The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1820: Snatch the demon banner, the ghost master destroys the true spirit

The words of the old jade ancestor immediately made everyone present black, and sparks in their eyes began to flicker. The power of this gang's bad luck is too bad. As long as the old ancestor of jade releases his own bad luck, it is called that star Dou Da. Unlucky to the extreme, I didn't have to shoot, I scored and fell apart.

"Yes, you can afford to wait, but Yaozu can't afford to wait" sighed slightly towards the sky.

"In fact, this array of heavens and stars may not be as abnormal as you see, this array is still flawed" Yu Duxiu said.

"Defect?" Everyone was taken aback.

"Star God" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly: "This is the biggest flaw of the big formation, and the only flaw is the Star God. As long as the demon gods work together to destroy a main star projected by the Primordial Star Dou, then The big formation will have problems, there will be flaws in its operation, and eventually the big formation will be destroyed by the demon gods."

While talking, the demon gods wandered the starry sky at this time, stepped forward, and the golden body suppressed them, and the star field was shattered and turned into powder, not waiting for the thousands of powder to turn into a galaxy, the demon gods are already far away Left this star field.

"Everyone is an immortal powerhouse, working together to destroy this piece of star field after another, and finally to break this ancient star, forcing the true body of the ancestors of the teachings, see how these old guys hide" Fox God The voice spread far in the big array.

Hearing the words of the Fox God, the demon gods gathered together in an instant, and they displayed the supreme golden body together, shattering the star bucket, and the thousands of star fields they passed by instantly shattered.

"These old guys have found a way to break the formation, not bad" Tai Dou Jiaozu praised.

"Fully urge the heavens and star battle array, let the demon gods see the power of the heavens and star battle array" Tai Yi taught the ancestors playing with the turtle shell, and began to push the power of destiny in the dark.


The heavens and the stars shined brightly in an instant, and thousands of galaxies seemed to come alive in an instant. Not only the stars revolved, even the galaxies began to revolve. I saw that a force of pulling and tearing was transmitted to the people as the galaxies revolved. The golden body of a demon **** wants to tear apart the golden bodies of the demon gods.

Not only that, if the stars of the heavens are so simple, it would not be called the great array of stars. I saw the revolution of thousands of galaxies, and there are countless star fields facing the demon gods. The golden body hits.

It is densely packed with endless star fields. If you are hit, even the demon gods will definitely feel uncomfortable.

For a time, all the demon gods shot one after another, shattering the star field in the star formation.

In the Yin Division, the ghost master smiled, his eyes gloomily looked at the world of the Yang, his hands suddenly tore the passageway: "This seat is going to destroy the sacred list and the demon banner."



The ghost master gave an order, and the thousands of ghost tribe army instantly exited the Yinsi channel and headed towards the monster tribe town.

The human luck golden dragon collided with the demon golden dragon. The demon golden dragon did not have the upper hand. Now, coupled with the sneak attack by the Yinsi, the golden dragon of luck was immediately suppressed by both parties.

"Why is Yinsi fighting?" Chaotian and others watching the battle were taken aback.

The red line between Yu Duxiu's eyebrows flickered, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "The purpose of the ghost master is to recruit the demon banner. He wants to destroy the demon banner, but the luck of the wild monster clan is not easy to provoke, the ghost master If you take action against Manghuang, you will definitely not be able to escape the backlash of the Qiyun Jinlong. The ghost master sent troops not to fight the Yinsi decisively, but to use the Yinsi Qiyun Jinlong to contain the Yaozu Qiyun Jinlong."

When the cultivators of the human race were shocked, the strong in the wild was even more stunned. Seeing the monster tribes who suddenly appeared on the battlefield, the quasi-monster gods suddenly felt that their brains were not enough.

Before everyone could react, the ghost lord had already appeared on the stage of worship, watching the little fox dressed in white holding the demon banner in his hands, the ghost lord's palm slowly stretched out: "Get it."

At this time the power of the six reincarnations came, as long as the little fox dared to say a word, he would definitely enter the reincarnation without hesitation.

The little fox slowly raised his hand. The ghost master is one of the most powerful bosses in the universe. The little fox did not have the guts to resist, and he saw the killing intent in the ghost master's eyes, as long as he gave the other party an excuse.


