The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1807: Sharp-eyed Jade Patriarch

"If this battle can capture the white tiger, my human race will be greatly increased." The Bishui Daoist's palm stretched out, and the ice soul flew out from the ground and fell into the palm. A pair of eyes looked at the void cautiously, for fear of being caught. Sneak attack.

Once such a chaotic battlefield is attacked by someone, it is a terrible thing.

The Bishui Daoist came to the front, looked at Baihu with a pair of eyes, and knocked Baihu's head: "Baihu? How? Even if your father is a tiger god? You are not a tiger god, why are you dragging?"

The Daoist Bishui raised the ice soul in his hand and was about to smash it down.


The mouse came to the front with a flicker, sliding on the ice, and the mouse shot towards the clear water road man with a short sight.

The mouse was short-sighted, not really only one inch, but in this battlefield, the power of supernatural power was compressed to the extreme, almost almost nothing.

"court death".

The ice soul in the hands of the clear water Taoist directly smashed out, facing the impact of the mouse, and the mouse stopped moving in the air instantly, a pair of eyes looked at the wood green bamboo and the clear water Taoist, and then the purple and gold brilliance flickered. Seeing that the mouse turned from the size of a calf to the size of a house.


With sound waves overwhelming the sky, the wood green bamboo and the Daoist Bishui were dizzy, and a hand of the mouse suddenly rolled towards the Daoist Bishui.


The Daoist Bishui raised the ice soul in his hand, but saw layers of ice lingering, spreading along with his hands, trying to freeze the mouse, only to see the mouse's body shook, the supreme body revolved, and the general The ice on his body was shattered.

Seeing that he had no alternative but to win the Taoist Man of Clear Water, Baoshu turned his head and walked towards the green bamboo.


The stick in Mu Qingzhu's hand was stuck in the ground, and countless roots stretched out from the ground, locking the limbs of the mouse.


The mouse turned into a streamer, avoiding the blockade of the roots, and shot at the wood green bamboo, vowing to shoot the wood green bamboo into flesh.


The next moment the green bamboo stick in the hand of the wooden green bamboo grows up and turns into a green bamboo, blocking it in front of his house. The mouse didn’t care and wanted to smash the green bamboo stick directly, but who knew it would hit it. There were countless obscure innate runes circulating in the green bamboo, and the mouse was shot by the green bamboo stick instantly.


Countless electric lights flickered, and the supreme physical state of the mouse was instantly broken and turned into a calf-sized mouse with dizziness in his eyes.

"I ran into two perverts today. I said you are alright? No matter how bad I am, I can't stand it alone." Baoshu turned his head and looked at the white tiger.




The frozen statue shook, and the faces of the wooden green bamboo and the clear water road all changed: "No, this guy is going to break through."

Seeing this, the Mu Qingzhu and the Bishui Dao people wanted to stop them. They saw that the mouse on one side was once again the size of a house, and instantly grabbed the wood and the green bamboo and the Bishui Dao people. The three monks formed a group in the field. The supreme powerhouse naturally occupies the big advantage. The natural green bamboo of the wood green bamboo is indeed powerful, but the key is that there are so many supreme powerhouses at the moment, how dare he unscrupulously display his supernatural powers? do? After all, Jade Duxiu is a lesson from the past. I heard that the Taiping ancestor was also concerned about the wonderful jade's flat peach. The eyes of the wood and green bamboo were flowing, but they maintained the power of self-preservation, and absolutely did not dare to display their supernatural powers.

Although the Ice Soul of the Bishui Daoist is powerful, facing the quasi-superior, that is, to remain unbeaten. As for the offense, don't think about it.


The two sides were entangled for a quarter of an hour, but the next moment they saw the ice splashing, the golden aura of heaven and earth boiled, breaking through the blockade of Taiyuan Jiaozu, and instantly came to the field, toward every hair and every inch of the white tiger’s skin. Eroded away, turning the white tiger into a white gold metal statue.

"It's finished."

The Tiger God smiled softly, his palms dropped, and the drums in his hands rose again to the sky.


With a roar of anger, Bai Hu was about to attack, showing his power, and saw the ice soul in the hands of the Jie Shui Daoist escape, and instantly fell on the Bai Hu.




