The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1891: Unbeaten

"Are you threatening me?" Seeing Tai Yi Jiaozu pointing her finger at the world behind her, Yu Duxiu's face suddenly became gloomy. The world behind her is the foundation of her own world. Where the base camp is, Wang Chenye Well, it’s my own son. They are all in that small world. Although there are powerful old tortoises guarding this place, Yu Duxiu really has no details in his heart. There are so many powerful people, even 24 old tortoises. Xiantian Lingbao blessed an innate formation, and it was difficult to win.

"No, no, no, I didn't threaten you. I just told you the truth. It was a matter of great importance. I was able to draw out such a powerful beast. I tried my best to kill this beast. But you don’t even say hello, you just picked up the fruit and ran away. It’s too much to ignore me.” A hint of dissatisfaction flashed in Tai Yi Jiaozu’s eyes, and his eyes looked solemnly at Yu Duxiu’s behind him. Qinglian.

Behind Tai Yi Jiaozu, the old jade ancestor also shook his head and said: "Hongjun, don't resist, the treasure is not something you can swallow alone. Take the treasure out, or you will be obedient. Give everyone enough compensation."

The old jade ancestor stuck in his waist, pointed at Yu Duxiu, winked his eyebrows, eyes flashing angrily, looking at the old jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu looked at countless heroes in the distance, holding the Qinglian in his hand: " This seat has already realized the Supreme Mantra, and is about to try it with you today."

Looking at the green lotus in Yu Duxiu's hands, the ancestor of Jade cried out strangely: "This kid will be handed over to you, ancestor, I will copy his lair and refine his world, this kid It's up to you to deal with it."

After speaking, the ancestor of Jade directly avoided Yu Duxiu, jumped up, drilled towards the small world of Yu Duxiu, and began to use his supernatural powers to refine the small world.

"Jade, you are really impatient!" A look of anger and anger flashed in Yu Duxiu's eyes, and the chaotic light burst out of the green lotus in her hand, and Dacheng's Innate Divine Thunder flew out instantly.

Taiyi teaches the ancestors on the side to quickly intercept: "Eliminate."


The supernatural powers of Taiyi taught the ancestors cannot eliminate Yu Duxiu’s Dacheng innate **** thunder. After that Dacheng divine thunder was eliminated by part of the supernatural powers of Taiyi taught ancestors, some of them still beat the jade ancestors, which caused the jade ancestors to cry. Howling world is shocked.

"Ancestor, even though you refine Hongjun's small world, let's entangle this Hongjun for you." All the demon gods also shot at this time, and grabbed Yu Duxiu with muddy air.

"Unbearable" Yu Duxiu smiled coldly, the green lotus in her hand instantly dazzled with chaos, and the profound meaning of the world flickered out.

"Open the sky with one blow to distinguish the turbidity."


Yu Duxiu's mantra, imitating the power of Kaitian Great Tribulation, hit eleven demon gods, and saw that those eleven demon gods were instantly split apart by Yu Duxiu's blow, and they actually split a little in the muddy Qi, wanting to make the eleven demon gods return to the chaos, suddenly bluffs the eleven demon gods. To ordinary people, the clear air is the supreme qi, but for the devil gods, it is poison and deadly. poison.

Yu Duxiu's blow abolished those eleven demon gods, and the eleven demon gods did not care about entanglement with Yu Duxiu, and returned to the depths of the earth one after another, using the laws of the earth to suppress the turbid air.

If it were on the earth, Yu Duxiu would definitely not be the opponent of the eleven demon gods, but these eleven demon gods dared to take the initiative to run into the starry sky, and their strength was suppressed by 30%. If Yu Duxiu was It would be a waste of cultivation that this demon **** who had lost 30% of his strength couldn't be beaten into a dog.

On the contrary, being suppressed by 30% in the sky, the Demon God's strength will increase by 30% when he reaches the ground. Thinking about how terrifying the combat power this is, it is simply sky-defying.

Yu Duxiu abolished the eleven demon gods, the wolf **** shrank his neck, glanced at Yu Duxiu, decisively gave up the fight and quietly withdrew from the battlefield.

As soon as the twelve demon gods left, Yu Duxiu's pressure was relieved a lot. Looking at the Dragon King and the ancestors of the four seas, Yu Duxiu was holding Kaitian Qinglian in his hands, feeling the small world behind him was constantly crumbling. Duxiu scolded angrily: "Jade ancestor, you are looking for death."

