The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1731: Night party insect god

Looking at the white snake, Qian Tian and the Crown Prince of Yin Si have been raising up for a long time, and they don't know how to talk. This is a bit of a mess, and they have a son-in-law for others. How do you ask the Crown Prince of Yin and Gan Tian to speak.

"Let's talk! What the **** is going on!" Looking at the expressions of Gan Tian and Prince Yinsi, the insect **** frowned, and suddenly felt an unpleasant smell.

"Niang Niang, because Qiantian was wrong about the person, he took a mouse as the reincarnation of the white woman, but it was a waste of thousands of years. A few days ago, my nephew spent thousands of hard work and finally found it in Zhongyu. The reincarnation of the white lady" Prince Yinsi thought while narrating.

"Now that I found it, wouldn't it be great? Just bring it back." Chong Shen's expression was a little slow.

"But, my nephew is a step late, who knows that the white lady has been calculated by Hongjun, combined with a mortal in the common world, my nephew is a step too late," the Yinsi prince said helplessly: "If there is no such thing as a mess of heaven Thousands of years have been missed, and thousands of years have been wasted for nothing. My nephew will definitely not make such a big omission.

"What?" Hearing the words of Prince Yinsi, the insect **** suddenly became furious: "Asshole, how did you promise me at the time?".

After speaking, looking at the aggrieved prince of Yinsi, he turned his head and looked at Gantian: "I don't know what your Majesty wants to say?".

Qian Tian smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "It's all my fault, let my mother punish me, if I didn't admit the wrong person, this kind of thing would not happen."

Seeing Gantian admit his mistake, Chongshen's expression was slightly awkward: "When you are born with this kind of thing, I don't know what you two want to explain to me?".

After hearing this, a vicious flash flashed in Na Qiantian's eyes: "That Xu Xian will be killed."

"Do you want your daughter to be a widow?" Chong Shen glared at Gan Tian.

Gantian was speechless, and after a while, he said, "Or think of a way to break up the marriage?".

"I am afraid that Hongjun is doing the calculations behind his back. I don't know what Hongjun is calculating?" A worrisome color flashed in the eyes of the insect god: "Where is Miaoxiu?"

"It's in the Jinshan Temple in the Middle Territory," Prince Yin Si quickly said.

"I went to meet Jade Duxiu in person. I have not been born in a million years. I miss it very much." After the insect **** said, he glanced at the Crown Prince Yinsi: "Would you not be instigating this matter? This kind of meeting has developed to such a point now that you can't shirk the blame. If you can't give this seat a satisfactory explanation, please don't blame this seat for turning your back on you."

After speaking, the worm **** figure merged into the void out of thin air, and he had lost his trace.

Jinshan Temple, Yu Duxiu stands on the highest floor of Jinshan Temple, overlooking the entire city of Suzhou. The lights under Jinshan Temple are brightly lit, and there are endless pilgrims coming and going. Even in the dark, it is still lively as before.

Since returning from Yaochi, Yu Duxiu has been standing here. It has been a day and a night. Looking at the dimly lit crowd, Yu Duxiu can only feel a moment of emptiness: "The east wind leaves flowers and trees in the night, and the stars are like rain. , BMW carved cars fragrant all over the road, phoenix flute sounded, jade pot light turned, all night fish and dragon dance!

Mo'er Xueliu with golden strands, smiled and scented, looking for him thousands of times in the crowd, and suddenly returned, but the man was in the dim light."

"Unexpectedly, the famous Duxiu in the heavens and ten thousand realms, but it is a good literary talent, not only has supernatural powers, but also has a better literary talent." A dark fragrance struck, but the insect **** appeared beside Yu Duxiu, and his hands lightly patted , His eyes were full of admiration: "If Hongjun Taoist friend banished the mortal, I'm afraid to shame the countless literati and ink guests."

Yu Duxiu sighed softly: "Unfortunately, Hong Chen can't keep my heart."

After hearing the words, the insect **** looked at the traffic and horses below, and Yu Duxiu said: "The insect **** has never been out of the border for a million years. I don't know how to come to my Jinshan Temple this time."

The insect **** sighed softly: "It's not for the White Lady."

"Oh!" Yu Duxiu was silent.

