The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1853: Jade

   Looking at all the powerhouses, Donghai Longjun's face turned green. Except for the overwhelming monsters like the monsters, none of the heavenly powerhouses came. It is only strange that Donghai Longjun is in a good mood.

Fox God’s words are of no use to the supreme powers of the monster race. The Fox God dare not really destroy the monster god’s tribe. Without the demon **** restrained by the tribe, he has to live with himself. No.

In any case, there is always someone to join in. The situation of the monster race is now unknown. Donghai Longjun doesn’t dare to be implicated by these guys. He just said, “Thank you all fellow daoists for participating in the enlightenment feast of this little girl, everyone today. Don't get drunk again and never return."

When the words fell, the lion **** said: "Long Jun, let's not hide it from you. This banquet is not necessary. Everyone is not thinking about eating wine. Now that the fox **** controls the heavens and the hundreds of races to respect, I will be controlled by others. I ask you whether you are willing to join my covenant and fight the three **** to the end."

Hearing the words of the lion god, Donghai Longjun was taken aback, and his eyes turned: "This matter needs to be discussed in a long way. It should be understood that this is not a small matter, it is related to my life and death in the world, and I cannot wait to make a reckless decision."

How dare Donghai Longjun agree to the lion **** casually? It's a joke. The situation of the demon clan is unknown. If you dare to mix in at this time, the Sihailong clan will inevitably be dragged into the water.

The intention of Sihailongjun was actually to involve the ancestors of the human race into the water, who knew that the ancestors of the human race did not come at all, and the plan to call the ancestors of the four seas fell through.

Donghai Longjun’s eyes flickered, his eyes looked at the monsters and gods, and suddenly a young man came out behind God E, and respectfully saluted Donghai Longjun: "Longjun, my nephew has long admired the noble princess, today Just in front of all the uncles and uncles, I asked Long Jun to allow this marriage."

Na E Shen also smiled softly: "This child, after seeing Princess Ao Le, she has been fascinated by Princess Ao Le. I will not listen to my father's words. If Long Jun doesn't dislike my children, they are stubborn. , Then promised this marriage."

"That's it, this little crocodile is actually quite good," Chicken Shinto.

"Yes, this little crocodile is in the realm of quasi immortality anyway, and it can be regarded as outstanding among the same generation" Centipede ancestor also followed.

"That is to say, this little crocodile is worthy of Princess Ao Le."

All the demon gods ran against the Dragon Lord of the East Sea with one word and one word, and wanted to involve the Sihai Dragon Clan into the water.

The Donghai Longjun looked at God E, with anger rising in his eyes. This servant had not settled the matter of grabbing the territory with him in the middle area before, and now he dares to provoke hastily, it is really not a son of man.

So many dragons in the world died at the hands of the crocodile family, how can they give up like this? .

"Since your child is stubborn, how can you be worthy of Ao Le?" Donghai Longjun looked at the E God: "My Ao Le has unlimited potential. You also said that your child is stubborn. The princess pushed into the fire."

Eshen was almost suffocated to death by this Donghai Longjun's words, I am a polite, OK? You understand? .

Face slap, this is an undisguised face slap.

When the demon gods heard the words, they no longer spoke, and they were silent. How can everyone continue? People say that your son is stubborn, what can you say? .

"Long Jun, I look down upon my crocodile clan." Shen E's eyes flashed coldly.

"Huh, it's not that we don't look down on it, but we are not dying anymore. Do you think that the blood of my dragon race is white?" Donghai Longjun said coldly, his voice was cold, and the Crystal Palace was silent.

"Okay, stop arguing, we came here today to talk about how to resist the fox god, and the relationship between children and daughters, don’t talk about it again" Lion God blasted, and looked at Donghai Longjun with a pair of eyes: "Longjun, Nowadays, the fox **** and demon clan dominate and want to dominate the world, what do you think about this?".

"The catastrophe of the world is also" Donghai Longjun said with a gloomy expression.

"I wonder if Long Jun can contribute to this catastrophe?" Lion God said.

Donghai Dragon Lord heard the words and was silent for a while before he said: "I still have a great enemy in the whole world, Hanyu, if you are not afraid of Hanyu to come to your door and unite with the heavens, I will be fine. On the contrary, I hope this matter can be achieved." .

After listening to Donghai Longjun's words, the faces of the demon gods twitched, and they really didn't talk about this matter.

