The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1640: I'll be on stage after you sing

? "This matter is not made by the Tibetans." A golden decree flew out of Amitabha's hand instantly, and descended into the Yin Division through the **** gate where the Tibetan king and Amitabha's immeasurable pure land world were connected.


   At this time, the Yin Division had returned to the peace of the past, the ghost master fell silent, and the entire Yin Division except for the blood sea battlefield, the rest of the place was completely silent, and the entire Yin Division revealed a strange atmosphere.


Although the Ksitigarbha was cut by a part of the golden body of Amitabha, it was refined by the power of the six reincarnations of the ghost master, and the connection with Amitabha was separated by a reincarnation. If you want to read and move, you can have a heart-to-heart, but it is Can't.


   It can be said that Amitabha was the previous life of King Ksitigarbha. The two sides are separated by a world. This is a time and space that cannot be crossed unless Amitabhas himself.


Looking at the Jinzhi in his hand, the Ksitigarbha King smiled softly: "So, my chance for Buddhism has come. As for the reckless powerhouse and the Zhang Jiao of the Peace Road, this seat has been known for a long time. The secret method is even more curious, and is about to meet the angle for a while."


After    finished speaking, he saw the little monk of Ksitigarbha standing up and walking out of the Yinsi Difu.


  In the Yin Division, the ghost master is always paying attention to the movement of the Ksitigarbha king. At this time, seeing the Ksitigarbha monk leaving, his eyes flashed: "Some meaning, really some meaning."


After    finished speaking, the ghost master said to the prince Yinsi: "The little monk of the Tibetan land has gone to Yangshi, you should also go and have a look, and ask the black and white impermanence to go with you."


   "Yes" The Crown Prince of Yinsi stood up when he heard the words, and instantly rose into the sky, followed by black and white impermanence.




   The road to heaven, the Taoist Dragon and Tiger and Wukong are in a group at this time.


   From time to time, Wukong used a stick to pick the dragon and tiger flying, and after a while, Wukong was thrown to the ground by the white tiger.




   Bai Hu's leg was swept by Wukong with a stick, and instantly turned into powder, and the blood mist was flying all over the sky.


   "The white tiger is immortal."


  Longhu roared, but saw the **** fog instantly reformed, Baihu stepped forward, threw Wukong to the ground, opened his mouth in the blood basin, and bit down at Wukong's head.




Wukong used all his strength, kicked the white tiger with one kick, and held the stick horizontally in front of him, with a look of embarrassment. This white tiger is not as capable as himself, but it is difficult to deal with. Every move of the innate beast is the law of heaven and earth. Following this, Wukong faced the white tiger, unable to use it at all. When the free supernatural power had not yet approached, he was washed away by the innate evil spirit gathered from the white tiger's real body.


  For the present plan, Wukong can only rely on the law of strength to compete with this innate beast.


It has to be said that after the dragon and tiger smelt the blood of the innate beasts, they are already reborn and powerful. Even the golden cudgel of the explosive ape can stand against it, fight several times, and then trim again to mobilize the power of the law. To suppress the law of Wukong, it will not give Wukong the opportunity to touch the golden hoop.


"This guy is so difficult." Wukong danced the stick in his hand: "Quickly hand over my master. My master is the person who learned the scriptures appointed by the Buddha of Lingshan. If you eat my master, the Buddha will definitely not forgive you. At that time you will not escape death."


   Can't take the dragon and tiger Taoist for a short time, Wukong began to use his power to suppress people, using the Buddha to crush people.


   saw the huge white tiger smile coldly: "Buddha? When I eat your master, I will learn the scriptures for your master. Wouldn't it be better than a mortal body."


"Hey, Brother Monkey, I'll help you and take down this bastard." But when I saw a soft rebuke in the void, I saw the old ancestor Zhu Ba, holding a rake, jumped out from behind the Taoist Dragon and Tiger, carrying a hurricane towards him. Daoist Longhu slapped his head.




   Before Wukong could react, he saw the giant tiger head of the Taoist Dragon and Tiger suddenly turned around, roared up to the sky, the fishy wind rolled up, and the ancestor Zhuba instantly sprayed blood and flew out.


   "Ba Jie" Wukong called out anxiously, lifted the stick and called to Bai Hu: "You bastard, today my old grandson must take you down."


