The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1825: Qiantian came to kill the road

   "Hey, what are you doing here?" Chaotian looked at the void.

"I don't know" Fuyao didn't seem to care about anything, just as free and unrestrained as the wind.

"It is probably related to the race war. Is it because you want to persuade you to join the war?" Tai Su Jiaozu chuckled.

Everyone shook their heads when they heard this, but didn't say anything. You look at me and I look at you.

"Enlighten to teach the ancestors, see the heavens in the heavens," the voice of Dafengzhou guards came from outside the door.

"Do you want to see him?" Fu Yao looked at Yu Duxiu.

Everyone knows the grievances between Yu Duxiu and Qian Tian, ​​and they are all very curious.

"It's okay to see or see, I don't know what this guy wants to do?" Yu Duxiu said, playing foolishly.

"Send him in," Fu Yao said unhurriedly.

The disciple turned and left.

Outside the Dafengzhou Temple, Qiantian stood at the foot of the mountain with a slight anxiety in his eyes. He was not afraid that he would not be able to convince the other party after meeting, even if the other party would not even give himself a chance to meet.

"The ancestor said, tell you to go in" the Dafengzhou disciple looked at Gan Tian.

"Thank you, thank you, and thank you for passing on it on your behalf." Qian Tian sent a spiritual object in his hand as a reward.

The disciple held the object in his hand, glanced at Gan Tian, ​​and nodded: "Be careful, Dao Hongjun is inside."

Qian Tian's expression changed when he heard this, and then nodded, really without a waste of thought.

Na Gantian walked into the main hall, feeling the turbulent aura in the main hall, and suddenly thought: "Oh, good fellow, everyone is here."

"I have seen all the ancestors" Gan Tian respectfully saluted everyone.

Fuyao said unhurriedly: "Your Majesty does not have to be polite, sit down and talk."

Gan Tian did not refuse, sat down, and looked at the hall, only to see Yu Duxiu standing by the window in the distance, looking at the distant scenery, seeming to observe the race war, standing by Yu Duxiu upright, the two of them from time to time The whispers, do not know what to say.

Tai Su Jiaozu stood beside Chaotian, nodding his head from time to time.

Fuyao sat in the seat of the main hall, and not far from Fuyao sat a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy, with a pair of eyes staring at Qiantian, full of curiosity.

"I don't know what your Majesty is doing to Dafengzhou?" Fuyao was straight to the point.

Qian Tian heard the words: "If you want to see the first ancestor, there are Lao Xianren."

Na Fuyao was taken aback for a moment, and his eyes looked at Old Jade Ancestor: "Old Ancestor, he is here to find you."

"Looking for me?" The Jade Ancestor was taken aback.

Looking at Fuyao's gaze and listening to the conversation between the two, Qiantian was stunned: "Could this San Cunding be the first ancestor?".

The clever person of Qiantian, after looking at the first ancestor, he immediately stood up and gave a deep salute: "Disciple Qiantian, I have seen the first ancestor."

The ancestor of Jade stood up, came to Gan Tian, ​​looked up and down Gan Tian, ​​a word almost frightened Gan Tian.

"Are you the Gantian who put a green hat on Hongjun?" Old Jade Ancestor leaned in front of Gantian and said with a low pressure.

Although the voice was small, everyone in the hall was full of ears and eyes. Yu Duxiu, who was chatting with Chaotian, suddenly turned blue, and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes.

Gantian shuddered in his calf and almost fell to his knees. He looked at the old jade ancestor with a pair of eyes, and quickly said: "The ancestor is cautious and cautious, everything is just a misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

"Oh, misunderstanding, misunderstanding is okay, otherwise I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of this Great Wind Continent, the Holy Infant will live not far away. If the news of your coming here leaks out, I'm afraid you will suffer a catastrophe." Old Yushi Zu pulled Gantian and sat down and patted Gantian on the shoulder.

Gantian twitched his face when he heard the words, and looked at the old jade ancestor with a pair of eyes. The old jade ancestor said: "By the way, what's the matter with your kid looking for me to come here?"

"I heard that the ancestors had vast magical powers, boundless magical powers, and overwhelming the supreme power of the heavens. He was the number one person in the heavens and all realms. Therefore, the disciples came here to visit and admire the true content." The jade ancestor was dizzy and his face was full of use.

"The disciple came here, in order to take refuge in the ancestors, willing to be a cow and a horse for the ancestors, and to master the Central Territory." Gan Tian finally said his intention.

