The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1726: Wansheng appeared, compassionate

Yu Duxiu ignored Ku Rong's words. Now, in thousands of years, Yu Duxiu has already seen through her own body. Her own soul is innate and spotless, so why is there a heart ape? .

"By the way, you said that if you help you find the white snake, this seat will have great benefits. Why don't you see this benefit come, the monk has been waiting for a thousand years" Ku Rong stared at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes.

Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly, "I haven't surrendered the white snake, where can any merit come."

"Master, the disciple is now congenital Consummation, and he wants to go down the mountain, and I ask the master for permission." Bai Suzhen knelt down at the feet of Li Chen.

Li Chen looked at Bai Suzhen for thousands of years, but she also had some feelings. Looking at the white snake, she felt a little unbearable, so she woke up slightly: "You will go down the mountain this time. There will be constant disturbances, and it is very likely that you will ruin your life. , How about staying in the mountains and practicing?".

"The disciple's great grace has not been reported, please let the master give permission," Bai Suzhen said.

As he was talking, he suddenly saw the Buddha's light in the distance, and said Lichen: "It is actually the Western Guanyin Bodhisattva who has come. Come and meet me."

"The Bodhisattva came from afar, I don't know what's the matter when I come to the sky from the dust cave?" Li Chen looked at Bingqin.

Na Bingqin looked at the white snake with a pair of eyes, and then he was taken aback: "The good disciple that the old mother received is now consummated, and there are few impurities in the magic power. It is just around the corner to become an immortal sitting in a Buddha."

While speaking, Bingqin took off a string of bracelets from his wrists and said: "This bracelet is blessed by Buddhism, and it can protect your mind in the future. It is a meeting ceremony for this seat."

"Thank you Bodhisattva" Bai Suzhen respectfully took it.

"Forget it, you go down the mountain, as the teacher and the Bodhisattva still have things to discuss," said Li Chen.


The white snake bowed respectfully after hearing this, then turned and left.

"It's a pity, this white snake can be regarded as an immortal seedling. Brother Hongjun can actually bear the assassin. It would be a good thing if he was transformed into Buddhism" Li Chen said.

Bingqin smiled softly: "I am here today, Brother Miaoxiu has ordered to explain it down."

But it is said that after the Toad Essence got the inheritance of Yu Duxiu, he wandered around famous mountains and rivers, and continued to participate in Zen to practice Qi. With the help of the innate spiritual object, the bloodline power in his body was unexpectedly strong, and he continued to elevate, and his bloodline returned for four or five times. Success, and a copper coin with a square hole faintly appeared behind him.

"Huh?" On this day, the toad spirit climbed to the top of the mountain, watching the demonic flicker in the distant mountains, and suddenly smiled: "Old ancestor, I do a lot of evil, and I like to devour monsters to strengthen my blood. I didn't expect to encounter a snake monster here. It was really lucky."

After speaking, I saw that toad was transformed into a basketball size, leaped into a demon wind, and instantly descended on the court, only to see a green snake playing lazily.


The toad spirit couldn't help but bit, and directly bit at the green snake.

Suddenly attacked, this snake demon is not a vegetarian. The two sides fought, and after all, it was a toad spirit with inheritance. Although the green snake had higher mana than himself, it gradually fell into the wind. When he saw it, he would be defeated and turned and ran.

The toad spirit was chasing all the way, and the green snake that had beaten it was embarrassed. When the two sides were fighting, they suddenly saw a white shadow flashing in the jungle, and a magic sword knocked the toad spirit away.

The toad spirit stabilized his body, his Fa eyes opened, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "It turned out to be a white snake. I didn't expect that there were two snake monsters. One was caught as a maid and the other was caught as a lady. it is good".

Seeing the woman's flowery face and the moon look like a white snake, the toad spirit immediately moved his mind and made a mockery.

"court death".

The white snake was taught by Lichen Dao, and he was able to cultivate the divine light of Lichen. Although the heat is not deep, it is already quite powerful. The toad spirit has been invincible among the mountains and forests. Today, he did meet the nemesis, that Lichen The light is very powerful, but after more than a dozen rounds, the toad spirit has fallen into a disadvantage. If it is not for chanting the real name of Yu Duxiu, a part of the calamity has been reduced, I am afraid that the toad spirit has already explained here.

Watching the toad spirits run away, the white snake turned around and came to the front. The pair of snake spirits got together, but it was so tender.

