The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1886: Suppress Qingtian

"Take action, never let this beast succeed and kill him."

Just when everyone was at odds with this day, Taiyi Jiaozu and other human ancestors also shot at this time. Anyone can see that this day is extraordinary. At this time, the powerhouses are besieging, even if it is It is hard to match with the mighty power of the world.

"There is a long river of fate, and your fate is broken into pieces." The fate of Tai Yi taught the ancestors of the river turned and headed for suppression that day.

"My destiny is destiny, my meaning is destiny, and my heart is destiny."

The long river of fate was instantly overturned by Tian Yi's palm, and Tai Yi taught ancestors and flew out.

"The mighty galaxy".

Tai Dou Jiaozu turned into a mighty galaxy instantly, blessed by countless stars in the starry sky, and instantly trapped that day in the starry sky.

"Four Elephants".

Four Seas Dragon Lord shot, and the power of the Four Seas Dragon Lord intertwined in the air. I saw that Dragon Lord was so powerful that he instantly locked the four arms of the sky.

"I'm here" Xiangshen shot, two arms seized the opportunity to grab the other two arms, and there were still two arms that were constantly waving, lashing towards everyone.

"I'll suppress it."

The jade ancestor came to the spirit, and the jade body revolved, instantly locking the last two arms.

Tai Dou taught the ancestors to lock the real body of the sky with the mighty galaxy, and all the powerhouses shot one after another to lock the claws of that day.

"Split this monster apart," said the old jade ancestor.


Sparks were flying everywhere, and the Demon God shot and slashed on the arm of the sky, unexpectedly splashing sparks, the real body was not damaged.


There was a roar from the sky, and the endless divine might flowed in an instant, the mighty power rushed, and the surging divine water spilled from a few breaths.

"Be careful! This monster's divine water can erode the supreme real body, everyone, be careful." The Jinlin on one side turned into a real dragon. The body was somewhat similar to Ao Le, and it instantly wrapped around Tianzhi's neck to prevent that day. Bow his head and sprinkle real water on everyone.

"Everyone will work together to kill this monster." The destiny of Taiyi's ancestors circulates immensely, and the ancestors of Taiyi have given their support.

"You dare to blaspheme the blue sky, and when I come back, you will be retributed." The monster yelled to the sky, struggling constantly, the four-sea dragon king swayed, the stars shook, the brocade-scaled body was bloody, and the jade ancestors kept tumbling and fighting. .




The demon god, the human race, and the demon **** combined their forces, and after all, the demon **** was divided and torn apart.


That day, the body of one hundred thousand feet was instantly torn apart by the supreme powerhouses. This battle was extremely tragic. Everyone fought this day for three years. All the supreme powerhouses joined forces to bring this day together. Give to tear.

"Shall we take action?" Han Yan looked at the battlefield.

"I always feel something is wrong, there is still something in this seat. You should step back. Don't mix up this battle." After Yu Duxiu finished speaking, she stepped forward step by step towards the chaotic land where the blue sky appeared before.

"Split Limbs".

Everyone joined hands to separate the blue sky, even if someone noticed Yu Duxiu's movements, there was no time to be distracted.

"Hahaha, these two arms belong to me." Old Ancestor Jade grabbed the two divided arms of Qingtian, his eyes full of laughter.

Looking at the smile of the jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu walked in front of the jade ancestor with no expression on his face. The whole body was chaotic and hazy, and a green lotus slowly bloomed behind, shining through the ages, and disappearing into the void. In, slowly entered the chaos.

"Asshole, you dare to swallow my little world, this seat wants you to pay for your life" The worms that covered the ground in the hands of the insect **** flew out, constantly taking the power of Qingtian and devouring the blood of Qingtian.



The eight arms of the blue sky, under the joint hands of the supreme powerhouses, had been amputated before long, only the huge body was still roaring.


The two huge arms in the hands of the old jade ancestor were instantly enveloping the seal, and he actually held the old jade ancestor backhand: "Suppress, seal."

"Fuck me! Come and save me, this arm can actually attack automatically." The ancestor of Jade was held down by surprise, unable to move, only to see the runes flashing on the claws that day, and the power of the law flowed and suppressed continuously. Sealed with jade ancestors.


The other arm was pulled out suddenly, the starry sky burst open in an instant, Tai Dou Jiaozu vomited blood and flew out, and the mighty galaxy breath disappeared completely.

