The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1840: The crush of absolute strength

   Looking at the two, the lady nodded helplessly: "Well, in that case, where are your things buried?".

The ancestor of Jade said: "It's right under that hall."

After hearing the words of the Jade ancestor, the lady's face suddenly became cold: "Your Excellency is amusing me? This Mu Palace Hall is the foundation of the Mu family's ancestors. It has been standing here for thousands of years, and the dynasty has not changed. The decline of the Mu family, this hall is the symbol of my Mu family, is your Excellency playing me waiting?".

The ancestor of Jade was taken aback when he heard the words: "What Mu Mansion is not Mu Mansion? It takes only a thousand years. It is not enough for my ancestor to take a nap. If you do what I said, your Mu Mansion is safe, if you dare to defy, this The mansion is full of excuses."

The old jade ancestor stood up and stomped his feet suddenly. The entire border area shook three times. The Mu Mansion almost jumped up in an instant. The lady fell to the ground and looked at the old jade ancestor in amazement with her eyes. Thinking that this little bit is so powerful, it actually caused an earthquake with one kick.

"Jade, you guys are getting less and less good, no matter how rude in doing things, we are not unreasonable people, we must be reasonable in doing things," Yu Duxiu said.

The old jade ancestor said: "Hmph, let alone Mu Mansion, even this world is not worthy of my spiritual essence, if you dare not follow it, you will be punishable."

Yu Duxiu grabbed the old jade ancestor by the neck: "You have a temper."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu gave a fist to the lady and said: "It's rude, this old boy is like this. In fact, this hall is nothing. If the hall is demolished, I will naturally compensate the Mu Mansion. The government offers a price, and it’s something to discuss."

The lady looked at Yu Duxiu and the ancestor of Jade with a look of trepidation: "Even if you kill me in this matter, I won't be able to take the initiative. I need to discuss with the old lady to be the master."

Yu Duxiu smiled softly: "It's okay, our brothers can afford to wait, madam just go."

Seeing the lady staggering away, the old jade ancestor curled his lips: "Really, it's not the ancestor I said you, why are you kid so polite to mortals? It's just a bunch of ants. Killing them is equivalent to saving them."

Yu Duxiu turned her head and looked at Jade Ancestor: "So, this is the difference between the two of us. Although we do whatever we want, I have allies, but you don't."

"Sister-in-law" Mu Yuru said: "There has been an earthquake, sister-in-law, are you okay?"

The lady looked gloomy and said, "Hurry up and invite the master, the old lady, and the head coach Li, please come together."

"What happened?" Mu Yuru was taken aback.

"Hurry up," the sister-in-law urged.

Not long afterwards, I saw a steady sound of footsteps, and a middle-aged man walked in. The middle-aged man was neatly dressed, with a sturdy back, looks mighty and mighty, and his eyes flashed with self-sufficiency and no anger.

"I have seen Mrs." Teacher Li respectfully saluted.

"Teacher Li, please sit down, sir and old lady will be here soon" said the lady.

Head Li nodded when he heard the words, and then sat down slowly. Not long after hearing the sound of footsteps, the countless servants walked in with the jealous master and old women.

"As promised, what do you girl tell us to come over today?" After the old lady sat down, she looked at the lady, who was the sister-in-law.

"I have seen the master and madam" bowed as promised, and then said with a heavy face: "Master, madam, I am afraid it will be a disaster in Mu Mansion."

"Isn't it just about the Blood God Sect? In the past few years, the Blood God Sect has done a lot of evil, and has been suppressed by the court. Although my Li family has been blocked by the Blood God Sect, it can survive the blood God Sect after all." However, the blood **** sect has a long heritage. No one knows the origin of the blood **** sect. It is almost comparable to the origin of human beings. The methods are undefeable, and there are countless masters.

He smiled bitterly as promised: "Although the Blood God Sect is famous, it is suppressed by the entire human race, even the monster beasts spurned it. After all, he dared not come to the door openly. Now my daughter-in-law is referring to another matter."

