The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1917: Supreme idiot

Yi unexpectedly died inexplicably, then lived inexplicably, and even preached inexplicably.

The supreme powerhouses were a little dizzy. Even Taiyi Jiaozu couldn’t clarify the causal relationship for a while. The Jiazuo ancestors retreated one after another, withdrew from the starry sky, leaving the battlefield to the demon clan and the demon **** clan. At the moment when the Demon God and the Demon Clan were fighting, the ancestors of the gods were not fools, and naturally they would not get in.

The battle was unprecedentedly fierce. The demon gods wanted to protect Yi, and the demon gods wanted to break Yi's enlightenment state.

"Oops! The origin of this seat has been inexplicably reduced a little bit" The Bull Demon God was bombarded by the Elephant God and reborn in the muddy earth, his eyes were full of palpitation, and his eyes were full of puzzlement.




The demon gods are constantly bombarded by the demon gods. Everyone, look at me, and I will look at you. You don't need to speak, you can see all of them with just one look.

"Could it be that the monster clan has mastered this kind of method that can kill the supreme and the supreme power?" E's expression was gloomy.

"It's terrible. You must find a way to restrain the monsters and gods. Once you die, you will lose a trace of the source. Sooner or later, you will be worn to death, just like the previous Yi." The wolf god's eyes were gloomy.

Having said that, the demon gods had to rush into the starry sky, and for the sake of Yi, they had to fight their lives.

The original source is damaged, so I just need to find a chance to make up for it, but the next chance to attack Immortal Dao is only once.

"This is the first line of life? Isn't it too bad? This is just the first line of life for semi-finished products," Yu Duxiu said to herself.


I don’t know when, the fox **** actually interspersed with the defenses of the demon gods, a jade hand was easily pressed on Yi’s body, a powerful force burst out from his confessed tender fingers, once again transforming the enlightenment of Yi. In order to fan.

The demon gods rushed towards the fox **** frantically, trying to fight the fox **** and hold him.

"Hahaha, hahaha, you old guys’ abacus fell through, and I interrupted the next breakthrough, and this guy has become useless." The Fox God thrust his waist and twisted his waist to avoid the devil gods. The attack is like a butterfly of flowers, dancing lightly, avoiding the ultimate moves of the demons.

"It's a pity, everything fell short" Tai Yi taught the ancestor with a light sigh.

"The fate is so, who can force it, Yi's fate is not enough, the fate is too small," Taiyi taught the ancestor.

"It's interesting, it's interesting, this time the Demon God clan must fight desperately with the demon clan, bad human beings, but the endless hatred," the ghost master smashed his mouth.


As everyone's thoughts flowed, they suddenly saw the powerful light rising into the sky, and then saw bursts of divine light shaking the earth, a mighty energy spreading across the heavens, and the regretful faces of the supreme powerhouses instantly solidified.

"Successful? Breakthrough?" The Bull Demon was stunned, eyes full of ecstasy.

"Breakthrough, hahaha, life should not be broken" E Shen laughed wildly.

"Smelly fox, magical powers are not against the number of days, magical powers are not against the number of days," the wolf **** shouted.

"This is impossible, how could this be?" Tai Yi Jiaozu's face was full of stunned.

"No way, you can become enlightened like this? How lucky is this?" Tai Dou Jiaozu's eyes were full of disbelief.

The ancestors who taught you look at me and I look at you, they all have disbelief in their eyes, and the ghost master who is laughing and gloating in secret is also dumbfounded.

"This is impossible!" Fox God's gaze was stagnant, and he couldn't believe it.

"How could this be?" Xiangshen was speechless, standing there wondering whether he should make a move.

"Yi! Yi! Yi!" Chang cheered aside.

"Roar~" A roar came from Yi's mouth, but the next moment he saw his body's powerful aura rising into the sky, behind him, a demon holding a large axe was screaming in the sky, standing there with a dull face. After hearing Chang's call, he walked across the void and directly landed beside Chang. Chang quickly rushed into Yi's arms: "I'm worried about me."

Yi did not move, still standing there blankly.

"Yi, your kid is really lucky, this situation can also be enlightened, and it is also good luck" Niu Demon God's face was full of joy.

Yi still stood there in a daze, silently, letting her hug herself.

"Yu, since your boy is proving the Dao, you should act quickly. Let's teach these **** a lesson. Don't be immersed in the gentle township. This gentle township will have the opportunity to look back in the future."

There was still no response, and he stood there blankly.

"Yi, why don't you speak?" Chang came back to his senses, and stood up from Yi's arms, looking at Yi with a pair of eyes, with incomprehensible colors in his eyes, she stared at the dull gaze, and then she was taken aback. , Cautiously said: "Yi, are you okay?".

"What's the matter?" Tai Dou Jiaozu wiped his sleeves.

"It seems something is wrong, you see, Na Yi's expression is sluggish, it seems something is wrong," Taiping taught the ancestor.

Everyone looks at me and I see you with their dignified eyes. The Fox God looked at Yi and didn't answer, and giggled: "Hahaha, let me just say, the road to enlightenment has been interrupted, how can it be intact? Yi is a fool, a fool, hahaha, hahaha".

"It's really funny. I didn't expect a fool to become the supreme powerhouse. There seems to be nothing more ridiculous in the heavens and in the world." Elephant God couldn't help but couldn't hold back the smile in his mouth, and he laughed out loud. .

Looking at the smiles of the demon gods, the faces of the demon gods twitched, and the face of the bull demon **** changed: "I don't believe it! How can the supreme power be an idiot?".

After speaking, I saw the Bull Demon God step forward and came to Taiyin Star, standing opposite Yi, with a pair of eyes staring at Yi firmly: "Yi, I am the Bull God, do you remember me? Tell me soon. