The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1724: Layout planning, a mix of things

"Prince, don't care about so much. We are now helping the snake **** to do things. We should give up our previous grievances and work together." Gan Tian looked at the Yinsi Prince.

"Hmph, since you can use the white snake's natal star to sense the place where the white snake is, then you can quickly use the magic power to find the white snake soul," the Yinsi Prince said coldly.

After hearing the words of the prince of Yinsi, then Gantian nodded when he heard the words: "Prince please see my methods."

After speaking, the real dragon and purple qi of Qiantian's body flickered, and the stars in the void that represented the white snake actually began to sway slightly, emitting an infinite divine light, shining toward the Yin Division, but it was blocked by the Yin and Yang barrier.

"The white snake has entered the Yin Division. Although our supernatural powers are vast, they are only in the Yang world. The power of the stars cannot penetrate the Yin and Yang. It is certain that the white snake is in the Yin Division. The rest depends on the prince's methods," Gan Tiandao.

Upon hearing this, the prince of the Yin Division was determined: "Since I have entered the Division of Yin, I naturally cannot escape the control of the prince."

After speaking, the prince of Yinsi didn't want to talk with the dry sky, and went away directly as a streamer, disappearing.

Watching the prince of Yinsi go away, the dry sky became gloomy, and after a while, he said: "Yinsi! Yinsi!".

On the bridge, the White Snake looked at the black porcelain bowl that Yu Duxiu handed over, and suddenly his heart palpitations continued to rise: "Mother-in-law, what's the harm in drinking this water?".

Yu Duxiu laughed at the words and did not answer: "If you continue to move forward, there will never be a chance to look back. You can only be a lonely ghost on this Naihe Bridge forever, and you have no choice!"

After hearing Yu Duxiu’s words, the white snake hand stretched out and took the bowl of water, only to see a fresh fragrance from the water, a mysterious mood permeating out, the white snake did not hesitate to pick up the forgetfulness water, Drink it all: "Thank you mother-in-law."

After the white snake drank the Wangqingshui, he really saw the strength of Naihe Bridge before the convenience, bowed to Yu Duxiu, and walked towards the end of Naihe Bridge. As long as he reached the Yin Division and saw the ghost master, he would naturally resolve it. crisis.

"The endless predecessor love, the endless love and hatred."

"There are no young or old on Huangquan Road, Naihe sighed on the bridge."

"Please drink a bowl of Meng Po soup, once it is washed away."

"Forget about love and water, the past and the dust, the past and the past are all forgotten."

The white snake walked on the Naihe Bridge, listening to the song that seemed to come from a certain time and space far away, and instantly felt trance and memory blurred, and then turned around and lost consciousness.


Seeing the white snake stepping onto the other shore, the Yin Si Devil roared to the sky, but it was a pity that he was a step late. He could only watch the white snake enter the six reincarnations and reincarnated, and he had no time to arrange any back-hands.

"Life and death are thin! Life and death are thin!" The prince of Yin Si held the name of the white snake in his hand, mentally nervous, and kept his eyes fixed on the name of the white snake. After a while, he saw the name of the white snake in the life and death. After a while, the information was changed, and then he breathed a sigh of relief: "Bai Suzhen".

On the Naihe Bridge, Yu Duxiu watched the white snake wash away the memory, and sighed slightly, her eyes were full of misty light. After a while, Yu Duxiu continued to scoop a bowl of Mengpo soup and stood on the Naihe Bridge. .

I don’t know how long it took, but Yu Duxiu was awakened by the sound of footsteps. A man with a simple face came in the distance. He cautiously came to Yu Duxiu and said respectfully: "I have seen the mother-in-law, the villain is a The cattle-herding employer doesn’t know how to get here, and asks her mother-in-law to give some guidance and let the villain out.”

Yu Duxiu looked at the brawny man and the faint black lotus in his eyes: "Unexpectedly, decades have passed since the outside. The little cowherd boy at the time has also turned into an employer. After his death he came to the Yin Division." .

"What? My mother-in-law said I was dead?" The ghost suddenly exclaimed.

"What are you saying, death is just a new beginning. Come on, you and I are also destined. There are eight rosary beads in this seat, so I will give you a body protector." After finishing speaking, don't wait for the ghost to speak, Yu Duxiu Throwing the palm of the hand, the rosary had fallen into the ghost's body, and then said: "Come on, drink this bowl of soup, and you can go."