"My elder sister is so capable, she actually smashed that stinky toad with her head," Green Snake cheered.

Bai Suzhen looked at the green snake and said, "Why doesn't my sister transform into a human form?"

Green Snake said: "Dao Xing is a bit shallow, and it will take some time."

At Jinshan Temple, Yu Duxiu wore a black robe and stood on a railing with her hands on her back. Looking at the mountains in the distance, she felt the toad spirit reciting his name silently, and suddenly felt a sense of it. He immediately used the toad spirit to peep into the field. Separating from this toad spirit for a hundred years, this is the first time that this fellow has used the power of his real name, and it can be seen that he has encountered an unworldly enemy.

"Huh? White snake? Which one is? Princess Wansheng?" Looking at the green snake, Yu Duxiu was stunned: "Princess Wansheng turned into a green snake, and finally found the trace of this servant. I did not expect that the white snake and The green snake actually met together under the influence of cause and effect."

Yu Duxiu thought silently, and after a while, he said, "It's really a coincidence that people are not as good as the sky. This is a coincidence. I just want to see if the White Snake Biography directed by me is still classic."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu looked at a stone pagoda in the distance. The name of the pagoda was Leifeng Pagoda. It was a memorial built by the Zhongyu Dynasty to worship Buddhist monks. It used the power of the people. , The power of the dynasty, can most restrain the destruction of all laws.

Too easy, too easy to teach the ancestors to hold the tortoise shell in his hand: "Who does Hongjun act on? Is it the princess of the snake clan? Interesting, interesting, if I don’t participate, how can I be worthy of my **** operator? The name".

"Xu Xian" Yu Duxiu smiled softly.

As he was talking, Yu Duxiu opened his eyes, and saw that the white snake and the green snake had already turned into human forms, walking into the mundane city.

These two women are snakes in the refined form, amazingly beautiful, and they are messed up by pedestrians in the past.

"Sister, you said you want to repay, but it has been a thousand years, and I don't know how many reincarnations the shepherd boy has passed, how difficult it is to find it" Xiaoqing twisted his waist, looking at the distance, I don't know how many idiots planted instantly. Fell to the ground and fell into the West Lake.

"The sound of Buddha over there is vast, but it is a Buddhist temple. My master has friendship with Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva knows the suffering of all living beings. Maybe you can ask the Bodhisattva about this." The white snake took Xiaoqing and came to Jinshan Temple not far away. Bodhisattva temple.

Xiaoqing looked at the Jinshan Temple and said: "Sister, I don't know why, I always feel that there seems to be a terrifying force lurking in the Jinshan Temple, or let's leave the origin here."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, there is a sister, and I will never tell you to show your true shape." The white snake took the green snake to the Guanyin Temple, looked at the statue of Guanyin, fell to the ground and prayed: "Bodhisattva is on top, The disciple Bai Suzhen also asked Niang Niang for advice on how to find the place where the benefactor is."

Bai Suzhen's obsession with the shepherd boy was used by the relics. The relics wanted to be Consummation, and the induction naturally produced. Although the relics had been refined by the white snake, the induction still existed.

"By the West Lake, at the broken bridge, on a cloudy and rainy day, sharing a thousand years of fate in the same boat" came the voice of Miaomiao, and the statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva blinked Thank you Bodhisattva, thank you Bodhisattva for guidance." Na Bai Suzhen Repeatedly kowtow.

Looking at the sincerely complex Bai Suzhen, Bingqin in the sky from the dusty sigh softly: "Poor man, this white snake is just calculated by the Yin Si. Poor man. The Yin Si wants to kill with a knife. It is a pity that my brother reincarnated and returned. The road to heaven is boundless, beyond the Yinsi's calculations. This white snake is also a pitiful person."

Li Chen looked at Bingqin and sighed softly, "It's better to persuade Hongjun Dao brother."

Bingqin bit her lip when she heard the words: "That's true, one more friend has one more way, it is better to think of a separate way to resolve the cause and effect, why bother with the insect god, I will persuade Hongjun."

After speaking, Bingqin turned and left, heading towards Jinshan Temple.

"Everything is in place" Yu Duxiu praised with her palm.

"Jade Duxiu" Bingqin walked out of the void.

Looking at her cheap master, Yu Duxiu wry smile on her face: "Why are you here?" (83 Chinese website)

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