The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1823: Long Jun shot, Jinlin means

   "Or let's join forces to kill the Yin Division and teach the old thing a lesson that will never be remembered?" The old jade ancestor rubbed his hands, a pair of eyes leaked a feeling of heat, and the battle spirit in his eyes began to rise.

   Looking at the small body of the old jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu is actually very strange. This old thing is so small and bones, where is such a high fighting spirit.

   "Forget it, wait for my cultivation base to go further, all the causes and effects are accumulated, don't worry, after all, there will be a time to settle the ledger" Yu Duxiu took the demon banner unhurriedly and turned away.

To be honest, Sihai Longjun was really nervous when I saw Yu Duxiu suddenly making a move before. I was afraid that Yu Duxiu would intervene in the battlefield, but after seeing that Yu Duxiu turned and left, Sihai Longjun breathed a sigh of relief. .


  In the midst of his busy schedule, Tai Yi taught the ancestors to stretch out his palm, covering the endless power of destiny, and slaying towards Longjun Town.

"Stop this old guy, this old **** broke our good things before, and now the enchantment banner has been broken, and I don't want to be alone in this list of gods." Seeing Sihai Longjun heading towards the Human Race's list of gods, the demon gods were immediately happy Surprisingly, they tried desperately one by one to contain the ancestors and never give them the opportunity to help.

   Your own demon banner is broken, if the Human Race's enshrined **** list is not broken, wouldn't it be a big loss? .


   The ancestors of the teachings were anxious and furious, and they constantly shot and killed the entanglement of the demon gods.


   Taiyi Jiaozu's palm was blocked by Jinlin, and Jinlin's hand was hazy, and the palm of Taiyi Jiaozu was turned into nothingness.

   But Jinlin is not comfortable, too easy to teach the ancestors to shoot with hatred, how easy it is to dissolve, take it with a palm, the Jinlin bursts open instantly, one arm turns into powder, and the body is reorganized in an instant.

   "This old guy is such a powerful force." Looking at Tai Yi Jiaozu's palm, Jin Lin's eyes flashed solemnly.



   The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas circulated the law of heaven and earth, and they all shot together, and the palms of both hands were inserted into the endless time and space, and the **** list was pulled out from the endless time and space.

   The demon race has demon banners, and the human race has a list of gods, but as the second race and the second largest force in the world, the dragon race has nothing. If there is a big battle in the future, how can this be played? .

   Isn't it just let people kill and slaughter? .

   Therefore, after hearing the ghost master say that he would destroy the Human Race's Enchanted God List and the Monster Race's Recruiting Banner, Sihai Longjun didn't even think about it, so he immediately decided and made a decision.

   It must be destroyed. If you don't have it in your own home, then you shouldn't have it either. Let's go back to the liberation together.

   Yu Duxiu's eyes were filled with divine light. Looking at the race battlefield, the ancestors finally understood the feelings of the previous demons and gods. They hated them, and hated them so much that they can't wait to fight people hard.

   Golden light was radiant, and the enshrined **** list was pulled in from the void, abruptly by the law of heaven and earth.

   Thirty-third Heaven, Qiantian's complexion changed wildly. If the Conferred God List is ruined, what else would this Heavenly Emperor do? Dismissed directly.

"I come".

   The chaos in Jinlin's hands was hazy, and a chaotic dragon ball flashed out.

   Four huge dragon claws of the Four Seas Dragon Master grabbed a corner of the Conferred God List, and the Jinlin Dragon Ball shot out and fell on the Conferred God List.


   There was a loud noise, and the origin of the heavens and star gods shook, and the great formation of the heavens and stars suddenly appeared flaws.


   With a roar of anger, Gan Tian wrote the amnesty book in his hand, and immediately turned into dragon energy and flew out.

   "Those who commit chaos, cut."

The sound was magnificent, but the next moment I saw the penalty blade turned into golden light and flew out in the endless void of the thirty-third heaven. In an instant, four screams were made. One arm of Sihai Longjun was chopped off by the penalty blade. Jinlin didn't know. What method was used to avoid the penalty guillotine.

  Feng Shen Bang took the opportunity to return to the endless time and space, but at this time, whether it was dry days or the ancestors, all their faces were gloomy to the extreme. I saw that the list of gods was densely cracked, and at least half of the gods fell into the gods.

   The origin of the Star God of Zhou Tian shook, and was instantly backlashed by the Conferred God List, and a flaw appeared in the Zhou Tianxing Dou formation.

