The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1660: Cold magic, once again melee

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"Testify?" Amitabh's words revealed a trace of weirdness: "You are sinister and cunning, how to testify? Who will believe you?".

"I don't believe it. It's not important. What's important is to believe that life and death are thin." The prince of Yin Si put the life and death thin in his hand, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth. , But life and death are not good."

"You have lost a part of your life and death, this life and death is not accurate" Amitabha shook his head.

"Amitabha, you sincerely don't want to believe it, right? I told you that the other half of this life and death has disappeared completely. Now the life and death has begun to regenerate the lost half. It will not be long before life and death will be restored. "Complete", the prince Yin Si waved the life and death in his hand triumphantly.

The powerhouses are all stunned, but life and death have such a function? .

"Huh, the mystery of life and death is beyond your imagination. No matter who steals another part of life and death, even if you can't take it back, as long as you destroy the other half of life and death, this one in my hands Half of life and death will be regenerated, and the lost half will be re-derived. This is the mystery of the original artifact of the Yin Division, how can you understand?" The Prince of Yin Division carefully put the life and death thin and put it in the sleeve, a pair Looking at Yu Duxiu: "The Lord Buddha should have nothing to say now."

"If you want to prove, then wait for you to make up for the other half of life and death, and then talk to me. If only half of life is life and death, can you also testify? It's really a horrible thing in the world." Life and death can testify.

"Amitabha, you guys are fighting for words." Donghai Longjun glared at Amitabha.

"So what? Just relying on your five loach, you can barely contend with this seat, this seat is arrogant, what can you do?" Amitabhas ridiculed the corner of his mouth: "The heavens and the world, the weak and the strong, this causal relationship, you I didn't understand it. You have lived a million years in vain. The big fist is the truth, and the fist is the evidence. What to do around so many bends."

Amitabha's words are really unreasonable. I am bullying you. What can you do? .

I just have a bigger fist than you, and a harder fist. What can you do to me? .

Looking at the plausible Amitabha, the Sihai Dragon Lord shivered, and the East Sea Dragon Lord roared up to the sky: "Too much deception, I have fought with you. Today, I destroyed your Lingshan Pure Land and knocked you off the altar. It depends on you. Arrogant".

While talking, the Four Seas Dragon Monarch instantly formed a four-elephant formation. Eight palms covering the sky and the sun covered the entire Lingshan realm. He was struggling to suffer a punishment from the heavens, and he also had to put the Buddha's Lingshan completely into the wild. erase.

"Underestimated the importance of this first spring to the Dragon King of the Four Seas." Although Amitabhas domineering words, he is self-knowing. His eyes look into the void, and the solemn colors in his eyes are all in sight. Now the four seas want to hurt himself. , But I have no choice but to face difficulties.

If you avoid the countless Buddhas in Lingshan behind you, the Buddhist monks will be completely wiped out. If you resist, this kind of power is earth-shattering, it is really powerful, I am afraid that punishment is not so easy to deal with.

"Put yourself in." Looking at the punishment guillotine in the void, Amitabhas helplessly sighed, his hands appearing like a boy worshiping Buddha, and the immeasurable strength is instantly gathered, and the eight dragon claws are circled.


In the four seas of Kunlun Mountain, Han Yan did not hesitate to shoot, and attacked behind him, and the four ice cones pierced towards the four seas dragon king.

"Friends of Daoist Han, you are polite." Tai Yi Jiaozu appeared in front of Han Fang, the force of fate flowed, the four ice cones orbits forcibly shifted, and they deviated instantly, rubbing Sihailongjun's chest through the past.

"Too easy, do you want to embarrass me?" Han Yan looked at Tai Yi Jiaozu with a cold expression.

"I just want to give the Sihailongjun and Amitabha a chance to resolve their grievances. Why should a fellow Daoist attack and slander his prestige at this time," Amitabha said.

The cold light in Han's eyes flickered: "Anyway, you are justified, but I can't say you. This seat has been known for the Avenue of Destiny for a long time. Back then, the Dragon King of the Four Seas calculated with me, I wonder if you, an old fellow, secretly interfered. Today, I will teach you the path of your destiny."

