The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1790: Causality

The Thirty-three Heavenly High Heavenly Treasure Hall, Qian Tian sat in the High Heavenly Treasure Hall, closing the battlefield of the human race in view.

"This Jade Duxiu is really lucky. I actually got to know the first ancestor. If I get acquainted with the first ancestor, wouldn't this emperor's seat be so stable to sit" Qian Tian's eyes flashed with envy, a finger was unconscious Knocked on the armrest of the chair: "Now it seems that the first ancestor is the number one power in the heavens and all realms. Even if the first ancestor has been suppressed for a million years, I should hug the thighs of the first ancestor. ".

"Brother!" Wangchen came to Yu Duxiu's side.

"What's wrong?" Yu Duxiu said.

"Sister Lichen is here, and ask the brother if he can resolve the cause and effect with that first ancestor" Wang Chen said.

Yu Duxiu narrowed her eyes slightly when she heard the words, but smiled: "This cause and effect should have been resolved long ago, and the cause and effect of chaos is too big, it should be resolved long ago."

"Where is Lichen?" Yu Duxiu said.

Wangchen looked into the distance: "Come out, sister Lichen."

But seeing Li Chen walking slowly, standing in front of Yu Duxiu, the light in his eyes was complicated and difficult to understand, and after a while, he saluted Yu Duxiu: "I have seen brother Dao."

"Want to resolve the cause and effect with the jade ancestor?" Yu Duxiu said.

"Yeah" Li Chen nodded: "I was the boy of the first ancestor."

Li Chen smiled bitterly: "However, the law of bad luck in the first ancestor is too overbearing. Whoever meets who is unlucky, everyone finally couldn't bear it. They tried to deal with the first ancestor. I saw that the first ancestor was suppressed, thinking When the supreme powerhouses wanted to come to the door, they became greedy and stole the chaos motherhood and the jade. Unexpectedly, the first ancestor had already encountered that he was about to suffer a calamity, so he left a part of his true body as a The purpose of Dongshan’s rise in the future, but it was stolen by me inadvertently, and then suppressed in the dusty cave for millions of years, breaking the plan of the ancestor. I didn’t know that the jade was the body of the first ancestor, so Sitting on it, it turned out to be contaminated by bad luck and turned into powder in the ancient catastrophe. It is a million years after reincarnation, and it has been awakened today."

Looking at Li Chen, Yu Duxiu felt that this fellow was wrong enough. It destroyed the jade ancestor’s reincarnation, broke the jade ancestor’s plan, and forged a big cause and effect with the jade ancestor, not to mention, she has not yet made a profit. Struggling for a million years of reincarnation, and now I have come back with a fluke, this plan has made me cheaper.

"Come with me!".

Taking a look at Li Chen, Yu Duxiu stepped out slowly and walked towards the hall.

At this time, the ancestors of Swinging, Chaotian, and Jade were intertwined in the hall, and Tai Su Jiao ancestor did not know where he went.

Seeing Yu Duxiu walking in, the old ancestor Jade said with drunken eyes: "Boy Hongjun, let's have a drink quickly to celebrate my successful reincarnation and return."

When the words fell, he saw Li Chen behind Yu Duxiu, and his expression suddenly became gloomy: "Why is this cheap maid here?"

Yu Duxiu said: "Calm with you is here."

"Return to my motherhood, our cause and effect is over" Old Ancestor Jade stared at Lichen with wide eyes.

Li Chen looked at Yu Duxiu, Yu Duxiu was speechless: "Look at what I do? Isn't the cause and effect between us already gone?".

"Mother, the biggest advantage of the time of chaos was that it was cheaper, you kid" The old jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu and couldn't help muttering, that chaotic motherly spirit is only one of himself:" If I have the mother spirit of chaos, I am afraid that the realm will be able to make breakthroughs, but it is a pity that the mother spirit of chaos was given to treasure by Hongjun boy. It is really a violent thing."

"Also please ancestors open grace" Li Chen said.

Wangchen on one side pulled at the corners of Yu Duxiu's clothes. Yu Duxiu soothed Wangchen and looked at the old jade ancestor: "Okay, I haven't dropped you how to do it. Forget it, you old man Something is too stingy".