"You should know that with the strength of the white lady at that time, it was impossible to steal the relic. This matter was originally the underworld playing tricks. Everything is the calculation of the underworld. If you don't look for the trouble of the mastermind behind, The little snake demon entangled endlessly, and spread the reputation of Brother Dirty Dao. "The insect **** looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes. There is no doubt that the insect **** began to agitate.

"Unfortunately, the Yinsi dared to calculate me secretly. This seat is naturally unwilling to show weakness and will come back in the future. It is a pity that my Buddha bone relic was swallowed by this white lady. You should know that I have reincarnated nine times, and the tenth world is complete. How much, it is impossible for the tenth generation to work hard to turn into running water." Yu Duxiu looked at the insect god.

The insect **** was silent when he heard this. If this matter was changed to another person, I am afraid that the killing would have been done long ago, because the white lady is her own descendant, so she can deal with it now.

"If you ask Lady Bai to return my Buddha bone relics, I can spare my life, and the cause and effect of both parties will end here," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"The White Lady has refined the Buddha bone relics, it is impossible to take them out, unless you kill the White Lady" Chong Shen looked at Yu Duxiu with bright eyes.

Yu Duxiu chuckled, "You can't, but I can".

While speaking, Yu Duxiu pointed to Xu Xian's mansion in the distance: "The insect **** must have come to Xingshi to inquire about sin. If I said that this is the only way to retrieve the relic without killing the white snake, you are sure Do not believe".

"I believe" Chongshen's expression suddenly changed when he heard the words: "If someone else said this, I would definitely not believe it, but what you said, I would definitely believe."

"Oh, I didn't expect the Insect God to trust me so much" Yu Duxiu was taken aback.

"We are all the same kind of people, we are all innate gods, we are not the same as those born after birth. I don't trust you, who else can I trust" Insect God smiled bitterly: "It's really hard for you. The disguise is so good that none of the supreme powers have discovered your innate soul. If it weren't for this seat as a Dacheng innate beast, I'm afraid it would not be able to sense the slightest energy."

Yu Duxiu was stunned when he heard the words, this insect **** actually sensed that his own soul had degenerated into the innate soul, and he regarded himself as the innate god, as the same kind of person.

Yu Duxiu did not argue with the words. In a certain sense, Yu Duxiu is indeed an innate god, which is different from the acquired creatures in this mundane. Even the so-called supreme powerhouse is still just an acquired creature. That's it.

In fact, the acquired creatures and the innate gods have their own advantages and disadvantages. The exhibition space of the innate gods is constrained innately, but when they are born, they are already the proud son of heaven, and they control a certain law of heaven and earth. The strongest.

And what about the born creatures? .

Although it was born weak and small, even the innate gods could blow it to death in one breath, but there is unlimited space for development, and even free from the constraints of the world.

"Can you really get that relic out?" The insect **** was taken aback.

Yu Duxiu rolled her eyes: "Otherwise, as this seat, how can you be struggling with a quasi-superior realm of ants, and when you have that time, you still have to go to enlightenment, and there is no time to waste."

While speaking, Yu Duxiu looked at the lights in the distance and said: "There are no good things, thankless things, do you think this seat will do it?".

"No profit can't afford to be early" Chong Shen sighed: "But you hired a cheap son-in-law for this seat."

"That is better than your daughter being killed by my town. In order not to hurt her life, but to take back the relics, I don’t know how much energy it took. You think that the white lady can escape from cause and effect when she enters the reincarnation. Have you been investigated by this seat? If so, it would be too simple to think about this seat." Yu Duxiu shook his head and smiled disdainfully.

The insect **** looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "The white snake is left to you."

Yu Duxiu chuckled: "The white snake has stolen the relic of this seat, after all, it can't be stolen like this in a little bit of skin and flesh, not too much."

"Bitterness of flesh and flesh? Is it interesting?" Chong God glared at Yu Duxiu.

It's really hard to imagine that the two guys who were dead and alive the last time they met have turned their fights into jade. It's not that the two sides are big, but they have lived too long. Some things have been seen too much, and they have been taken down.

"Under the Leifeng Pagoda, the sky has been thundering for twenty years" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"Thanks a lot" Chongshen saluted Yu Duxiu.

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