The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1761: Old tortoise 1 hit the universe

Pangu banners deserved to be among the three magic weapons of Pangu, the magic weapon of the main attack, the wolf god, when he met, was smashed by Yu Duxiu.

"Prime Minister Turtle, I have work." After Yu Duxiu finished speaking, he actually ignored the confrontation in the venue, and ignored the counterattack of the wolf god, and instantly came to the snake god. Pangu flags mixed up, and instantly removed it. It turned into powder, and the real body shattered again.

"No, stop it soon."

The demon gods in the wild panic, the wolf **** also hurriedly grabbed Yu Duxiu, but Yu Duxiu sneered, ignoring the attacks of the people, and took out the Qingteng stick in his hand, hanging from it. With the gourd, he took away from the snake god.



As if it was raining, the twenty-four congenital spirit treasures were hit indiscriminately, regardless of the enemy and me, and the sound of "bang, bang, bang, bang, bang" in the field was constantly sounding, and the 24 congenital spirit treasures were smashed. , The supreme powerhouses were caught off guard and instantly turned to ashes, Sanqing returned to the body, the Seven Star Sword was carried on Yu Duxiu's back, King Kongzhuo was worn on the wrist, and the Three Treasure Ruyi fell into the sleeve.

The gourd opened, and the snake **** still resisted, but saw Yu Duxiu's diamond smash it out, causing the snake **** to lose the power of resistance and was instantly taken away by Yu Duxiu.


Countless chains clashed, and God’s will was like a knife, and instantly penetrated the seven inches of the snake god, and locked it firmly in the gourd. At this time, the seven gourd children came to the snake **** and held it down. The whole body of the zombie was beaten and kicked one by one, and he gritted his teeth.

"Huh" Yu Duxiu instantly converged the gourd and stood blankly in the field. The power of disaster in the void continued to gather, and Yu Duxiu's body slowly recovered.

Old Tortoise shot twenty-four congenital spirit treasures, which immediately stunned everyone. At this time, Yu Duxiu had taken the snake god, and the confrontation in the field was temporarily over.

"Hongjun! Hand over the snake god" The insect **** looked at Yu Duxiu, gritted his teeth.

Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back and looked towards the void. After a while, she said, "You are not a fool. Since this seat has taken the snake god, how can you let this snake **** run out".

Chaotian, Fuyao, and Taisu came to Yu Duxiu. The chaotic clock in front of Yuanshi Tianzun was long and simple, and the sound was magnificent and simple. Taishi Jiaozu and Taidou Jiaozu stood aside, watching the confrontation in the field coldly.

"Jade Duxiu! The snake **** really refuses to hand it over?" Fox God stared at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes.

"Either I live or he lives. Only one of the two of us can live in this world. In fact, letting go of the snake **** is nothing wrong with this seat. It's just a mistake. This old thing knows "There are a lot of things" Yu Duxiu is not hurried.

"Count you cruel" After the Fox God finished speaking, he turned and left without hesitation. Now that Yu Duxiu has taken the snake god, it is naturally impossible to hand it over.

After the fox **** left, the demon gods took a look at the scene and then at Yu Duxiu. The meaning in their eyes is complicated and difficult to understand. After today's battle, Yu Duxiu is afraid that he will be on the top of the heavens. Those who wait for the supreme power will not dare to ignore their edge.

When all the demon gods left, the arrogance of the insect **** was suppressed instantly, and a pair of eyes looked at Yu Duxiu with hatred, and instantly turned into a stream of light.

"Thank you too much." Yu Duxiu looked at the Taishijiazuo and Taidoujiazuo.

The ancestor Taishi did not say much, but the ancestor Taidou chuckled: "After all, it is a human race. If you sit and watch you get bullied, it is always bad."

Yu Duxiu nodded when she heard the words: "It's also considered intentional."

A pair of eyes looked at Sihai Longjun, and his gaze fell on Jinlin's body for a moment, and Yu Duxiu looked at Donghai Longjun again: "Treasure Longjun."


Sihai Longjun turned and left, facing the sky and said: "Just let the dragons go?"

"What can you do if you let it go? What can you do if you don't let it go?" Yu Duxiu said lightly.

"Dead?" The three of Chaotian looked at each other, their eyes full of stunnedness.

