The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1771: Zhu Yaoling, ask the sky

"Didn't you say that you can deal with it alone? Don't I need to intervene?" Mitz looked at Shaoyang, scratching his head innocently, with a pair of eyes staring at the opposite Shaoyang. Pen@qu@ge wwwww. biqUgE. info

"Fuck! You must be a fool!" After Shaoyang finished cursing, he drove Yunguang and chased after Xihe. It's a pity that Xihe's three-legged golden crow bloodline inherited the rainbow-forming technique, and was fast and fast. Incomparably, Shaoyang couldn't catch up.

Seeing Na Xihe fleeing into the wild, Shaoyang's face was completely darkened, really a pig-like teammate.

"You said it!" Mitz said innocently.

"I----you shut up!!!" Shaoyang glared at Mitz, "Now that Xihe's affairs are messed up, go and explain to the teacher yourself."

After speaking, Shaoyang instantly walked towards his Taiyi.

"Race wars, in the end, you have to flee without fighting and tell everyone to watch a joke," Tai Yi taught his ancestors.

"Now that the overall situation is set, there is no room for us to resist, so what can we do?" Tai Dou Jiaozu sighed helplessly.

"No matter what, I always have to try how deep the water is in the wild, otherwise, even if I want to counterattack in the future, I won't be able to find the details of the enemy," Taiping taught the ancestors.

"My Zhongyu will issue a demon-killing order, all within the human race Kyushu, all the spirits with wisdom will be killed, and no future troubles will be left." There was a cruel flash in the eyes of the ancestor of Taiyuan: "My human Kyushu There are a lot of monsters in it. Before the race war, whether you choose to face or avoid the battle, you must punish the monster beast completely. For one thing, it is a color for the wild, and secondly, it can clear the inside and solve it. Some hidden dangers".

"Goodness, this is a great kind, it is not my race, and his heart must be different" Taishi taught the ancestors.

"The demon slaying order, beheaded and killed."

The spiritual talisman in the hands of the ancestors spread all over the world in an instant, and all the heavens and all worlds were boiling over.

"Zhu Yao Ling!" In the wild, the demon gods looked at the Zhu Yao Ling, their eyes were bloodshot: "The human race has done so terribly, it actually wants to kill all the innocent monsters in the wild."

"What a bastard! I have the ability to come to us!" Tiger God overturned the table fiercely.

"Otherwise, let's issue an order to punish people, and all the human races in the wasteland world will be cut to death," Xiang Shen said boredly.

Hearing the words of the Elephant God, the Tiger God rolled his eyes: "It's easy to say, but it's too difficult to do. First of all, I don’t know how many times larger than the human race. Secondly, I don’t know how many times I dared to settle in the land. Those who are waiting for a while, want to kill, they will have to spend a lot of trouble. The most important thing is that Human Race is not only Kyushu, but also Dafengzhou and Lingshan Pure Land. How do you distinguish the monks from these two continents?".

"Humans can change their appearance, but the source of mana cannot be changed. Lingshan Pure Land practices Buddhism, which can purify evil, and specifically restrain monsters like me. The monks in Dafengzhou contain the power of wind. "Wolf God Road.

"The Lingshan Pure Land is easy to distinguish, but Dafengzhou's subordinate sects only practice common tactics, not the true tactics created by Fuyao, but they can't distinguish them." The Rabbit God bit the carrot and stared at the Wolf God with innocent eyes. .

"Do you just watch the monster beasts in the Middle Territory be slaughtered to death?" Niu Shen sighed.

"Now the armies of all races have gathered. It's not too late for a while. We will take a break for the time being to practice the formation. This time we must flatten the human race." The fox **** flashed a wise light in his eyes: "I am waiting in the wild. Repaying blood with blood and tooth for tooth, he mistakenly killed the Buddhist monks and Dafengzhou monks. On the contrary, they were intrigue. This race war will bring down Amitabha, Chaotian and others who have already withdrawn from the battle. So everyone must restrain themselves. The biggest victory is Conquer the Kyushu Terran".

"What a strong **** air" Yu Duxiu frowned, sitting on the highest peak of Dafengzhou, looking at the human Kyushu from a distance, but seeing the **** air from Kyushu soaring into the sky, the Yaozu did not invade the human. The human race has already begun to suffer many calamities.