A little divine light flashed in Yu Duxiu's eyes, the corners of her mouth were slightly tilted, she turned to look at the battle behind her, and smiled coldly.


Donghai Longjun was flew away by the arms that were released by the jade ancestor. At this time, the two arms were released. The hand that day fell on his neck, Jinlin roared, but he was powerless and was actually filled with those two The giant claws of the scales were torn into two pieces.

"It's so cruel."

The supreme powerhouses swallowed subconsciously, and the endless cloud in the blue sky's mouth was wrapped in runes and bombarded towards the remaining three dragons.


The three dragons exploded instantly, and the dragon ball was dim.

"What the **** is this **** thing, why is it so perverted" Tai Yi Jiaozu's mouth twitched.

"My name is Qingtian, and that handsome face is still looking down at the crowd with such expressionless expressions. One palm is facing the suppression of Tai Dou Jiaozu, and the power of earth, water, wind and fire emerges from the claws.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Yi".

At the critical moment, the grand ancestor of the Great Fight had a vast body of galaxy, and transferred the power of this day, and saw that the hand of that day passed by, thousands of galaxies turned into dust, but there was too much dust, even the power of this giant hand was wiped out. Catharsis a lot.

"Come on again, this monster will not be removed, everyone has a good life" Jin Lin Zhen reorganized and roared.

"What the **** is it?" Tai Yi Jiaozu looked at Jinlin.

Jinlin smiled bitterly: "When I fished over the dragon gate, there is a memory inheritance. Every time a catastrophe, this kind of thing will be born. This thing is called the sky, but it is a gathering of the resentment of all living beings, immortal. There are infinite powers of sentient beings. During the chaos of the past, countless strong men died. The grievances of countless strong men and sentient beings have gathered for millions of years. The day was born. This creature was born and wanted to destroy the world. It is a big evil thing. ".

Looking at that Jinlin, Taiyi taught the ancestors to be suspicious, always feeling that what Jinlin said was not true and seemed to hide something.

"Don't worry about so much, first seal this thing, this thing can't be killed at all, it can only be sealed" Jin Lin said.

While talking, everyone once again shot together, entangled toward that day, and firmly entangled that day.

"Heaven and earth have all directions in the world, we suppressed the body of that day in the center of heaven and earth, suppressed by the air transport of heaven and earth, and buried his eight arms in all directions, and sent people to guard them." Taiyi taught the ancestor's fate continuously.

Regardless of whether what Jinlin said is true or not, everyone now knows it. If the thing of heaven is not suppressed, I am afraid it will be a big trouble.

"The other party does not seem to have feelings," the light of wisdom in the eyes of the fox **** flowed.

"I don't care what you do, let me out quickly," Old Ancestor Jade hummed.

On one side, Chaotian and Fuyao shot together, blasting that arm away, and the jade ancestor's body flashed with blue light, instantly breaking the unfinished seal that day.

"Damn, this thing is too evil. Patriarch, I was almost sealed by this thing. Back then, all the supreme powers joined forces to seal me down. Now this thing only needs one arm, which is simply too much. It's horrible," said the Jade ancestor helplessly.

"Don't be long-winded, suppress his body first."

The supreme powerhouses made another move, and the ancestors mobilized the innate spirit treasure, and kept hacking and cutting the arm of Qingtian, while the twelve demon gods locked Qingtian's arm firmly, and the rest of the four sea dragons all shot together and locked it. Qing Tian's neck doesn't turn around.

"Those who blaspheme the sky shall be blamed for their crimes."

Qing Tian continued to make moves, expressionless seemed to have no idea what terror was.


Everyone worked together to suppress the Qingtian arm to the South Pole, and then shot again, suppressing the other arm to the North Pole, East Pole, West Pole, Southeast, Southwest, Northwest, and Northeast. In a blink of an eye, only the body was still struggling. endlessly.

"Seal his body deep in the earth, suppress it in the middle," Jinlin said.

Recently, I am fascinated by reading, and I don’t have time to sweat even more when I encounter a good book! Let's talk about adding more time, and I will add more this week. I would like to recommend a new book by Tang Tang Youyou, a female author and friend of Nine Lives, for seven days and seven nights: try to love the emperor, read qq, the starting point may not be available for the time being. But it’s okay, you can already receive it over qq reading, welcome to collect and recommend. Khan Khan, pirate friends also do a favor. Boys who don’t see it can recommend it to their girlfriends. Unexpectedly, Jiu Ming also had a day of watching female videos, and I had already begun to doubt my life.


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