The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1833: Ao Le shot

   The words of the ancestor of jade stone, Yu Duxiu did not agree. Through the practice of God's will like a sword, Yu Duxiu has a clearer understanding of what is meant by God's will and what is meant by supernatural powers that are invincible.

Sometimes, it’s not something you can kill if you want to kill. You can't kill it at all. If you want to kill it, you must exhaust all the opponent's energy.

Every monk who can prove the Dao is a generation with profound aura. The aura is so profound that it is what you can imagine. However, the bad luck carried by the jade ancestor, the best product, may actually be able to destroy the aura. , Maybe.

Yu Duxiu looked at the battlefield with a pair of eyes, and saw that Zhongyu's aura at this time had changed again.


Just when countless crocodiles were fighting, they were instantly overwhelmed by the dragon's chants, crawling on the ground, and saw the air of chaos in the void, a chaotic dragon claw wrapped in countless mysterious runes, shining with silver white light. , Crushed the void, and frightened towards the field.




Unprepared by countless crocodile cultivators, their heads exploded in an instant, turning into fans, instead they became dragons' nourishment.

"The princess is here, the princess is here to save us, the princess is here to save us, don't give up, stick to it, kill them, kill these bastards" countless dragon monks looked at the dragon claws in the sky, With excitement.

The Ordinary Dragon Clan has escaped from the sea, and may not be the opponent of this crocodile, but Ao Le is definitely not among them.

"The law of heaven and earth."

Ao Le stretched out his palm, and all the crocodiles in the entire river basin were uprooted in an instant. Except for the quasi-superior, they were all held in his hands by Ao Le, and then suddenly thrown into his mouth.




The creepy voice of countless crocodiles rang out, and then Ao Le murmured: "This crocodile skin is too hard, it can't bite without any effort."

"Bold, dare to slaughter the people of my crocodile clan, today I will ask you to pay the debt."

Ao Le’s actions stunned countless monks below, but the next moment she saw the light bursting from the void, and saw the quasi-superior's streamer rising into the sky, and instantly came to Ao Le's body. , The blood basin bite towards Ao Le.

"court death".

Ao Le smiled disdainfully: "The law of heaven is like the earth."


The first quasi-superior of the crocodile clan was slapped flying by Ao Le's palm, and the supreme golden body instantly exploded. The second quasi-superior did not wait for the slightest movement, and Ao Le had already come to the opponent's body. before.


This supreme real body directly turned into a fan.

"It's a pity that I don't have the universe in my hand, otherwise today I will inevitably let the crocodile clan lose their soldiers and soldiers" Ao Le said regretfully, but it doesn't matter. The body of the quasi-superior is equally important. The bodies of the five quasi-superior men exploded, and then opened their mouths, and began to frantically devour the flesh and blood in the sky.


"Hurry up and stop her."

The five quasi-superior powerhouses are crazy. If they have been refined into their own flesh, what should they be done? Isn’t the immortal way hopeless? .

If you want to prove, there is no way to go, but there is no physical damage.

"Return my body."

The five quasi-superpowers who lacked arms and legs, or lost their ears and eyes, glared at Ao Le. The next moment they turned into streamers, they surrounded Ao Le from the five sides: "Tear her and **** her back." .

"She tore her."

The strongman of the crocodile clan roared, his big mouth opened instantly, and he bit towards Ao Le.

"The law of heaven and earth."


Ao Le slapped the dragon's tail, and instantly caused the five powerful crocodile clan to explode again, and then was swallowed by Ao Le.

"Yes, yes, the flesh and blood are pure and crunchy, just to help me break through." Ao Le smiled coldly, his eyes flickered, and then crazily swallowed the flesh and blood in the void.

"This Ao Le is too cruel." The demon gods watched the battle secretly. Such a big movement was born in a place as big as Kyushu. It is difficult for everyone to know.

Seeing that Ao Le's five quasi-superior strong men could not raise their heads, everyone was startled.

"Dragon Clan" Too Yi taught the ancestor laughed, and the turtle shell in his hand kept circulating: "I don't know if your hope is ruined, and the world will go crazy, fighting the crocodile ancestor to death and life."

