The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1673: Grim Reaper, 1 skill high

Seeing the figure formed by the convergence of Buddha's light, the snake **** suddenly changed his color and exclaimed: "Jade Duxiu". ??

The zombie looked at the shimmering relic, and then at the radiant jade duxiu phantom. It seemed that he understood something in an instant: "The tenth reincarnation, I didn't expect it to be you."

"Yes, it is me. Will the snake **** be embarrassed with me today?" The phantom formed by the Buddha light, a pair of eyes stared at the snake god.

"It's a pity, you are just the spiritual imprint in this relic." The snake **** looked at Yu Duxiu and didn't answer directly, but said: "It just so happens that your reincarnated body swallowed an elixir of immortality. And I just need the elixir of life."

"You're immortal, what's the use of the magic medicine for immortality?" The remnant soul of Yu Duxiu in the relic looked ugly.

The zombie just smiled: "It's a pity, it's a pity that your plan was perfect but I just broke it."

"Snake God, you have to think about it. I am now in the tenth reincarnation. I am one step short of reaching Lingshan and returning to Dzogchen. If you destroy my tenth Dao fruit, we will be an endless hatred. You have to think about it." The afterimage of the Buddha's light looked at the snake god, and the light in his eyes was terrifying.

"You haven't reincarnated yet? You said that if this seat refines you today and destroys your tenth generation Taoist fruit, what will be the consequences?" The snake **** carried his hands on his back, and did not rush to move.

Nine-headed insects and Princess Wansheng on one side were stunned, but they were stunned by the scene in front of them. They didn't expect that they would actually have something to do with Miaoxiu, the first person in the world in the world.

"The consequence is that we will never die in the future" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"Wrong, on the contrary." The snake **** shook his head: "What this seat saw is another result, that is, you have been refined to grow the life-immortality medicine, and since then completely erased from the heavens and the world, the three souls Seven souls return to the market, your luck will be inherited by my snake clan, and my snake clan will become the tide of the times and become the number one race in the heavens and all realms."

Looking at the snake **** with the cold light in his eyes, the jade duxiu made by the Buddha's light sighed slightly: "The snake **** really doesn't think about it. Isn't it a magic medicine for immortality? If this seat is reincarnated, how about giving you one?" .

"Don’t think about it. This is not just a matter of immortality medicine, it’s also a matter of fortune. You don’t need to think about it. It’s a pity that you have spent a lot of effort to lay out the heavens and the world, and you want to make a single move. To seize the aura of the heavens and ten thousand realms, return against the sky, but was unintentionally seen through by this seat, it is also God's will, and it is right for your soul to be scattered today." The snake **** said: "What else can you say?"

Yu Duxiu was expressionless when he heard the words, but clasped his hands together: "Amitabha."

"If you have all the nine relics to form the reincarnation consummation, I may have to spend some time, but now there are only eight relics, but there are flaws. By the way, I forgot to tell you that your first relic was The daughter of the insect **** swallowed it, let you know, lest you die," the snake **** said slowly.

Listening to the words of the snake god, the light of Yu Duxiu composed of Buddha's light suddenly rose: "Daughter of the insect god?"

"Yes, it can be regarded as my daughter. I joined the insect **** and gave birth to two heirs, one is the nine-headed insect, and the other is the daughter. The nine-headed insect will follow me and inherit the great cause of my snake clan. The daughter has followed the insect **** and inherited the great cause of the insect clan" the snake **** said leisurely.

"Father God, do you think the child still has a sister" said Nine-headed insect.

The snake **** glanced at Nine Head Insects and didn't say much, but looked at Yu Duxiu: "Okay, what else do you have to say now?".

"If I come back from the reincarnation, I must punish the strong snake tribe, the daughter of the **** of the Zerg killer tribe, cut off your blood, and you broke the protection today, and the lost relic will bear the blame." The transformed Yu Duxiu's voice was cold.

"Hahaha, come back from the reincarnation? Stop kidding, do you think you still have a chance to come back from the reincarnation? Today your three souls and seven souls must be completely integrated with this eternal life medicine, no matter who takes this eternal life medicine , Will not only inherit your luck, but also inherit your chances and memories, everything that belongs to you completely, you can go with peace of mind." The snake **** pointed out and slew towards the Jade Duxiu Town among the relics.


