The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1736: Come to Yugu (5 days left)

To Yu Duxiu, Mang Huang is like his own back garden, but to other monks, it is a wolf’s nest, terrifying. Even the quasi-superpower, if he walks carelessly in the wild, It is also difficult to move an inch.

The quasi-superior powerhouse walks cautiously in the wilderness, not to mention the two snake monsters of the realm of good fortune. Fortunately, the snake monster is a monster clan after all, and the supreme powerhouse in the wilderness cannot be dealt with under the skin The monsters in the realm of good fortune, the white snake and the green snake, only deal with the challenges of some alien beasts.

Don't think that alien beasts are easy to bully, because alien beasts are more terrifying. They may not have high mana and deep realm, but they have extremely strange magical powers.

In three days, under Yu Duxiu's deliberate arrangement, the two snake spirits were lucky enough to return and come back alive.

Looking at the two snake spirits who were in a state of dust and disorder, their black and white impermanence eyelids jumped, and a pair of eyes quietly glanced at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu put down the chess piece in her hand, turned and left without saying a word.

The poisonous fog in Suzhou City is undoubtedly unraveled. All this is not important to Yu Duxiu. What he cares about is when the relic inside the white snake can be attracted by the remaining relics. .

The days passed a little bit, and in a blink of an eye it was a year. On this day, Yu Duxiu, who was bored playing with the porcelain cup in the Jinshan Temple, suddenly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the Xuxian mansion, with a smile on his mouth: " It's done".

That Bai Niangzi finally got a fire, others didn’t know, but Yu Duxiu knew that her eight rosary beads had entered the Bai Niangzi’s abdomen, under the subtle power of those eight rosary beads and the innate Hunyuan embryo. , The relic that was refined by the white lady actually returned to his place and merged with the other eight rosary beads, and the two sides instantly merged to form nine perfect rosary beads.

Yu Duxiu's mouth was smiling, and she scanned the surrounding void with her eyes: "There must be some old immortals who are ready to take the opportunity to seize the house, and then refine the nine relics and turn them into the status of humanity, immortal, and wait until the white lady. When an heir is born, it must be a terrible battle."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu looked into the distance with a pair of eyes, frowning: "Would you like to kick Wang Daoling out of the game? I'm afraid this servant will mess things up."

"Master" the colorful divine light flickered in the void, Kong Xuan came to Yu Duxiu's body: "Amitabha called me to protect the Master."

Yu Duxiu looked at Kong Xuan with a pair of eyes, and shook her head: "Your master, I am a no-brainer. Why do you need someone to protect the law? You think too much. It depends on your master's methods. Your master has a lot of skills. You can learn something."

"Wang Daoling, the white lady resolved the plague in the city, what do you say?" Hei Wuchang looked at Wang Daoling viciously.

Wang Daoling frowned: "Grandpa Hei Wuchang, this kind of thing is not my calculation. There are countless capable people in the heavens and all realms. Isn't it normal to be able to crack?".

The black impermanence and the white impermanence looked at each other, and there was a touch of helplessness in their eyes. Before, they saw with their own eyes how the white snake resolved the plague, but there was nothing they could do.

"If you think about it again, there is any way to ruin the marriage between Xu Xian and Bai Niangzi. Remember, there is only one chance. If you do something wrong this time, don't blame our brothers for turning their faces and ruthlessly.

In the territory of the Insect God, Nine Head Insect looked at the Insect God with an ugly expression: "Mother God, you just agreed to Miaoxiu? What about the Father God? Now the snake tribe is almost extinct by Miaoxiu."

Nine-headed insects looked at the insect **** with a sad face, and the insect **** was expressionless when he heard the words. He was just a small insect in his scrubbing hands: "Miaoxiu has calculations, and Weimian naturally has calculations. If you care about so many things, you go. Be prepared. It won’t be long before your Father God will return. Don’t talk nonsense and reveal the secrets.”

"Mother, have you found Miaoxiu's gourd to seal my father?" Nine-headed insects said with joy.

