The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1855: Hongmeng changes, the world is important

In the Yin Division, the ghost master has the confidence to speak. Although he was embarrassed by the powerhouses before, this is the territory of the ghost master. Here, the ghost master is already invincible, and it is impossible to defeat the ghost master. Possibly, but after the ghost master looked at the other side of the Buddhist school, a gloomy killing intent flashed in his eyes. It seemed that the bridge and the edge were out of control, giving the ghost master a sense of anxiety.

The ghost master scratched his head, and looked at Yang Shi with his eyes: "You can toss, the more you toss, the faster you will die. If you die, you will directly enter my Yin Division. Fortunately, the demon flag was destroyed last time. Although the Fox God repaired the demon banner, the resurrection trick will not."

"Even if the Heavenly Court was established in the 33rd Heaven, I didn't even ask me whether the owner of the 33rd Heaven would agree or not. Since the cause and effect have already been established, then no wonder I acted." Yu Duxiu sneered in her eyes.

"Hongjun! Hongjun! I have discovered a great secret" The old ancestor of Jade came to Yu Duxiu in a slippery way, with a glimmer of splendor in his eyes.

Seeing this mysterious and mysterious look of Jade Ancestor, Yu Duxiu said, "Let's talk, what's there?"

The jade ancestor offering treasure usually came to Yu Duxiu, and took out the liver of Donghai Longjun and Jinlin's liver: "Look, the liver of Sihailongjun is actually different from Jinlin's liver."

"Huh?" Yu Duxiu's gaze fell on the chaos-filled liver, with countless runes flashing constantly: "This is Jinlin?".

"Not bad" said the old jade ancestor.

A round of jade-colored discs circulated in Yu Duxiu's eyes, she slowly picked up Jinlin's liver, and after watching for a while, she closed her eyes.

"Why? Did you see anything?" Old Jade Ancestor said.

"This Jinlin seems to have a big dispute with Zulong," Yu Duxiu said.

After hearing Yu Duxiu's words, the ancestor of Jade was shocked, so that the dragon liver in his hand almost fell off: "Really?"

Yu Duxiu said helplessly: "It's not too clear, some doubts have not been solved, so I am not sure, but the chaotic energy of the liver in the Jinlin body is lingering, and the runes are flowing. It is indeed somewhat similar to the secret method of Zulong. ".

"Isn't it?" The tone of the ancestor of Jade changed: "I don't want to be involved in any cause and effect with Zulong. Throw this thing away."

"You have dug it all down, the cause and effect are all over, can you throw it to the point that it can be resolved? Don't spoil the spiritual thing, just take it down and barbecue in this gossip stove."

Yu Duxiu didn't know where to take a big bamboo stick, and slowly stringed the liver, gallbladder, organs and organs of the dragons, stuffed it into the gossip stove for barbecue, and sprinkled some spiritual objects on it from time to time.

After a while, the aroma escaped. The jade ancestor hurriedly grabbed the barbecue, opened his big mouth, instantly turned into jade and wrapped the liver, and then turned into a human form and patted his stomach: "It’s delicious, okay. It’s really delicious to eat. My ancestors never tire of eating, it’s really delicious.”

Yu Duxiu held Donghai Longjun’s liver in her hand, slowly opened it and stuffed it into her mouth, chewing slowly: "The taste is really good, huh? There is actually a hint of magic, it is indeed a good thing." .

Seeing Yu Duxiu and the old jade ancestor feasting, Prime Minister tortoise walked in: "I can smell the scent from far away, it seems that I have a good taste for the old turtle."

The ancestor of Jade looked at Prime Minister tortoise and glanced at her mouth: "It's a pity that you are not a female tortoise. The **** is my favorite."

The ancestor of the tortoise turned dark when he heard the words, holding his liver crunching and chewing silently.

After everyone had finished eating the treasure, the ancestor of Jade said: "Jinlin's liver is indeed good."

After speaking, the ancestor of Jade disappeared and didn't know where he went.

The old tortoise swayed and disappeared, and only Yu Duxiu was left in the whole hall, looking at the gossip furnace in front of him, and sacrificing the lock demon tower.

Suddenly, Yu Duxiu's eyebrows throbbed, and the purple energy that turned into a silk thread kept shaking. Yu Duxiu had never experienced such a situation.