"Hahaha, old loach, your ancestor, I am here again, have you ever roasted dragon tendons, dragon brain, dragon heart, and dragon liver?" A burst of laughter shook the Crystal Palace.

"First Teacher".

Hearing this familiar laughter, the faces of all the demon gods changed, and the faces of Sihai Longjun also changed wildly. Donghai Longjun said: "Why is he here?"

"This scourge" the lion **** gritted his teeth and became more and more aggressive.

"Wait a minute" Eshen grabbed the lion god's arm: "We are already in troubled times, and it is not suitable to grow branches outside the festival. I think this jade ancestor came here specifically to trouble the Sihai Dragon Palace."

"Let's watch the changes," Centipede ancestor said.

The light at the entrance of the main hall dimmed, and I saw the jade ancestor swaying in, looking at the full hall of figures, the saliva flowed out in an instant, hurriedly wiped the saliva, and the demon gods suddenly turned black. Seeing everyone drooling, what do you think of everyone? .

Forcibly resisting the anger in their hearts, the demon gods looked at Donghai Longjun, this is the site of Donghai Longjun, and it is not everyone's turn to make a sound.

Donghai Longjun's face turned black: "Who invited you?".

"Old ancestor, I like to come uninvited, old loach, is my heart ready? I actually like the dragon brain to eat the most." The old jade ancestor stared at the heads of the dragons with a pair of eyes.

"If the ancestor is here for a drink, I will welcome it. If it is provocative, my Sihailong clan is not afraid of things even though it is precarious now." Donghai Longjun's face turned black.

Looking at Donghai Longjun, the ancestor of Jade suddenly became unhappy: "Drinking and drinking, you must drink, what is your old thing, why are you in a hurry?"

After wandering around in the main hall, the ancestor of Jade was seated not far from Dragon Lord of East China Sea, and looked at Dragon Lord of East China Sea with a pair of eyes: "I like eating dragon liver and crunchy dragon tendons. I will present it, ancestor."

"Unlucky ghost, you came to my East China Sea deliberately to make trouble, right" Donghai Longjun glared at the old jade ancestor.

"I'm here for a drink! Here, take a look, here's the invitation." Old Ancestor Jade took out an invitation card in his arms, and then looked at Donghai Longjun: "Longjun, hurry up and take the dragon liver. Take the dragon brain out, otherwise I can only do it myself."

"It's a **** thing" Donghai Longjun looked angry, a dragon claw flashed with thunder and lightning, and he suddenly grabbed the jade ancestor.

"It wouldn't be good like this long ago, and it's necessary to be so hypocritical. Back then, when you **** calculated the ancestor me, the dragon ball could be jubilant" watching that Donghai Dragon King grabbed it with a claw~www.wuxiaspot. com~ The old jade ancestor chuckled, opened his big mouth, and instantly bit the arm of Donghai Longjun, and suddenly tore it, but saw a dragon tendon accurately bitten out by the old jade ancestor, and then pulled it instantly. The dragon tendons were pulled out instantly.

"Bastard Thing" Xihai Longjun directly sacrificed the orb in his hand, and slammed into the old jade ancestor.

"Oh! Yo! It's fun!" Jade ancestor jumped sharply, avoiding the dragon ball, and instantly came to Xihai Longjun's body, and grabbed Xihai Longjun's head with one palm.


The Dragon Lord of the West Sea disappeared instantly, the Dragon Ball revolved in his body, and the whole body mana suddenly circulated, and the thousands of times the magical power was increased and shot out, only to see wind blades shooting towards the jade ancestor.

"I'm actually not interested in the four of you." The law of bad luck condensed on the jade ancestor's fist and instantly imprinted on Nanhai Longjun's chest.

"This bastard, I'm going to burn you to death." The fire in Nanhai Longjun’s mouth turned into a fire dragon, and it spewed out in an instant. After the dragon ball blessing, thousands of times the power, even if the supreme power is contaminated, it will only be burned. The fate of the flesh.

"Hahaha, I want to burn me, no way." The old jade ancestor jumped in front of Xihai Longjun, and the water curtain appeared in front of Xihai Longjun, but seeing the law of bad luck in the hands of the old jade ancestor, he instantly penetrated the water curtain. , Hit the bull in the air and burned into Beihai Longjun's chest.



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