavens and all realms. ○--`-``-`--

The ancestor Zhuba groaned, Wukong scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously. Seeing the ancestor Zhuba's belly swelling, there was nothing he could do.

In Lingshan Pure Land, Amitabhas opened his eyes and frowned at this time: "This time I'm in trouble, I don't know if I can forcefully refine the fetus in the belly".

Having said this, Amitab lowered his eyebrows: "It's troublesome."

In the Yin Division, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva with red lips and white teeth slowly stood up from the void: "It's troublesome, I don't know who is secretly making the move."


With the long sound of the bell, Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes flashed with chaos at this time: "A man is pregnant, these things are really the world's biggest miracle, how to solve it?".

"Eye of Time" Yu Duxiu held the rosary in her hand, her expression distorted, constantly suppressing the power of metaplastic water in her body.

"I can't see it, I can't see it at all. The past and the future seem to have been turned upside down by a strange force. This is the power of the fate of the ancestor of Tai Yi Jiao." Yu Duxiu seemed to see the destiny in the dark. Yi Jiaozu used the power of fate to set a certain number, and he and others were doomed to'dystocia' to lose blood and die. Tomato Novel Network `-```-

"Taiyi teaches ancestors, this is the real murder without blood. If you don’t want to be suffocated, you can only have a C-section. This is too Yi teaches ancestors to secretly calculate and set the fate. By then, my masters and disciples will definitely be dead without burial. "Yu Duxiu gritted her teeth.

Tai Yi teaches ancestor, Tai Yi teaches ancestor to play with the tortoise shell in his hand expressionlessly: "If you don't die this time, there is really no reason for it."

"The man is pregnant with a child." The countless powers of the heavens and the world are secretly watching the road to the sky. At this moment, seeing this scene, the hair is suddenly terrified, and I don't know who is secretly calculating.

"Several elders don't want to panic. In fact, there may not be no way to resolve the river water." An old man in the distance walked out.

"Please give me some advice from the elderly." Wukong saw the sudden appearance of the old man, his eyes flashed, but he saw the old man's purple air, the true dragon air circulating around him: "Isn't this the emperor?"

"Qiantian? What do you do in the lower realm?" Yu Duxiu stared at that Qiantian, suddenly startled. Tomato○☆Novel△Net☆-`-``--`--

Qiantian stroked his beard and stumbled: "This river water may not be insoluble".

"Lao Zhang, please give me some advice," Monkey King jumped over.

The old man transformed by Gantian said: "There is an ancient book in the old man’s house. It records that the origin of the river water is the metamorphic water flowing from the Yin Division. It is specifically designed to derive new The soul of the sun is used for reincarnation in the world of Yang."

"It turns out that this metamorphic water actually came from the Yin Division, but I don't know why it leaked into the Yang Jian," the old ancestor Zhu Ba hummed.

"Please tell me how to dissolve the river water," Wu Kong leaned forward.

"You Hohen, it's pretty good, I'll tell you that, in this world, the yin and yang are mutually restrained, there is metamorphic water, and naturally there is extinct water. This so-called extinct water means that after the death of a mortal, the three souls and seven souls are incomplete. , Is absorbed by the Yin Division and turned into soul water, used to moisturize the Yin Division's earth, so this extinction water must also eliminate the water" said the old man.

"Do you want to dissolve the fetus in your belly, and you have to go to the Yin Division for a while?" Wukong was taken aback. Fan△Ji novel network ```-``-`-`

"That's it." The old man transformed by Qiantian nodded, turned and walked out the door: "Several elders go and look for the water that melts away, or else they will fall in love, but it will be too late."

After a few steps, the old man has disappeared.

Thirty-three heavens, Qiantian returned to his place, Xihe chuckles: "The Buddhists will have to accept His Majesty’s affection this time. This matter of the extinction of life and water, few people know about the heavens and all realms, only those in the Yin Division Only those strong existences can learn the secret, I don’t know how your Majesty discovered it."

Qian Tian chuckled when he heard the words: "As the ruler of the heavens, I have a general overview of the grand world. Some hidden yin and yang destinies are naturally a means that cannot be hidden from me."

Too easy to say, too easy to teach the ancestor's face changed wildly: "Transformation of water? How did the servant of Gantian know? I actually dared to break my plan, and it really became more lawless."