In the distance, the quasi-monsters and gods in the wild exclaimed one after another.

"Fuck! A bunch of rubbish, not worthy of this seat." With a wave of the ghost master's big sleeve, the quasi-monsters and gods instantly collapsed and fell into the ghost tribe army, entangled by the strong ghost tribe.

"This is the demon banner?" The ghost master held the gourd and wanted to refine it. As long as the demon banner was refined, he could control the entire monster race.


The scary brand flickered in the void, and the brand of the demon gods was in the banner of the demon. At this time, they were forcibly invaded and refined by the ghost master, which instantly caused the brand of the demon gods to rebound.




A series of projections descended in the void, and the marks of the demon gods glared at the ghost master: "Ghost master, if you still don't put down the demon banner, you dare to offend my demon clan, you are just looking for death."

"Ghost Lord, put down the beckoning banners, spare you not to die" Xiangshen's eyes rose with anger.

"A group of idiots, dare to threaten me? Is this the kind of person who is afraid of being threatened?" The ghost master smiled coldly, stretched out his big hand, and instantly shattered the true spirit marks of the demon gods in the void.

In the Zhoutian star formation, the demon gods were attacking the human star field, but the next moment they changed their colors. The Tiger God and others snorted again and again, and a little aura from the outside converged and fell into the body.

"Asshole, the ghost master actually dared to attack my monster clan" Tiger God's eyes were murderous.

"Use the means to break through the formation and teach the ghost master a lesson" The wolf expression was gloomy.

However, after finishing the words, I saw the laughter of the ancestors of the human race in the void, and then countless galaxies were madly suppressing the demons and gods, and they did not give everyone a chance to break the formation.

"Bastard, you can't break this big formation for a while, forcibly summon the demon banner in." The Bull God retracted his hoof and looked at the void. At this time, the void was sealed by thousands of stars.

"The true spirit brand left in the beckoning banner has been shattered by the ghost master" Tiger God looked gloomy.

"The brand of this seat has also been shattered" Wolf God said.

"My ancestor, my brand has also been shattered" E's expression turned gloomy.

"Asshole" Xiangshen's eyes were angry.

After a lap, only the fox **** stood there with a gloomy face and said nothing: "This true spirit is still resisting, please also ask all the fellow daoists to help me."

outside world.

The brand of the true spirit of the tiger **** roared, and his magical power came towards the ghost master: "Damn, you dare to kill this true spirit?".

A dark light shot out from the ghost master's hand, instantly smashing the mark of the true spirit of the Tiger God: "Wait for your body to come out."

"Bad bastard, you dare to destroy my true spirit, and I will never die with you" God E saw the ghost master coming towards his own a gloom flashed in his eyes and his big mouth turned towards the ghost master Bit over.

"Oh, God E, you are also a hero in the ancient times. You should also know that the most fearful thing in this seat is some threats." The ghost master showed a trace of disdain, cracking the attack of the E God, his eyes were not salty. Looking at the elephant **** on the opposite side, "How is it? Are you shattered, or this seat will give you a ride."

"Asshole, if it weren't for the ancestors, I really got caught in the big formation, how would you let a villain like you succeed" Xiangshen patted the ghost master with one palm, and the void was beaten into nothingness under this punch .

"It's useless, it's just a chicken dog."

The six reincarnations in the hands of the ghost master casually unloaded the magical powers of the elephant god, and branded the true spirit of the elephant **** into powder with one palm: "Old ancestors, I have long seen this trick of the demon flags not pleasing to the eye. I waited for too long this day Up".

"Ghost Lord, you are looking for death, do you know?" Niu Shen looked at the ghost master dullly: "Wait for me to come out, ancestor, I will strangle you first."

"Oh? Really? That's great, I'm waiting for you to strangle me in the Yin Division, I'm afraid you, the turtle grandson, dare not come."

After speaking, the ghost master unceremoniously killed the true spirit of the bull god.

"Ghost Lord, he has been staring at the beckoning banner a long time ago, planning for a long time, it is estimated that this day has been waiting for too long" Dafengzhou, Yu Duxiu held his arms, a trace of gloating in his eyes.


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