The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1783: Return against the sky, the name of the first ancestor

The Chaos Demon God is endless, and Yu Duxiu seems to have discovered that with the passage of time, the figure of the Chaos Demon God becomes clearer and more solid, and even the strength becomes stronger.

"I said jade, is your old thing better? It's been three years. I didn't eat or drink for these three years. I specifically killed you for your old things. Is your old thing better?" Yu Duxiu turned He said to the jade ancestor with a slightly uneasy voice.

"You kid, what's the hurry, wait a while, ancestor, I am still a little short, and I can reincarnate and come back after the last one." The old ancestor Jade's voice changed a little at this time, obviously very excited.

In the great world, the Jiuzhou of the human race, all the ancestors gathered at this time, you look at me, I look at you, and their eyes are full of optimism.

"Let's talk about it, what should we do now?" Tai Yi Jiaozu played with the turtle shell, and the turtle shell in Tai Yi Jiaozu's hand was completely transformed into chaos.

"What else can I do? The general trend is like this? Can that be reversed?" Taiyuan Jiaozu said coldly.

"Does Miaoxiu really refuse to let go?" Tai Dou Jiaozu looked disappointed.

"If you want Miaoxiu to let go, it's harder and harder" Taishi taught the ancestor for a moment of silence.

At this time, the teaching ancestors, you see me and I see you, the situation is like this, no matter who it is, there is no move.

The ancestor of Tai Yi Jiao was about to speak, but suddenly frowned, and his expression changed: "It's not good, it's really bad."

The ancestors of the gods also showed horror at this time. Not only the ancestors of the gods. At this time, the confidence of the ancestors was in the wild, and the demon gods who wanted to attack and destroy the defense of the human race in one fell swoop opened their eyes. A pair of eyes looked towards Human Race Zhongyu.

Dafengzhou, Chaotian and Fuyao were fighting for wine, suddenly the two men raised their heads, but then they changed their colors, and their eyes were shocked.

In the East China Sea, Sihai Longjun looked towards Zhongyu at this time with a pair of eyes: "Hahaha, hahaha, it's fun, it's fun, this time it's really fun."

At this time, the Central Territory trembled, and a series of mysterious lights soared into the sky, so that the nine supreme ancestors shot one after another, transferred their own disciples in the Central Territory, and took them back to the sects.

"I didn't expect that he would come back against the sky at this time" Tai Yi Jiaozu's eyes were full of disbelief.

"What to do?" Tai Dou taught the ancestors.

"For so many years, we are not built, besides, what happened back then was not only about us. The wild animals, the Sihailong clan, and the ghost master of the Yinsi were all intervening. It's really time for this guy to come back. "The Taiping teacher smiled bitterly.

In the Yin Division, the ghost master was originally sitting on a high position, and the green light in his eyes flickered. He didn't know what he was thinking, but the next moment he saw the ghost master suddenly stood up, his face changed greatly: "This old immortal How come back at this time, this race war must be immeasurable, and no one can guess the consequences."

"withdraw troops".

"withdraw troops".

"withdraw troops".

The demon gods in the wild and wild summoned their subordinates to stop the attack, and the fox gods shook the demon banner again and again, constantly shaking the void world.

"Hahaha, hahaha, a million years, a million years ago, my ancestors have finally reincarnated and returned, and I have finally returned, hahaha, hahaha" A burst of laughter spread through the chaos, shaking the world.

"This **** is really back" The ancestors looked complicated.

In the chaos, Yu Duxiu watched the jade ancestor's bad luck soaring into the sky, and laughed wildly up to the sky, looking like a big villain, and frowned: "I will come back, what's the big deal?" .

"Oh! You kid don't understand" but saw a billowing jade flying in the chaos, and saw the jade twisted and transformed into a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy.

"This..." Yu Duxiu couldn't help but laughed instantly. I thought this jade ancestor had lived for a million years, not to mention the shape of the grandfather of Xianfeng Dao bone, but it can't be. Look like a kid.

