The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1850: Monster clan changes, fox **** dominates

"The demon beckoning banner is really amazing, but it's a pity that I haven't done all of my work. I can only restore part of the power of the demon beckoning banner." Looking at the beckoning banner in his hand, the fox **** sighed slightly, and then used the mana to shake the trick. Demon banner: "From today onwards, the demon clan will only dominate me, the demon clan I am the first, the heavens and a hundred demon beasts, need to respect me as the master, respect me as the master, there must be no slightest violation, or you will never live forever."

The words of the Fox God are very light, but they spread all over the world.

"The Fox God is crazy?" After the Jade Ancestor heard this voice, his eyelids jumped wildly, and his eyes looked at the small world where the Fox God was.

"The Fox God is not crazy" Yu Duxiu sighed softly, "It's a pity, it's a pity, it's a step late."

"Fox God! You are crazy, what do you mean?" Hearing what the Fox God said, the Wolf God jumped up and hurried out of the small world. He came to the world of the Fox God with a pair of eyes. Staring at the world of Fox God.

"Fox God! Didn't take medicine in the morning, or didn't wake up? If you take this sentence back, this seat can treat it as a joke" Eshen walked out with a grim expression, as a long-lasting existence in the heavens and ten thousand realms The demon god, how can E **** allow others to dominate his own head.

"What kind of wind is this fox?" The Rabbit God walked out, his eyes full of consternation.

"Fox God, are you joking with everyone?" Lion God walked out with a gloomy expression.

"Are you kidding?" As the demon gods gathered, the fox **** smiled coldly: "I don't have the intention of joking with you."

The fox **** danced the beckoning banner in his hand, and all the heavens and hundreds of clans were attached to the ground in a short time, and they bowed down one after another: "I have seen the fox **** empress."

"Fox God!" Wolf God's eyes turned green.

"I am the number one powerhouse of the demon clan. The demon-raising flag in my hand controls the life and death of the enslavement of the heavens and ten thousand tribes. All of your tribal lives are under the control of this demon-raising flag. With a single thought, you can Erase the tribe you belong to, do you understand what this seat means?" The fox **** looked at the monster gods carelessly.

"Too much deception, I'm fighting with you." The bull **** jumped up and was about to fight the fox god, but was caught by the elephant god: "Calm down! Now the whole monster race is held in the hands of this fox, you If they act rashly, the cattle will be extinct."

"I,,,,, I,,,,,, Moo" the bull **** raged into the sky, roaring to the sky, shaking the chaos.

In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, the dragons stood up in shock, and Jinlin said in a daze: "The Fox God is quite normal, why is he suddenly crazy?".

"I heard you right, right" Donghai Longjun looked at the others, and all the dragons looked at each other.

"The fox **** is to be the first person of the demon clan, and all the demon gods must be crushed by him. In the future, the beasts of the various races of the heavens and the world will worship the fox **** in addition to their own demon gods. It's crazy, it's so crazy, and I'm not afraid that the demon gods will tear it up in anger." Xihai Longjun kept tapping his tongue.

"I'm crazy! I'm crazy! I'm really crazy! It's probably because I suddenly lost my mind." Nanhai Longjun couldn't believe it: "How clever Fox God is, how could he do such a stupid thing."

"Since the Fox God has done it, he must rely on it. Everyone is watching the changes, and the monsters are afraid that it will be messed up." Jinlin's face was gloomy and watery: "variable! Variable again! Damn it! Damn it!"

"What did you hear?" Tai Yi Jiaozu's voice instantly spread throughout the small human world.

"The fox **** will be the first monster of the monster race?" Tai Dou Jiaozu did not dare to say anything.

"Isn't it a mistake?" Taiping Jiaozu asked his ears unexpectedly.

"It's true!" Taiyuan taught the ancestors.

"There is no reason, why did the fox **** do this?" Taishi taught ancestors puzzled.

"I think the fox **** is crazy" Taiyi taught ancestors.

"Since the Fox God dared to do this, he must have a certain degree of certainty, or the Fox God is in his mind. Let's wait and see the changes. This time it is really fun," Taiyi taught the ancestor.

