The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1844: The unlucky world of jade ancestors

One action of Yu Duxiu caused an upsurge to open up a world of chaos. All the supreme powers of the heavens all descended into the chaos and opened up the world.

"Heavenly white jade capital, shameless on the twelfth floor, immortals caress me, endures longevity." Yu Duxiu's fingers carved Li Bai's poems on the central obelisk, and his eyes turned to the lower realm: "From today, this dojo Call it: Yujing Mountain".

Although the voice was clear, the whole world trembled softly in an instant, and seemed to greet it softly in an instant.

"Wangchen, this Yujing Mountain will be our home in the future. You can choose a palace to live in, and you will sacrifice treasures for your brother." Yu Duxiu walked slowly to the highest peak of Yujing Mountain and looked down at the newly opened palace. Although the world has just been opened up, it is not weak at all. The laws between heaven and earth have begun to circulate, and corresponding creatures and various spiritual things have been derived.

The world is not big, there are only thousands of miles, but this world, like the Great Thousand World, is a growing world, constantly self-improving, constantly deriving its own laws, and then the world is slowly growing.

Take out the three treasures Ruyi, Yu Duxiu looked at the three treasures Ruyi, a chaotic gourd appeared in his hand, and threw the gourd onto the highest peak. A mineral vein appeared in Yu Duxiu’s hand, and then I saw that the veins were mysterious. The air machine is enveloped.

"The cloud forbidden flow stone is indeed mysterious. If you want to refine the lock demon tower and seal the supreme powerhouse, you can't rely on these two veins alone. This seat will turn the entire world into a cloud forbidden flow stone. Created an iron barrel prison." Yu Duxiu's mouth was smiling, and the veins of the cloud forbidden flow stone were submerged in the chaos in the gourd, and then passed through the world barrier and fell into the small world in the gourd. .

Yu Duxiu's figure flashed and appeared in this small world. The small world was already several million li in radius, almost the size of the later China.

Yu Duxiu stretched out her palm and implanted the veins of the cloud forbidden flow stone into this world, and his eyes flickered: "Hahaha, this small world will be the main body of the lock demon tower, as long as the cloud forbidden flow stone is in If this world takes root, then they will be left alone. This world will ban all laws."

With a smile at the corner of Yu Duxiu's mouth, the palm of her hand stretched out, the origin of the world fell into Yu Duxiu's hands, turned into a square monument, and Yu Duxiu took it out.

Looking at the square stele in her hand, Yu Duxiu threw the square stele into the gossip furnace, accepting the smelting of the innate divine fire, and constantly mixing with the open sky bronze.

"It's so stingy, I actually closed the world." The old jade ancestor came outside the world of Yu Duxiu. His eyes circled the small world a few times, and there was no entrance to the world. He deliberately tore through the world barrier and got in. Afraid that Yu Duxiu will destroy himself and turn his face on him.

"My ancestor, my small world can't stay, whoever stays is unlucky" said Jade Patriarch helplessly.

Just now, the old jade ancestor wandered around in his own little world with excitement on his face, but suddenly found something wrong. Just after taking a step, the old jade ancestor turned over and took two steps early. After taking four steps, he fell into the earth inexplicably. After taking five steps, the four spirits of the earth ran out and wanted to die with the jade ancestors. When the sixth step was reached, the innate sacred fire appeared. To turn Yu Duxiu into powder.

"It's terrible," the ancestor of Jade murmured, looking at his own world with his eyes rolled: "Forget it, let's go to the sky."

Three days later, in the upturned world, I saw that the upturned ancestor dragged the jade ancestor. The jade ancestor stubbornly grabbed the world barrier and refused to let go.

"My ancestor, my world really can't stand the bad luck of your old man. Your old man should do well, go, and if I don’t go, my world’s laws will collapse." Ancestor.

This unlucky guy stubbornly grabbed the overturned world barrier: "I will not go, I will not go, my ancestors, I will not go, wanting ancestors to leave, it is simply wishful thinking, ancestors I have nowhere to go, I I won’t go if I don’t go.”