"Oh! Take refuge in me, okay,,,,, wait, what?" The ancestor of Jade instantly sobered and swallowed the word'say' abruptly.

"The disciple said, I want to take refuge in the ancestors, and all the territories of the human race in the future will belong to the ancestors," Gan Tian whispered.

"Oh! It's been a long time since no one has taken refuge in my ancestor. Although you kid is a bit cunning, you are still a character. What use do I want the land of the middle area? Now the Kyushu of Human Race is about to be destroyed, and Human Race will be expelled. Exiled in the wasteland, there are all barren land, the ancestors I have no interest in it.” The ancestor Jade’s eyes were full of emotion, and he kept patting the shoulder of that dry sky: “But you are also the ancestor I was born. After that, the first person who wanted to take refuge in me, my ancestors, I couldn’t help those who were planning to take refuge in my ancestors, so I reluctantly accepted you. Okay, you go back first."

Na Gantian was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he was overjoyed when he heard that the old jade ancestor agreed to take refuge in him, but when he heard the other party drove him away, his face immediately collapsed, but he came to look for the backer. The backer was found, but It's no good, Mao didn't get any benefits.

"My ancestor,,,,,".

"Why? Could it be that you said beforehand that only the ancestors my horse head is false? The ancestors did not listen to my first order?" The Jade ancestor perfectly interpreted what is called turning a face like a book. Zu, suffocated his words, blushed and respectfully saluted the jade ancestor: "Disciple farewell."

Seeing Qiantian walking out wimply, the old ancestor Jade smiled and ran to Yu Duxiu to ask for his credit: "How about it? I didn’t take advantage of my previous benefits, ancestor, and I taught you this in a blink of an eye. Boy, let him know that the sky is high and the earth is thick."

Yu Duxiu glanced at the old jade ancestor with a dark face, and did not speak. The old jade ancestor was just a bastard. Some things faced this old guy, and it was really unclear.

The dizzy dry sky walked out of the main hall, and just out of Dafengzhou, I saw two figures approaching in the distance.

Then one of the figures said: "Dry sky?"

"Qiantian? Could this servant be the Heavenly Emperor of Human Race?" Another human said.

"Does this fellow Daoist know me?" Gan Tian paused and looked at the duo in front of him, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Brother virtuous, we have joined forces with this girl. This guy actually beat me into a pig fetus back then and almost abolished my ancestors. We have to make a good calculation today." The old ancestor Zhu Ba took Out of the rake, regardless of the reason, he slammed his head towards Qiantian's head.

"Old ancestor Zhuba! It turned out to be you." As soon as Gantian saw the rake of ancestor Zhuba, he immediately understood the identity of the other party, and exclaimed, "Bold, you dare to commit the crime?"

"Old ancestors, I am not under the control of the heavens. Don't put on stinky airs in front of ancestors." As the ancestor Zhu Ba said, the rake came with a bad wind.


The purple qi of the real dragon in Qiantian's body rises, breaking all laws.

"Qa~Qa~Qa~" Wang Daoling instantly revealed his real paw patted towards Gantian.

"Old ancestor Zhu Ba, you dare to commit crimes, I will definitely punish your nine races in the future" Qian Tian roared, his body turned into a purple real dragon and retreated.


Na Gantian was hit by Wang Daoling and hit the ground with a rake from Old Ancestor Zhu Ba.

Taking advantage of your illness to kill you, Old Ancestor Zhu Ba took the opportunity to turn into a real body and bite towards Gantian.

"Who will save me! Who will save me!" Looking at the ancestor Zhu Ba, Qian Tian exclaimed again and again.

"Naughty animal, never want to hurt people."

A red arrow flew over from the sky, and instantly shot the golden body of Old Ancestor Pig, the red murderous aura rose to the sky, and the red murderous aura had turned into water mist.

"A strong murderous aura, it has been proved to be the avenue of killing. I don't know how many sentient beings are buried in the hands of the other party." Old Ancestor Zhu Ba was surprised.


A long sword in the sky crossed the void, and the rich murderous intent solidified the void, and slashed towards the head of Old Ancestor Zhu Ba.

"Qa~Qa~Qa~" Wang Dao's voice sounded like thunder, and when he saw the opportunity to break through the blockade, he took the pig eight ancestor into the sky.

ps: Hey...I'm going to be unemployed, ahem, I plan to find a time to transfer to find a job, please understand me for the update.


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