"I'm stingy?" The Jade Ancestor was immediately unhappy: "This fellow is a white-eyed wolf, ungrateful. If I hadn't seen her pitifully and took her in, he would have been eaten by a jackal long ago, and no bones and scum were left. I'm stingy! I'm stingy! I'm stingy!".

The ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu dissatisfiedly, and then looked at Li Chen: "It's alright, you go quickly, ancestors I will be angry when I look at you, and I can't help but be afraid of killing you. Jun again said I was stingy".

Yu Duxiu touched her nose when she heard the words, and smiled bitterly.

After hearing this, Lichen respectfully saluted the jade ancestor: "Thank you ancestor."

After speaking, Li Chen gave Yu Duxiu a salute: "Thank you Brother Dao for your help."

After speaking, he turned and left without hesitation.

Looking at the distance from the dust, the ancestor of Jade angrily picked up a glass of wine and drank it in one fell swoop: "My motherhood of chaos, my motherhood of chaos, Miaoxiu, you return my motherhood of chaos".

The jade ancestor came to Yu Duxiu in an instant, carrying Yu Duxiu's collar, and swaying back and forth: "My mother of chaos."

"You should be fortunate that Li Chen ran away with the chaotic mother spirit back then. If this chaotic mother spirit falls into the hands of the nine supreme ancestors, or the hands of the demon gods, then it will be troublesome."

After listening to Yu Duxiu’s words, the jade ancestor simply grabbed Yu Duxiu’s collar and held on to it: "I don’t care, I don’t care. Pay me back soon".

Seeing the heartbreaking look of this jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu knows that this jade ancestor is indeed distressed. It is the mother of chaos, creating a three-thousand world-defying thing. If the jade ancestor will The motherhood of Chaos merged into his own world, and I was afraid that this world of companionship was complete in an instant, and it was already chasing the great world. What a mighty force it should be, and it was in line with the laws of heaven and earth, this opportunity was ruined like this.

"This is not the calculation of heaven and earth, the result of the operation of the law of heaven and earth, your bad luck is surging, and all the ancestors, demons and gods follow the bad luck. If you are raised again, I am afraid that the sentient beings of this great world will follow you." Yu Duxiu said.

After listening to Yu Duxiu's words, the jade ancestor suddenly fainted: "I knew it, I knew it, it must be so, but why is it me! That chaotic motherhood was hard to find."

The old jade ancestor started howling again.

"Stop it, what are you going to do about the race war? The cause and effect in the wild? The cause and effect in the world? What are you going to do?" Yu Duxiu said.

The old jade ancestor was distracted when he heard the words: "What are you going to do?"

"People are now ready for a race war. You suddenly jumped out and smashed into the air. How many variables have been added out of thin air. If you don't want revenge, this Central Kyushu doesn't want to keep it, so you should hurry up and express your position. Don't delay the race war." Yu Duxiu looked at the old jade ancestor, whether he really didn't understand or not.

The ancestor of jade grabbed his head when he heard the words, got off Yu Duxiu, and said: "How do you choose now?"

Yu Duxiu heard the words and drank a glass of drink: "What else? Even if you don't participate in the war, you can't destroy the balance of the battlefield, don't you, just take a punch and forget the cause and effect."

When the old jade ancestor heard this, his eyes looked towards Manghuang, and there was a rare trace of jealousy in his eyes: "The monster is different from the human."

"How is it different?" Yu Duxiu said.

"Even if the monster is caught in the power of bad natural disasters and man-made disasters, but they are practicing immortality. This bad luck may not cause much trouble to the other party, and this The law of heaven and earth does not work smoothly. The power of natural disasters can only destroy the body of the ancestor and destroy the supernatural powers of the ancestor, but to operate the supreme real body, it will be brute force, so it shouldn’t be bad luck." The ancestor of Jade turned his eyes. : "Furthermore, that reckless horror is united at this time, wanting to conquer the Central Territory. What if I go to find trouble and get beaten up by the opponent? No matter how good I am, I can't stop so many supreme powers." .

"This is also a problem, but you can't favor one or the other. It's always going to be a step forward and ask the wild demon gods to relax and make a judgment with the ancestors of the human race. Otherwise, the demon gods dare not attack. It’s cheaper to teach ancestors," Yu Duxiu tapped his fingers on the case.

"That's true, but what if someone gang fights?" Old Jade Ancestor said.

"Did you gang-fight others, or did they gang-fight you?" Yu Duxiu said.


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