"Old ancestor, this is a spiritual object that I secretly left behind in the ancient times. I have been reluctant to use it. Just treat it as I gave you. Go away, I beg you." Seeing that I can't move the jade ancestor, Chaotian immediately changed his strategy and took out the heaven and earth spirits as bait.

The old jade ancestor heard the words and stretched out his hand to hold the spiritual object, looked up to the sky, and instantly hugged the world barrier again: "I won't go, you don't want to drive me away."


Chaotian simply tore a corner of the world barrier, kicked the old jade ancestor out, and then quickly repaired the world barrier, staring at the old jade ancestor.

The ancestor of Jade was helpless, so he could only turn around and leave, walked to the world of Fuyao, and was about to walk in, but saw that Fuyao was holding a spiritual object in his hand, and came to the ancestor of Jade: "Old ancestor, save money from disaster Be merciful."

Looking at the spiritual object in Fu Yao's hand, the old jade ancestor sighed and turned and left.

"Hongjun! Hongjun! Open the door quickly, open the door quickly, ancestor I am here" The ancestor of Jade knocked on Yu Duxiu's world barrier.

"Come on, yell what?" Yu Duxiu's unhurried voice came. The world barrier revealed a gap. The old jade ancestor walked in, looked at Yu Duxiu, and sat down beside Yu Duxiu. .

Seeing that the jade ancestor was not in a high mood, Yu Duxiu turned his attention back from the chaotic gourd: "What's the matter? The mood is not high?"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just upset" Old Jade Ancestor said impatiently.

After speaking, the ancestor of Jade said: "My ancestor, my world can't ask for it. If your kid wants it, I will give it to you."

"Why?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback.

"You will know if you go and see for yourself" Old Jade Ancestor exclaimed.

Looking at the jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu is not polite: "If the ancestor doesn't want it, then I'm not polite."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu directly stretched out his palm, and saw that the world of the ancestor of Jade turned to the size of an egg and was held by Yu Duxiu.

Opened his eyes and looked at the overwhelming power of bad luck in that world, Yu Duxiu smiled: "No wonder, it turned out to be like this. The bad luck in this world of ancestors is so bad that even the supremely powerful can't hold it. Ah, it happens that this seat is going to sacrifice the lock demon tower, this world seat will accept it."

The ancestor of Jade heard the words and looked at Yu Duxiu dryly: "You kid, take my ancestor my world, and in the future, your world will have half of my ancestor."

"Okay, my world won't invade in ten thousand calamities, and the calamity won't be affected. The ancestors can live as long as they want" Yu Duxiu said.

"Hey, you are the best in the heavens and worlds." The ancestor of Jade showed excitement, then he showed sadness and sat aside.

Today's jade ancestor is obviously a bit strange, Yu Duxiu's mouth is smiling: "Old ancestor, today is not in a good mood."

"It doesn't matter what your business is." Jade ancestor wiped his nose: "It's really hateful, hateful."

"How is your kid's Demon Locking Tower sacrificed?" The Jade Ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu.

"Now it's still gestating, after some time, you can choose a lucky day to worship the pagoda" Yu Duxiu Tao ~ ~ Looking at Yu Duxiu, the jade ancestor said: "You lock the demon tower practice That’s it. Let’s install all the demon gods and ancestors. This big world is our brother’s. We can play as we like. This big world is our back garden."

Listening to the words of the ancestor of Jade, Yu Duxiu's forehead was instantly covered with black lines, and a flash of thunder flashed in his eyes: "Old ancestor, you can't talk nonsense. After saying this, I will become the public enemy of the heavens and the world."

"What are you afraid of? I know something about your ancestors. Together, we are invincible in the world. I have already calculated it. The loach in the world is the weakest. We suppressed those loach and suppressed the loach. After that, with the help of the power of the demon gods, suppressed the ancestors, and then made a little provocation, the demon gods civil war, we secretly attacked, swallowed the demon gods one by one, swallowed them all, and then smelted them into a furnace. Then it will be fine. All the supreme powerhouses are cultivated into the demon lock tower, become a part of the demon lock tower, and then swallow the world, quack quack, ancestor I am too talented." The jade ancestor became more and more excited.


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