The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1780: Suppress bad luck

After listening to the words of the jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu was uncomfortable. The words of the jade ancestor always had a cynical taste, as if the whole world owed him something.

"Destiny is like a shuttle, so a destiny is like a shuttle, and it runs smoothly, and the rest of the ancestors will always leave one." The ghost master turned his eyes and instantly focused on the Taiyi ancestor. There is no way, who is the Taiyi ancestor's sun fire Zhu is the most attractive, and opposes the law of the entire Yin Division. When it comes to Yin Division, Taiyi's ancestor's strength is greatly reduced, and it is good to be able to show seven or eight points.

The Yin Division's suppression of Taiyi Sect Ancestor was too great. While speaking, the ghost master stretched out his palm. This palm seemed to contain the reincarnation of heaven and earth, with nowhere to escape, nowhere to hide, and instantly went to suppress that Taiyi Sect Ancestor.

Facing the attack of the ghost master, the real fire beads of the sun in front of Taiyijiao ancestor shone divinely, as if it were a second small sun. Where the brilliance passed, countless ghosts flew away in an instant, and countless ghosts turned into darkness. For ashes.


The ancestor of Taidou turned into an endless galaxy, swept away the ancestor of Taidou, instantly broke the barrier between Yin and Yang, and flew out.

At this time, the demon gods in the wild and wild had long seen the wrong chance, and for fear of being dragged by the ghost master, they broke through the channels of Yin and Yang and returned to the world of Yang.

Taiyi Jiaozu and Taiping Jiaozu broke the world, and Taidou Jiaozu and Taiyi Jiaozu broke the world. The Taiyi Jiaozu who had seen bad opportunities before had already left first. In a flash, the eight human ancestors have left five, and there are still five remaining. The next three ancestors.

Seeing that the opportunity was not good, these three ancestors did not dare to stay longer, broke through the void in an instant, and ran towards the sun.

Tai Huang Jiao Zu, Tai Shi Jiao Zu and one Tai Yuan Jiao Zu.

The ghost master didn't even think about it, and immediately went to suppress Taiyuan Jiaozu.

"Hurry up".

Taishijiaozu instantly penetrated the barrier between Yin and Yang. The Taihuang Jiaozu followed the Taishijiazuo and fled. The Taiyuanjiaozu wanted to follow, but was locked by a black chain.

This chain is the chain of the supreme good and evil, and it entangles the ankle of the Taiyuan Sect ancestor in a single encounter.

Why choose Taiyuan Jiaozu? .

This fellow controls the heaven and earth vitality, the Yin Division seems to have little reduced his strength, the heaven and earth vitality in the Yin Division can also be manipulated by the Taiyuan Jiaozu, is this still? .

So the ghost master a hand of reincarnation, instantly enveloped the Taiyuan Jiaozu.


Taiyuan Jiaozu was hit and flew, the barrier on his body was penetrated, and he instantly came into contact with the law in the Yin Division.

A scream spread. Fortunately, Taiyuan Jiaozu could control the Yin Qi between heaven and earth, constantly isolating the power of the law, so there was no scene of being instantly killed by the law of heaven and earth.

In the Yang world, the teaching ancestors all looked at each other immediately after they ran out, and then the expression of Tai Yi Jiao ancestor changed: "Where is Tai Yuan?"

"Fate Circulates".

Taiyi Jiaozu once again opened up the barrier between Yin and Yang, and the fate of the Taiyuan Jiaozu was circulated with one hand. The Taiyuan Jiaozu's fate was instantly changed by the Taiyi Jiaozu, and it appeared out of thin air in the hands of Taiyi Jiaozu.

"Your fate is in my hands."

After the words fell, he had already grasped Taiyuan Jiaozu and left the Yinsi.

"The ghost master is crazy, this time it's a real game!" Taiyuan Jiaozu said with lingering fear.

This is not obviously nonsense. If you play a fake, how can you almost stay in the Yin Division and become the supreme power of the Yin Division.

"What should I do now?" Tai Huang taught the ancestors.

Tai Yi Jiaozu sighed helplessly, then shook his head: "Actually, there is no way. As long as I wait for a shot, I will force the other party to use all his strength, destroy the world, and provoke the penalty knife. It is not without chance."

"The Four Seas Dragons and Han Yan have to guard against," Taiping Jiaozu said with a gloomy expression.

After listening to Taiping Jiaozu's words, Tai Yi Jiaozu sighed slightly: "Oh, it's a pity. If Tai Su is still there, we may be difficult, but we may not be able to stop it. If Chaotian and Fuyao join, maybe we can turn defeat into victory. Are you really doing too much, is it wrong?".