"Have everyone sensed the previous earthquake?" Ruyue smiled bitterly.

"It's strange to say that I have never had an earthquake before, but today it happened," Instructor Li said in doubt.

Ruoyue smiled bitterly: "What if I said that the earthquake was formed by manpower and one foot?".

"It's impossible, it's impossible at all." Instructor Li categorically rejected: "Martial arts can be an enemy of ten thousand people, but it is absolutely impossible to shake the mountains and shake the earth for thousands of miles."

"If it's true?" Ruyue asked again.

It seemed that they had sensed something. Everyone was breathing suddenly. If it was true, then it would be considered a country that could not be called a human being.

Looking at the expressions of the people, the old lady claps and praised the things in the previous hall as promised: "This is a good thing. The other party is so powerful. If I can make a deal, my Mu Palace will surely soar into the sky and become a human race. The number one power is also waiting for leisure. The key now is whether the opponent has such a powerful force."

As promised, he smiled bitterly, and the master said: "Instructor Li follow along and take a look."

Yu Duxiu and the old jade ancestor discussed how to find Yunban Liushi in the main hall. After a long time, he led the instructor Li into the main hall as scheduled. The old jade ancestor held his arms and raised his legs and said: "Little Pi Niang , How are you thinking about it?".

"Bold, do you dare to molest my wife" The instructor Li was furious when he heard this, and slammed the old jade ancestor with a punch.

"act recklessly".


Instructor Li was smashed into the air by the jade ancestor with one punch, and he flew out of the city directly and fell into a borderline desert.

"It's ants, you dare to provoke, what are you thinking about" Jade Patriarch said unhurriedly.

Seeing the head coach Li flying in and out of the sky, his wife smiled helplessly: "Your Excellency deceives me the widow who has no husband, right? Does the slave family have a choice now?".

The lady gathered a group of family members and crackled and began to demolish the hall.

The old jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "Hongjun, this mortal body is too weak. My treasure is probably more than a dozen miles under the ground. It is digging by mortals. Nothing for decades is a dream I am not short of time, but you are different."

"What do you mean?" The jade ancestor said.

"I think there are a few demon beasts with good strength outside the mountain, occupying the mountain as the king, why don't you take them over and dig a hole for us?" Old Jade Ancestor said.

Instructor Li, who heard these words aside, was twitching. As the world's top demon hunter, instructor Li had his life back after all.

Yu Duxiu looked at the ancestor of Jade: "Well, I'll go for a while, I'll leave it to you here."

Yu Duxiu walked out of Mu Mansion, walked out of the city, and suddenly saw the mountains and forests.

In a certain cave, a humanoid beast was watching the human slaves opening up wasteland for themselves, digging a cave, holding a whip in his hand, shaking and rolling in his hand, engulfing the slow-working person, I swallowed a few so that countless people were desperately digging rocks.

"You all work quickly for me, otherwise I will eat you all," the demon king laughed triumphantly.

The laughter hadn't fallen yet, and there was a figure in the cave in the distance. This person's face was like a crown of jade, walking lightly on the mountain road, looking at the demon king with his eyes.

An unpleasant feeling arose. This Outback Mountain of oneself is a wild and dangerous place, even if it is a human army, it must go around. Now the other party dares to go alone on the mountain, it must not be a good kind.

"Stop him".

The Demon King roared, and countless little demon rushed out and rushed towards Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu gently shook her head: "Fire Tribulation".




A handful of flames rose from the bodies of the demon gods, and then the monster beasts instantly turned into dust and became ashes floating in the air.

"Who are you?" Tens of thousands of demon beasts were wiped out in ashes in an instant, and the Demon King's lips were uneasy. He looked at Yu Duxiu tremblingly, his eyes full of fear, and he knelt to the ground instantly.

Not only was the Demon King stunned, but the human beings who were digging the cave were also stunned, looking at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes, is there such a powerful human in this world? .


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