The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1684: Da Leiyin Temple saw the truth, the golden wings and Dapeng disaster began

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? Wukong is knowledgeable, but he said: "It's not bad, it's not bad, there is a bridge in the distance? If you spend it on that bridge, you can become a true fruit."

The masters and apprentices watched closely, only to see the three characters "Lingyundu" written on the bridge, which turned out to be a single-plank bridge.

At this time, the old ancestor Zhuba and the others turned around, and suddenly saw a person holding a boat in the nasty place, came to the front, and shouted: "Shangdu! Shangdu!"

The ancestor Zhuba was overjoyed when he heard this: "Master, don't worry, there is a boat here."

Everyone stood still, Wukong looked at the surroundings with fiery eyes and hesitated in his heart, but said calmly, "Come here! Hold on!".

The rower wore a coat, and approached and said: "Shangdu! Shangdu!".

Yu Duxiu said: "How do you ferry people, you bottomless broken ship?".

The humanity of the punter: "My boat

: Hongmeng made a statement in the preliminary judgment, but fortunately I stayed on it.

Six impeccable beings can return to one, and ten thousand calamities are safe and comfortable.

Bottomless ships are saddened by the sea, and now and from all over the ages.

Wukong heard the words and stepped forward to respectfully salute: "Thanks for the gracious acceptance of my teacher, master, quickly upload it, although his boat is bottomless, but it is stable, even if there is wind and waves, it will not turn over."

Seeing Yu Duxiu, he was startled and suspicious, Wukong pushed forward and staggered on the boat.

The eyes of the little white dragon on one side flashed, and he stepped out in an instant. He wanted to step on the boat, but Wukong grabbed him: "Only the master can cross this boat. You and I should cross the canoe bridge."

Wukong looked at the little white dragon with a vaguely murderous intent in his eyes, and made the third prince of the dragon smirk: "The single-plank bridge is too dangerous. If it encounters a strong wind and falls into the river, it is not beautiful, no matter, since the brother said Now, let's cross the single-plank bridge."

When he reached the shore, he steadily passed the Lingyundu, and Yu Duxiu slid gently before jumping on the shore.

"Seven emotions and six desires, all kinds of love, hatred, and hatred in the world, endless intertwined cause and effect, all shed in the sea of ​​suffering, since then, I am me, the new me, completely disconnected from the past." .

Yu Duxiu turned around. The person who led him was naturally the incarnation of Amitabha. The river was the sea of ​​bitterness in hell, and the single wooden bridge was the Naihe bridge.

All the seven emotions and six desires of Yu Duxiu, various intertwined causes and effects in the past, although purple gold and red gourd suppressed, but after all the existence of cause and effect, now with the help of this sea of ​​bitterness and the boat of catching, all the previous causes and effects have been completely cut off.

The Dragon Palace in the East China Sea was sitting cross-legged, and the Jinlin's complexion that had recovered his body suddenly changed: "What is the mystery of this road to the sky, and all the causes and effects are completely cut off."

"Hmph, it's only the cause and effect determined by the law of heaven and earth, but what you owe me is always owed to me. If you don't return it to me, just forget it, then what's the use?" Jinlin sneered.

In fact, this so-called cause and effect is like two people borrowing money.

One of them cut off all the cause and effect, but you did not return the money to others, so they would naturally not do it. Although you have cut off the cause and effect, the money owed is still not paid.

Karma is only heaven, and money is humanity.

These two kinds of heaven and humanity are intertwined, all kinds of mystery, can not be described in a few words, and will be unclear for a while.

Yu Duxiu turned his head, the boat of the guide was gone. Wukong and others walked over the Naihe Bridge and reached the other shore. Wukong said: "Before that was the incarnation of Amitabha, called: to attract, to attract countless destined beings from the heavens. Those who have lived through the sea of ​​suffering attract Buddha."

Wukong hesitated for a moment. Although this guide is the incarnation of Amitabha, it is not Amitabha after all. If it is said that the Buddha is not right, it is said that he has become a Buddha.

"Amitabha Buddha" Yu Duxiu chanted the Buddha's name, and thanked the three apprentices: "I would also like to thank everyone for saving me."

Wukong said: "The two don't thank each other, but also support each other. I can only be relieved by the master. I borrowed the way to repair the merits. Fortunately, the master also relies on my blessing, teaching and blessing, and getting rid of the mortal womb."

