The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1893: Law crystal

The old jade ancestor, the shameless old man, occupies the territory here. The strong men are also helpless at this time. No one wants to be together with the unreasonable and stubborn bear child of the jade ancestor, and become a group, this Yujingshan Since it has been taken over by this bear kid, it's all about some dough, and you can't force it back.

In the depths of the earth, the demon gods searched hard, but they did not know that Yu Duxiu had already descended on the top of Kunlun, with a pair of eyes looking down at the huge Kunlun dragon veins. At this time, the Kunlun dragon veins whimpered as if they were aggrieved. The puppy kept wailing crookedly.

   Looking at the dragon vein, Yu Duxiu smiled lightly. The dragon vein was locked by herself. Now that thousands of years have passed, Jie Lao is almost flattened out.

"This black lotus in this seat, do you fuse or resist? If you fuse, this seat will let go of this chain and help you off in the future. If you still choose to resist, continue to be locked here." Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back , Looked at the dragon veins of Kunlun Mountain unhurriedly.

   "Woo~~~" Long Mai made a grieved sob, then lowered his head, revealing the ups and downs.

   Hundreds of millions of demon trapped the dragon vein, and extracted the blood power of this dragon vein every day. It's strange that this dragon vein can bear it. I don't know how much power has been consumed for thousands of years.

With a flick of Jade Duxiu’s fingers, the black lotus instantly merged into the dragon veins and merged with the dragon veins. As soon as Jade Duxiu’s palm stretched out, all the iron chains of Kunlun Mountain collapsed and disappeared. To be free, you have to roar to the sky and rise to the sky, but Yu Duxiu yells at him: "You bastard, do you want to expose this seat? Just lie there, the time is up, Naturally will give you freedom".

Yu Duxiu yelled in dissatisfaction. The dragon shrank in an instant, and kept rubbing against Yu Duxiu's feet. Yu Duxiu frowned: "This spiritual intelligence is too weak, too strong, and wants to transform itself. Evidence is not that simple."

   Yu Duxiu looked thoughtful: "It seems that you have to use black lotus to infuse you with wisdom."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu closed her eyes and stopped speaking. Her body slowly collapsed and dissipated into the void. When she reappeared, she was already directly above the dragon veins: "You suppress the Qi machine of this seat, this seat wants to Sacrifice the benefits of one party, if it is achieved, your benefits are indispensable."


   The giant dragon swelled instantly, surrounding the Jade Duxiu layer upon layer, and the whole person disappeared instantly.

Yu Duxiu nodded and stretched out his palm, the wheel of law was slowly shaken out of Hongmeng Ancestral Qi, and the rules were also slowly shaken out. The two statues appeared at the same time, but there was no induction. put one's oar in.

The corners of Yu Duxiu’s mouth curled up slightly, with a smile on her face: "I already know the art of sacrificing this wheel of law and the wheel of rules, but now I am considering whether to sacrifice Hongmeng Ancestral Qi. After all, This Hongmeng ancestral spirit is the foundation of this seat, and it is my second soul."

Looking at the wheel of law and the wheel of rules, Yu Duxiu gritted her teeth: "I can't bear to let the child not look for wolves. I can't care about so many. Now countless powerful people in the heavens and worlds are looking for me. If you can't find a break. In the future, I will spend the whole day pursuing and being chased."

   And the power of the wheel of law and the wheel of rules, Yu Duxiu vaguely felt, these two magic weapons are not simple goods, but the crystallization of the legendary law.

  What is the crystallization of laws and rules? .

   Jade Duxiu dreamed back to the chaos and obtained a piece of the law fragment contained in the blood of the ancestor dragon, which can be deduced and analyzed. What's more, now Yu Duxiu has obtained the treasure bred from the crystal of that law.

Yes, this wheel of law and the wheel of rules are gems bred from the crystallization of the laws between heaven and earth. This is why Yu Duxiu desperately is unwilling to give up this thing, a treasure bred from such treasures, If you don't leave it for refining, but send it out instead, you will lose your luck.

   And Yu Duxiu didn't believe it either. This wheel of law and the wheel of rules only played a role in deduction. Yu Duxiu would never believe this.