The **** of insects looked at Nine-headed insects with a weird smile: "Why find the place where your father **** is sealed? My zerg and snake clan have countless secret methods. Shallow, when you reach the quasi-superior realm, you will know the power of my Zerg and Snake."

After speaking, a little rune lingered in the eyes of the insect god: "You can see what you are superior to by means."

"You stared at the White Snake and Xu Xian for me, don't want to be murdered. I always feel a little uneasy for the teacher. Since the arrival of the insect god, the uneasiness in my heart can't be cut off." After finishing speaking, Yu Duxiu stretched out his palm, and saw a crutch with a chaotic gourd in his hand. The next moment he saw Yu Duxiu insert the crutch on the pavilion, and then Yu Duxiu instantly turned into a streamer and disappeared into the void. In, the trail is missing.

In the world opened up by the chaotic gourd, the water, wind, and fire in the gourd have calmed down, and the laws of the world have begun to evolve. Outside the world’s fetal membrane, the snake **** is seen by a dark chain hole pierced by seven inches, immortal Where is it hanging? After so many days, the snake **** seems to have given up struggling. The nine gourd babies are absorbing the origin of the world boringly in the distance, staring at the snake **** with their eyes.

"Snake God!" Yu Duxiu came to the front of the snake god. The thousand-foot-high golden body of the snake **** has converged and turned into a normal man's size.

"Miaoxiu, don't tell me to go out, otherwise this seat will definitely frustrate you and shake everything out of you." The snake **** stared at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes, and wanted to choose someone to eat.

Yu Duxiu stretched out her palm, and a black lotus flickered slowly: "In fact, if you want this seat to let you go, it is not impossible to discuss."

"Oh?" The snake **** was noncommittal.

"As long as you can integrate this lotus into your supreme real body" Yu Duxiu said.

"Bah, you bastard, maybe you are thinking about how to calculate your Lao Tzu, even if Lao Tzu would rather be trapped here, he will never compromise" the snake **** slobbered at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu's yin and yang currents turned, and the saliva was turned away, and her eyes looked at the snake **** with pity: "Why? No matter how powerful you are, these hundreds of millions of demon and even the entire demon world are constantly flowing. Tapping your strength, how long do you think you can hold on, even the explosive ape will be Taoistized by Laozi, let alone you!".

After speaking, Yu Duxiu was taken aback for a moment, and she muttered: "Boom! Boom! Boom! Hahaha, I thought about it, I thought about it, I'm really I have forgotten all these things. I sacrificed that Explosive Ape into the Immortal Slashing Flying Sword. Both of you are supremely powerful. I don’t know if this Explosive Ape can tear your golden body."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu turned around and walked out of the chaotic gourd without saying a word.


Yu Duxiu retracted her cane and looked at Kong Xuan with her eyes: "If you have something to do with this seat, you will go back. You can take care of me here."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu disappeared instantly.

East China Sea, Tanggu, the void is distorted, Yu Duxiu's black robe appears above Tanggu.

The jade-colored brilliance flowed in a pair of eyes, and Yu Duxiu nodded: "Diantian has the intention to ambush many masters here, but for my existence, they are all chickens and dogs."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu swaggered into the Tanggu, and the countless guards turned a blind eye to Yu Duxiu.

"Crack quack ~".

Feeling the aura of Yu Duxiu, one of the ten princes who had been practicing quietly thrashed in an instant, left the team, and came toward Yu Duxiu.

"You kid, it's exciting." Yu Duxiu watched the basketball-sized golden crow crash into her arms, with a slight smile in her eyes: "You work hard, and the outside world is very wide. Don't delay your practice, for your father. This time I have something to do, so I won’t play with you for now.”

As he spoke, Yu Duxiu stretched out his palm, and the yellow gourd on the tenth prince flew out and fell into Yu Duxiu's hands.

"Bang Yuan, long time no see," Yu Duxiu said.

"Hmph, I would rather never meet with you." A muffled voice came from the gourd.

Yu Duxiu looked at the gourd, and suddenly said, "You old thing, it's a good chance."

There are still five days for the White Snake to end, well, sooner or later, we will post together, and we will update together. (To be continued.)

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