Yu Duxiu turned around and was about to head towards the Yujing Mountain behind her. At this time, the fate of Taiyi Jiaozu turned a long river, Taidou Jiaozu's whole body galaxy swept across his face, and the emperor picture in Taiping Jiaozu's hand swept out and turned into A torrent of symbols and seals, all beings.

In the distance, the cold, the sky, Fuyao, Taisu and others watched and watched. If the jade Duxiu was defeated by the powerful, this treasure was robbed, and it would be undoubtedly to join the battle.

"Some accounts, there will always be a chance to settle with you one by one in the future, but not today, but today you have to tell you **** to know how powerful you are before you can take the opportunity to escape." A blue light flowed in Yu Duxiu's eyebrows.

With a mantra in his mouth, Yu Duxiu's blow went against the long river of fate and slashed towards Tai Yi Jiaozu.

"All beings up and down."

A pulling force came from the river of destiny, wanting to sink Yu Duxiu into the river bottom of the river of destiny, and completely sink into the endless beings.

"The land of chaos, all laws do not invade" Yu Duxiu's hand Qinglian was blessed by Yu Duxiu's calamity mantra. I saw that calamity mantra motivated Qinglian, and instantly the Qinglian created a semi-illusory and semi-realistic small world. It is not wrong to say that it is half illusory and half present. Chaos is originally bizarre, there is no so-called true illusion, there is any possibility here.

Yu Duxiu’s chaos is half a true chaos. The long river of destiny of Taiyi taught the ancestors is not the long river of destiny. It is just a projection and branch of the long river of destiny. But even so, the river of destiny is still incomparably powerful and contains sentient beings. The power of destiny contains most of the power of the Great Thousand World. Yu Duxiu’s blow broke through the river of destiny and struck towards Taiyi’s ancestor. Before Taiyi’s ancestor, he was already swept down by the river of fate. , Broke through her own magical powers and obliterated Yu Duxiu's blow. Only Yu Duxiu was holding Qinglian in his hands, standing in the torrent of water, unable to advance.

"What a mighty power, what a mighty first ancestor!" Looking at Tai Yi Jiao ancestor, Yu Duxiu's gaze is solemn: "I shouldn't be the opponent of this old guy, I just don't know how much the old guy has used. Strength, these **** have accumulated over millions of years, and now they have broken through and exploded rapidly, and the road to seek the way is advancing by leaps and bounds. They are very powerful, and I don’t know what level of cultivation base Taiyi has reached now.

"Thanks to the compliment, it is a great honor for this seat. Hongjun, you have already caused public outrage. The supreme powers of the heavens and the world have already attacked you. How can your power alone fight against the power of the great world? When you hand it over, everyone is happy, and I don’t need to embarrass you.” Too Yi taught the ancestors unhurriedly and said: “You are too ugly to eat this time. Everyone has consumed a lot of original power in order to suppress the monster. You picked the fruit without saying a word and told everyone to put their faces."

Looking at Tai Yi Jiaozu, Yu Duxiu pondered and scanned the audience with a pair of eyes: "This time it seems that what I did is indeed a bit unnatural, but there is no choice. Even if he is an enemy of the heavens and the world, he still has to Charge".

Thinking like this, Yu Duxiu's body exploded in the river of destiny, and the starry sky was full of calamities. Yu Duxiu was reborn outside the river of destiny, and the Qinglian in his hand swept towards the Taiping ancestor.


The emperor picture in the hands of the Taiping ancestor has been thrown out to suppress Yu Duxiu. At this time, he never thought that Yu Duxiu would use such strange magical powers to attack herself. He just barely placed a rune barrier in front of him, but was instantly caught by Yu Duxiu. The Qinglian in his hand broke as if it were a layer of paper-paste wallpaper, and the Taiping teacher was torn apart by Yu Duxiu.

Taiping has the weakest strength among the three who have escaped from the strongest. After all, the time for Taiping to escape is the shortest. Many secrets have not yet been clarified and have not been on the right track.

"When I have a ten-level flower, I will definitely be able to compete with everyone," Yu Duxiu secretly said in her heart.

ps: add more, no sweat on weekends.

Recently, I am fascinated by reading, and I don’t have time to sweat even more when I encounter a good book! Let's talk about adding more time, and I will add more this week. I would like to recommend a new book by Tang Tang Youyou, a female author and friend of Nine Lives, for seven days and seven nights: try to love the emperor, read qq, the starting point may not be available for the time being. But it’s okay, you can already receive it over qq reading, welcome to collect and recommend. Khan Khan, pirate friends also do a favor. Boys who don’t see it can recommend it to their girlfriends. Unexpectedly, Jiu Ming also had a day of watching female videos, and I had already begun to doubt my life.


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