The ghost was confused and subconsciously followed Yu Duxiu's meaning, drank the bowl of Meng Po soup in an instant, then turned and walked out of the Naihe Bridge.

Seeing the ghost reborn, Yu Duxiu seemed to think of something, and was shocked: "You come back to me".

It's a pity that it's too late, the man has entered the cycle of reincarnation.

"Well, this time it's awful. Princess Wansheng is still in the relic. I am afraid that Princess Wansheng will be reincarnated with the power of reincarnation. This time it is really a big game." Yu Duxiu Said with a frown.

After speaking, Yu Duxiu poured out the sacred water of emotionlessness in the golden bowl, and then instantly turned into a streamer and went away: "Next, we have to make a good plan."

"It's not good, the white snake has been reincarnated." The prince Yinsi looked ugly: "Moreover, this white snake is walking on the territory of the Buddhist school. I don't know if there will be any sequelae after reincarnation."

In the Lingshan, Da Leiyin Temple, Bingqin's mouth is smiling: "Since Hongjun has a plan, this seat should help him."

Yu Duxiu returned to the Yang world again, following the inspiring feelings, and found the reincarnated body of the man. After the man was reincarnated, Yu Duxiu sighed, "Sure enough, he is still a shepherd boy."

The reincarnation of the white snake was not very far away from the place where the boy was. Then this time the toad spirit was dispatched again. The white snake was not dead, but suffered heavy damage. The shepherd boy passed by and saw the toad about to swallow the snake. Jing, lifted the whip and drew towards the toad essence. The toad essence saw the Buddha's light on the shepherd boy's body far away, with a vast and magnificent mood, fearing the reincarnation of the Buddha's great power, he did not dare to fight, and immediately turned and left.

Looking at the dying white snake, the shepherd boy sighed slightly, picked up the white snake, found the herbal dressing, and put it in his chest.

"Your Majesty, the White Snake is afraid that it has been subjected to the calculations of the Buddhist school. This seat should have already thought about how the Buddhists would not help each other with Hongjun's relationship with the Buddhists, let alone the White Snake almost harmed the Buddhist scriptures plan back then. The cause and effect is great, and it happened to take the opportunity but the cause and effect "devil is full of blame.

Qiantian expressionlessly said: "Don't worry, this seat will naturally find the reincarnation of the white snake."

After speaking, Qiantian urged the power of the stars to sense, and then said: "I found it, I am about to save the white snake and return."

Qiantian shook the power of the stars, Yu Duxiu instantly noticed her heart, and her eyes were full of cold light: "Ghantian! I didn't expect you to dare to go to this muddy water. Since you are looking for death by yourself, no wonder I slapped my face. ".

After speaking, an edict in Yu Duxiu's hand came to Lichendongtian instantly.

"Huh?" Li Chen was meditating, looking at the edict that fell from the sky, his brows were suddenly frowned: "It's true. A white snake can't be transformed or crushed to death. I have to be so tossed, fortunately, I am in the turf. Zhongyu is going to work for you, and be a slave to you all day long."

As he spoke, Lichen instantly turned into the divine light of Lichen, disappearing into the void.

Looking at the power of the stars in the void, Yu Duxiu's finger flicked and instantly changed the cause and effect. The power of the stars actually migrated to the body of another monster. The devil and the dry sky descended from the heaven, watching the rat spirit under his feet. , Immediately looked at each other: "Anyone who was reincarnated and reborn as a mouse, this,,,, is really a nest of snakes and rats,,,,,".

"What **** things, if you are heard by the **** of insects, I have to fight with you." Prince Yin Si gave a dry glance: "Since you are in the Yang world, you will bring this rat spirit back to the heaven for training to help him prove the quasi immortal. Then the merits are fully reverted."

"Well, I'm the life of this toil." Looking at the strong astrological power on the mouse spirit, he waved his sleeves and wrapped the mouse spirit and entered the heavenly court.

The White Snake was saved, practiced for several decades, and transformed into a human form. He accidentally entered a mountain range of ‘Lishan’ and met an old mother ‘Lishan’, but followed him into the heaven and blessings of the Xianjia Cave and began the road of practice.

The boy has reincarnation for several lifetimes, and the Buddha beads are in reincarnation, and a mysterious change begins to bloom. (83 Chinese website)

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