The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1649: The first treasure of the heavens

In Kunlun Mountains, with the departure of the nine supreme ancestors of the human race, this Kunlun Mountain has gradually become the site of Hanyan. That Hanyan has delineated a piece of land in Kunlun Mountain, which is dedicated to its own dojo, facing the Hanyan. Waiting for the masters, even if the nine supreme ancestors of the human race were unwilling, they didn't drive them out, did they provoke the enemy? .


At this time, Han Yan shot, taking advantage of Si Hai Long Jun’s unpreparedness, he actually instantly pierced Si Hai Long Jun and nailed it in the void. For a while, the void was filled with cold air, but Han Yan slowly strolled through the void, with a crystal clear palm facing towards Sihailongjun came over, wanting to turn Sihailongjun's body into powder.




Jinlin grabbed it with a chaotic air, and greeted Han Yan. This grasp seemed simple, but it was mysterious. Even after Han Yan looked at it, he was terrified. He had to stop temporarily and put his heart and soul into it. In response to Jinlin's attack.


   "All the powers of the heavens and the world underestimated you" Han Yan was full of chills, looking at Jinlin Road.


   "Hehe, I made you laugh." Jinlin was so delayed. At this time, Sihailongjun was running and the four elephants had already taken the opportunity to refining the icicles of the cold, and he came back to the cold town to kill.


   The long-cherished wish of the two sides entangled for millions of years, and finally broke out at this time. A earth-shattering battle was staged in the starry sky, and thousands of stars collapsed instantly.


   Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed, and he moved his eyebrows, observing the trajectory of Jinlin's hand, and then a round of jade-colored discs flashed in his eyes, and the innate talisman flowed and began to deduct.


"It's terrible, I can't see through the details of Jinlin's attack. My cultivation level is still not enough. Only after I have completed the road to the sky can I have the capital to wrestle with all the powers of the heavens and the world." Yu Duxiu silently .


"Hahaha, such a lively thing, how can we lose this seat" came from the sky with a smile, and the enchanting figure came from the wild, wherever it passed, everything seemed to lose its color. Instantly became gray.


The fox **** smiled, unexpectedly bewildering the minds of countless powerful people in the heavens and the world. A plain hand was as smooth as jade. It seemed to hold the world and everything in the hand, and then slowly stretched out, breathtaking, towards the innate spiritual root Caught it.


   "Damn it, this fox spirit" Seeing that the palm of the fox **** is about to grasp the innate spiritual root, the bewildered ghost lord woke up in an instant, and the five innate ghosts wrapped in unparalleled power, bursting towards the suppression of the fox god.


   "Ghost Lord, you are immortal, do you want to do nothing with me?" The Fox God's movements stagnated, and with a light flick, the power of the world flowed, instantly sealing all the attack lines of the ghost master's palm.


   "Innate spiritual things, those who are predestined will get them" The ghost master said both salty and indifferent.


"Yes, it is true. Innate spirits, those who are predestined get it." The air of extinction in the void turned, but I saw that a black hole emerged, and a dark large mill slowly rotated, floating above the large mill. The black-clad man appeared in the field with a blank face, and grabbed the innate spirit root with one palm.


"Boy, grab food from the tiger’s mouth in front of this seat, you are still tender." The tiger god’s voice sounded in the void, piercing the world-destroying aura with a palm, and the supreme powers can survive in the chaos. Not afraid of qi, let alone the qi of the world? .


  The aura of annihilation is nothing more than bringing some trouble to the supreme powerhouses. The tiger god's claw covers the sky and sun, and shoots the extinction mill into the endless void, turning the primordial king into powder.


   But in an instant, I saw that the World Extinguishing Mill returned to the field again, and the countless air currents of the World Extinguishing Mill had already reorganized.


   "I am proud to be today, this innate spiritual root should be my own." The Emperor Yuanshi did not hesitate to take the world away and launched a charge towards the Tiger God, facing this existence without showing weakness.


   "Bang" The void trembled, and Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed brightly.


   Tiger God’s palm was hit by the Primitive Heavenly King, but he heard a strong roar spreading from the wild, but it was the Bear God who made the move.


   A bear paw that covers the sky and the sun is fierce and mighty. Wherever it passes, the void collapses, and a breathtaking force continues to flow. That bear paw shatters the vacuum, and everything in the world collapses instantly.


