The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1713: The zombie suppresses it

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"Can't kill you?" Yu Duxiu looked at the snake **** with strange eyes: "It is true that you can't kill you, but it will suppress you in this desolate world forever, but it is more terrible than death." ??want·

After speaking, Yu Duxiu glanced at the Yuanshi Tianzun, but saw that the chaos clock in Yuanshi Tianzun's hand flicked, and the sound wave suppressed the three thousand Hongmeng instantly. The sky and the earth that had been ascending and the turbidity ceased instantly, and then it seemed that time reversed and cleared the breath. Decrease, turbidity rises.

"Bastard, don't want to stop me from opening up the world." Seeing this scene, the snake **** suddenly became angry, his six arms turned into two, and he tore at Yuanshi Tianzun instantly.

"Amitabha Buddha" Amitabha blocked the way of the snake god. At this time, seven gourd dolls stepped forward and got entangled with the snake god. The seven gourd dolls were extremely mysterious and immortal. At this time, the snake **** who actually fought was retreating. , Can't look up.

"Really hateful".


The turbid qi collided, and the power of the law bounced back. In an instant, the golden body of the snake **** exploded in the collision of the yin and yang laws of the turbid qi, breaking the ground and failing. The chaotic qi in the entire chaos was agitated, and it continued to wipe out the snake god’s Immortal golden body.

"This kind of good thing should be done by this seat. Whoever gets you?" But seeing Yu Duxiu holding the Three Treasure Ruyi in his hand, watching the tumbling chaos, the next moment God's will like a knife through the chaos. It was also strange that the boiling chaos suddenly quieted down. The immortal golden body of the snake **** had been reorganized, but it was much weaker. His eyes were full of hatred and looked at Na Yu Duxiu and Amitabha.

"Opening up the world, I am most familiar with it. Today, I will ask you to see what is called a real opening up." Yu Duxiu didn't rush, and instantly a consciousness swept through the chaos, the will of heaven was like a knife, and the chaos was cut away. Shi Yu Duxiu's thoughts turned into the will of heaven, the chaos exploded in an instant, the world was clear and muddy and the two qi separated, the lighter rose to the sky, and the turbid one fell to the ground. ???????·

With a flick of Yu Duxiu's finger, the four spirits of the earth, water, wind, fire and fire have not waited for a turmoil. They have been sealed in all directions by Yu Duxiu. The edge of the world has turned into the four poles of the world.

The heaven and the earth are separated, the four spirits are calmed, the yin and yang are derived, the five elements are transformed, the law of heaven and earth instantly starts with the idea of ​​jade duxiu, and begins to derive continuously, deriving thousands of laws, jade duxiu is the master of the laws of this world. You can change the laws of this world in time.

"Asshole, you ruined my Tao fruit, this seat will not be able to open up the world, you can't even want to open up the world to succeed" the snake **** snarled frantically, trying to destroy this newly opened world.

"After suppressing this snake god, this world just lacks a guardian. I think the snake **** is just right. Doesn't the snake **** want to open up the world to understand the world? Then how about this world give you this world? "Yu Duxiu laughed, but the snake god's hair was terrifying.

"What are you going to do?" The snake **** is constantly entangled with the seven gourd children. At this time, the laws of heaven and earth are clear. The power of the gourd baby, which represents the power of the seven laws between heaven and earth, increases instantly, and as the world grows, the gourd The baby will continue to strengthen.

"Please also two Taoist friends to take action." Yu Duxiu turned to face Amitabha and Yuanshi Tianzun Dao. ??·



Amitabha and Yuanshi Tianzun did not feel humiliated by bullying. The two teamed up, and with the assistance of the seven gourd children, the two parties probably entangled thousands of moves. The snake **** could not stand it, and was covered by the chaos clock. , Fixed in the void.

"Don’t hide it from you, the Blast Ape Demon God was calculated by me and merged with my Sword Immortal Flying Sword and turned into the true spirit of the magic weapon. That’s why the Slashing Sword Flying Sword has such power. Facing the quasi-superior, it is almost a one-shot kill." Yu Duxiu came to the snake **** unhurriedly. At this time, the snake **** was hugged by the gourd baby, his abdomen was suppressed by the chaotic clock, and his head Being held down by Amitabha, Yu Duxiu was given the opportunity to do something.

