The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1690: Reappearing Taoism

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How to do? .

What else can you do? It's because you were not careful and took advantage of others, and they didn't take the initiative to persecute you, and forcibly **** your benefits. If you really suffer, there is no place to reason.

Now that the Buddhism fights and defeats the Buddha has returned to the throne, it means that the Buddhism has two strong transcendent realms. These forces, unless necessary, can not sin or not. Even if they want to offend, they must wait after the human race is calmed. Do it yourself.

The wild demon gods are secretly entangled, gritted their teeth, and the supreme human beings look at the jokes, and the four-sea dragons are the light of trickery in their eyes.

The Yaozu suffered a lot of grief, and this one will definitely be found in the future. Amituo knows in his heart, but looking at the goddess who is so radiant in his eyes, Amituo smiled, and it is too late to find the place.

Wukong's proving Dao interrupted Amitabha's seal. After the storm subsided, he saw a lotus stand beside Amitabha. The golden light of the lotus stand flashed: "Qi Tian Buddha, come forward and sit down with this seat."

Wukong shook his head: "Forget it, forget it, my master is still under the head, it is not good for me to be a disciple."

Wukong looked at Yu Duxiu and turned down Amitabha's invitation.

Seeing this, Amitabha nodded and said nothing more. The Golden Winged Dapeng on the other side looked at Wukong with a look of admiration in his eyes. Even if he was an innate god, he didn't know how many years he would have to endure if he wanted to preach. Fortune Road, actually went straight to the sky in one step.

Na Amitabha looked at the ancestor Zhu Ba Jie: "Zhu Ba Jie, you are so lazy, you are a bodhisattva, but it is cheaper for you to be a bodhisattva, so let you be a pure altar envoy."

When the old ancestor Zhu Ba heard this, he was immediately unhappy: "Buddha, my old pig is greedy, but you don't have to call me a Buddha. There should always be one Bodhisattva, right? How can I be a pure altar messenger."

Seeing this, Amitabha smiled and cursed: "But he has already given you a beautiful mission. This pure altar messenger, all the things that are worshipped by the believers of the heavens and all realms, and my Buddhists, are first in your belly. It is a great beauty. , The path of bloodline evolution you have taken, this Buddhist fruit status is useless for you, and the Eight Treasure Merit Pool may not be able to purify all your bloodlines. It is better to first seal you as the envoy of purification, even if the bloodlines are not completely purified, but As long as you eat more, you can always prove the truth."

"It's good for Grandpa Buddha, and thoughtful consideration. It turned out to be a big beauty. I blamed Grandpa Buddha." The ancestor Zhuba was really happy when he heard that. His blood has evolved and the only conditions are to eat and eat. The more it is, the faster it will evolve.

There are countless Buddhist believers. If all these offerings were offered for their own consumption, wouldn't it mean that proving the way is just around the corner? .

In this regard, the cause and effect of the alchemy between Yu Duxiu and the ancestor Zhu Ba was resolved, and in the future, the alchemy and luck will all belong to Yu Duxiu.

Amitabha turned his gaze to Monk Sha, and the golden edict sealed him: "Sha Wujing, you have worked hard and grudges all the way, and your heart is firm towards Tao. This seat will forgive you as a golden Arhat."

"Thank you, Buddha", the golden body Arhat is definitely not low in the Buddhist school.

Na Amitabha turned his gaze to the Longsan Prince: "The Longsan Prince will enter the Dragon Pond later to refine his true body, and he can restore his true body. You can also be regarded as the supreme powerhouse, and you will be named Guangli Bodhisattva."

"Thank you, Buddha" Prince Longsan respectfully saluted.

Now that the Dragon King of the Four Seas is at risk, he is working at every step, for fear of being found flaws by the Dragon Lord and beaten down by the dog. If he can stand firm in the Buddhist school, he can be regarded as leaving a way out for his family.

Looking at the third prince of the dragon, Yu Duxiu sighed slightly. If it weren't for seeing that the Four Seas Dragon King was a quasi-superior powerhouse, and if he was determined to recruit him into the Buddhist school as a thug, Amitabha would never be so generous.

As a result, Zhengguo was sealed, and everyone chose the palace dojo. The third prince of the dragon entered the Hualong Pond of the eight heavenly dragons, and the ancestor Zhu Ba went to the eight treasure merit pool. Only Wukong and Yu Duxiu stood in jade. In the unique dojo, a pair of eyes looked at the grand scenery of Lingshan in the distance.

