The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1805: Tianjiao Battlefield

"Master! Master! Master! It's no good, you let me out quickly" in the gossip furnace, the old ancestor Zhuba wailed.

"Quaguagua" Wang Daoling couldn't speak when he was soaked by the flames, only a series of hurried shouts remained.

Yu Duxiu stood blankly in front of the gossip stove. If you look closely, you can clearly see that Yu Duxiu's eyelids are constantly twitching.

"You deserve it, who told you to be so close to the old jade ancestor, the flames of the innate divine fire can escape from the pill furnace to the vents to burn you, you are too unlucky" Yu Duxiu shouted at the pill furnace There was a cry.

The jade ancestor smirked: "I don't blame me, I don't want to be like this, it's this kid's own choice, no wonder, no reason to blame me".

"Master, let me go out quickly. I didn't do anything. I was all tired by this dead pig. Just let me go out." Wang Daoling wailed in the furnace.

Yu Duxiu still stood there blankly, and did not answer the words of the two of them. The flames in the pill furnace crackled and burned continuously. The people outside the pill furnace were watching the excitement, but the people inside lived like years.

"Hongjun, how about let them go out? Don't really burn them all to death." The old ancestor of Jade clicked his mouth, his eyes were looking at Yu Duxiu, showing a trace of embarrassment.

Yu Duxiu heard the words and shook her head: "It's okay, it can't be burned, this gossip furnace is in my hands, and it's hard for them to die."

In the Bishui Taoist Dongfu, the wooden green bamboo gently stroked the green bamboo stick in his hand, and his eyes looked into the distance: "You said, should I participate in this kind of clan war?".


The green bamboo stick trembles slightly, and the wooden green bamboo smiles: "Yes, with your body protection, the luck of the day will not hurt me. In the battlefield, we are afraid of who will come. The cause and effect of the world of great controversy, I am afraid that the fruit is really like a show. Said that this is the last chance for my human race. If I don't work hard, I will only be eliminated by the times in the future."

The Bishui Daoist rode his own sea beast swaying towards the battlefield in front of him, watching the demon energy and starry energy rising in the distance from a distance, suddenly frowned, and a little light in his eyes turned endlessly: " The fighting on this battlefield is so tragic."

"Woo wai" Diao Hai Beast howled, seeming to vent the depression in his heart.

"Let's go, race war, it is incumbent." The Bishui Daoist urged Diaohai Beast to come forward, and suddenly saw the grass and trees around him twisted, and saw a figure walking out of the grass and trees.

"Mu Qingzhu, why are you here?" Looking at the figure, Daoist Bishui was stunned.

"Race wars are everyone's responsibility. As a monk in my generation, we should face up to the difficulties. After all, I can't make you a good servant and make people laugh at me. I am greedy for life and fear for death." Mu Qingzhu whited the clear water Taoist. He unceremoniously climbed up the dancing sea beast, and the bamboo stick in his hand knocked the dancing sea beast's ass: "Let's go, let's see the legendary race war."


The Taoist Bishui just arrived on the battlefield, but the next moment he saw an overwhelming beast rushing towards him.

On this battlefield, magical powers have lost their effectiveness, and everyone relies on the power of grasping teeth and the strength of bones.

"What a bastard."


With the people of Bishui Dao as the center, the cold air spread in all directions, and everything passed by was instantly frozen.

"This unscientific".

Seeing this scene, countless monsters in the distance suddenly ran away crying and crying, watching the ice covering dozens of miles in a radius, countless statues towering vividly in the field, suddenly roaring.

This is unscientific, no one can use magical powers, so why can you use magical powers? And power is not small? .

This is like a battlefield. Everyone can only fight hand-to-hand. You suddenly took a machine gun. How can you play this? .

"Hey, the power of the Bing Apparition has been suppressed to this level. It stands to reason that the Bing Apparition can easily cover hundreds of thousands of miles in a radius," Bishuidao said helplessly.

"It's pretty good, okay" Mu Qingzhu wanted to slap this **** to death.

Although dozens of miles are not small, it is insignificant for the entire battlefield.

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!".

The countless celestial soldiers and generals behind the Bishuidao people raised their heads to the sky and roared.