   "This time, it's okay, the hatred between the human race and the dragon race is great." The jade ancestor's face was gloating.

The upturned eyes narrowed: "The enlistment of the demon banners and the list of gods has been hit hard, half a catty, but the movement of the Dragon King of the Four Seas was given to the demon clan's counterattack. Originally, relying on the great formation of the stars and the ancestors It may not be impossible to hold Kyushu, but now this week, the Star Dou formation has a flaw, and I am afraid it will be disabled and unable to trap the demon gods."

   "How should this cause and effect be counted?" The old jade ancestor shook his head as if watching a good show.

   Yin Si blood sea, the eyes of the Gorefiend are brilliant: "The race war, it is my chance for the ancestors, the Yin Si channel, open it for me".

   The words fell, a channel of Yin Division was forcibly torn open, and blood spewed out from the channel of Yin Division. Countless blood sea monsters rushed into the wilderness, and instantly smashed together with the monster beasts.

   Facing the wild monsters, the monsters in the sea of ​​blood have almost an overwhelming advantage. Before they can be shot, the billowing blood has already made the opponent dirty and turned into a pile of dead bones.

   The blood demon is also considered smart, not directly rushing to kill, but rushing to countless dead bodies on the battlefield.

   "These corpses are useless anyway, it's better to be merciful to my ancestors and accept them." The blood demon's face was full of compassion and compassion, then he shook his head and continued to swallow countless corpses.

   For hundreds of years of double-fire wars, the number of dead creatures is more than tens of billions. At this time, the supreme powerhouses cannot escape, but they are cheap blood demons.

  In the Yin Si, the ghost master stood with the Yin Si prince, and the Yin Si prince said: "Father, that wonderful magic weapon is so powerful."

The ghost master said with emotion: "In terms of strength, Miaoxiu is only the pinnacle of quasi immortality. Any supreme power can suppress him, but with the heaven-defying Pangu flag, it can actually suppress the supreme power. , If such mighty power falls in my hands, wouldn’t it be possible to push the world horizontally, even if it’s an unlucky ghost, he must walk around for his father.”

   "Father God, is there a way to trick Miaoxiu's Pangu banners?" Prince Yin Si said.

   "It's difficult, this treasure is related to Miaoxiu's wealth and life, it is the foundation of Miaoxiu's foothold, how can he be fooled?" The ghost master shook his head.

   "Father God thinks, how should the race war end?" Prince Yin Si said.

After hearing the words, the ghost master touched his beard, and after a while he said: "Sihai Longjun is a shit-chucking stick. Now he has ruined the list of conferred gods, and has actually disturbed the origin of the stars. The star gods exposed their flaws, and they originally relied on Zhou. The Heavenly Star Fighting Array, the ancestors may not be able to deal with the demon gods, but now the Zhou Tianxing Fighting Array has flaws, I am afraid that it will not be able to defend."

   "The ancestors of the human race have hated the Dragon King of the Sea at this time, and they can't wait to swallow him alive to relieve his hatred." The Crown Prince snickered.

   "You will stay away from the Jinlin in the future" The ghost master The two big lanterns in his eyes flashed with faint cold light.

   "Why?" Prince Yinsi was taken aback.

   "Dangerous" ghost master took a deep breath.

   "Hey, Hongjun! Hongjun! Look at the golden scales, don't you feel anything weird?" The old jade ancestor said while pulling at Yu Duxiu's clothes.

   "Weird place?" Yu Duxiu looked at the battlefield in the distance, and then shook her head: "Where is weird?"

"Your kid's penalty guillotine is a big killer, but you look at the Jinlin and actually avoided the penalty guillotine. Isn't it weird?" The jade ancestor stared: "This penalty guillotine is not only strong in transcendence." In addition to those who do not have the power to spare, it is absolutely unavoidable to wait for the best. Isn't this weird?".

   Yu Duxiu heard the words and looked at the old jade ancestor, and then looked at Jinlin in the distance, and suddenly she was taken aback: "Right? Why do I think Jinlin should avoid punishment?".

   "When you said that I also sensed it, it's really strange, this seat also has a feeling, it's really a bit inexplicable, actually subconsciously thinking that Jinlin should avoid the penalty knife for granted" Fu Yao said.

   touched his beard in the sky: "That's it, I said before that I always felt that there was some disharmony, but I didn't find it for a long time. I didn't expect that there was a problem here, which is really strange."


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