The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1768: I'm not participating, you bit me

"Big Brother can actually change his mind." Jin Lin came behind Donghai Longjun.

"Oh?" Donghai Longjun was taken aback.

"Big Brother can discuss with Han Wei. After the Alliance has fought for some benefits in this world of great competition, it is not too late to divide the competition. After all, we should not damage the interests of our dragon and flood dragons because of the grievances between the two sides. Everyone They are all old monks who have practiced for millions of years. Any personal grievances cannot be put aside. The distribution of benefits is only once in a million years. Who knows what will happen after a million years? This opportunity should not be missed. "Jin Lin looked at Donghai Longjun with bright eyes.

Donghai Longjun smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "Our Dragon and Flood Dragons are mortal enemies, and we don't even have a chance to sit down."

"You can ask Princess Ao Le to be the person who pierces the needle. Princess Ao Le is the princess of my East China Sea, and even the princess of the dragon family. In the future, the big brother of the East China Sea will give it to Ao Le. The cold dragon family only has Le. Such an heir, speaking of it, is not all of Le'er's industry, the eldest brother is fighting against that Han Yan, and all that is lost is Le'er's heritage." Jin Lin said.

"That's true, it makes sense. I will go and have fun and talk about it." Donghai Longjun said, then turned and left.

Seeing Donghai Longjun going away, Jinlin shook his head without saying much.

On the 32nd heaven, Tai Yi Jiaozu looked at the supreme powerhouses: "Okay, my human race is so united, so why worry about it being impossible!".

"Wait," Tai Su Jiaozu spoke at this time, interrupting Tai Yi Jiaozu's words.

The eyelids of the ancestors twitched slightly, and Tai Yi taught ancestors to grasp the tortoise shell in their hands and said: "Tai Su, what do you say? In the face of racial justice, it is my duty to do our best for the race."

"I'm too long to withdraw from the human race Kyushu in a few days and leave for a long distance. This human race will be handed over to you, and this seat is not interested in fighting," Tai Su taught the ancestor unhurriedly.

"Tai Su! What do you mean? Now that my human race is facing the biggest disaster, you actually choose to escape? Choose to split my human race, where do you put my human race?" Tai Yi taught the ancestors of cold light.

"Oh, it's too easy, you old thing is too long-winded, if you call us over, it's such a long-winded thing, we really don’t have to talk about it. I don’t want to listen to your righteous and awe-inspiring nonsense, this human race Kyushu is the Kyushu of your nine supreme sects, and it has nothing to do with this seat. I want Lao Tzu to help you shameless guys, but it’s not a dream. It is too much to think about your own face. "It's big." Yu Duxiu smiled coldly, interrupting Tai Yi Jiaozu.

"Miaoxiu! You are also a member of Human Race. Although everyone has conflicts, they are all internal matters. How innocent are countless ordinary people of my Human Race?" Tai Yi Jiaozu said angrily.

"Huh! What can I do if I'm a member of the human race? I just don't work, and you have the ability to bite me? How can you stand me? Young master, I don't work hard, maybe I will take the opportunity to catch fire in the backyard, and the demon The beasts join hands and looting, what can you do to me?" Yu Duxiu looked at Tai Yi Jiaozu with disdain, but was angry, Tai Yi Jiaozu's violent veins, and his body was trembling: "I can't help but wait. Where you are, but today's race wars are related to the fate of trillions of sentient beings in the future of our human race,,,,,,".

"It’s fine if you know that I’m sorry. Since you know you’re sorry, and you still have a face to say these things to me, if I were you, I would immediately find a place to dig a pit and bury myself and join hands with you. I'm afraid I didn't die in the hands of the Yaozu, but died in your hands." Yu Duxiu interrupted Tai Yi Jiaozu's words.

"Oh, this seat has lost the heart to fight for hegemony. It has been suppressed for a million years, and the mind has been calm. This kind of clan war, you can figure it out by yourself, I will not follow it, and the swaying Dafengzhou is also quite good, no need Contending for this Terran Kyushu" talked to the sky.

As soon as these words were said, the faces of Taiyi Jiaozu and the Eight Supreme Masters of the Human Race turned black. Taiyi Jiaozu looked at Fuyao, and Fuyao sighed softly: "Hey, don't look at me, this seat will follow Hongjun. The meaning of Hongjun is the meaning of this seat."