"What a laugh!" Looking at Yu Duxiu's smile, the face of Jade Ancestor suddenly sank: "What's so funny, although I am young, my ancestors are mature, and I have seen many worlds, you kid Follow me in the future."

The old jade ancestor was pink and tender, with red lips and white teeth, and the appearance of a porcelain doll. He looked quite gratifying, and he wanted to pinch it at first glance.

"Tsk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk your jade ancestor's body, look at the strength of bad luck that has been turned into a solid body, like countless threads swaying in the wind, frowning: "You are now in charge of bad luck Is it possible to suppress this moldy gas?".

"If I could converge, I wouldn’t have been screaming and beating in the wild." The old jade ancestor smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It’s like an immortal machine of the supreme strong. Although most of it can converge, it is always There is a chance to leak out."

The old jade ancestor opened his mouth, and the power of countless bad luck in the void was swallowed up by the old jade ancestor in an instant, but there was still a substantial mist escaping from his body.

"Fortunately, I have the power of calamity." Yu Duxiu frowned.


The countless phantoms of the demon in the chaos roared, and instantly rushed towards the old jade ancestor, and saw that the old jade ancestor didn’t care. In an instant, countless bad luck gassed around his body turned into a big net, and fell towards the phantom of the chaotic demon god. .




The ghost of the demon **** either exploded in an instant, or an innate sacred fire emerged out of thin air, burning the ghost of the chaos demon to death.

"My jade is back! I'm back!" The old jade ancestor roared to the sky, shaking the chaos.

Yu Duxiu looked at the jade ancestors and couldn’t see the realm of this servant, but it was definitely not the supreme, transcendence realm, or the very high and profound existence in transcendence. It has already gone very far in transcendence, even About to reach the extreme.

The jade ancestor roared, and the wild land was silent, but the middle field was shining with divine light, and the endless divine light soared into the sky, illuminating the endless void, and echoing the jade ancestor.

"The first teacher, after a million years, is back after all." Tai Yi Dao, Tai Yi Jiaozu's face gradually returned to calm.

"Who does this old thing look for first?" Tai Dou said without a trace.

"It's possible, but it should be trouble for us first. After all, we betrayed this fellow back then. If we hadn't acted behind the back, then this fellow would have been invincible back then, and no one could calculate him." Taiping Teacher was silent. Know how.

It can be said that if the reckless monster race and the dragon race in the world are foreign enemies, then for the first ancestor, the ancestor of the human race is a traitor.

No matter who it is, you must first settle for the outside world, and first get rid of the traitor.

"I'm afraid this kind of clan war will not go on. We all have to join hands to fight against the first ancestor" Tai Huang taught ancestors.

"Not necessarily, that group of beasts hasn't been idle for millions of years. Together, they may not be afraid of the first ancestor. I am afraid that at this time, we are eager to see our own human race torn apart. They are picking up the bargain. First taught the ancestors.

"What I did back then was really not authentic," said the Taiyi ancestor.

"He is a scourge. This servant not only causes bad luck for the enemy, but also for his family. If we leave it in the human race, I am afraid that my human race would have been destroyed in the hands of this servant" Taiyuan Taoist ancestor said.

In the middle of the desert The insect **** tightly grasped the insect nest in his hand, and his eyes were murderous: "The first teacher! The first teacher!"

In the reckless wilderness, one after another battle intent rose to the sky, and the great world was filled with unimaginable pressure at this time.

"You said, this hapless ghost came back, who would fight first?" Fuyao looked at one side towards the sky, with some leisurely eyes, gloating.

"If you want me to say that it is probably the nine supreme ancestors of the human race, it is unlucky ghost's temper. He has to kill the world, the sun, the moon and the river are shifted, and the Zhou Tianxingdou must be destroyed. After the wild demon god, he killed countless innate beasts." Fu Yao stroked his chin.

"Quickly, order people to prepare wine and meat, put some wine, and the good show is about to begin. If there is no good wine in this kind of good show, wouldn't it be boring?" He rubbed his hands in gloat, his eyes filled with excitement. It looks big. (To be continued...)


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