"The fate flowed, Ao Le fate, when he fell in the middle domain, his soul flew away," Tai Yi Jiaozu started secretly again.

For people like Taiyi Jiaozu who play with the secrets of heaven, he will never miss any chance that can be calculated.

"It's obviously unrealistic that you want Ao Le to die. The Sihailong clan is very good to Ao Le Baby. You might as well think of a way to abolish Ao Le's physical body and call Ao Le Chengxian Hopeless." Taiyi taught ancestors chuckled and took it slowly Out of the plum blossom in his hand, he constantly fiddled with the number of lives in his hand, a little bit of light in his eyes continued: "Ao Le life number, when the flesh is missing."


The five quasi-superior powerhouses were flew away, missing a part of their flesh and blood, their eyes were red, and they rushed to Ao Le like crazy, and roared: "Return my body, give it back to me, give it back soon I".

"Fatianxiangdi" Ao Le once again drew the five quasi-superpowers away.

"I'm fighting with you." A quasi-superior crocodile rushed to Ao Le's body instantly, no matter the lower body that was exploded, a head suddenly bit one of Ao Le's ankle, and instantly tore off a piece Bloody flesh.

"You are crazy! You actually burn your real body!" The other four quasi-superior powerhouses were all startled when they saw the action of the crocodile clan powerhouse.

"Hahaha, hahaha, anyway, the hope of enlightenment is gone, ancestors, I will die with you today, so that you can't prove the way of immortality." The quasi-superior man laughed wildly and instantly exited the battlefield, leaving the lower body empty, leaving only Next belly and head.


Ao Le instantly transformed into a human form, looking at the **** calf, his eyes stared at the strong man of the crocodile family: "Return the flesh to me."

Ao Le's body was filled with chaos, and the skin on his body was trembling constantly, beckoning the bitten flesh.


The crocodile simply swallowed Ao Le's flesh and blood in one bite: "Give it back to you? The beauty you think, you have ruined my ancestors and my hope of enlightenment, so don't even think about enlightenment."

"Spit it out for me," Ao Le said coldly.

"Quit dreaming, dreaming."

"Fatianxiangdi" Ao Le used the Fatianxiangdi again, and instantly came to the crocodile spirit, and hit the crocodile spirit's belly.


The crocodile spirit was exploded in an instant, the **** sky flew, Ao Le's flesh and blood chaotic air was hazy, and he instantly returned to his body.


"Do you think there is nothing I can do if you don't give it to me? This princess's flesh and blood contains chaos, do you think you can refine it?" Ao Le smiled coldly, this crocodile was simply too naive .


Ao Le's words just fell, and only felt a sudden pain in his neck, and instantly blood was splashed, and a piece of flesh was bitten by the other crocodile essence.

This crocodile spirit is shrewd, turning into a streamer in an and is about to escape.

"The law of heaven and earth."


The crocodile essence was shot and exploded in an instant, turned into a blood mist, and Ao Le opened his mouth and swallowed the body of the crocodile essence.


Ao Le's flesh and blood regrouped, a pair of eyes scanned the square, and a sneer appeared in his eyes: "It's ridiculous, do you think you can get me?".

As he was talking, the quasi-superior brilliance flickered in the four seas, but the quasi-superior came to the scene: "The princess must not worry, the old ministers come to help."

The Four Seas have existed for millions of years. After all, Dragon Lords have already had five people, and the Quasi Dragon Lords still have some, and the foundation is not lacking. These years, they have benefited from both the human race and the recklessness. The fat head and big ears are greasy.

"What? The dragons want to fight with me recklessly?" A quasi-superior strongman from the crocodile family descended on the scene.

"That's wrong, your crocodile clan can't represent recklessness, you can only represent crocodile clan" Ao Le's eyes were mocking: "Everyone is not a fool. This kind of word game is meaningless."

"Oh" the brilliance of the figure gradually converged, revealing the appearance of a young man: "The princess is polite, and this seat is the young patriarch of the crocodile family, but the son of E God".

"So what?" Ao Le sneered coldly.


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