"Donghai Longjun, I'm afraid that time is running out." Yu Duxiu's eyes were constantly intertwined with purple air. I don't know why, the moment he looked at Donghai Longjun, this thought surged in Yu Duxiu's heart.

"Aren't you kidding me? I think Donghai Longjun is healthy and his innate Lingbao is stable, so how could he say that his life span is running out," Fu Yao doubted.

Yu Duxiu shook her head: "I would like to thank all the fellow daoists for their help this time, and I will thank you again in the future."

"Don't say any polite words, in fact, everyone knows that this time we came here a bit too much. The old tortoise has too many innate spirit treasures. It's really abnormal." Tai Su Jiaozu smiled bitterly.

"That's wrong, this old tortoise actually has 36 innate spirit treasures, and there is a large innate formation on its back. If there is a fight, this old thing is the first person in the heavens and the world, but the realm is not stable now." Duxiu is not hurried or slow.

"Hiss~~~" Everyone took a breath, and the Taishijiazu and Taidoujiazu also had distorted faces. Although the tortoise was not seen, they were afraid that Taiyijiazu and Amitabha were the first person in the world. , Need to change.

"Miaoxiu, I'm leaving." Tai Dou Jiaozu glanced at Yu Duxiu, with emotion, turned and left.

Taishi taught ancestors followed closely, pulling the original heavenly king away.

"What are your plans now?" Chaotian said.

"Retreat. This ancient flag should have come out to resolve grievances after some promotion. Who knows that Xu Shilin came early. According to the arrangement of this seat, Xu Shilin will not be the champion until he is 40 years old. I don't know which **** is secretly. Calculate me" Yu Duxiu gritted his teeth.

The Chaotian trio frowned, did not say much, turned and left.

Looking at the empty space and the chaotic Suzhou city below, Yu Duxiu sighed helplessly. In an instant, countless demon flew out and entered the heart of the mortal, and began to calm down.

"Let's go, let's go to retreat. Although the Pangu flag and the chaotic clock are infinitely powerful, they are only illusory things. If they can be turned into entities, we can take this qualitative step. Vaillant will increase to an incredible level," Yu Duxiu said.

After speaking, the two tore apart the void and disappeared.

"Unexpectedly, Miaoxiu's cultivation has reached this state." At the Thirty-Three Heavenly Lingxiao Palace, Qian Tian showed a touch of loss in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, you have done a good job, but that Miaoxiu is too abnormal. If it weren't for the unlucky ghost, the concubines would doubt that Miaoxiu was the reincarnation of the unlucky ghost." Xihe comforted Qiantian softly. .

"You don't need to think about the seal of the emperor. With the power of Miaoxiu now, the heaven and the world dare to say that he can take the seal of the emperor from Miaoxiu's hands." Qian Tian cried and laughed again and again.

"This time, the race war is really not far away, but I don't know what the attitudes of all parties are?" Xi He said.

In Lingshan Pure Land, Wukong scratched his head and scratched his head: "The power of my master is really unfathomable. Even if it is the law of my old Sun Zheng's strength, when facing the Pangu banner, I am afraid that I will be willing to bow down."

"It's not so exaggerated. You may not be able to resist the Pangu flags today, but after Hongjun's exit this time, the power of the Pangu flags will really not be something you can resist." Amitabh said unhurriedly.

Wukong was shocked when he heard this: "Is it possible that the power of the Pangu flag can continue to be improved?".

"Yes, the power of this ancient flag can still be upgraded to a new level" Amitabha said.

"Hiss~~~" Wukong took a deep Tanggu, Bursting Ape focused on the battle of the void with one eye. After the battle was over, he grinned and took a breath. "Mother, it seems that I can only play with Miaoxiu in this life. This fellow's cultivation level has reached an incredible level. Even if my ancestor is making breakthroughs in my cultivation, I am definitely not an opponent of this fellow. Didn't you see that the fox gods are squashed in the hands of this kid?".

Thinking of this, a wave of decadence rose in the heart of the explosive ape. This is too unfair. How much hardship did he suffer to prove the way back then, how is Miaoxiu now? .

Excluding the middle five thousand years of reincarnation time, it is only a few hundred years old. Compared with Yu Duxiu's, Bang Yuan only feels that he has lived on a dog.

"This is too unfair," Bakusha muttered and returned to the arms of the ten prince.


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