In the blink of an eye, the four supreme powerhouses of Yu Duxiu, Chaotian, Fuyao, and Taisu had already withdrawn from the race war. Although they had already predicted it beforehand, it really happened at this time, and the ancestors still inevitably lost their minds.

"How do you think Yuanshi Tianzun Daoist?" Taiyi Jiaozu looked at Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun's whole body was hazy, and he did not answer Taiyi's words to teach ancestors. He already stood behind Yu Duxiu.

Tai Yi Jiaozu looked at the Buddhist school, and the Qitian Buddha smiled slightly: "My master has already spoken. As a disciple, I cannot disobey the master."

Without waiting for Amitabha to speak, Qi Tian Buddha was already standing beside Yu Duxiu, grinning at Yu Duxiu, scratching his cheeks, but Wukong felt that something was wrong. The house was full of human races, so he was a monster. Are you still going to attack the reckless tribes of the same monster race? .

"What do Daoist Amitabha think?" Taiyi Jiaozu looked at Amitabha.

Amitabha was silent for a while when he heard the words, then looked at Yu Duxiu and Qitian Buddha, and then said: "Monk Qi Rong considers for a while."

After listening to Amitabha's words, there is always a trace of comfort in the hearts of the ancestors, and their faces are full of smiles.

At this time, Yu Duxiu, Chaotian, Fuyao, Taisu, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Wukong are the six supreme powerhouses. Amitabhas vacillate. There are only eight ancestors of the human race. Half of the power has withdrawn from this event. The battle immediately caused the eight great teaching ancestors present to feel cold and cold.

"Miaoxiu, the grievances between you and Manghuang have been settled. Do you think Manghuang has occupied the middle area and will let you go after he defeats the human race?" Taiping Teacher Ancestor said aside.

"If you don't bother to reeducate your ancestors, this seat will naturally have your own way of doing things" Yu Duxiu carried her hands and scanned the audience: "If there is nothing to do, this seat will leave first."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu went down to the heaven without stopping.




The supreme powerhouses left one after another, and left with Yu Duxiu's lower realm.

Amitabha hesitated for a moment, then stood up and said goodbye: "The monk will have to consider this matter for a while."

In fact, if it was a race war, it would be a good thing for the Buddhists to be able to participate in the war. After all, the Buddhists relied on the fascination of believers to strengthen their strength. At this time, Yu Duxiu was hesitant to participate in the wars.

"Hahaha, this time those old guys are going to be mad, and I finally breathed a nasty breath in my heart." Out of the heavens, Yu Duxiu smiled up to the sky, and the depressed air in his heart instantly vented, his mind Extremely carefree.

Yu Duxiu's voice reverberated between heaven and earth, and the ancestors in the palace that day were even darker.

Tai Yi Jiaozu turned around helplessly to look at his allies: "Oh, I said to you before that we have a good relationship with you. Now that it’s good, it’s too late to regret when things happen. Just a few of us, how Can withstand a reckless offense."

"Huh, it's too easy, you old guy, don't pretend to be a good person. You didn't calculate the sky and the blood demons. If it weren't for you, Tai Su wouldn't part ways with us" Taishi Jiaozu smiled coldly.

"I Jiaozu almost choked to death when the Taishi Jiazuo slapped his face. I pointed to the Taishi Jiazuzu and couldn't say anything for a long time: "Who am I for? Am I not for my human beings? Everyone should be aware of the evil nature of the overturned state of the sky. If we jump around in the sky, how can we live a good life? And the blood demon? How many causes and effects did this fight? If it is not suppressed, this cause and effect will inevitably affect my human race."

After hearing the words of Tai Yi Jiaozu, everyone suddenly rolled their eyes and left the scene.

In the Lingxiao Hall, Xihe wrote the letter dragon and phoenix dancing in his hand. After writing it, he looked at Qiantian: "Your Majesty is still relying on the reckless monster clan in the end. He knew this a long time ago, so why bother."

After speaking, the letter in Xihe's hand disappeared instantly and merged into the void.

In the wild, a letter appeared in Fox God's hand, and then smiled: "Hahaha, the human race is over, this time we must take revenge."


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