The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1778: The ancestor is innocent, the jade hits the sky

"I'm really innocent, you have to believe me!" The old jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu, his eyes were tearful, and the karma in the void was gathering more and more, and in an instant it was already overwhelming with light red clouds. From the Void

"I believe you!" Yu Duxiu paused: "But I believe you have any use. The Law of Heaven and Earth has automatically designated you as the initiator of the Great Tribulation. Shouldn't you be the protagonist of the Great Tribulation?" .

"What?" The old jade ancestor was so scared that he almost scattered the fused body again.

Since ancient times, the protagonist of the Great Tribulation has had a good end. Although Yu Duxiu used to act with the help of the nine supreme teaching ancestors, it has to be said that it ended in a frightened end.

The first ancestor of the ancient times was secretly calculated by everyone, not knowing where he was suppressed.

Seeing the hapless ghost, Yu Duxiu's eyes suddenly changed.

"Hehe, it's not like this, it must not be like this" Unlucky laughed a few times.

"Hehe" Yu Duxiu also smiled.

"Cough cough" Jade ancestor gave a dry cough and looked at Yu Duxiu with expectation: "I am not the protagonist of the Great Tribulation, am I?"

Yu Duxiu heard this and shook her head: "It's possible."

"I really didn't mean it, it was the unlucky aura that escaped by itself, it's none of my business" the unlucky ghost said helplessly.

"With a knife in my hand, I accidentally stabbed a person to death. Can I say it doesn't matter to me?" Yu Duxiu looked at the unlucky ghost.

"No, but our two things can't be compared." Unlucky ghost is still arguing.

"I've already given birth, does it make sense to say so much?" Yu Duxiu's mouth cracked and smiled: "It's really fun and interesting."

"I'm a mother, I haven't gone out yet, I've been calculated by God, this day can't be passed," Jade Ancestor said heartbreakingly.

Outside, at this time a great battle swept across the entire Kyushu Human Race, and countless monsters attacked the Kyushu Human Race from all directions.

Or it should be said that, although it is said that the war broke out, it is just a prelude at this time, and the two are trying to test each other.

"No one thought that the battle would explode so early." In Tai Yi Jiaozu's eyes, a long river of fate was flowing crookedly.

"Didn't you already say restraint? Tai Dou, what's going on with you?" Tai Yi Jiaozu looked at Tai Dou Jiaozu.

Tai Dou Jiaozu smiled helplessly: "Where did I know, I can't figure it out now, I don't know why the war broke out so inexplicably".

"Now the five parties and five emperors have arrived at the scene with tens of billions of elite soldiers, and they are all ready." Taiping Jiaozu walked out silently.

"Taiping, God's will is like this" Taiyi taught the ancestor with a wry smile.

That Tai Dou Jiaozu said even more: "Taiping, you have to listen to me to explain, I really didn't mean this matter, I still don't know what's going on."

There are only eight ancestors of the Human race, and the eight ancestors are naturally unwilling to catch them and wait to die. So they secretly calculated and calculated, the only breakthrough is in the Taiping ancestors, as long as the cultivation of the Taiping ancestors can break through the supreme, the human side is here. Counting the Taiping ancestors, there are three renunciations. It should be no problem to hold the six or even seven demon gods together with their hands. There are five ancestors left, which is equivalent to eleven. Two ancestors.

Although there are many demon gods in the wild, but the Explosive Ape and the Snake God are lost, everyone really fights, and there may not be no chance of winning, and having a two supreme powerhouse may not change the situation of the battle.

So the ancestors calculated how to sneak into the Yin Division, instantly suppressed the ghost master, and then regained the fragments of the Emperor Taiping ancestor.

It's a pity that people are not as good as the sky. This is the real God's will like a knife. No matter how powerful Taiyi teaches the ancestors, the calculation is in Zhou Mi, and I can't think that the mistake has actually appeared here.

How to do? You ask Taiyi Jiaozu what to do, and Taiyi Jiaozu also wants to ask the others what to do? .

"It's a reckless tentative attack, and I don't know how long this tentative attack will last. If we rush into the Yin Division in an instant and suppress the ghost master at this time, what chance do we have?" Taiping ancestors' eyes flashed ruthlessly.

The tortoise shell in Tai Yi Jiaozu's hand was spinning sharply and continuously. After a while, Tai Yi Jiaozu said: "less than 20%."

"In other words, is there only a 10% chance?" Taiyuan Jiaozu sighed slightly.