"What do you think, Master?" Wukong looked at Yu Duxiu.

"This scene is like last night, it should be the same as before" Yu Duxiu said lightly.

"When did the master recover his memory?" Wukong looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu laughed suddenly, and the annoying voice of Old Ancestor Zhu Ba heard: "You Hoo, who said that the master has lost his memory, the master was known to be outstanding, even if all the supreme powers joined forces to suppress , There is no death, let alone reincarnation."

But when I saw the ancestor Zhu Ba running over with a flattering face, he saluted Yu Duxiu: "No, no, Master."

Yu Duxiu nodded: "Not bad."

Wukong looked at Yu Duxiu as if he was looking at a monster: "The master enters the cycle of reincarnation without obliterating the memory, it is really amazing."

Old ancestor Zhu Ba has been transformed into a human form at this time, but he is a monk with a simple face and a cunning light in his eyes. At this time, ancestor Zhu Ba said: "That is, the legend of the master, he said no day and night. Finish".

Yu Duxiu looked at Old Ancestor Zhu Ba: "Your appearance is refreshing, not as ugly as before."

"Master, depending on what you said, that old pig is also a descendant of the ancient monster beast. If it hadn't been cast in the wrong fetus, how could it have been so far, and now it's reborn, and it's up to the master to take care of it." With a pleasing look: "Master! Your old man is the ancestor of the great alchemy of the world. There are many magical medicines for immortality? Or give the disciple two pills to help the disciple's bloodline complete evolution and achieve the supreme realm. So as to give the master a boost."

Yu Duxiu sneered when he heard the words, "You idiot, the power of your bloodline is something to look at. If you can really return to your ancestors in the future, you can be considered a good hand in the heavens and the world."

While speaking, Yu Duxiu said: "What I have to do now is to first calculate an account."

"Settling accounts with whom?" Wukong said.

Yu Duxiu slowly stretched out her left hand, only to see a ray of innate immortal light in her hand struggling back and forth constantly, breaking free.

"Isn't this the old tortoise?" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba was taken aback: "How did the master imprison him with the immortal spirit?".

"I don't seem to have a cultivation base, but you don't know my mystery. I'm always at the peak state. If you only rely on your supporters on this road, I don't know how many times I have died." Yu Duxiu turned over. Roll your eyes.

"It turns out that the master saw us all as monkeys along the way," Old Ancestor Zhu Ba howled.


The ancestor Zhu Ba was kicked by Wukong: "Monkey! What happened to the monkey! Is the monkey funny?".

"Brother You know I didn’t mean that. Don’t find faults. See the master’s methods quickly. The master’s supernatural powers are shaking the world and the world is trembling. The supreme power is like a thorn in the throat, and can’t feel at ease.” The eighth ancestor Zhu came over, staring at Yu Duxiu’s left hand with a pair of eyes, trying to see the mystery of Yu Duxiu’s magic: "If you can learn from the master With the best of his ability, my old pig can run across the world."

Yu Duxiu did not comment on the flattery of the ancestors of Zhu Ba. The next moment he saw a strand of mixed element in his palm, and all things were born between the breathing, and the mixed element was formed. It opened up in an instant, and thousands of laws resonated. The true spirit of the tortoise is in Without time to struggle among the thousands of laws, they have already been vibrated in the * of the colorful gods of light, and turned into a part of the law of Jade Duxiu's palm.

"This is the real world of one party" Wukong suddenly changed color.

"True and false are like dream bubbles" Yu Duxiu shook her head.

"Master, how is that old tortoise?" said Old Ancestor Zhu Ba.

Wukong's eyes were staring at Yu Duxiu closely, his eyes full of curiosity.

"From then on, the ancestor of the tortoise should obey my orders. If he dares not to follow, he can only become my puppet and the end of Daoization." While talking, Yu Duxiu said, "But this old tortoise will prove the truth soon, anytime. There may be variables. This time, I will personally take it for a while. If this old thing is Daoized, if there is one more supreme powerhouse as a thug in the future, it will be considered safe."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu's figure slowly disappeared into the void: "If you want to observe the methods of this seat, you must sneak carefully, and don't be discovered by anyone."

While talking, Yu Duxiu has disappeared and turned into a chaos without a trace.

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