The roar came to an abrupt end, and the white tiger seemed to be a duck with its neck pinched. It instantly stopped shouting, a frustration flashed in his eyes, and he was actually frozen again.

But on the white tiger’s forehead, there was a hexagonal prismatic crystal that was crystal clear. This crystal exuded unparalleled coldness. Wherever he passed, I looked at the ice layer on the white tiger’s body, and the white tiger kept on exerting force The ice must be shattered, but every time the ice layer has a slight crack, it will be instantly compensated by the cold air flowing from above, and it will be instantly suppressed.

"Hurry up".

The Daoist Bishui patted the dancing sea beast at his feet, and came to Mu Qingzhu's back: "I have suppressed the white tiger, and this mouse depends on you."

Mu Qingzhu nodded: "No problem, a mouse is fine, just look at my tricks."

The green bamboo in front of Mu Qingzhu turned into a walking stick. He held it in his hand and looked at the mouse in the void with a pair of eyes: "Mouse Jing, now the outcome is already clear, if I were you, I would obediently retreat."

"You human race will rely on the power of magic weapons and have the ability to do a real fight with me," Bao Shu said disdainfully.

"Never mind Bomo, you are not opponents of these two weird flowers, think of a way to bring the white tiger back" the Fox God said. Although the reckless game has lost, the white tiger has broken through the real body, which is considered a big gain.

Now that the general situation is in hold, Manghuang doesn't care about one or two wins or losses. The battle in front of him is just to show his face to the younger generation in Manghuang, and then share some luck.

For the supreme powerhouses, it is like a game.

The mouse turned his eyes when he heard the words, and looked at Mu Qingzhu regretfully with a pair of eyes: "If this battlefield had not been suppressed too much, today's affairs would never have ended so easily."

"If you have the ability, you can stay. The young master will definitely tell you how to be a qualified mouse sperm." Mu Qingzhu's mouth is sharp.


He only heard the sound of clicking, the mouse turned into a streamer and bit the earth to pieces, and he pulled up the white tiger and the earth out of thin air, trying to escape back to the wild.

"Ice soul! Come back" It doesn't matter to take the white tiger away, but you can't abduct Lao Tzu's ice soul.

The Jade Water Daoist stretched out his palm and summoned the Bing Apparition. At this time, Bao Shu had already brought the White Tiger to the field.

Tiger God put down the drum, and then came to the court, with a flick of his finger, the ice shattered.

"Roar~" The white tiger yelled up to the sky, although he broke through the supreme real body, he was not at all happy.

"Father God!" Bai Hu roared.

"Okay, I know for my father. You can break through the real body of the white tiger. It is already a great achievement. This is the battlefield of the race war. The opponent's ice is taking a big advantage. It is normal if you are not an opponent. If you are outside , You can kill the opponent if you find an opportunity. What's so discouraging" Tiger God doesn't care.

In Dafengzhou, the jade ancestor shifted his gaze from the gossip furnace at this time, staring at the wild battlefield, then at Yu Duxiu, and then at Mu Qingzhu, his mouth twitched: "His mother, back then My ancestors killed all the spirit beasts in the world, and never met that innate spiritual root. Why does this kid have such good luck."

"Xiantian Linggen?" Chaotian, Fuyao, and Taisu were taken aback.

"Where is the congenital spiritual root?" His eyes shined brightly.

Whether it is for ordinary cultivators or for the supremely strong, the innate spiritual roots have always been more, the better, not too much.

"I said why the kid Miaoxiu was not profitable and couldn't afford to be early, so he was going to pick up the green bamboo. I didn't expect this kid to have a congenital spiritual root." The old jade ancestor twitched.

Hearing that, everyone looked at the innate spiritual root in Mu Qingzhu's and turned their heads: "It's not like it."

"That is the Innate Spiritual Root, which can deceive others, but can't deceive the ancestor me," the ancestor Jade groaned.

"Xiantian Linggen, good stuff, or let's grab it?" Chaotian eyes gleamed.

"Cause and effect seems to be quite big" Fu Yao hesitated.

"Whatever cause and effect, there is an innate spiritual root, no matter how great the cause and effect are," Chaotian said nonchalantly.

"It can't be taken back, the wood green bamboo has been integrated with the innate spiritual root, and no one can take it back" Yu Duxiu said.


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