The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1738: Realgar

"Of course, otherwise, why should the white snake be pregnant?" Yu Duxiu said.

The insect **** looked at Yu Duxiu suspiciously, but he didn't believe it, and shook his head without saying much.

"Boy, see what this is?" Bai Wuchang took a large yellow stone in his hand and came to the toad.

"Realgar" centipede ancestor said.

"Millions of years of realgar, hum, this time the prince made a big sum of money in order to make Na Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen part ways. As long as the realgar is soaked in wine for millions of years, Bai Suzhen can drink it, and Bai Suzhen must show off his original form. , Parted ways with that Xuxian" Bai Wuchang sneered: "Your task is to give this realgar to that Xuxian, ask him to soak the wine, give the white lady a drink, and the plan is done."

"It's easy" Toad Jing overjoyed when he heard the words: "It's easy to say, easy to say, the two masters can rest assured that this is something that is small."

After speaking, the toad slapped his **** and stood up and walked towards the city of Suzhou.

At this time, the toad is very careful and affectionate. The cultivation base has reached the realm of great good fortune, and it is not far from perfection. As long as the good students are practicing for a period of time, their own magical powers are great, and then they will do their best to promote the return of blood to the ancestors. .

But he said that the toad spirit came to the city of Suzhou and stared at Xu Xian's mansion from a distance: "The white lady is already pregnant, but I am not interested. The young girl is not bad. It would be nice to marry back and be a concubine." .

While talking, he saw that Xu Xian returned from Baozhitang, and instantly ran downstairs to stop Xu Xian: "Xu Gongzi, Xu Gongzi, poor Taoist King Daoling, you are polite."

"You Dao, why are you always entangled, don't want to bother me, leave quickly" Na Xu Xian annoyed when he saw Wang Daoling, angrily reprimanded.

Wang Daoling said with a serious face: "Master Xu, listen to my words. After this sentence, I will leave immediately. I will never harass Master Xu in the future."

"Oh? What are you talking about?" Xu Xian stared at Wang Daoling.

Wang Daoling took out the million-year-old realgar in his hand and said to Xu Xian, "Can you recognize this thing?"

"This is realgar, and it's an old realgar." Xu Xian looked at the realgar, and a dazzling light flashed in his eyes: "This is the first time I have seen such a good realgar. If it is used as medicine, it is best. Up".

Having said that, Xu Xian said, "How much is your realgar, please quote a price."

Wang Daoling sneered when he heard the words, and pulled Xu Xian aside: "Do you know how expensive this realgar is? Even if you sell Baozhitang, you can't afford the leftovers of this realgar."

Looking at Xu Xian's apparently unbelieving expression, Wang Daoling said: "This realgar can almost be traced back to the era of the creation of the earth and it has a history of millions of years. You say you can't afford it."

"Really?" Xu Xian was taken aback.

Wang Daoling didn’t talk nonsense with him, but said: “I said your lady is a snake demon, you don’t believe it, so let’s take this realgar home quietly, soak it in the wine secretly, and wait until the Dragon Boat Festival. Drink it, your lady, and see if your lady is a snake demon."

Xu Xian looked at Wang Daoling and was indeed annoyed by the Taoist priest: "Okay, just as you said, but you are not allowed to pester me in the future."

After speaking, Wang Daoling looked at Xu Xian and passed the realgar in his hand. Xu Xian held the realgar and wanted to pull it, but he did not pull it: "Hey, you Taoist priest, will you give me the realgar? Up?".

"Give! Give! Give! What to give, this is a treasure, who said it was for you, you kid has used up the realgar, and after the Dragon Boat Festival, you still need to return this realgar to me, but don’t make a mistake, let’s Let's just say, this realgar is just for you to use, not really for you." Wang Daoling grabbed the realgar, his face full of dismay.

Seeing Wang Daoling's expression, Xu Xian immediately knew that the realgar was precious, and he pulled it hard, and pulled it from Wang Daoling's hand: "Don't worry."

"I said Xu Xian, you don't want to play tricks, otherwise the poor Dao will have to fight you hard," said Wang Daoling.

"I know, I know, if I'm shameless, then Dao Baozhi will smash me," Xu Xiandao said.

Wang Daoling snorted: "Your Baozhitang is not worth the money of this realgar. This realgar is priceless. If you lose it, you will have to pay for it if you lose it."