"It's not just fun. If the Yaozu civil war breaks out, it's fun. If this Humeizi really takes command of the Yaozu, it will be the tragedy of our kind." Taiyi taught the ancestors.

When the teaching ancestors heard the words you see me and I see you, they all looked out of the small world of the fox god.

"What trick is the Fox God going to play?" Han Yan opened his eyes and looked at the void: "Could it be that you are crazy? Thinking that you can get rid of the realm to suppress the monsters."

Yinsi Difu.

"Asshole! Asshole!" Hongjun, Jade Patriarch, this seat must kill you. If you don't kill you, I will swear not to be a night lion." The ghost lord roared to the sky, the underworld was silent and silent.

At the next moment, the ghost master's movements were stagnant, and a pair of eyes looked at the void strangely: "Fox God is crazy? Or is this seat mad and hallucinated?".

But thinking about myself as the supreme powerhouse, I should not have made such mistakes. I looked at the other powerhouses: "What did you hear?"

Good and evil said with a little uncertainty: "It seems that the Fox God said that he should be the first supreme of the monster race?".

"Is that so?" The ghost master started to doubt his life.

"It seems to be true" said the sinful strong man.

"Is the fox **** crazy? Or is the fox **** frustrated? Why does she say that she is the first supreme of the monster clan" said the supremely powerful punishment.

"Why is this world so unfamiliar? It seems that this is the first time I know this world," said fearfully.

"It's crazy! It's crazy! The Fox God is also crazy," the ghost master howled.

In a hidden place, the insect **** narrowed his eyes slightly: "How could the fox **** do such a frenzied thing? This doesn't look like the fox god's style of acting? Could it be that the fox **** has any success?".

The center of the heaven and the earth, the wild land, and the wild land instantly boiled, and an absurd feeling rose in everyone's heart, but the complexion changed in the next moment, because everyone knew that this day was about to change.

"It's going to change." Sang Kui looked at the void with a pair of eyes and was silent.

"Is the fox **** crazy?" Tai Su Jiao Zu and Chao Tian gathered together, and Tai Su Jiao Zu was stunned.

There was silence in the sky, and after a while, his face solemnly said: "The Fox God must have something to rely on, but now I know that the Human Race is in trouble, and the Dragon Race is also in trouble. Said it was a catastrophe."

"Let's just watch the changes, the demon gods have always been high above, how can you tolerate being rided on your head" Fu Yao said silently.

"Hongjun, hurry up, don't you know what? Alas, disaster is coming, and disaster is coming. Since the fox **** dares to say that he is domineering with the heavens, he must be dependent on it. The ancestor I pulled the fox back then. I made a fur coat and made a fur coat. This vixen will definitely not take a break with me.” The old jade ancestor walked around, his eyes full of anxiety.

"Don't worry, I already have a countermeasure" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"Is there a countermeasure? Did you know that Fox God wanted to do this?" The ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "Too crazy, too crazy, no, absolutely impossible."

Mastering the god's will like a sword, Yu Duxiu's deduction has reached a very advanced state, and the long river of time is in the corner of the future, and Yu Duxiu has peeped into it.

"Hahaha, the monster race is in chaos, the opportunity of my human race has just been repaired, is it our chance to fight back?" Taishi Jiaozu's face is full of fanaticism: "The fox **** is dead by himself. The battle within the Yaozu is finally about to explode."

"Quiet! Quiet! Just watch the excitement quietly" Tai Yi Jiaozu played with the turtle The turtle shell in his hand was constantly rotating, quickly deducing the corner of the future, and wanting to be in the future. Have the upper hand.

"Crazy! Crazy! Fox **** you are crazy!" The chicken **** looked at the fox god, his eyes full of disbelief.

At this time, all the tribes worshipped, and all the fortunes of all the tribes between the earth and the earth were parted and blessed toward the fox god.

"Fox God! What are you doing! Do you know what you are doing!" The wolf **** flashed green.

"Do you think you can command the heavens and ten thousand clans to become the supreme demon race of my demon tribe with the help of the demon flags?" A flash of anger flashed in the eyes of the centipede ancestor: "God fox! Look in the eyes".

"Fox God! Are you sure what you are doing?".


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