The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1847: Hongmeng Alchemy

   "I'll be a leader, too."

The emperor picture in Taiping Jiaozu's hand flew out instantly, turned into a long river, and fell into the long river of Taiyi Jiaozu's fate.

Seeing this, the other ancestors dropped their spirit treasures into the long river of fate of Tai Yi Jiao ancestors, and saw that the long river of fate instantly broke through the void, twisting and twisting the enshrined **** list, and the enshrined **** list sank into the river of fate. , And then led by the force of fate, came into this world.

"The broken one is really powerful, and the four-legged snake is not merciful." Looking at the Fengshen list that was pulled out, Tai Yi taught his ancestors with a gloomy face.

"Stop talking nonsense, do it" Taiping taught the ancestors.

After hearing the words, the ancestors nodded together, and began to take action to suppress the Fengshen Bang, and continued to sacrifice the power of the Fengshen Bang.

The Yaozu, the Fox God looked at Void with a gloomy expression, then narrowed his eyes slightly, and moved his lips: "Although it is said that the bell must be tied to the bell, Hongjun has too many eyes, if it wasn't for the change of my seat. I'm afraid that this kid will calculate the method of rituals to recruit demon banners."

Fox God thought of the true spirit who had escaped from Yu Duxiu's self-recruiting demon flags back then, and his expression suddenly became gloomy: "I am the first person in charge of this demon-recruiting flag."

"In those days, when the demon beckoning banners were raised, all the demon gods worked together. It's better to ask these guys to hand over the rituals of the practice to see if I can perform something and fix the beckoning banners." Fox God Niandong Between the will has descended on the small world of the demon gods.

Hearing that they wanted to repair the demon banner, the demon gods did not refuse, and one after another handed over their own part of the magic trick. After being branded by the fox god, the fox **** returned to the cave and began to slowly deduct the demon banner.

Don't underestimate the wisdom of these supreme powerhouses. The wisdom of these supreme powerhouses is no worse than Yu Duxiu. If you underestimate the wisdom of the supreme powerhouses, it is tantamount to seeking death.

The ghostly spirit was on the demon banner, and the fox **** frowned: "The old thing, the ghost master, is too ruthless."

Time is passing by. The various forces in the Central Territory are constantly licking their wounds and digesting their own strength. Only the crocodile family and the dragon family are fighting fiercely. Both sides are dead and alive. The dragon family seems to know its own weaknesses, and it is not as hard as the crocodile family. Fight, but send other races to fight.

For example, the whale clan, the strong crab clan, and so on. There are more than one million of the various clan in the sea clan, and there is always a clan that can restrain the crocodiles.

On this day, Yu Duxiu suddenly moved her eyebrows and opened her eyes: "It's amazing, these nine old fellows of Human Race actually repaired the Fengshen list?".

The enshrined gods shined on the heavens, and in an instant, countless stars in the starry sky shone divine light, and the countless gods in the heavens and the earth felt their hearts, and the gods who had already died returned to the throne again.

"It's finished."

The ancestors looked at the Conferred God List, with a pair of eyes showing surprise, Taiyi taught the ancestors: "The Conferred God List has been repaired, shall we put it in the endless starry sky, or just suppress it?".

"Put it into the void, if Hongjun wanted to do tricks, he would have done it long ago. As long as we don't fall, Hongjun will never dare to do tricks in the Conferred God List." Tai Yi taught ancestors a confident smile.

After listening to the ancestors of Taiyi, the teaching ancestors heard the words a little bit, and let go of the Fengshen Bang, only to see that the Fengshen Bang emits a soft light, gradually blending into the endless time and space.

"I'm not afraid of Hongjun's tricks. I always want to guard against the dragons. This time I almost planted and was ruined by the dragons" Tai Huang taught the ancestors.

"It's not unreasonable." The teachers nodded together.

"The Human Clan's List of Conferred Gods was actually restored." Among the four seas, the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas raised their heads together, and the Dragon Kings of the East Sea lost their way.

"Since the Human Race has been able to refining the Conferred God List and repairing the Conferred God List, there is no big deal," Jin Lin said: "It can ruin the Human Race plan and drive the Human Race out of the Central Territory. I have a share of the Human Race and I have already earned it." .

"But he has also forged a feud with the human race, and he will never die." Xihailong Jundao.

"You have something to do, you have to know how to choose, don't you?" Jinlin said unhurriedly.

"This seat has endured the cold for a long time, let's find an opportunity to suppress the cold again" Donghai Longjun gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

"There seems to be a covenant between Hangang and Hongjun. I didn't expect a way to restrain Hongjun. It is not appropriate to act rashly for the time being" Beihai Longjun said.