That Wang Daoling nagging, watching Xu Xian walk away, still refused to take his gaze back.

Na Xu Xian looked at the realgar in his hand, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it, and then said: "It is indeed a treasure. Even if it is not a million years as the Taoist priest said, it should not be too young. Seeing that Taoist is heartbroken. It looks like a crack, I'm afraid it is really an incredible treasure."

After speaking, Xu Xian's expression instantly became gloomy: "This Taoist priest swears, is the lady really a snake demon?".

Looking at the Xuanhuang in his hand, Xu Xian had a lump in his heart. He stopped halfway and turned back to Baozhitang.

"Why is Young Master Xu back again?"

"Good owner."

"Good owner."

Xu Xian was too late to respond to everyone’s questioning. He hurried to the back hall, looked for the wine jar, looked at the realgar in his hand, put it in, and sealed it up: “It’s just for the Taoist priest to see, it’s also good to call it. The Taoist priest died".

After speaking, Xu Xian carefully placed the wine jar before returning to his Xu mansion.

"Why did Xiang Gong come back so late today?" The White Lady looked at Xu Xiandao.

"Baozhitang was a little busy today. There is still aftermath to deal with the plague last time," Xu Xian said absently.

Then Bai Suzhen said: "Why does Xiang Gong look ugly?"

Xu Xian smiled softly after hearing the words: "Xu is too tired today. By the way, this summer, there are a lot less flies and mosquitoes in our mansion."

When Bai Suzhen heard the words, her complexion changed without a trace, and then she chuckled: "Really? I didn't pay attention. By the way, Qing'er, the dead girl, didn't know where to go to play, why didn't she come back for dinner? ".

Xu Xian did not speak when he heard the words, but stared at the river dumbly with a pair of eyes.

"What on earth is the insect **** calculating?" Yu Duxiu stood on the pavilion with a solemn expression, standing against a railing.

After speaking, a pair of eyes looked in the direction of Da Leiyin Temple: "I have to ask if this white lady is willing to enter my Buddhism and become a bodhisattva. As long as the white lady is saved into the Buddhism, he will be a worm if he has a hostage. If God has any conspiracy and tricks, I can't even think of it."

Da Leiyin Bingqin looked at the decree in his hand, and showed a helpless look: "Jade Duxiu, as a fellow, I don’t know what tossing around all day, and now he is going to Zhongyu again. Once".

On the second day, Xu Xian went out of Baozhitang, and the white lady said: "My child has been pregnant for a few months now, and I have to go to the temple to burn incense, and I would like to ask the Bodhisattva for his advice."

"Sister, we are monsters, why go to worship Buddhism" Xiao Qing reluctantly said.

"The Buddhism is vast, and the authenticity is just now. The strong man in the Great Leiyin Temple of Buddhism is like a cloud, and there are two detached strong men in the world. It is really a prosperous. Being a Bodhisattva Dangdang is also good," said the White Lady.

While talking, Bai Niangzi and Jia Ding came to the Guanyin Temple again, then knelt to the ground, and began to pay off.

"Bai Suzhen".

When the statue of the Bodhisattva moved, she saw Guanshiyin Bodhisattva walking out of the statue.

"The disciple is here." Bai Suzhen respectfully knelt down. Although his cultivation base is as high as the Bodhisattva, he can't stand the Bodhisattva's status higher than himself.

"Seeing you devote yourself to worshiping the Buddha, I am very respectful, with a Buddha nature in my heart, and destined for my Buddhist school. How about going to my Buddhist school and becoming a bodhisattva?" Bingqin asked.

Bodhisattvas, among the Buddhist schools, can also be regarded as powerful figures, the core figures among the core figures.

"I believe that the Bodhisattva will not abandon, and the disciples are willing to join the Buddhism, and I also ask the Bodhisattva to teach." Bai Suzhen lowered her head and looked respectful, but she couldn't help it.

Bingqin nodded: "After you pay back the kindness of Xuxian, I am afraid there will be a lot of calamity. After the merits are completed, you can enter my Buddhist house and be blessed by my Buddhist school. This is the Buddha's golden lotus. You must integrate it into your soul. Nourishment at moderate temperature will naturally protect you from invasion in the future."

As he spoke, Bingqin disappeared, and only a golden lotus stopped in front of the white lady, shining brightly. (To be continued.)

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