The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1810: Knife of Destruction

On the Terran battlefield, at this time the two sides are using their own means to fight non-stop.

"In fact, if we keep fighting like this, my human race may not lose," Tai Yi taught the ancestors.

"Wait, the demon gods are just training soldiers. After all, they haven't moved for a million years. The waves are scouring the sand. Waiting for those useless waste to die, leaving resources and elites behind. That's when the race war ends." gloomy.

"It's a pity! My human race is just high-end combat power and does not have an advantage. If Na Hongjun, Chaotian, Buddha and others join the battlefield, my human race will be able to push the sky, calm the recklessness, and suppress the human race. What a pity, what a pity." Taishi taught the ancestors with a sigh.

The teaching ancestors did not speak, and today's ending is not the bitter fruit that they brewed in the past, and they eat it by themselves.

"Otherwise, just give the center of heaven and earth to these beasts and let them kill each other," Tai Dou Jiaozu said boredly.

"Zhongyu is the center of heaven and earth, how easy it is to get it? If it is handed off, I am afraid that my human race will lose air luck and break my aura." Tai Yi taught the ancestors to urge the turtle shell in his hand, with a little bit of murder in his eyes. .

"Fight together! Fight together! Recklessness needs a big training. Why don't our human race need a big training. I choose the essence to join the list of gods and strengthen the power of my human race." Taishi Jiaozu looked into the distance, where the war was lit, in his eyes Divine light is flowing.

The Tai Dou Jiaozu looked at the battlefield in the distance, and a hesitation flashed in his eyes: "Actually, my human race may not be able to decide victory or defeat with the demon race."

"What do you mean?"

After hearing these words, the ancestors all turned their heads to look at the ancestor Xiang Taidou, their eyes flowed brightly.

"This constellation transcends the realm, opens up the world, observes the movement of the stars in the body, realizes the law of star fighting, and unintentionally discovered a formation method, I call it: Zhoutian Star Array" Tai Dou taught the ancestors.

"It's just a formation, how can you decide the outcome" Tai Huang Jiaozu's face was full of disappointment.

Taidou taught the ancestors: "Otherwise."

"Why else?" Tai Yi Jiao Zu was very interested. He was also a strong transcendence realm. Tai Yi Jiao Zu didn't think Tai Dou Jiao Zu would talk nonsense.

Tai Dou taught the ancestors: "As long as the stars of the heavens and the stars are in place, as long as the star gods are in place and arranged in a large array, they can summon the projections of the ancient stars in the nine days to come, which is enough to exert the power of the ancient stars can".


The teaching ancestors all took a breath and exclaimed: "40% mighty power?"

"Is that right?"

"real or fake?".


"How could the power be so big?".

"You don't want to blame me".

"Don't be kidding."

Seeing the unbelievable gazes of the colleagues, Tai Dou Jiaozu smiled bitterly: "Even I can't believe this matter, let alone you."

After speaking, Tai Dou Jiaozu continued: "Oh, I just realized the final pass of the heavens and stars array. I also saw the magical robe of the God King with a beautiful body and the power of the sky, and summoned the stars array. I just felt it in my heart, but I didn't expect to actually comprehend a formation."

Hearing that when Tai Dou taught the ancestors to observe the battle of Miao Xiu, he called the formation of the stars to land, and just imitated the cottage, everyone can't say what it was like.

"You take out the star array, everyone will refer to it for you" Tai Yi taught the ancestors.

The ancestor of Tai Dou did not hesitate. When he stretched out his palm, a piece of star Dou was hovering in his palm. I saw that countless stars were all flowing in a mysterious trajectory. The profoundness is very mysterious. It seems to be the same as the ancient stars in the sky. A connection was sensed.

"This is the Great Star Fighting Array?" Taishi taught the ancestor to smash it, smash it.

"Wrong" Taidou taught the ancestors.

"Huh?" Everyone was taken aback.

"This great formation is called the Great Formation of the Heavens and Stars, and the great formation of Miaoxiu is called the Great Formation of the Heavens and Stars. The Great Formation of the Heavens and the Stars is much more powerful than my great formation."

Looking at Tai Dou Jiao Ancestor who smiled bitterly, everyone looked at the large array of stars, showing a cautious color, and constantly deduced the trajectory of the large array of stars.

