The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1634: Jinlin Calculate

Amitabh secretly thought to himself, but he didn't put the kingdom of the daughter in his eyes. He thought that a snake monster was not a concern, but he never wanted to almost cause trouble and missed the great cause. It is also the fox **** who is ruthless enough to call himself memory magic. Amitabha didn't check it for a while, but got the calculation.

In the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, the light of Jinlinlong Lord circulated in his hands, and a group of pink things slowly gathered to form: "Xiliang Girl Country, haha, that Miaoxiu's character is about to be destroyed."

After speaking, Jinlin left instantly and disappeared.

"If your majesty likes the monk, why not directly decree to keep the monk and send his three apprentices to learn the scriptures?" the female official beside the empress said.

The queen nodded when she heard the words: "That's the truth, if so, then I will propose marriage to the mage and send the three apprentices to Xitian to learn the scriptures."

After the maid finished speaking, she turned and retreated. Only the queen was left sitting in front of the case, looking at the figure in the mirror, showing a charming smile, and suddenly seeing the void twist, but seeing a man in a robe Come out from the void.

"I have seen your Majesty", the man had a vague face, bowed to the empress, and looked at the empress. The monk was stunned: "This empress is so charming, so I don't want to lose Miaoxiu, it's cheap to him."

"Who are you, dare to trespass into my palace?" The queen looked majestic.

"The monk is the venerable of the Great Leiyin Temple. I heard that the queen wants to marry Master Sanzang for a hundred years, and I am here to discourage your majesty." The monk sighed softly, surrounded by Buddha's light.

"Oh? Don't the Buddha allow me to combine with the mage?" The queen frowned.

"San Zang bears the great task of learning sutras, but he must not stay" said the monk.

"If I have to combine with Master Sanzang and leave Master Sanzang?" The empress stared at the Buddhist monk on the opposite side.

The Buddhist monk lowered his head and his eyebrows drooped: "It is indeed a fox god. It is extremely charming. This is a great opportunity. It will cause recklessness and turn the Buddha's face. You must not miss it. It can only be cheap and beautiful. The fat pig smashed the Chinese cabbage of God Fox."

"If the queen has to leave someone to learn the scriptures, it is not impossible, but the queen has to promise me one thing from the Buddhist family."

"The Venerable agrees with this? Please tell me about the conditions." The queen's eyes lit up.

"The strength of my Buddhism in the great world has been greatly reduced by the nine supreme sects. If the queen wants to combine with the Tripitaka, she still needs to allow my Buddhism to preach in Xiliang, and,,,, I want to establish my Buddhism. For the national religion, in return, there is something here in this seat that can promote the harmony between the empress and the Tripitaka." As he said, the venerable took out a black wooden box from his sleeve.

"Preaching is not a problem. It is not a problem to establish a state religion." The empress sneered in her heart when she looked at the priest: "It turns out that she wants to preach.

"I don't know what this thing is?" The queen took the wooden box and opened it. It turned out to be a piece of agarwood.

"The thing that caused Master Sanzang to change his mind" saw the Queen's promise, and his figure slowly disappeared: "I hope the Queen will remember her promise, and soon there will be a strong man from my Buddhist school, preaching and preaching here."

After leaving the palace, the venerable looked at the country with a sneer in his eyes: "I just want to dispel your scruples, so that I can achieve great things. This time I will wait to see Manghuang and the Buddhist family have fun."

"This agarwood is really a good thing." The queen held the agarwood, her eyes flashing.

"Wukong, I don't know why, there is always a bad feeling in my teacher's heart" Yu Duxiu looked at Wukong and said.

"Master, don't worry, if it's a big deal, just stay in this daughter country and be a king. What's to worry about" Wukong joked with a smile.

"You splash monkey" Yu Duxiu cursed.

On the second day, Yu Duxiu and the others just got up, but suddenly heard the arrival of officials, and said to the four masters and apprentices: "Great rejoicing, great rejoicing, congratulations to the elders, great rejoicing, thousands of joys."

"Several elders, your majesty has an order, want to propose marriage, I don't know if the Sanzang elders can agree?".

"Propose marriage?".

This time it was called Yu Duxiu and the others who were struck by lightning, and never thought that the empress would directly give orders not to play corners, but to propose marriage directly.

