The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1711: Sacrificial gourd baby

"Military Master?" The nine-headed insect walked into the hall, glanced at the little demon, and was taken aback. ?

Seeing the expression of the nine-headed insects, the snake **** suddenly became gloomy: "In the future, you need to be respectful to the military division, just like a father. You must not be sloppy, or you will be careful about your skin."

"Yes, my child obeyed."

The nine-headed insects immediately lowered their heads when they heard the words, and respectfully saluted the little demon: "I have seen the military division."

The little demon nodded: "The prince doesn't need to be like this, just call me: Bai Ze will do."

Without letting the snake demon wait long, another gourd baby appeared again and fought in the territory of the snake god.

These two babies are amazing, but they are clairvoyant.

The unusual clairvoyance and wind ears, the clairvoyance is the force of space folding, representing the origin of space, and the wind ears represent the law of sound, but they are extremely powerful.

As soon as these two babies were shot, the Zombie God tribe suffered heavy casualties. Even the snake God, faced with these two supernatural powers, would be extremely difficult to capture alive without killing the baby.

"Military teacher, how should I surrender this gourd baby now?" The snake **** looked at that Bai Ze.

Bai Ze twisted his beard: "This two baby has a clairvoyant eyes and ears, as long as the snake **** blinds the second baby's eyes with the three treasures and seals the second baby's senses, he can naturally catch it."

Not long after, I saw that the snake **** took the second baby back and was locked in a cave.

With this Bai Ze's help, the snake **** confuses the seven children with strength and turns them into the sons of the demon. Then seven gourd children are born one after another, experiencing ups and downs, and finally captured by the snake god.

"I don't know how the Seven Heart Pill should be refined?" Looking at the seven gourd children locked together, the snake god's eyes looked at Bai Ze, his eyes full of scorching heat.

"My lord, do you know the details of the Three Treasures Ruyi?" The Baize Divine Beast looked at the snake god.

"I don't know, where the three treasures of Ruyi was taken from Miaoxiu not long ago, and there was no time to explore. The mystery of this has not yet been mastered," the snake **** touched the three treasures.

The white beast smiled softly: "The king doesn't know. Among the three treasures, there are fire bricks composed of three thousand quasi magic treasures. As long as the fire bricks are activated, the pill furnace can be formed, the power of the pill furnace, the world and everything, Can't make the sacrifice into powder, and ask the snake **** to find a way to activate the three thousand furnace bricks of the three treasures."

Hearing this, the snake **** closed his eyes and sensed the Three Treasures wishful thinking, infused mana indiscriminately, but never saw the effect, and said to the white beast: "You are the descendant of the beast, see if you can see some flaws, find the fire brick Way".

The snake **** threw the Three Treasure Ruyi to the Baize Divine Beast, although Bai Ze was a descendant of the Divine Beast, but his mana was too low, the snake **** did not worry about the other party swallowing his own treasure.

"Respect is not as good as fate" Bai Ze respectfully caught the Three Treasure Ruyi, fiddling back and forth, constantly trying various techniques and infusing mana. After a moment or three, the Three Treasure Ruyi suddenly dropped out, a fiery red illusory pill. The furnace fell from the Three Treasures wishful thinking, and the flames among them were raging.

"Your Majesty, the minister inadvertently touched the sanctuary of the Three Treasures, and did not know how to manipulate it. The smelting of the gourd baby must be presided over by your majesty himself. The subordinates have low mana. If this spiritual treasure is broken, your majesty will be mistaken. It’s a big plan, but it’s a hundred deaths without redemption."

The zombie's eyes looked at the seven gourd babies not far away, and then smiled coldly: "As long as you are smelted, this seat can be expected."

After speaking, without waiting for the gourd baby to resist, he threw the seven gourds into the fortune oven together. The flames burned instantly, with the scream, the seven gourds turned into soup and continued to merge. A brand new, chaotic gourd is taking shape.

"It seems that you are right. These seven gourds really represent the power of the world's origin. As long as the seven gourd children are smelted into one body and return to chaos, this seat can gain chaos. When the time comes, it will be a matter of waiting." The zombie smiled, eyes full of madness.