   "The Great Sage is going to panic, this seat is here to help you" but seeing gusts of wind in the sky, but seeing a stalwart man appear in the field, the whole body is demonized, and it is intriguing.


   "Who are you?" Wukong took the stick and moved for a while, staring at the incoming person with his eyes.


   "This seat is the Tiannan Tiger sitting down by the Tiger God. Today I heard that the Great Sage has met the robbery again and came here to help." Tiannanhu saluted Wukong.


   Wukong was taken aback: "Tiger God? My Buddhist family has never had any friendship with the Tiger God. It is unprofitable and early, I don't know if you are here for my master or for this innate white tiger."


"The Great Sage is really smart. The Tiger God was delighted when he saw the innate white tiger's bloodline, and sent me to take down the innate white tiger and crack the secret of the innate beast." Nanhu didn't feel embarrassed at all after being seen through that day. Speaking directly of your own thoughts, on the contrary, it appears generous and majestic.


   "So, if that's the case, then you and I will take down the innate white tiger together" Wukong nodded, lifted the stick and hit the innate white tiger.


Looking at the reckless and powerful man who came, the Taoist Dragon and Tiger had already noticed the badness, and secretly said: "Bitterness, I have been struggling to support a husky, and now I have another one. I am afraid that it will be more awful. If it is taken by someone. , It must be the end of cramping and peeling the skin. You still need to find a chance to slip away."


   Facing Wukong's attack, the Dragon Tiger and Taoists evaded steadily, not daring to fight back, staring at Wukong cautiously, focusing on Nantianhu.


   The Nantianhu smiled cruelly, his figure blurred, and instantly came to kill the dragon and tiger Taoist town: "Great Sage, I will help you to solve the battle."




The Taoist Dragon and Tiger has one paw innately suffocating, blocking Wukong’s golden cudgel, and another pair of claws holding Wukong’s arm. Wukong’s golden claw is extremely heavy, even if the dragon of the East Sea has to expose the dragon body to grasp it, more What's more, the Daoist of Dragon and Tiger? .


   was the golden cudgel that the Taoist Dragon and Tiger had to hold Wukong's arm before he dared to hold it, then threw Wukong down, ignored Wukong, and roared towards Nanhu that day.




In the end, it is the innate **** beast, and the king of all beasts. Even if the southern tiger has been certified that day, it is quasi-superior, but facing the roar of the innate white tiger beast, this kind of influence originating from blood and bones cannot be restrained. Suddenly he stiffened, and then he was thrown down by the Daoist Dragon and Tiger, and he was about to stretch his neck and bite down. He suddenly felt his body tighten, his tail was dragged by someone, and he could no longer move forward.




   The Taoist Dragon Tiger was knocked into the air by the regained Tiannan Tiger, spurted blood from his mouth and fell to the ground.


   "Well, well, if you surrender this demon way today, you are done." Wukong laughed.


   "Great Sage, be careful, the innate power of the beast is infinite, unfathomable, don't be careless" Tian Nanhu reminded, and once again grabbed the dragon and the tiger and killed him.


   "Damn" Longhu Taoist jumped up and wanted to flee, but at this time the injury had not recovered, but it was not fast enough that the Southern Tiger was hit by the Tiannan Tiger in an instant.


   Seeing that the Tian Nanhu was about to kill him, suddenly a golden hoop that covered the sky and the sun in the void hit the Nanhu head on that day.




Tiannanhu was shocked, but he said in anger: "The Great Sage and I have no grievances and no grudges, why attack Wukong's eyes flickered: "It's strange, my grandson has been standing here. , How to attack you".


   "Obviously you attacked me with a golden hoop" Tian Nanhu stabilized his figure in the air, looking at Wukong with an ugly expression.


   Wukong heard that a pair of eyes shot the void, but the next moment he saw the golden cudgel smashed out suddenly, the void trembled, and he saw a golden cudgel in the air heading towards Wukong.


"this is?".


   Looking at the two identical golden hoop rods in the air, the Nantianhu was stunned: "What tricks does this monkey play?"


   "Who are you?" Wukong stared at the void with a pair of eyes, and the golden eyes burst into endless flames in his eyes.


   "Someone?" On one side, Tiannanhu and Longhu Taoist were all stunned, and their eyes looked at the void in amazement.


   "Hehe, the Great Sage Fruit is really supernatural and powerful, and he found the trail of this seat. It is indeed extremely powerful." (To be continued.)

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