The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1788: A soldier who defeats others without fighting, a force against the bad luck

Nine-headed insect looked at the insect **** and lowered his throat: "Mother, is the world repeated again?".

The insect **** did not speak, but looked at the void with a pair of eyes: "Do it!"

"I'm older than you, I have spent more time preaching than you, and my realm is higher than you, so I can be considered your elders, so you should do it first." Taiping teacher looked at Yu Duxiu with a cautious expression and asked you three tricks. Decisively did not dare to speak out.

Yu Duxiu's mouth was smiling, and the pangu banner in her hand was filled with chaotic air: "If this is the case, then the disciple is not welcome."

"Heaven and Earth Hunyuan".

Yu Duxiu hit with one blow, and the law between heaven and earth returned to the ruins and disappeared in an instant, and then turned into a chaos and hazy in an instant, shrouded toward the Tai Dou Jiaozu.


The emperor picture in Tai Dou Jiaozu's hand was rolled up like this, with countless runes flashing on it, and then turned into a golden spear.


The sharp spear light pierced the void, and the chaos rolled endlessly in an instant, pierced by that shot.


The flag banner collided with the spear, and the Taiping ancestor stepped forward and retreated instantly, out of the chaos.

"Teach ancestors a good power, not only is supernatural power, even melee art is also very powerful" Yu Duxiu exclaimed.

"Not as good as you" The emperor map in Tai Dou Jiaozu's hand was changing, turning into the original appearance of the emperor map, and then the overwhelming fire scorched towards Yu Duxiu, wrapped in runes.


The world shook, the void was ignited in an instant, and the flame stretched for millions of miles.

"This is a rune fire, not an ordinary flame. Although its power is not as good as the innate divine fire, it is not far away." Yu Duxiu looked at the flame, and the Pangu flag cleaved out again. The world is mixed, the flame He was instantly extinguished by the chaos: "Since the ancestor wants to test his supernatural powers, the disciple will stay with him to the end."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu condensed the chaotic flag streamer in her hand, and with her hands on her back, looked at the Taiping ancestor in the distance.


Taiping ancestor scolded, but saw the mountains shake in the wild, countless earth veins instantly boiled, and then the runes on the endless mountains and rivers were densely wrapped, and then the countless mountains and rivers were suppressed towards Yu Duxiu.

In the realm of Yu Duxiu and Taiping Jiaozu, there is no more life and death, and the two sides are just competing in terms of means.


The mountain whip instantly appeared in Yu Duxiu's hands, and saw that Yu Duxiu pinched the tactics, and the twenty-four mysteries flowed, watching the Taiping ancestor smile coldly: "Ding".


The mountains buzzed, but they didn't move. Yu Duxiu's mouth showed a slight sneer. He wanted to compare his supernatural powers with him. This Taiping ancestor was absolutely overwhelmed.


The Taiping ancestor's whole body was scorched, and suddenly a thunder fire suddenly fell in the sky, and the mana in the Taiping ancestor's body was lost and instantly defeated.

Looking at the thunder and lightning, Taiping Teacher's face was gloomy, and Yu Duxiu was a little inexplicable. Where did this thunder and lightning come from? .

It seems that I can see Yu Duxiu’s doubts, and the jade ancestor on the other side smiled: "I have lost my ancestor’s law of bad luck. At the critical moment, I will call you off the chain. Otherwise, how can I reveal my ancestor’s ability? The law of bad luck is powerful."

Yu Duxiu knew that it was actually a sequelae caused by the shameless and shameless unlucky ghost. The power of that unlucky ghost was really evil, and he didn't play cards according to common sense.

"Asshole" Taiping Jiao ancestor looked at the imperial map with a gloomy expression, and saw a gray silk thread in the imperial map continuously winding and winding, always playing a role at the most critical moment, it was simply pervasive.

Taiping Jiaozu raised his head, his eyes flickered with cold light: "Sky thunder meets".


I don’t know where the billowing thunder is like a waterfall, and it swept towards Yu Duxiu in an instant. There are countless runes in the waterfall. There is no doubt that as long as the rune hits, it will be instantaneous. It's powder, the flesh is broken.

"Innate God Thunder".

Using thunder penalty to restrain thunder law, I saw that the innate **** thunder in Yu Duxiu's hand was gathered and turned into a spear of punishment. It instantly penetrated the thunder waterfall. All the thunder and lightning were vented instantly, and then I saw it. The Thunder Falls reversed the innate, and was completely absorbed by the Spear of Punishment, and then headed towards the Taiping Sect ancestor without any reduction in speed.