"This,,,, the poor monk is a monk, and there is also the Buddha's golden decree, how can we get married" Yu Duxiu was stunned when she heard this, and she didn't know how to refuse.

The female officer said: "The elders should not worry, Your Majesty has made arrangements to send your three apprentices to Xitian to learn the scriptures, and the elders will stay and be the consort of my Xiliang Women's Kingdom with peace of mind."

With the words, countless beautiful maids came out behind the maid, holding the tray, placing the tray in the room and retreating.

The female official said: "This is the betrothal gift of Her Majesty the Queen, and several elders can just use it, and it is counted as a Westward Entanglement."

After speaking, the female officer retreated, leaving only the four masters and apprentices in the palace who looked at each other. Look at me, I look at you, the ancestor Zhuba looked at Yu Duxiu with envy and hatred: "The master is so beautiful. , But it has caused some of our apprentices to learn from the experience."

"Yes, it's really unfair for the master to stay here to enjoy the beautiful blessings. It's really unfair to leave me waiting to suffer," Sha Wujing said in a rare joke at this time.

Yu Duxiu said with a bitter face: "Stop talking nonsense, the great cause of learning for the teacher has not been completed, how to stay here, I will personally enter the palace later and reject the Queen."

While talking, a maid said: "Master Sanzang, your majesty has ordered that you go for a drink tonight, and these apprentices stay here."

Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly when he heard the words, and Wukong said: "Master, let's write the customs clearance for the time being, we will be free to advance and retreat at that time."

Yu Duxiu heard the words: "It can only be so. This queen looks docile and pleasant, but in fact she is very stubborn."

While speaking, Yu Duxiu sighed helplessly.

In the wild, the little fox looked at the red hydrangea in his hand, sat there bored, staring blankly at the void, but suddenly his complexion changed: "Huh? Why this line of marriage suddenly became thicker and stronger. Is the empress really tempted by the monk? How is it possible, didn’t the empress say that the bastard’s Dao heart is going to be broken? No, now the marriage line suddenly found something wrong, I have to go there and take care of it in secret. Now that the mother seals herself, unless she encounters a big stimulus, she must never wake up."

After speaking, I saw the matchmaker converged the red hydrangea and rose to the sky in an instant, and disappeared in an instant.

It was night, Yu Duxiu obliged to follow the maid back and forth in the palace, and then came to the queen's palace:

"Go in, Her Majesty the Queen is waiting for you in the you" Yu Duxiu saluted the maid and walked into the room.

"Master Sanzang is here." The empress had a blushing face. At this time, she changed into a red dress and dressed as a daughter. She was charming and very charming. After seeing Yu Duxiu, she stood up and took Yu Duxiu's arm.

Yu Duxiu was struck by lightning and wanted to pull out his palm in an instant, but was held tightly by the empress: "Master Sanzang, please sit down."

"Your Majesty, men and women are not getting married, please respect yourself," Yu Duxiu said.

"Are you really a hard-hearted person? Why don't you understand that I am so painful when I treat you like this?" The empress paled after hearing Yu Duxiu's words, with tears in her eyes.

Yu Duxiu heard the words silently, and the empress wiped her tears: "Please also ask the mage to sit down."

While talking, she saw that the empress turned around and opened a black box, took out the sandalwood, slowly lit it and put it in the incense burner, and in a moment the fragrance escaped silently.

"Why" a red shadow flickered in the sky, and the little fox landed in the fox god's bedroom, and his eyes rolled steadily: "I still need to keep an eye on the mother, I don’t know what happened, but the marriage line was turned into an entity. , Really incredible".

"Please also your Majesty stamp the customs clearance certificate and let go" Yu Duxiu slowly said, taking out the customs clearance certificate.

When the queen heard this, she turned around and came to Yu Duxiu's side: "Clear the customs? Or, ask your apprentices to go west and the elders to stay here to preach. Isn't it wonderful? The Western Venerable promised me this matter. It's useless if you regret it."

"Venerable? That Venerable?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback when he heard the empress's words, and was alert for a moment, feeling something wrong.

ps: Make an advertisement "Cultivation of Gods and Evil Venerable", and those who are short on books can take a look. (To be continued.) ()

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