The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1694: The aura is the highest, the name is: Hongmeng

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"I have a spirit, and the name is: Hongmeng" Yu Duxiu's mouth is smiling, and her eyes have turned into a brilliant purple at this time, and the avenues of heaven are constantly circulating in her eyes. ▽Fan△Jinoviction Net▽``

As his own luck was swallowed up, the mighty luck gathered by Amitabha only lasted for a stick of incense, and it had bottomed out.


On the Fangcun Mountain in the Lingtai, the endless Qi Luck poured into Yu Duxiu endlessly, and Yu Duxiu still swallowed the endless heaven and earth Qi Luck unhurriedly.

"Not enough! Still not enough" After finishing speaking, Yu Duxiu looked at the 33rd Heaven: "Sister Miaoyu, can I use my luck?"

Yu Duxiu’s voice came into Miaoyu’s ears, who was originally investigating the source of the change in the void. At this time, after hearing Yu Duxiu’s words, he nodded without hesitation: "If you use it, even Just take it."


Taotao’s endless air fortune landed from the 33rd layer, Miaoyu’s air fortune was swallowed up, Yu Duxiu looked through the void, looked at Dafengzhou, and looked at Taisu’s ancestor, Chaotian and Fuyao. , The purple brilliance circulates in the eyes: "Use luck with luck." Tomato△□☆小△Shuowang-`--````

"Take it." Chaotian didn't say a word, and instantly immeasurable luck poured into Yu Duxiu.

Fu Yao nodded: "Use as you like."

Tai Su taught the ancestor with a pair of wonderful eyes to look at Yu Duxiu: "There is a loan and a return."

The "Boom" three boundless air fortunes landed out of thin air. The air fortunes of the three supreme powerhouses, especially the old people like Taisu, Chaotian, and Fuyao, who have existed for millions of years, the air fortunes converged beyond Yu Duxiu's imagination. .

Seeing the deepening of the purple qi in the body, Yu Duxiu still shook his head: "Not enough, or not enough."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu saw through the void with a pair of eyes and descended on the sea of ​​blood.

"Take it, don't bother me" the blood demon said impatiently.

Yu Duxiu nodded, the blood demon still had a conscience, and actually gave himself all the luck of the sea of ​​blood.

"It's still not enough." Yu Duxiu looked at Wukong's dojo not far away with a pair of eyes.

Wukong was helpless: "The master wants to use Qi Luck, even if I take it away, my old grandson is so powerful, this Qi Luck is also useless to me." Tomato Novel Network,

Yu Duxiu nodded, not to mention, Wukong's luck was swallowed up.

Having swallowed so much air luck, Yu Duxiu frowned slightly as he looked at the deep purple air luck in his body: "It seems to be a little worse."

"I'll help you." In the wild, the wolf **** and fox **** spoke at the same time, and instantly two powerful qi luck converged, immeasurable qi luck poured down, Yu Duxiu seized such a big movement of qi luck between heaven and earth , Naturally, the powerhouses who can't hide from the heavens.

Without waiting for Yu Duxiu's reaction, the Hongmeng Ancestral Qi in his body had already moved, and instantly swallowed the gathered Qi Luck.

"Is it worth it?" The Tiger God looked at the Fox God and Wolf God.

Fox God shook his head lightly: "There is nothing worth or not worth."

The wolf **** smirked: "Of course it's worth it, Miaoxiu, this kid walks the road to the sky, so toss and toss, and consumes such a huge amount of energy. It is absolutely necessary to do earth-shattering things, early investment, early and later, the benefits will be greater. .

Looking at the wicked wolf god, the rabbit **** rolled his eyes: "I will help you too."

"Thank you Rabbit God, this luck is just enough." After Yu Duxiu accepted the Rabbit God's luck, she closed her eyes and instantly cut off her six senses. All her mind was immersed in Hongmeng Ancestral Qi. ▽Tomato Novel Network``

Hongmeng Ancestral Qi is one of ten thousand ways. For all the great roads, all sentient beings, all the mysteries are revealed at the moment when it is formed, turning into the most fundamental rule of'one'. Once you miss Hongmeng Ancestral Qi, it will be completely formed. At that moment, it is impossible to peek into the ultimate secret of Hongmeng Ancestral Qi in the future.

Because the avenue is invisible and changes endlessly, you seem to have a different shape in the last second, but it has changed in the next second. What everyone sees is just the appearance, without seeing the essence in the bones.

There is only one chance to see the great avenue of essence, and it is also the only chance to use Hongmeng ancestral spirit.