"Try it, there is no retreat," Tai Dou taught the ancestors.

"Okay, let's rush into the Yin Division together, suppress the ghost master and regain the fragments of the emperor picture with lightning speed." Taiyi taught the ancestor gritted his teeth, the next moment he stretched out his palm, and instantly broke the channel between Yin and Yang, eight The ancestors come together, without saying a word, they directly operate their supernatural powers and head towards Yinshan's suppression.


The yin division shook, and I don't know how many ghosts disappeared instantly.

"The ancestors are crazy? Are you sneaking into the reincarnation at this time?" Amitabha in Lingshan felt instantly, and then smiled coldly: "Well, I have seen the ghost master not pleasing to the eye for a long time, and now I just took the opportunity to be in the Yin Division. Let’s have a fight".

After speaking, Amitabah was not polite, carrying all the quasi-superior powers in Lingshan, and they descended to Yinsi one after another. In an instant, the sky fell in disorder, and the ground surged with golden lotus, but saw that countless golden lotus surged out of thin air, countless Buddhists. The monk madly saved the ghost in the Yinsi.

"What's the matter? The old folks of Human Race are watching the battle, but they go to the Yin Division to provoke the ghost master?" The monsters looked at each other.

"Shall we take the opportunity to conquer the human race, or go to the Yinsi?" Wolf God said.

"Go to Yinsi, countless eternal heroic spirits in my reckless wilderness have been suppressed by Yinsi. Now that we have a demon banner, this eternal heroic spirit should return. Today, it happened to take advantage of the fire to rob. As for the human race, it is already the fish on the chopping board and cannot escape." The eyes of the fox **** flashed with wise light, and the human race could attack at any time, but the Yin Division did not always have such a good opportunity.

The enchanting demon banner was rolled up, and the fox **** danced the enchanting demon banner instantly, and went to the Yin Division, summoning the eternal heroic spirit among the Yin Division.

In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, everyone looked at each other. After a while, East China Dragon Jun said, "Are these old guys of the human race burned their heads, and regardless of the race war in front of them, they went to the Yinsi to find trouble?".

"We had an alliance with the ghost master back then, and we went to the Yinsi to help the ghost master" Donghai Longjundao.

After speaking, Donghai Longjun tore the void and fell into the Yin Division.

In the territory of the Insect God, the light in the eyes of the Insect God circulated: "I can't participate in this battle, but the race battle can be mixed."

"Too easy, you are looking for death."

The roar of the ghost master sounded in the Yin Division, and then I saw the Yin Division shaking The law of reincarnation flashed out, and instantly besieged all the ancestors.

"Ghost Lord, hand over the fragments of the emperor picture" Taiping Jiaozu looked at the ghost Lord with frantic eyes.

"It's a wishful thinking to want fragments of the emperor's picture." The ghost master smiled coldly, and in an instant, countless six ways of reincarnation emerged and greeted the ancestors.

This trick is a bit familiar. At that time, the ghost master used this trick to deal with Yu Duxiu.

"This trick is too boring." Tai Yi Jiaozu looked at this trick, his eyelids twitched, and instantly turned into a stream of light and rose to the sky: "I am taking off now, your six reincarnations can't hold me down."

After speaking, that Tai Yi taught the ancestor a few twists, and he has reached the ghost master.

"Really? Four reincarnations."


Among the Yin Division, the ghost master is the absolute overlord. Facing the fourfold power of reincarnation, Tai Yi Jiaozu also fell into a disadvantage.

"Galaxy tremor".

That Taidoujiao ancestor turned into an endless galaxy, wrapped the reincarnation, and instantly went around and came to the ghost town to kill.

The ghost master's eyelids twitched: "Two people who break the strong."

"Don't worry about the ghost master, I'll wait to come and help you."

The two supreme powerhouses of Good and Evil and Judgment joined forces to block the Taidoujiaozu.

"In my name, trial."

At this time, the race war started because of the interests of the supreme powerful. The sins entangled in the ancestors can be imagined. At this time, the Yinsi was shaking, and the blow of judgment actually evoked the six laws of reincarnation. , Was suppressed in an instant, and actually restrained that Tai Dou Jiaozu.


The supreme powerhouse in charge of the law of punishment at this time countless penal knives fell towards Tai Dou Jiaozu.

I wish you all a Happy New Year! Happy family! Official Yun Changlong! Wealth prosperous! Academic success! Hug left and right! Mengmei has it every day! Congratulations to Cai, your career is going smoothly, and to Cai's prosperity. 8

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