The moment the Buddhist scriptures flowed, and the moment a finger of the snake **** approached the Buddha's light, it was actually frozen and could no longer move forward.

"How could this happen?" The snake god's eyes changed.

"Although I lacked the support of a relic, the wolf **** did not come in real form. We are half a catty, each other." The jade duxiu transformed by the Buddha light smiled, and saw the eight relics gathered together in an instant to form a statue. The golden body protects the San Zang monk transformed into the body of Yu Duxiu.

At this time, the monk Sanzang's eyebrows were drooping, and he seemed to be in a state of emptiness, not knowing what was happening outside.

The snake **** stared at the golden body with a pair of eyes, gritted his teeth: "How is it possible?"

As he spoke, the divine light and coercion on the snake god's body became a bit richer again, and the snake in the wild, across time and space, dropped his power out of thin air.

In the wild, the snake **** suddenly sat up from the throne and looked at the spirit mountain realm: "It's a bit troublesome, but I didn't expect to forget this matter. This time, it's a big trouble. I can't break Miaoxiu's body. The body-protecting Buddha light cannot kill Miao Xiu Ni Lian the elixir of immortality, and now he has forged a vengeance, if it is called Miao Xiu's reincarnation return,,,,,reincarnation return,,,,,".

Looking at Jade Duxiu in the furnace, the snake god's eyes were cold: "Don't worry, this seat will kill you even if you are struggling hard."

After speaking, he saw the incarnation of the snake **** descending here instantly burned, turned into a flame, and shot out suddenly. This blow actually penetrated the guard formed by eight relics and came to Yu Duxiu.

"Oh, ten thousand calamities will not invade" Yu Duxiu, who was sitting in the golden body, urging the remnants of the relic to open his eyes, sighed helplessly.

That snake god's blow had penetrated the defense of the eight relics, and it was already exhausted. The calamity formed by Yu Duxiu was still within the range of the power of the origin of the disaster.

"Add fire, this servant has been killed by the Father God, let's add more flames to completely refine the three souls and seven souls, and refining them into the elixir of immortality, completely taking away Miaoxiu's three souls and seven souls and immeasurable energy. Fortunately, I did not expect that this so-called Tang Sanzang is actually Miaoxiu, this is a great surprise." Nine-headed insects looked at the silent pill furnace, and instantly held countless firewood in the distance~www.wuxiaspot. com~ is added to the pill furnace.

In the wild, the zombie was sitting and lying uneasy: "I don’t know if I sacrificed that ray of remnant soul and ignited the blow of the immortal body. Did you kill Miaoxiu? Miaoxiu’s methods are extraordinary. If you don’t die, It's my snake tribe's disaster."

Speaking of this, the snake **** stood up and said a little uneasy: "But if Miaoxiu can be refined, all the dangers are worth it, but this elixir of immortality cannot be given to Princess Wansheng. It’s because it should be given to my child."

"Nine-headed insects! Snake god! It's your own death, no wonder I will revenge in the future" Yu Duxiu slowly fell into silence, and the vitality of the whole body converged to the extreme.

This time the hatred with the snake **** is truly endless. Since Yu Duxiu was born in this world, he never thought that one day, he would hate someone so much.

Although it is said that there is a past body and a present body that can come here at any time, Yu Duxiu knows that this time he miscalculated. Without using the two supreme avatars, he almost lost.

Once he lost, he was really retrained by these nine-headed insects and seized his own Dao Fruit and all opportunities, Yu Duxiu could not imagine the terrible consequences.

"The snake **** must die, must die, when I come back, the first one will have to pay for my life" Yu Duxiu's murderous intent surged in her heart.

If the third world moves, he will definitely be entangled by the Dragon King of the Four Seas, and because of his relationship with the snake god, Manghuang will also help the snake **** to entangle Yuanshi Tianzun. At that time, he is really called Tiantian should not call the earth. Not working anymore.

"Fortunately, I have a lot of backhands. It's because I have a better skill. I will win a move. I will be reincarnated in the future. This seat will accompany you for fun. I'm about to try the supreme strong. Is it really impossible to kill." 8

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