   Seeing the bear's paw, he wanted to grasp the innate spiritual roots, but when he heard the bell of ‘dang’, the heavens and everything stood still, the law solidified, and a sound wave surpassed time and space and landed on the bear’s paw.




   All the strength of God Bear was shaken by the sound wave, only his arms were numb, and he couldn't gather any strength anymore.


"Good scary person, good scary strong man" God Bear retracted his palm and looked at the Lingtai Fangcun Mountain with a pair of eyes. Only a majestic voice came from the Lingtai Fangcun Mountain. Lord, why bother and entangle everyone".


The chaotic air in the field is hazy, but I see a figure flashing out of the chaotic air, the whole body is surrounded by chaotic air, and a chaos-winding bronze bell is suspended in front of him. The bronze bell is carved with birds, beasts, insects, fish, sun and moon. The stars, the heavens and all things, the endless beings, and the innate gods are all in them.




   Seeing the figures in the field, everyone was shocked.


In the heavens and all realms, if it is the person with the highest cultivation level, some people say it is Amitabha, and some people say it is the ancestor of Taiyi, but if it is said who is the strongest person, there is no doubt that the man in front of him will naturally jump to everyone’s. Mind.


   Although the cultivation base is related to the combat power, the cultivation base does not equal the combat power.




   When Wukong saw the figure, his eyes were full of joy.




   Void is twisted, six palms, six supreme powers all grabbed towards Yuanshi Tianzun.




   The chaotic bell rang, Tai Dou Jiaozu flew out, thousands of stars shattered in an instant, and the endless star field turned into a dead field under this blow.


   The physical body of Tai Dou Jiaozu was annihilated by the blow of this chaotic clock, and a new flesh and blood body had to be derived again.




  Everything in the world shook, and the palm of the fox **** seemed to be stung by a scorpion, and he took it back in an instant.


   "Bang" Jinlin's magical powers were dissolved by the Chaos Clock, and then I saw countless gods on the Chaos Clock stepping out of the chaos and fighting towards Jinlin.




   The bear's paw was smashed into blood by the chaos clock, and in an instant, the supreme powerhouses had been retreated by Yuanshi Tianzun within three moves.


   The heavens are silent, only the man with the hazy air of chaos is like a **** or devil, in an arrogant position, the heavens and the world are silent.


The "good strong" ghost master clicked his mouth through the Yinsi channel. Last time Yuanshi Tianzun came to Yinsi, and his strength was suppressed a lot. At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun unscrupulously used his own power in the Yangshi, and suddenly burst into the sky. The shocking power of Ten Thousand Realms.


Amitabha and Taiyi taught ancestors to stop, and Taiyi taught ancestors a chaotic river flowing, looking at the Yuanshi Tianzun, his palms clenched the tortoise shell: "Everyone says that you and I are the first person in the world, but this person fights. Power is above you and me."


   The forty-eight Da Hongyuan in Amitabha's hands twisted his hands, and smiled softly: "Innate Lingbao, only the strong live."


   "I don't know where the Bodhi's heels are?" Tai Yi taught the ancestors with curiosity.


   Amitabha chuckled: "Don't talk, don't talk".


   At this time, the powers of the heavens and ten thousand realms were concerned about the power of Yuanshi, no one took action for a while.


It's not that he didn't take action, but the power of Yuanshi Tianzun was really shocking. Yuanshi Tianzun retreated six supreme powers with a single blow, and even the detached powers such as Fox God, were really shocking. mind.


   "What's the big deal, everyone just follow me. It was just careless before" The Fox God looked at his slightly red and swollen palm, but he urged his whole body to urge him to take away Yuanshi Tianzun's mind.


   Yuanshi Tianzun stood still, the chaotic clock in front of him lightly pendulum, all the fox gods who were close to Yuanshi Tianzun were instantly turned into powder by the chaotic clock.


"This treasure is really amazing. The treasure of the heavens and all realms is number one. It's not so much Bodhi that it's amazing, but it's the Chaos Clock." Jin Lin frowned and watched it constantly swaying. The chaotic clock, speak softly.


After hearing Jinlin's words, everyone looked at Yuanshi Tianzun’s chaotic clock, but saw the chaotic air on the chaotic clock, and sometimes vast images revealed through the chaos, even more mysterious and unpredictable. People are jealous. (To be continued.)



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