I saw the chaos-colored tortoise shell in Tai Yi Jiaozu's hand instantly turned into a star field, endless stars flowing in it, and after a while, I heard Tai Yi Jiaozu say: "It's a great mysterious array, but you can try it."

"There is always some hope" Taiping Jiao Ancestor nodded, and in his eyes countless talisman seals operated in the manner of the heavens and stars, deducing the power of the heavens and stars.

"If that's the case, it's settled. This constellation will spread out the great array of heavens and stars" Tai Dou Jiaozu called to the distance: "Where are the five emperors and five emperors?"

"I have seen the teacher."

Five emperors and five emperors came to the court together, Tai Dou Jiaozu looked at Emperor Ziwei, this is his own disciple: "Mitz, there is a great array of heavens and stars here, you can spread it out, and teach you according to the origin The star god, secretly rehearsing the great formation of the stars and stars, giving the wild beast a ruthless one."

"Yes" Mitz respectfully took over the jade slips after hearing the words. As long as the jade slips were put on the star gods, and everyone refining them, they would naturally be able to master the formation method corresponding to their own gods.

No way, the great array of heavens and stars is too complicated, even the supreme powerhouses would never want to master it in a short time, let alone ordinary star gods.

At this moment, there was an uproar in the battlefield below, the white tiger and the treasure rat lost, the green bamboo and the clear water Taoist won.


The human race's energy and energy were instantly lifted up, and with the back-feeding of the wood green bamboo and the clear water Taoist people, it suddenly suppressed the countless ‘small loaches’.

"I unexpectedly lost for a while, who is willing to go and get this face back" Fox God looked long.

"The disciple is willing to go" the matchmaker stood up.

"Well, even though you are a quasi-superpower, you are also a younger generation. It is not a violation of the rules. Go and find your face." Fox God nodded.


Countless monsters were instantly swept away by the silk thread in the matchmaker's hand, and a battlefield appeared in the middle of the field. The matchmaker dressed in white and looked at the human race's direction: "Fox matchmaker, who is willing to ask for advice?".

"Quasixian?" The teachers frowned.

"I'm here" The Primordial Heavenly King was driving the world-destroying mill, instantly turned into black light and rushed out, wherever it passed, countless monsters were instantly obliterated by the world-destroying aura and turned into the nourishment of the world-destroying aura.

"It's actually him, how can I forget this bastard?" Seeing the Primordial Heavenly King come on stage, the demon gods in the wild suddenly looked unsightly.


The dragon's Qi was invigorated, and the Qi Yun blessed in an instant, falling on the original heavenly king.

The red hydrangea in the hands of the "primitive king" immediately turned into silk threads, her complexion turned black.

"I am willing to ask you for advice and advice, please don't hesitate to give me advice." The Primordial Heavenly King stood on the Great Moment of Destruction, surrounded by the aura of destruction, unable to see where he really was.

Looking at the primitive king, the little fox began to grind his teeth. The primitive king is one of the most difficult characters in the heavens and all realms. Even if he faces the supreme power, he remains invincible. This battle continues. How can I not take advantage of it.

But anyway, when he came to the battlefield, the mighty powers of the heavens and worlds were watching, and he couldn't admit defeat without fighting.


Numerous karma threads stuck together instantly, twisted into a red string, and threw it towards the original king.

The Primordial Heavenly King stood quietly on the World Destruction Mill, with a pair of eyes calmly looking at the red rope, and yet to get close to the World Destruction Mill, I saw that the world's destruction gas turned into a human shadow, slashing towards the little fox , The red string broke instantly.

"This bastard, just to restrain me" the matchmaker scolded angrily.

In fact, the Primordial King not only restrained the little fox, but also restrained all the monks in the world, and the unlucky ghost was also among Except for Yu Duxiu, the guy in charge of the origin of the disaster.

"How to fight this battle?" The little fox was worried.


The little fox revealed his true body and turned into a white fox with shiny fur. This fox was so tall that he instantly grabbed the original king with a paw.


The Primitive Heavenly King finally made a move, and saw that Yuanshi Heavenly King stretched out his hand, and countless world-destroying auras quickly gathered and instantly turned into a big sword, slashing towards the matchmaker.

"The Knife of Destruction", the original heavenly king's voice was deep.


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