Among the Yin Division, the ghost master's face was green at this time: "Dry Heaven".

"Father" Prince Yinsi said with a gloomy expression.

"Guardian Hua Mie Shui, now that the Buddhism has received the news, it will inevitably come to the Yin Division and obtain Hua Mie Shui." The ghost master's voice is cold: "Six Paths of Reincarnation, this seat has made another breakthrough. This is my Yin Division's home field. Fight against these bastards." Fan ☆Ji novel network`

"Transformation of water? Transformation of water?" In the spirit mountain, Amituo's brows eased slowly: "If you have a clue, this time it is to inherit the love of Qiantian, otherwise the road to heaven will end here."

After speaking, Amitabha disappeared into the void.

"Destroy water?" Yuanshi Tianzun frowned: "Yin Si! It's too easy!"

"This time it's troublesome. The fox didn't catch it. Instead, he made a show." Tai Yi Jiaozu frowned, a little divine light in his eyes, the chaotic light on the tortoise shell turbulent: "You can't let the Buddhism get the water."

"Transformation of water? Melting of water? Oh, hey, this kid Miaoxiu is in big trouble. This is the most difficult thing to deal with. The fetus is endless, and it is endless. The water is guarded by ghosts, thinking To seize the water, we must first suppress and repel the ghost master. The ghost master in the Yin Division takes advantage of the time and place. If you want to seize the water, it is difficult." In a panic, the jade ancestor was gloating at this time: "Tell you kid not to help me regain my true body, otherwise I can get rid of the chaos when I go out, and promise to **** you, so that your kid's road to heaven will be smooth and complete, and there will be such ups and downs as today" .

Speaking of this, the old jade ancestor spit out: "Humph, let's see how your kid gets through this disaster this time."

"Transforming water? I might be able to use my Xuanhuang Qi to suppress and refine this metamorphic water." Thinking of the will nurtured by the Xuanhuang Qi, Yu Duxiu shook her head immediately: "Now that I know that there is water, it is not appropriate If you have branches outside the knot, you can suppress the growth of the original fetus in the body, so as not to expose the flaws and ruin the plan."

"Amitabha", the young Tibetan monk, step by step grows lotus, and walks towards Nayinsi Hall.

"Ksitigarbha, please stay." Black and white Wuchang stood up at this time, blocked the little monk, and intercepted.

"The little monk walks in the long river of time, and the two benefactors cannot stop the little monk."

But seeing Di Zang's whole body flashing light, and that black and white impermanence did not seem to be in the same time and space, he actually slipped out of the two in an instant.

The "terrible" black and white impermanence all shot together, but they couldn't stop the little monk, and made a short shot.

The little monk stopped abruptly and turned around to look towards the black and white impermanence: "I am stupid. Two powerful men who have existed since the beginning of the world as the Yin Division must know the existence of the water, please let me know. , The little monk is grateful."

"Want to know how to dissolve water? It's just a wishful thinking. Let me tell you, the pig eight, the monk Sha, and the monk Chen are dead. This time, it is not only my Yinsi who shot, but also the supreme teaching ancestor calculated. Chen Seng is Is it? As long as the two donors can tell the little monk the whereabouts of the metamorphic water, the master of the little monk doesn't need to die." The little monk of the Tibetan monk looked innocent.

"That's true, but, when did we promise to tell you that the water has fallen?" Hei Wuchang followed the little monk's words, but he noticed something wrong.

"Amitabha Buddha, the little monk naturally has a way to make the two inform." Ji Zang looked at the black and white impermanence, smiled lightly, the next moment a palm shot, and instantly a golden body appeared, the golden body turned into three heads and six arms, following the little monk's With the movement, the six arms instantly formed a seal, and they all moved toward the suppression of the black and white impermanence.

The little monk is a torn part of Amitabha's golden body, whose strength is beyond the quasi-superior, but it is lower than the supreme strong, which is really weird.

The impermanence of black and white is the quasi-superior who has accumulated millions of years. The rich background is rare in the world, but it is only one opportunity to prove the way. If the ghost master gives up the **** of the evil spirits, the black and white impermanence is not enough to prove the way. It is a matter of time.

Looking at the six Dharma seals, the black and white impermanence was not afraid, and the mourning stick and the black chain in his hand rolled towards the little monk. (To be continued.)

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