"What's born? Why does the Hongmeng Purple Qi change?" Yu Duxiu's eyes were confused, and then she frantically deduced the variables of the Hongmeng Purple Qi, and an obscure message fell through the Hongmeng Purple Qi. Into the soul of Yu Duxiu.

"Heaven and Earth will be born soon!".

Only these mighty eight characters in the information flow, with an unprecedented impact, shook Yu Duxiu’s soul. In the face of this force, Yu Duxiu felt that the so-called Xiantian Lingbao could not be blocked. The strength of a single blow, this force is mighty, and no one can resist it at all.

"Heaven and earth weapons?, what heaven and earth weapons?" A trace of doubt flashed in Yu Duxiu's eyes.

At this moment, in the heart of Yu Duxiu's eyebrows, forty-nine cosmic purple qi continued to circulate and combined, turning into a cosmic purple qi, and then swallowed the mighty'Heaven and Earth Weapon is about to be born', and then the grand purple qi Qi began to run on its own. After a long time, a piece of information flowed into Yu Duxiu's mind and disappeared into the grand and purple Qi.

"What?" Yu Duxiu's eyes showed a touch of shock: "No way? So cheating?".

What is this information flow? .

Forty-nine Dao Hongmeng and Purple Qi are one, and Yu Duxiu is like a sword. It needs forty-nine Dao of the forty-nine Dao into one Hongmeng Ancestral Qi. Forty-nine times forty-nine, Yu Duxiu counts. After that, I felt the whole thing was not good.

These forty-nine magnificent purple energy were still saved by Yu Duxiu by walking the road to heaven. Now that the road to heaven is finished, there is no place to gather so much power.

How to do? .

The mighty jade Duxiu who is like a sword, the more you understand, the more you feel the power of the will like a sword. As long as you fully grasp the will like a sword, even if the Zulong comes to him, Yu Duxiu will dare to give him Skin cramps.

"More than two thousand four hundred grand and purple qi, how much calamity power will this take?" Yu Duxiu was a little bit weeping, but a black lotus flew out in her hand: "No, quickly reduce the calamity power. Now the monster race is a little bit fiercely noisy, just take the opportunity to reduce the calamity power, plus the calamity power of the previous human race wars, there should be a lot?".

Yu Duxiu felt that the power of calamity was not enough. Originally, the lotus flower continued to evolve and needed the power of calamity. Now, coupled with Na Hongmeng ancestral spirit, who is a professional expert in disaster-eating power, Yu Duxiu instantly feels that she proves it. The road is far away indefinitely.

In any case, this grandiose and purple qi must be practiced. This heavenly will like a sword involves the ultimate law of the operation of the heavens and the earth. As long as one has mastered the heavenly will like a sword, which of the heavens and the world is his opponent? Even if the ancestral dragon is resurrected, Yu Duxiu can swallow him alive and die forever.

"No, I have to calm down. Fortunately, I used my back hand before, but now I finally have the time to use it." Yu Duxiu's jade-colored disc circulated in her eyes, closed her eyes, and a black refining flower continued in her mind. Ups and The last time the human race and the monster race were fighting, how much purple energy you ate, let’s breathe it out. The calamity of the sky and the earth is much higher than that of the road to the sky, but it costs me ten As far as the product is concerned, it has gained a lot for the evolution of this grand purple energy." Yu Duxiu drives the lotus flower, and the force of the endless calamity falls towards the grand purple energy, and the two sides instantly merge into one.

"This bastard!" The dragons repaired their bodies, watching the jade ancestor walk away, and the East Sea Dragon Lord looked at the chaotic air wound on Jinlin's body: "Yuyue Longmen is indeed extraordinary. The favor of the dragon".

Jinlin smiled softly: "That's the case, I am very fortunate that I was able to leap over the dragon gate and skip the legendary dragon gate."

"All the demon gods are gone" Xihai Longjun sighed helplessly.

"These guys are not fools. Seeing that we don't want to be dragged into the water, of course they don't want to talk nonsense with us" Nanhai Longjun said.

"I'm afraid that the demon clan is staring at me. We did not offend the demon clan, so we can take advantage of both sides." Donghai Longjun lightly sighed, "It's a pity, the turtle prime minister is not there, otherwise we will have six dragon kings in the East China sea, and six none. The strongest, the monster race didn't dare to act rashly, and the five dragon monarchs always felt a little bit worse.

Donghai Longjun looked up to the sky and sighed: "Time is not waiting for me, time is not for me".

"Yeah, time doesn't wait for me" Jinlin also sighed.


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