"Speaking of so much to do, the most important thing now is the race war in front of you" Tai Dou Jiaozu sighed helplessly.

In fact, it was not that there was no chance to change this situation back then. As long as Yu Duxiu was not forced to death at that time, and the life and death feud was forged, the Human Race must be in another situation now, not the Human Race worry, but the reckless worry.

What else can the ancestors say in this realm? He could only say ‘the will of heaven is like a sword’.

In the depths of the wild land, Yu Duxiu looked at the old jade ancestor: "Old ancestor, what on earth did you do that hurts the world? How can this unlucky power merge with your body, but more and more."

Yu Duxiu looked at the power of bad luck in the cave that seemed to be rich that could be turned into water mist. A pair of eyes looked at the unlucky ghost, and the unlucky ghost rolled his eyes: "Hey, that young man is not frivolous? Old? My ancestors were young and frivolous. I did some things that hurt the world and reason. It is right to offend the will of this great world, so it is normal to be hated by the will of the great world. Don’t think too much.”

"Don't think too much?" Yu Duxiu saw the power of bad luck in the void. If it weren't for the power of disaster and calamity, he would definitely not be able to hold it when he changed the ancestor.

"Fine, you have helped me many times, and I owe you." Yu Duxiu smiled helplessly, and slowly stretched out her palm, but saw a black lotus flashing out of thin air, and bursts of purple light leaked out of the darkness, but it was black. Purple.

"What is this?" Old Jade Ancestor looked at the black lotus in Yu Duxiu's hand.

"Things that can suppress your calamity" The black lotus in Yu Duxiu's hands continuously swallowed the calamity of the race war, and then emitted a black light, instantly covering the jade ancestor, and saw the jade ancestor shooting up into the sky. The power of the disaster was suppressed by Yu Duxiu in an instant, and could no longer escape, but the power of bad luck was all endured by the Jade ancestor himself. It was just a few breaths, that black The power of bad luck in the lotus has turned into a state of mist, and it is condensing ticking towards the liquid.

Looking at the bad luck that turned into liquid, Yu Duxiu's eyelids jumped straight, and looked at the jade ancestor: "Old ancestor, otherwise we will reveal the power of bad luck to the monks of the hundred races on the battlefield above? Otherwise, we cannot bear so much calamity."

The old jade ancestor smiled bitterly: "If you can't bear it, you must bear it. Otherwise, once the qi mechanism escapes, the supreme power of the heavens and the world will perceive the qi mechanism of this seat, I am afraid that there will be more variables than this disaster. The power of the robbery is still in trouble."

"Forget it, listen to you, anyway, this bad luck is all you bear, but you have to see how bad luck your ancestor can be." Yu Duxiu looked at Jade ancestor strangely.

On the Thirty-Three Heavens, Qian Tian was vomiting a true dragon purple qi all over his body, and that Taibai stood beside Qian Tian with a respectful look.

"Your Majesty, the five parties and five emperors have all led troops, and now the race war is about to break out. I wonder if your Majesty has any plans?" Taibai said.

"Plans? What are your plans? It's not like that. What are your good plans? When the race war is over, tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands of years, have already begun to condense into my true dragon purple energy. The rule of the emperor is up, even the nine old humans can't help me." Gan Tian had a sneer in his eyes.

Looking at Qiantian, Taibai smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty, how does your Majesty over the Yin Division work?".

Qian Tian was silent for a while after hearing the words, and then said: "This sacred list is hidden in that endless time and I can't capture the track of the sacred list. How can I talk about any plan? Tell the Yinsi, I will say that I can't do anything."

"Your Majesty, this is not good. Your Majesty once promised the ghost master. If you regret it, your Majesty will not be able to eat the means of the ghost master," Tai Bai said unhurriedly.

After hearing Taibai’s words, Qian Tian’s expression turned pale: "You are threatening me! The Yin Division now is no longer the Yin Division a million years ago. Today, the Yin Division is suppressed by the heavens and all the races, and no one wants to confess his life. Entrusted in the hands of the Yin Division, the Yin Division cannot protect himself, so he dare to threaten me?".

Taibai looked at Gan Tian and didn't speak, but just smiled, his eyes closed slightly, his breathing was steady, as if he was asleep.

I wish you all a Happy New Year! Happy family! Official Yun Changlong! Wealth prosperous! Academic success! Hug left and right! Mengmei has it every day! Congratulations on making a fortune, a smooth career, and congratulations on making a fortune.


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