"There is some truth to what I said, but it is a pity that Prime Minister Turtle has taken refuge in Miaoxiu, otherwise my strength in the world will be stronger, and the right to speak in the heavens and worlds will be even greater." Donghai Longjundao.

"Oh, this trick is very cumbersome. If you want to follow Miaoxiu's method, I can do it alone. Now I have to change this trick. Who knows where Miaoxiu will stay? Go darkly," Fox God said with his teeth.

Since the daughter kingdom, the fox god's hatred for Yu Duxiu has been exhausted and it is difficult to wash away.

The fox **** worships and refines the demon banner day and night, constantly changes the prohibition on replacing the demon banner, and then constantly deduces and tries not to show.

Let’s say that Yu Duxiu was alarmed by the power of the Fengshen Ban, a pair of eyes looked at the restored Fengshen Ban, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "Yes, these ancestors are not wine bags and rice bags."

After speaking, I saw a ray of purple qi flying out of Yu Duxiu's hand, and instantly fell into the lock demon tower. Now he controls the purple qi, Yu Duxiu will not forget her big killer move, and the purple qi keeps on Scour the sacrifices back and forth to stabilize the first yuan chaos rune.

"What kind of gas is this, such a powerful force. Patriarch, I feel that my Daoji is constantly trembling." Patriarch Jade looked at Yu Duxiu, not knowing when the Patriarch Jade came to the hall, like a ghost. Arrived at Yu Duxiu's side.

Yu Duxiu said nothing. This grand purple qi is Yu Duxiu’s treasure. The last card is that every item in the heavens and the world has its own real name. Once someone knows his real name, his own information is Will leak out.

Unique, Hongmeng Ancestral Qi is unique, even this Hongmeng Purple Qi is also unique.

Yu Duxiu's own means, the real trump card, will never be revealed.

"Tsk tusk" the old jade ancestor made a sound, then came to Yu Duxiu's side, and slowly sat down: "What level of monsters can the lock demon tower contain now?".

"Under the nature, it can be received" Yu Duxiu said.

"In a few days, when I complete the second round of mixed yuan, I can receive it under good luck, and when I complete the six rounds of mixed yuan, I can receive it under the quasi-immortal. When I complete the thirty-six level of mixed yuan, it is supreme. You can receive it from the next." Yu Duxiu looked at the contempt of the old jade ancestor and explained quickly.

"Where is the supreme strong?" Jade Patriarch said.

"One hundred ninety-nine thousand six hundred rounds of Hunyuan bans, to form a big Hunyuan ban, one layer is indispensable, and a rune is indispensable" Yu Duxiu said.

"Cut, it turned out to be a chicken rib. If you want to collect the demon god, how long will it take?" Old Jade Ancestor rolled his eyes in disdain.

Yu Duxiu earnestly stretched out her fingers and pinched her fingers and let it go: "I can burn six rounds of Hunyuan in a year, 129,600 divided by six, ..., the time is less than 30,000 years, I will wait. I can afford it, after all, I am about to live forever now"

The old jade ancestor rolled his eyes when he heard the words: "The time is not When you are finished with the demon-locking tower sacrifice, let's go and collect the beasts in the wild, then the ancestor will be nine times Invincible, these old fellows of Human Race are not my opponents at all. They are restrained to death by me. No, we must first suppress the **** of the ghost master."

Speaking of this, the ancestor of Jade suddenly pulled up Yu Duxiu: "Don’t sacrifice, the ghost master was a mortal enemy with me. I have not troubled him after I came out. This is not in line with the ancestor. Style, go, let’s go to the trouble of the ghost master".

After speaking, the ancestor of Jade forcibly pulled Yu Duxiu up, and then entered the world, arrogant laughter, attracted the eyes of the heavens and the world, a pair of delicate palms tore the channel between the Yin and Yang: "Ghost Lord , You shameless bastard, ancestor, I have come to trouble you, you are ready to pick up."

After speaking, he dragged Yu Duxiu and walked in towards Yinsi.

"The old ancestor of Jade is going to the Yin Division to make trouble?" The ancestors had just finished offering sacrifices to the Conferred God List, and they were taken aback when they heard the wild laughter.

"Both are scourges, it's best to fight both losers," Taiping Jiaozu gritted his teeth.

"Taiping, this may not be your chance," Tai Yi Jiaozu said.

I recommend a book to everyone, "Rebirth is Unstoppable" by my sister. You can go and watch.


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