Bai Ze said: "Your Majesty, although this gourd has been smelted into a chaotic gourd, the gourd vine is also a good thing. Don't let it go. I don't know if your majesty can break through the congenital formation and enter it to take the gourd vine."

"When you say this, this seat remembers that this gourd still has vines that have not been taken, but it is the innate formation. If this seat destroys it, it is not impossible, but the innate formation is infinite. If it leaks out, it will inevitably shock the power of the heavens and the world, and it will be difficult to handle at that time. There are also penal guillotines hanging in the void, which is also a problem. Forcible destruction of the congenital formation will inevitably detonate the ground veins. Thousands of miles of heaven, earth, and all things are turned into powder, I am afraid that the punishment will be ruthless."

Speaking of the penalty guillotine, a trace of lingering fear appeared in the eyes of the snake god.

"Your Majesty, the minister has a way," Bai Ze said.

"What way?" The snake **** said.

"Can the old man enter the big formation? Let's ask the old man to uproot the innate gourd vines in the big formation. Isn't everything solved?" Bai Ze said.

The snake **** sneered when he heard the words: "Why is the military teacher confused about such a big matter? You must know that the innate spiritual roots, even if you want to pull out, it is extremely difficult, cautious, let alone the old man."

Bai Ze shook his head when he heard the words: "Your Majesty, this old man can enter and leave the congenital formation, doesn't your Majesty have any doubts?"

"What do you mean?" The snake god's expression changed.

"The minister suspects that this old man is the true spirit of the gourd. As long as he is forced to grab the handle of the old man and want to pull out the gourd vine, it will be easy," Bai Ze said.

"That's true, there is some truth." The snake **** nodded: "Come here, go and bring that old man up for me."

Not long after, the old man transformed by the ancestor Zhu Ba was brought up, and the snake **** said: "You old man, but the true spirit of that innate gourd vine?"

"Hmph, fairy, don't you want to ask a few words from the old man," the old man gritted his teeth.

"If you pull out the gourd vine by root and give it to this seat, this seat may consider letting the seven gourd children die, or this seat will turn these seven gourd children into ashes." The snake **** pointed to Nadan furnace , Let go of the prohibition, and seven heart-piercing roars of gourd children came from inside.

"Snake demon, you are so vicious, so vicious," the old man's expression was twisted.

"If you don't stand firm, this seat has never been soft-hearted since millions of years ago. If you are soft-hearted, how can there be a place for me in the heavens and the world" the snake **** said indifferently: "You think about it first~www will give you the gourd vine, you let the seven children" the old man closed his eyes and said with a head down.

"Okay, refreshing, then let's go for a while." The snake **** waved his big sleeves, and the yin wind rolled up, instantly curling the old man and Bai Ze into the previous valley.

"Go in, I'm waiting for you outside" the snake **** let go of the old man.


The old man snorted coldly, then turned and walked towards the congenital formation. After a while, he saw the old man walking out with a lush gourd vine in his hand.

The snake **** took the gourd vine and looked at the old man: "Since you have got the gourd vine, what use do you want?".

Seeing the snake god, he wanted to kill him, Bai Ze said: "Your Majesty, slow down."

"What's the matter?" The zombie paused.

Bai Ze said: "The identity of this old man is suspicious, and killing it is a waste. It's better to stay. If something goes wrong in the sacrifice later, then take the old man to have a knife."

"That's the reason." The snake **** nodded, waved his big sleeve, and rolled Bai Ze and the old man to his hall, only to see Nine-headed insect standing in front of the furnace with burning eyes.

The zombie's eyes became gloomy in an instant: "You rebel, don't you get out of me without practice, what to do by staying here"

"Yes! Yes! Go down here, boy" Nine-headed insect immediately lowered his head, turned and left.

Looking at the back of the nine-headed insects, the snake **** snorted coldly, and looked at Bai Ze: "Military officer, what do you think about this gourd vine?".

"The king might as well throw the gourd vines into this pill furnace for rituals. There may be unexpected gains." Na Baize touched his chin, looking like a dog-headed military master. 8

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