The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1643: Original please Zhenyuan

Looking at the Nantianhu, the little Tibetan monk sighed softly: "Amitabha, the donor will not die until the Yellow River, and will not hit the south wall without turning back. In that case, it is up to the donor. As long as you can touch my body, it is considered to be you win".

After speaking, I saw the little monk's whole body blurred. He stood there obviously, but it seemed to be separated by a time and space, making people unable to see his true body. He was clearly in front of him, but he seemed to be far away in the sky. Beyond time and space.

Nan Tianhu looked at the little monk, his expression moved, his whole body was surging with mana, and the tiger grasped eagerly, but after all he did not dare to stretch out his palm, he could only sigh helplessly: "What a great Ksitigarbha monk, this seat is served and his reputation is well-deserved ".

After speaking, Nan Tianhu turned and left without any hesitation. He was extremely free and easy.

The young Tibetan monk looked at the Taoist Dragon and Tiger at this time: "Will a fellow Taoist follow me back to the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan to practice and be a tiger arhat, it is actually not bad, I can be regarded as a powerful figure in the West."

Taoist Longhu took a look at his cave, but took a deep breath: "Well, if that's the case, then I will go back as long as I want."

After speaking, the Taoist Dragon and Tiger fell into the Buddha's light of the little monk of the Tibetan king, and the two disappeared in an instant.

"Master, Master" Wukong called out. After watching the excitement, he ran into the cave and came to Yu Duxiu: "Master, you have not suffered any harm, right?".

Yu Duxiu heard the words and shook her head: "Fortunately, the demon way just snatched me in. Before you had time to pay attention to me, you came to the door, what about the demon way?"

Yu Duxiu asked knowingly, Wukong said: "The demon way was taken away by the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva."

"It turns out that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva came here, but it is a pity that I could not see the power of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva with my own eyes. I am quite sorry for the teacher." Yu Duxiu absorbed the mysterious yellow air that penetrated from the world, and his eyes The light flowed, this Xuanhuang Qi was indeed extraordinary, very powerful, as this Xuanhuang Qi submerged in the body, a divine light in Yu Duxiu's eyes was constantly brewing.

"Master, let's leave this demon cave house early, and find someone to rest for one night early in the morning to suppress the shock," Wu Kong said.


The two masters and apprentices walked out of the cave. Ba Jie and Sha Wujing, who were recovering from their wounds, greeted him, but saw Ba Jie said: "I was so far away before, and I saw the aura of this place rising to the sky, vast and unpredictable. How is the bodhisattva style?".

Wukong thought of the bare-headed boy with a serious face, and his face suddenly twitched: "The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva walks in the long river of time. There are few rivals in the heavens and all realms, and they fight with people, if there is nothing special. The law restrained, and he was already invincible. The Southern Sky Tiger severely inflicted Zhang’s horn, but was scared back by the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. This is how it happened. In the future, the prestige of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva will be even greater. Very good."

"What about the demon way? That's the corpse of the innate **** beast, good thing, if it can be eaten, my old pig, a mortal fetus, can also change his bloodline and return to his ancestors by two or three points." Lulu, a pair of eyes patrolled around.

Wukong patted the head of the ancestor Zhu Ba: "That demon way has followed the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to return to Lingshan, and has become the arhat of the eighteen arhats of my Buddhist family. In the future, he will also be a powerful figure in my Buddhist family. Don't talk nonsense. Words are hated by others".

"What are we afraid of? We are backed by a master. When the master arrives at Lingshan and sees the Buddha, then we will be majestic, the heavens and the world,...," said this, the old ancestor Zhu Ba suddenly I live, seeming to realize that I have said too much, and quickly changed the subject: "Besides, brother, you are the pinnacle of immortality. When you finish the road to the sky, take the opportunity to surrender to the immortal horse, and then the law of strength will prove invaluable. Dadao, the heavens and the worlds are not afraid of you three points? Brothers are majestic, naturally, I can’t forget whether I am old pig."

Wukong glanced at Old Ancestor Zhu Ba with a pair of eyes. This fellow seemed to know something he didn't know. It seemed that the road to heaven was not as simple as he thought.

"You are so lazy, greedy and lustful. After arriving at Lingshan, my grandson must draw a clear line with you." Wukong showed disgust in his eyes.

"Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey, you can't be like this. We are brothers, brothers who came out of the trenches. We don’t look at the face of the old pig, but also whether it is based on the face of the master.” Old ancestor Zhu said pitifully .

