The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1898: Divide

Looking at this fox Meizi, Yu Duxiu smiled. This vixen is indeed love and hate! .

"I'm dead, you don't need to be a widow for me." Yu Duxiu's voice was faint and passed into Fox God's ears.


Fox God put his foot on Yu Duxiu's abdomen: "Asshole! You deserve a thousand swords!".

"Let’s do it, ancestors I like this tune the most. Thousands of swords are my ancestor’s favorite." The centipede ancestor on one side stretched out thousands of arms at this time, waving up and down, countless fingers flashing with cold light, quite For terrible and terrifying.

"Quack! Hongjun finally fell into the hands of my ancestors. This time, ancestors I have to tell you to taste the greatness of ancestors. Old ancestors, I will cut you all over your body. The flesh is scraped off, but you are still immortal, and you are trying to refine your soul. The ghost master should be the best at making up and down gestures with the nail clippers in the hands of the centipede ancestor. The ghost master is also about to move.

On Yujing Mountain, the old jade ancestor slammed the turtle ancestor's palms vigorously: "You old bastard, let go of me, quickly let go of me, I didn’t expect the strength of this old **** to be too abnormal, Na Hongjun is already Falling into the hands of the enemy, you will soon have to cut through a thousand swords, you still have time to help you, there is still time to break the ancestor."

The ancestor of the tortoise was unmoved when he heard that, he was planted with black lotus by Hongjun, and his true spirit was transformed into a real spirit. If he needs to make a move by himself, he can do it as long as Hongjun reads it. Naturally, there is no need to do so.

"Stab it~".

The calamity of Yu Duxiu's body was constantly rotating, and was absorbed by the black lotus. Looking at the centipede ancestor who approached, she suddenly opened her mouth, the fierce calamity spurted out, and the innate divine fire was overwhelming.


The centipede ancestor uttered a hurried cry, and he couldn't help but was instantly burned by the flames. No one would have thought that Yu Duxiu could still make a move in this situation.

A smell of barbecue spread over, the centipede ancestor didn't know how much flesh and blood was cooked in an instant, and Chaotian licked his lips subconsciously.

"The body of this old thing is a good thing" muttered to the sky.

"You can actually shoot." Donghai Longjun's expression changed: "Which one of you is proficient in space art, directly broke through Na Hongjun's small world, grabbed * Donghai Longjun's gaze and looked at several cultivators who are beyond the realm, look Looking at the monk in the transcendence realm, everyone in the field looked at me and I looked at you. Tai Yi taught the ancestors: "I'll come."

While talking, Tai Yi Jiaozu looked at Yu Duxiu's left hand, the power of fate flowed, and frowned after a while: "Unexpectedly, I haven't found the trace of this kid's world, even the coordinates have not been found."

"How can you imagine the mystery of the magical powers of this seat? Today, this seat and your Liangzi have been formed, and the cause and effect has been established. If you will kill you in the future, I will not blame this seat for being ruthless." Looking at the ancestors, Yu Duxiu decisively shut up. Before, she wanted to use the "unconditional" promises of the ancestors to help her through the disaster, but she gave up again after thinking about it. Such a powerful treasure, countless people are jealous. , Those few unconditional promises still need to be used on the blade. Right now, I just want to get away and sacrifice the treasures. You can't waste precious promises.

"I really can't find it. This kid's world has reached a very high level of attainment. We can't find the trace of this kid at all. There are many nights and dreams. We should suppress this kid early, where is it? Trouble, "As long as he suppresses a few major controversies, this kid can't stand his strength, and he wants to explain everything," Eshen said.

After hearing the words of God E, the powerful people nodded one after another, so Yu Duxiu finally knew how the unlucky ghost was killed by these **** in those days. The powerful people took action to separate Yu Duxiu’s original body, and then divided. As a piece, the ghost master said: "Yin and Yang are separated, part of this kid's body is suppressing my Yin Division."

"The muddy air in my earth is boiling, and it can ruin this kid's real body, and maybe the muddy air can completely wipe out this kid's real body in millions of years." God E looked at a part of Yu Duxiu's body, and said. Ya grinned, what he said was creepy.