"The ancestors issued a demon-killing order" walked towards the sky, holding the wine jar in his hand, it seemed that the servant in the sky was about to become a drunk immortal, and the wine jar would not leave his hands all day.

"Zhu Yao Ling?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback.

"All monsters, regardless of type, will be punishable" with a solemn look towards the sky.

"It's a bit bold," Yu Duxiu nodded casually.

"Does the Human Race Kyushu really let the Monster Race break through and hand it over to the Monster Race? It should be understood that this Middle Region was covered with thorns and thorns in the past, and the foundation laid out by the siege of the heavens and thousands of races, is it today? I'm going to give it away like this." A pair of eyes turned towards Yu Duxiu.

After hearing this, Yu Duxiu was silent for a while, and then said: "The way of heaven is reincarnation, the week does not change, and the cycle alternates. Now the general trend of recklessness has taken place, and all the power in the recklessness has been accumulated. Famine migrates, now the reckless famine is the destiny of the destiny.

"Do you think you can change the situation by adding you, Fuyao, and Taisu?" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"And you! And Yuanshi Tianzun?" Looking towards Yu Duxiu with scorching eyes, "Plus you two, it's enough."

"You think too much. I have an unsolvable feud with the ancestors. How to help the ancestors defend Kyushu. What's more, I respect the general trend of the world and take advantage of the trend. Unlike you, it is like Hao. Hao Jiangshui, you are walking against the wind, and I am walking with the wind”.

After Yu Duxiu finished speaking, she stood up and said, "Those who are going downwind will have the blessing of good luck in the sky, and those who go up against the wind will be swallowed by the gale."

"Being obediently and adversity is the essence of my human race. Unlike the monster beasts in Manghuang, my human race pays attention to becoming a fairy against the sky," Chaotian said.

Yu Duxiu smiled upon hearing the words, "Guard against the sky? Do you think you are against the sky because of heaven's will?".

"This?" Chaotian was stunned.

"What is God's will?" Yu Duxiu carried her hands and allowed the mountain breeze to blow her clothes: "My meaning is God's will, my heart is Tianxin, my action is heaven's way, my way is heaven's way, and my every move is not God's will."

Yu Duxiu turned around and looked at the sky. As Yu Duxiu's magical powers like a sword were realized by Yu Duxiu, Yu Duxiu had a deeper understanding of the gods.

What is providence? What is cause and effect? .

As far as the release is concerned, you released a big turtle, praying for the merits of heaven and earth and good luck, but the big turtle eats fish and shrimp, you released a big turtle, how many fish and shrimp have suffered because of you, Isn’t this causal karma caused by you? .

Freeing a turtle does not necessarily have merit, but if you don’t know how many creatures that shouldn’t have died if the tortoise you release is eaten, there will inevitably be a penny of karma calculated on your head.

I mean God’s will, my heart is heaven’s heart, and my deeds are heaven’s deeds, so if it falls into my hands, it is the number of days. The tortoise’s death should be in my hands. Let’s eat it~www.wuxiaspot. com~Your way is too domineering." A pair of eyes looking at Yu Duxiu in the sky, the right way in the world is not to release life, but it is enough to live well, to support the heaven and the earth, the heaven has virtue, and the rain falls to the sentient beings, the earth has virtue, Growing grains to support people, as long as people do not waste food, wantonly slaughter innocent beasts, and fish for nothing, it is already a great merit.

It's like meat. If you go up the mountain to hunt, you can eat one rabbit to eat enough. If you hit two, the other one will be broken if you can't eat it. This is karma.

It is undeniable that all living beings have spirituality. People's so-called release is just hoping to get rewards from sentient beings, but how many sentient beings are truly spiritual and know how to reward you? Unless it is a thousand-year-old tortoise that has become wise, if ordinary fish and shrimp are released, they might be eaten by other animals.

Of course, it is undeniable that releasing life will purify one's mind and gather positive energy, but all this is not as good as supporting the world, saving food, and not excessively demanding from the world. It is enough. Why do you need to release another life? .

"I don't think" Yu Duxiu smiled slightly: "The human race has occupied the nine states for a million years. It is the day of the reincarnation of the heavens and the earth, the replacement of the ancients, and the reshuffle of the heavens and the earth. There is nothing wrong with it, but it is beneficial. My human race development".

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