An emerald green talisman flashed in Mu Qingzhu's eyes, and he stepped lightly, stepped down the sea beast, and stretched out his palm, the next moment I saw the green bamboo stick in his hand rooted in the earth, and countless monsters within a hundred miles just felt the mud under their feet. Shaking, and then the green roots stretched out from the ground, instantly bursting open, swallowing everyone's flesh and blood.

"Green bamboo, green bamboo, I didn't expect you to be such a green bamboo. I thought you lived on the vitality of heaven and earth, but I didn't expect you to love eating meat more." Mu Qingzhu was speechless. At this time, Mu Qingzhu has accepted the inheritance memory of the green bamboo stick. After the battlefield, I felt the desire of the green bamboo stick, and then the memory of inheritance appeared instantly.

"Human race has a master."

In the wild, the demon gods looked sideways.

Fox God said: "He is the Tianjiao of the human race, one is called the clear water Taoist, the other is the wood and bamboo, both are the leaders of the younger generation."

"Human Tianjiao was born, and I can't fall into the wind. I dare to step forward." Tiger God turned to face the monks in the distance.

"I will meet the green bamboo" I saw a small figure slowly walking out, with golden light shining in his eyes.

"I'm the arrogant of the rise of the Rat Clan. Five hundred years ago, the quasi-superior real body was gathered." The Rat God had a look of appreciation in his eyes.

The Rat Race Tianjiao took the order and disappeared into the earth in an instant.

Everyone could not recognize the innate spirit root green bamboo stick, but they recognized the ice soul pulling the wind in the hands of the clear water road people.

"That ice soul is a congenital spiritual thing, and those who wait for it can't restrain it. I don't know which younger generation is willing to take it." Tiger God said again.

The Baihu's eyes flickered, and then he stepped forward: "Father, the child Baihu is one step short of his true body, and he needs to be polished with the help of catastrophe. This ice power is good, and may help me break through the last pass."

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Let's go, and help my father beat the drums for you."

Tiger God's eyes lit up, and it was true that the tiger father had no dogs. This kid had his own demeanor back then.

The tiger **** stepped forward and came to the place where the wild soldiers beat the drum, personally ascended to the highest place, took the drum hammer in the hands of the drummer, and slammed down on the drum.


"Boom boom".

"Boom boom boom".

The drums of war sounded, the air of killing and killing gathered between heaven and earth, and the white tiger master killed and killed. At this time, there was the innate gas of the tiger **** to help out, and it was impossible to know how much power was added out of thin air.


The white tiger jumped, and instantly rushed towards the Taoist Bishui.

Among the human race, the ancestors of the ancestors flickered, looking at the battlefield where arrogance confronted that day, Taiyi taught ancestors: "I didn't expect that you have such talents in Taiyuandao."

"I don't know what the strength of these two boys is, is it the opponent of the monster race" Tai Dou taught the ancestors.

"Bishui has innate ice souls in his hands. In this kind of battlefield, he is already invincible. Even if the quasi-superior strikes, he can't even beat Bishui. As for the wood and bamboo, the magical powers are good, it depends on the future performance." Yi Jiaozu touched his chin.

"Tiger gods are cheering for their descendants, and we must not lag behind. If you lose, you don’t lose." Taiyuan Jiaozu came to the human race drummer, took the drum, and at the same time, the human race began to fight drums. With the sound of the sound, the vitality between the heaven and the earth is boiling, constantly blessing the wood and green bamboo and the clear water road people.

At the same time the human golden dragon in the sky suddenly roared up to the sky, and suddenly separated a part of the blessing of Qi Luck on the wood green bamboo and the clear water Taoist.

The Tiger tribe and the Rat tribe in the wild have their own luck blessing on the Tianjiao of the two tribes.

This is the gambling formation, not only the human race and the monster race, but also the gambling formation of the Qi Luck Golden Dragon, a way of fighting.


Seeing the white tiger rushing over, the people of Bishui Dao roared like a sea beast, and the water of heaven and earth boiled instantly, echoing the blessings of the Taiyuan Sect ancestor, and waves of ice swept past the hands of the Daoist of Bishui.

Ice is also water. Where there is water, a sea beast is immortal, and no one can kill this divine beast.


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