In the human race, all the ancestors looked at the Great Leiyin Temple with a pair of eyes, and that Taiyi taught ancestors to play with the tortoise shell in his hand: "Such a big movement, Sanzang needs so much luck to do what, will this movement be caused by him? from".

The ancestor of Tai Yi Jiao had doubts in his heart. At this time, the road to heaven was completed, and the secret of Yu Duxiu’s ten reincarnations was slowly revealed. Everyone is not a fool. In fact, when he walked on the road to heaven, he already had doubts. It's just not certain. ☆Tomato○ Novel Network

On the Taiping Road, the Taiping Patriarch looked at the incomplete emperor map in his hand and sighed helplessly: "Is it true that Miaoxiu has returned from the reincarnation? It is a pity that I completely worshipped Buddhism and did not give this seat a chance."

"The kid Yu Duxiu made such a big movement, I don't know what he is planning, he needs so much luck." Dafengzhou, the three Fuyao, Chaotian, and Taisu gathered together and looked towards each other. The direction of Da Lei Yin Temple.

Chaotian didn't know what to think. It has been so long since the preaching, and he has not divided his own state capital. It is really puzzling, and he stayed in this Dafengzhou with a deadly face.

"I don't know, but every time this kid does something is earth-shattering. I don't know what he is tossing this time." Fu Yao sighed softly, "After all, it is at the end of the world of great controversy. Miao Xiu reincarnated in this way. When I return, I don’t know if Miaoxiu can prove it, then he won’t be on the road.

"Don't worry about Miaoxiu's affairs, this kid has his own calculations, let's just wait to watch the fun." Looking at Fuyao from the sky, he sighed softly, "It's a pity that the blood demon's servant was sent to the blood sea by Miaoxiu. All day long, the cat is in the endless abyss of the dark shade. Our brothers can't drink alcohol happily."

"It's a pity for you to take the place of the blood demon. I think that the blood demon is happy to be able to prove the Dao. How can it be chosen by the blood demon? The blood demon is entangled with cause and effect. With the cause and effect of that body, now it is a blessing to be able to prove the Dao, so how dare you have extravagant demands" Tai Su Jiaozu gave a white look.

"This matter depends on whether Miaoxiu has any back-ups. Miaoxiu sent the Gorefiend to the sea of ​​blood back then. There should be a way to pull it out," Fu Yao said uncertainly.

"Difficult" sighed towards the sky.

In the sea of ​​blood in the Yin Division, the Gorefiend sits in a red lotus, his eyes see through the void, and he looks in the direction of Da Lei Yin Temple: "When this kid Miaoxiu returns, it is such a big movement. It's incredible, and it's too cool."

Speaking of this, the blood demon looked at Honglian who was sitting down at his house and said: "You kid took my luck from my ancestors. Looking at this Honglian, you are embarrassed to go back. This Honglian is really a good thing. My ancestors prepared me generally".

As he spoke, the Gorefiend greedily stroked the red lotus his eyes were full of infatuation.

In the East China Sea, the atmosphere in the East China Sea Dragon Palace is stagnant at this time, and there is a gloomy look in the Jinlin eyes: "Variables, really variables, really assholes, I should have shot that kid to death back then, how am I so obsessed, I gave a drop of real blood He gave him a chance to soar into the sky."

Donghai Longjun held a wine glass in his hand: "Miaoxiu will return from the reincarnation, and she must settle all the grievances in the past with all the powers of the heavens and worlds. I, Donghai, is the culprit, I am afraid that I will not be peaceful in the future."

"I don't know what Miaoxiu is doing, I actually need such a majestic luck," Ao Le said blankly.

The scene instantly returned to silence. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, without saying a word, their eyes looked towards Da Leiyin Temple.

Taiyuan Dao, Taiyuan Jiaozu was a little distressed: "Really, the fox didn't catch it, but made a show. The speed of this wonderful show is too fast. It actually came back more than a dozen times in just a few thousand years. It’s really a ghost, and you shouldn’t be coveting the elixir of life.”

While talking, the Taiyuan Jiaozu's eyes flickered: "Now we still need to make early plans. With such a big movement, Miaoxiu may be preparing for some big killer move and have to guard against it."

Li Chendongtian, Wangchen looked at the Three Treasure Ruyi exuding the warm air in his hand, and smiled in his eyes: "After all, he has returned from the reincarnation, and he can appear in the heavens and all realms openly."

"You Nizi, don't be too happy. Miaoxiu's cause and effect are not small. I'm afraid I won't want to be quiet in the future." Li Chen walked slowly to Wangchen's side.

ps: I wish you all the students who took the postgraduate entrance examination to get a good result! Happy Christmas Eve, everyone.

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