"Friends of Daoist speak carefully, speak carefully, I never interfered with what happened back then, fellow Daoists should not misunderstand." Hearing that Han Yan wondered and secretly calculated his own secretly, it was too easy to teach the ancestors, and there was nothing to do with Han Yan. , If you forge a life and death feud, it would be too unreasonable. An Amitabha is enough to be uncomfortable for himself. If there is one more chill, it can't handle it.

With that said, that Han Yan had already stepped forward, and the endless cold air in his hand was covering the ancestor Tai Yi Jiao.

"Fate Circulation" Tai Yi teaches the ancestor's fate road to turn things around.

"Freeze everything, freeze cause and effect" Han Yan sneered.

The Avenue of Destiny was actually stagnant at this time, and Han Yan walked in the icy country, and every move echoed with the surrounding extremely cold world.


Tai Yi Jiao Ancestor turned into an ice sculpture, shattered by the hand of Han Yan, the next moment the starry sky in the distance, Tai Yi Jiao Ancestor's flesh and blood reorganized instantly, and a pair of eyes looked at Han Yan with amazement: "Hold Ice Avenue, the domineering Ice Avenue, is You can freeze the cause and effect of all living beings in the heavens and the earth. It's really incredible, incredible. I didn't expect you to have pushed the ice road to this point."

Han Yan wore white clothes, and his jade hand stretched out again, and the cold wave was overwhelming: "This seat has been closed for millions of years in the extremely cold cave sky. The realm has already been realized to an incredible level, but it has just come out and reorganized the dragon ball. Reply, let alone match the realm, otherwise you will assume that this seat will allow the four sea dragons to stay quietly in the four seas."

"The End of Destiny" Tai Yi taught the ancestor a palm, and the number of fate changes endlessly, shrouded in the cold.

"It's useless, my ice-shrouded place freezes everything, and all beings freeze, and cause and effect will also be still. Although I can't freeze cause and effect, I can freeze all beings that cause cause and effect. Destiny will become nothingness here. After all, the power of my ice has overwhelmed the destiny. As long as all beings are sealed by ice and the cause and effect will not change, how can we talk about destiny" Han Yan sneered coldly.

"You are wrong. In fact, all beings are frozen by you, so it's not driven by fate." Tai Yi Jiaozu revealed a smile.

Han Yan's complexion changed, and then he sneered: "Don't want to confuse my heart."

On the other side, Amitabhas fought with the Dragon King of the Four Seas. At this time, a vortex behind Amitabha but a ghost claw covering the sky and the sun is covering the entire Lingshan area, and he wants to completely uproot the entire Lingshan. Beginning, hundreds of billions of sentient beings were all buried.

"Ghost Lord, Dare" At this time, Amitabha was dragged by Sihai Longjun, unable to take care of him. Seeing the scene in front of him, he frowned suddenly, and a violent shout spread throughout the heavens and all realms.

"Quack, kill Lingshan, you will become the source of no root. The little monk of the Ksitigarbha king is also a piece of duckweed, and he will be suppressed by this seat easily. The blood demon will be uprooted by our Yin Division sooner or later without the help of the little monk. , Speaking of it, your Buddhism is the greatest enemy of my Yin Division." The ghost master's voice is cold, and his eyes are full of cold light.


The chaos clock rang, Yuanshi Tianzun appeared in the field, the void solidified, the ghost master's blow was strangled by the sound wave, the void shattered, and the ghost master's hand was exposed in the big oil pot in the sun world, instantly causing the law of heaven and earth to be backlashed.


The palm of the ghost master burst open, and a scream came from the Yin Division.

"This **** thing" the ghost master grinned.

Yuanshi Tianzun shot, all the demon gods and all the human ancestors in the wild, look at me, I see you, there is no movement, as the road to the sky is about to end, the mountains and rain are about to come and the wind is full, and the race war is about to break out. Everyone is secretly preparing for big moves, except that Taiyi teaches the ancestors to have nothing to do is countless, everyone is not suitable for repeated shots.

"Is the situation in the heavens and worlds reached this point?" Yu Duxiu sat on the white dragon horse, watched the battle in the void, sighed gently, and slowly closed his eyes: "The only thing I can do now , Is to continuously refine the Xuanhuang Qi in the body, and the rest has nothing to do with me."

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