"I want to see what is the mystery of these two treasures, they are actually guarded by a horrible strong man like the sky" Yu Duxiu unhurriedly pinched the tactics, Hongmeng Ancestor slowly raised his eyebrows. Flew out from the middle, and then fell into the palm of Yu Duxiu's hand, and then saw Yu Duxiu pinch the mysterious tactics in his hand. In an instant, Hongmeng Ancestor's Qi was slightly shocked, and the wheel of law and the wheel of rules were affected by darkness. The inspiration of the law of the underworld fell into the Hongmeng ancestral aura, and continued to absorb the Hongmeng ancestral aura.

Yu Duxiu simply fed Hongmeng Ancestral Qi to this wheel of law and rule. Only twenty-one of her own Hongmeng purple energy was bred, and it was still twenty-nine. He didn't know how many times it would take to complete the catastrophe. , And the mysterious anomaly in front of him is not inferior to his own Hongmeng ancestral spirit. Yu Duxiu has a guess and needs to be verified. Even if it fails, it doesn't matter. The big deal is to think of a way to perform the sacrifice again.

"Weird! Weird! There is no trace of Hongjun, it is impossible to have such a thing. We have integrated the origin of the earth and cultivated the real body of the devil. No matter how bad it is, we can sense Hongjun's approximate energy. Hongjun's aura seems to have disappeared, is it gone?" The wolf **** frowned tightly.

Lion God said: "We don’t have a soul, and we don’t know the secrets of heaven. This is not our own business, but a matter for all the powers of the heavens and the worlds, to gather the powers of the heavens and the worlds to lock Hongjun. Trails".

The demon gods could not find Hongjun's trace, but they were anxious. They all invited the powerhouses from all over the world to come here. All the supreme powerhouses gathered together. In addition to the demon gods, all the powerhouses in the heavens and the world Get together.

   ahem, in fact, it's just that the strong human races are here, the dragon race belongs to the monster race, and naturally they won't come.

Looking at the supreme powerhouses, Niu Shen said: "Hongjun has lost his Qi in the earth now, and he has to invite fellow Daoists to take action to lock on Na Hongjun's secret. Hongjun doesn't know what he uses. What is the method, I can't find him when I wait."

You look at me and I see you, the supreme powerhouses. It’s too easy to teach the ancestors: "This seat is proficient in the art of the secret deduction, but you can try it, but Na Hongjun has the air of rebellion as a cover, the supernatural powers of this seat may not be Can find him".

   "Try it and you will know exactly" Wolf Shinto.

Taiyi taught ancestors not to say much, everyone was on the same front for this*, and saw the tortoise shell spinning in the hands of Taiyi taught ancestors, and the atmosphere of chaos was lingering. After a long time, only the heavenly secret was still a chaos and mystery. Said: "Do not panic, fellow Daoist, I will help you."

At this time, Taiyi taught ancestors, a plum flower fell into the tortoise shell, a little bit of aura entangled in the chaos, but after a long time they heard the two sigh together: "The secret of heaven is still chaos. Dim, unable to peek, Hongjun's supernatural powers are really not simple."

  The six whirlpools in the eyes of the ghost master at this time, a pair of eyes looked at the tortoise shell of Tai Yi Jiaozu, showing a thoughtful look, and after a while, said: "This Hongjun, this seat may know where."

   is worthy of being an old guy who has lived for countless years, a supreme powerhouse longer than Taiyi Jiaozu and others. When the ghost master spoke, he immediately alarmed the audience, and Tai Yi taught the ancestor: "Where?"

"If I guessed correctly, Hongjun should have been hiding in Kunlun Mountain. Only Kunlun Mountain can shield all the secrets. Although Na Hongjun's supernatural powers are powerful, it should not be under the cooperation of the two Taoist friends. No horses were left behind, so this seat speculated that Na Hongjun was hiding in Kunlun Mountains."

   Speaking of Kunlun Mountains, the ghost master showed melancholy memories in his eyes.

The twelve demon gods clapped their hands one after another: "Yes! Yes! I have never explored the secret of Kunlun Mountain. I want to come to Hongjun and hide in the Kunlun Mountain. It's not bad. Let's go to Kunlun Mountain to know the authenticity. ".

   After finishing speaking, the twelve demon gods joined hands and shook the ground veins. With a flick of their fingers for thousands of miles, everyone had already reached the Kunlun Mountain.


   In the Kunlun Mountains, the Kunlun Mountains' dragon veins roared restlessly, and there was a little fire in the eyes, and anxiety began to rise, and he wanted to do it.


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