An earth-yellow barrier on the emperor map in the hands of the Taiping ancestor slowly rises, and countless runes representing all things on the earth are circulating. I saw that countless runes evolve, and a pair of national peace and peace emerged on the earth, and everything was revived. Beautiful picture.


At the critical moment, I saw the Taiping ancestor shivering, and a flash of breath flashed in his eyes. There was a gray black line in the picture, and a burst of bad luck was permeated in an instant.


Taipingjiao ancestor was knocked into the air by Yu Duxiu's blow, and was instantly nailed into the void. There were cracks in the void, and the eyes of Taipingjiao ancestor flashed a little frustrated.

It's too unlucky, it's this feeling, it was this feeling back then.

"Suppress" the supreme mantra of the Taiping ancestors circulated in his hands, instantly turning into seals, pressing against the gray silk thread.

The supremely powerful all have their own supreme mantra, which is the power of the supremely powerful, the real law of heaven and earth, reversing the universe and destroying the void.

After the Taiping ancestor suppressed the law of bad luck in the emperor's map, he looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes, and instantly his body was transformed into countless runes. Only a few breaths, the birth and death of that rune was composed of innate thunder and lightning. The spear of punishment has been wiped out.

Yu Duxiu recognized, indeed recognized, that countless runes were not ordinary runes, but the supreme mantra of Taiping Sect.

"Now that the law of bad luck has been suppressed, let's try again" Taiping Jiaozu's voice returned to calm.

"Compare with me? I don't know how long the law of bad luck can teach the ancestors to suppress?" Yu Duxiu's mouth with a touch of sarcasm, the next moment he stretched out a palm, and ruthlessly patted the Taiping ancestor: "Upside down Yin and Yang."

If he was patted by Yu Duxiu's hand, he would tell the Taiping ancestor that he could not eat.

Taiping ancestors handed the Huangtu divine light, and countless Talisman culture crawled out for the long snakes, biting towards Yu Duxiu.

Countless long snakes were shattered by the inverted Yin and Yang, but more long snakes bite towards Yu Duxiu.

I saw that Taipingjiao made a move in the palm of his hand, turning the endless starry sky into pieces of runes, smashing towards Yu Duxiu.

"What a powerful move." Seeing this blow, Yu Duxiu dared not take it carelessly. With a flick of his finger, the innate sacred fire was rolled up.

The laws of countless star domains were shattered in an instant, from Fu culture to star domain, and then returned to the starry sky.

The Taiping Patriarch's picture was written and stroked across the starry sky: "Heaven".

The sky is indeed the power of the sky, and the power of the sky and the earth is coming to suppress Yu Duxiu.

"The will of heaven is like a knife" Yu Duxiu made a move of the will of heaven like a knife, and instantly broke the talisman of the Taiping ancestor and cut it towards the body of the Taiping ancestor.


Taiping taught ancestors across the void, the uncultivated land spread in the void, the ends of the world, but was penetrated by the will of heaven.


This time, Taiping Jiaozu made two strokes, and the heaven and earth that had been slain by Yu Duxiu appeared once again.

"The power of the three talents of heaven, earth and man can reverse the universe" Tai Dou Jiaozu's eyes sparkled.

" I actually realized the true meaning of the formation, you can put up a three-talented formation, don't underestimate it." Yu Duxiu's eyes condensed: "But my providence is like a sword that destroys ten thousand magic. To see how you fight with me."

Yu Duxiu simply abandoned the rest of the magical powers at this time, focusing on the day's intention as a sword. The rest of the magical abilities are powerful or powerful, and they have the power to reverse the world, but they are not as good as this day.

At this time, Yu Duxiu has already specialized in God’s Will like a sword, and even Yu Duxiu’s good fortune has been put aside by Yu Duxiu. It seems that this Heaven’s Will like a sword already contains all the working mysteries of the good fortune. The will of heaven is like a sword, and the rest of the magical powers can only be understood in an instant.

But not waiting for Yu Duxiu to take action, I saw Taiping Jiaozu's complexion changed again, the law of bad luck in his body unexpectedly broke out at this time, I saw that Taiping Jiaozu just arranged the Tiandiren three big formations, I don't know why. , There was a deviation, and it collapsed automatically at this time.


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