The old ancestor Zhu Ba on the other side said: "Huh, Master, if you thank my old pig, I am welcome, you will be able to cover me in the future."

Everyone shook their heads and chuckles after hearing the words of the ancestor Zhu Ba.

The masters and apprentices continued to walk towards the front, and oncoming gods and Buddhas met. Yu Duxiu saw this salute, but the countless gods, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas said in a panic: "The holy monk, let’s take a leave of salute. Xiangxue".

Wukong said on the side: "Master, let's go and meet the superior."

The four masters and apprentices followed Wukong to the outside of Da Leiyin Temple, and the King Kong greeted him: "The holy monk is here."

"Wolf Dongyi, you guys actually ran to the gate of Lingshan" Wukong laughed.

The wolf Dongyi was not angry, but chuckled and shook his head: "The holy monk waits a moment, and will enter after Rong Tian."

The wolf Dongyi didn't want to conflict with Wukong at this time. The Father God had already told him before he came. After today, the monkey will fly into the sky and become supreme. He doesn't want to continue to fight with this monkey.

Not long afterwards, King Kong turned back: "The Buddha has passed through the Lingshan Pure Land, and the Pure Land Buddha has come, and the holy monks are invited to come and see him."

At this moment, in the Great Leiyin Temple, Amitabha sits in the first seat, Sun Chi sits next to Amitabha, at the bottom, followed by Bodhisattvas, Arhats, Jialan, etc., arranged in two rows, preaching the Golden Order. : "Holy monk come in".

The four masters and apprentices entered the Great Leiyin Temple, followed by the little white dragon. The crowd bowed to the Buddha and worshipped left and right. After that, they said: "The disciples Sanzang, come from Dachen in the middle of the world, and Baoshan is far away. , Pray for the truth and save all sentient beings".

At this moment, Wukong's eyes swept across the Da Leiyin Temple, but he saw that the Golden Winged Dapeng was sitting beside Sun Chi, level with Sun Chi. His eyes looked at the four masters and apprentices, with fierce gleams in his eyes.

Bingqin on one side secretly said in his heart: "This Golden Winged Roc doesn't know that he wants to practice the elixir of life and death, but you are my father. This Roc is an innate god, but it is like Wukong. Because of the influence of the killing air between the heavens and the earth, karmic evils have arisen, and some restraints are needed."

Amitabha looked at his deity and bowed down to himself. It felt like this. I really haven't tried it.

After a lot of words of great righteousness in Lingran, Amitabha said to the two arhats on one side: "Let's take the holy monk and get the truth."

The Wukong four took their orders and came to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, but they saw the two arhats with a bitter face: "The holy monk came from the middle earth, but has anyone ever waited for me? Get it out quickly, okay. Spread the scriptures with you".

Yu Duxiu was taken aback when he heard the words, which one was this playing? I didn't plan this The poor monk came from the middle domain, and he came from a long way, and never prepared," Yu Duxiu said calmly.

The venerable said: "Passing the scriptures by hand, the descendants shall starve to death."

Seeing this, Wukong couldn't bear the idleness, and shouted: "Master, I will tell the Buddha to send us the scriptures himself."

"Where is this place? You are still playing here, come here, take the scriptures and go." When the venerable saw Wukong going to complain, he waved his hand again and again.

The old ancestor Zhuba was patient and turned around to persuade Wukong to catch the scripture. The four masters and apprentices stuffed the package, bid farewell to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and went down the mountain.

In a hidden place in the Da Leiyin Temple, the Golden Winged Dapeng looked at the two Arhats with his arms slanted and said, "Isn't it asking you to take the opportunity to make things difficult, and you are not allowed to pass on the scriptures?". .

The two venerables cried and laughed again and again: "Ming King Mingjian, the monkey is very tricky. He wants to run to the Buddha to file a complaint. The disciple does not want to provoke the Buddha to blame, so he has to give the master and apprentice scriptures. But the king can rest assured. The monk’s is a fake scripture, without words."

"What!" Hearing the words of these two venerables, the Golden Winged Dapeng was stunned, and then jumped up: "Idiot, two idiots, how to give them false scriptures, this time is really a disaster, my Buddhist family For this road to the sky, I don’t know how much thought was spent. The Buddha’s great prosperity is in front of my eyes, but you gave false scriptures. This road to the sky is not a plan for nothing. Suffering from the backlash of the heavens and the earth, the Father God will definitely thwart my bones and ashes. This time it is really a disaster, you two fools! fools!".

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