"The 33rd Heaven can suppress a part of the flesh" Tai Yi taught the ancestors.

"There are three detachments of the Yaozu, and the Yaozu can also suppress part of the flesh" like Shinto.

"I am obligated from all over the world and I am willing to suppress a part of the flesh" Donghai Longjun took the initiative and everyone took this responsibility. Even if Hongjun is born in the future, all the responsibilities will be taken by everyone.

"Oh! Hongjun is planted this time! Even if we make a move, it is useless. He offended all the strong men of the heavens and the world, and he still doesn't know how to escape." Chaotian sighed helplessly.

There are twelve powerhouses in the Demon Clan, five from the Four Seas, eight from the Human Race, plus the three from the Monster Clan, making a total of 25 supreme powerhouses, and there are still six who are extremely powerful and detached. The strong, the three of them went in, it was not enough to stuff their teeth.

The general trend is like this. If you want to obtain treasures, you must die. This great world is guarded by the supreme powers. It is impossible for you to obtain the treasures and to have both lives. That is the crystallization of the law, that is not tempted? .

The ghost master runs the six reincarnations and suppresses Jade Duxiu in the deepest part of the six reincarnations. The ancestors have also taken actions to suppress them. The light in their eyes flows, suppressing Jade Duxiu in the secret land of the human race, and personally blessed various seals and the demon gods. They even shot one after another, suppressing part of Yu Duxiu's true body in the 33rd Heaven.

Sihai Longjun shot, suppressing Yu Duxiu in the eyes of the sea.

At this point, Yu Duxiu was completely suppressed and could no longer come out and jump.

"It's a pity that suppressing Hongjun is not the goal. The purpose is the crystallization of the law. I don't know when Hongjun will be able to hand over the crystallization of the law. If I can comprehend the crystallization of the law, my cultivation will inevitably rise to a higher level." Speaking, eyes filled with emotion.

The crystallization of this law is important for the supreme strong to break through the level, but it is also important for the transcended realm to understand the world law.

"Let's go! Let's see how many years Hongjun can survive." The supreme powerhouses have all gone.

Han Yan looked at the ice monster: "I don't know where the friend is going?"

The ice monster hesitated and said: "But there is nowhere to go. Since my Patriarch wants me to stay with Your Excellency, then I simply help Your Excellency to suppress the land of the four seas. If you defeat the Dragon Clan in the future, you can also avenge my Patriarch."

"Well, with your joining, there is no problem with the Dragon Clan in the four seas. It's just that your family is suppressed. This is a world of great controversy. After several great controversies in the future, there may be opportunities." Han Sigh helplessly.

Thirty-three heavens, Yujingshan, Jade ancestor gave up the struggle, and suddenly sighed: "It's a pity, it seems that the bad luck on my ancestors is really too heavy, even the boy Hongjun can't bear it. Suffered from bad luck."

The Prime Minister tortoise threw the jade ancestor out instantly when he heard the words. The jade ancestor rolled around and his eyes were full of emotion: "I want to find a way to rescue this kid. You are a good guardian of Yujing Mountain."

Seeing the old jade ancestor going away, Prime Minister Turtle let out a long breath: "Fortunately, fortunately, this old **** finally left, finally left."

In the East Sea Dragon Palace, the dragons looked at Jinlin, and the East Sea Dragon Lord said meaningfully: "Brother virtuous! I don't know what secrets I haven't confided? This time I call my dragons passive."

Jinlin hesitated after hearing the words: "It's still a little secret, but when I haven't said it, it's just that Na Hongjun seems to be different from ordinary creatures."

"Oh? Why is it different?" Donghai Longjun Let's study Na Hongjun's body. Then the big brother will know about it naturally" Jinlin said.

"Alright, I have to see what is different about Hongjun. Hongjun claims to be unique, and I don't know what is different." Donghai Longjun stood up and the five brothers walked towards Haiyan.

In Yinsi Difu, the insect **** sits opposite the ghost master.

"You want to devour Hongjun's origin?" Looking at the insect god, the ghost master was shocked, and a touch of amazement appeared in his eyes: "Na Hongjun is already immortal, how can I swallow it?".

"I'm an innate creature" The insect **** showed his white teeth.


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