"Beast! Beast! You are the biggest black hand in the heavens and all realms. One day, the supreme powerhouses will discover your conspiracy and turn you into powder." The snake **** looked at the approaching Yu Duxiu and kept roaring. .

"This supreme power is not easy to suppress. The snake god’s supreme golden body is not constantly shattered at all. Unlike the explosive ape of the year, the explosive ape was already severely injured by God’s will before, and I was seriously injured. Now that the snake god’s true body is intact, it can only be restrained. If you want to suppress it, but you can’t find the slightest flaw, the snake god’s golden body is already in its original form and there is no way." Yuan Shi Tianzun looked at the chaos The snake **** under the clock began to worry.

"Oh?" Yu Duxiu heard this, ignored the snake god's cursing, her eyes looked up and down, and her expression suddenly became gloomy: "If this is the case, it's a miscalculation."

"Hahaha, boy, you are still young, knowing why people could only hurt the bad luck badly, but can't suppress the bad luck? It's not that you don't want to suppress it, but you can't suppress it at all. I don't know how to suppress it. It's ridiculous. This time I see what you can do to me. If you tell me to escape, you will definitely vent your secrets and make you the public enemy of the heavens and the world." The snake **** smiled wildly.

"It's a big deal, if you really want to be a low-key person" Yu Duxiu looked at the hatred eyes of the snake god, rubbed his forehead, if he said that he hadn't exposed the third life body before, did not show the explosion of the ape, maybe the matter has eased There is room, even if the snake **** is released, there is nothing, but now the snake **** knows his biggest secret, if he can't kill people, just wait for him to be chased down.

"It's really cheap. I think I'm more and more like a bad person. Before I kill someone, I always give the enemy a chance to turn around." Yu Duxiu was speechless, looking up and down the snake god: "What should I do?"

Amitabha and Yuanshi Tianzun both shook their heads, Yu Duxiu frowned, and the forty-nine radiant purple energy at the center of his eyebrows began to be distorted and deduced rapidly. After a while, he said, "There is only one last move, I don't know me. This god's will is like a sword. Can you destroy the snake god's golden body? It is reasonable to say that my god's will be like a sword to cut off the blood demon's flesh. It should be nothing if I cut the snake god's golden body."

While speaking, Yu Duxiu stretched out a finger, and the will of heaven revolved like a sword: "With every rotation of the will of heaven, the cultivation base of this seat must be one or two points deep, and the control of the will of heaven will be greater. If I can really suppress the snake god, my God's will like a sword should be able to reach the 70% Great Perfection, peeping into the profound meaning of 80%."


Seeing Yu Duxiu's finger as if it was the radiant will of heaven, the snake **** was shocked and desperately twisted, but the next moment he heard a'poof' the snake **** has been cut off a piece of gold by that day. body.

"It hurts." Yu Duxiu looked at her fingers, then at the fallen golden body, frowned, picked up the fallen golden body, and looked carefully: "The power of the supreme strong is really tyrannical, this The real body contaminated with the providence can only be peeled off for a month, and after a month, it will be in contact with the real body again, and reorganized again. Maybe it is because I am not strong enough to control the providence like a sword" Yu Duxiu said to herself. The next moment the law between heaven and earth changes, and it resonates in an instant, and it constantly senses the golden body that fell from Yu Duxiu's hand. I saw that golden body instantly turned into a dazzling divine light, rising to the sky, and a certain kind of heaven and earth. The law is integrated.

"Taoization is too slow. The snake god's body is too big. If it continues in this way, it will take the year of the monkey and the moon," Yuan Shi Tianzun said dissatisfied.

"I don't want to, but it's hard to ride a tiger now" Yu Duxiu was helpless.

"It's better to think of a way to suppress the snake god. When you master the complete will of heaven, it won't be too late to turn the snake **** into Taoism" Amitabha said.

"Bad idea, what should I do if this snake **** runs out" Yu Duxiu said helplessly.

"The only way now is to suppress it. We can't just stay in this world and specifically suppress the Daohua snake god" Yuanshi Tianzun sighed.

Yu Duxiu frowned: "If the Demon Realm is already accomplished today, with infinite mighty power, I wonder if the Demon Realm can wipe out the golden body of the snake god."

Yu Duxiu looked at the snake god, and said in his heart: "I used to see the supreme power too simple. It is impossible to transform the supreme power into Taoism, because the supreme power can penetrate the world at any time. Fetal membranes, out of the world".

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