"No matter what, draw the line." Wukong waved his hand, his face full of disgust.

"Well you Bi Mawen, you are not yet rich and wealthy now, and you want to abandon the brothers who share the joys and sorrows with you. You are really an improper son of man." Old ancestor Zhu Ba immediately began to play emotional cards.

"Okay, Wukong Bajie, stop arguing between the two of you, let's hurry up on the road." Yu Duxiu had to interrupt the bickering between the two live treasures in front.

"Humph, who wants to fight with this plague-stricken monkey" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba grunted.

"Where are you now?" Yu Duxiu said.

Hearing the words, Wukong raised his cloud head, looked around the square, and instantly lowered the cloud head and said: "Congratulations, Master, Master Hexi,,,,,".

At Da Leiyin Temple, Sun Chi sat on the throne with a solemn expression, but saw Na Bingqin standing next to him, meditation and enlightenment of Buddhism.

"Venerable Guanyin, don't you know that the group of people studying the scriptures has reached the boundary of Hefang?" Sun Chi looked at Bingqin.

Bingqin smiled lightly, his face full of relief: "But when I arrived at my Buddhist site, I have entered the Lingshan realm, and the road to heaven is about to end."

Sun Chi nodded when he heard the words: "Good, good."

In the view of Wuzhuang, Zhenyuan held a native yellow book in his hand, with a strange color in his eyes. He wanted to say something, but he didn't say it.

At this moment, I heard a faint bell ringing outside the door, and saw a child approaching the door: "Master, there is an invitation from Master Bodhi from the disciple of the Lingtai Fang Cunshan outside the door."

"Oh" Zhenyuan was shocked when he heard this, the monk at Fang Cunshan in Lingtai was a real big man.

"Come in quickly," Zhen Yuan said.

Not long after, I saw an immature Taoist boy coming in and paying respectful salute to Zhenyuan: "Daxian Zhenyuan, my ancestor sent an invitation to ask Zhenyuan Daxian to go to Fangcunshan in Lingtai to listen to the Tao."

After the Zhenyuan accepted the invitation, he slowly opened it, but his body suddenly stiffened, with a look of fear on his face, and he lost his voice: "How is it possible?"

Without waiting for people to ask questions, Zhenyuan said: "Yes, you tell Patriarch Bodhi, and I will go to Fangcun Mountain, Lingtai to listen to the Taoist immediately.

Seeing the boy going away, Zhenyuan's expression was gloomy and uncertain: "The strong man and Amitabha in the Fangcun Mountain of the Lingtai are really unfathomable, and this seat has innate spiritual roots and is actually known by him".

I thought this was my own secret, but I didn't expect it to be discovered long ago, and I was trying to hide it in vain.

Then Zhenyuan walked to the backyard and shook his palm, but saw a spiritual root rooting in the ground instantly, rising to the sky, and the tree was full of cute little dolls.

Zhenyuan turned to the boy and said, "The breeze and the bright moon, there will be a monk passing by here in the near future. You can pick two fruits from this tree and eat with the monk. This fruit is called grass for pill. Called ginseng fruit, eat one for 48,000 years. If you want to pick the fruit, you need to knock it down with a golden hammer, touch it with silk and satin, and never touch the soil, otherwise you will escape when you enter the soil and you will not see a trace."

"Forty-eight thousand years?" Shocked flashes in the eyes of the two Taoist boys when they heard this. Such a long life span, even if they are waiting for a cultivator in the realm of leisure and creation, can't match it.

After Zhenyuan finished his explanation, he immediately walked towards the Lingtai Fangcunshan.

"I have seen Bodhi Patriarch" Zhenyuan walked to Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai, a boy led the way, stepped into the hall, looked at the chaotic and hazy Yuanshi Tianzun, and respectfully saluted.

"Dao Fellow Zhenyuan, please come to your seat. This Bodhi is just a pseudonym for this seat. The real name of this seat is called Yuanshi Tianzun." Yuanshi Tianzun stretched out his hand and asked Zhenyuan to sit down.

"Friend of Yuanshi Tianzun, I don't know why I know that Pang Dao has innate spiritual roots?" Zhenyuan looked at Yuanshi Tianzun, with doubts in his eyes, his eyes stared at this Yuanshi Tianzun, even if the other party harbored evil. This is one of the most powerful figures in the world, so Zhenyuan decisively planted his own innate spiritual roots in the courtyard according to the instructions on the invitation.

Reluctant to update, the road to heaven is coming to an end, terrible! (To be continued.) ()

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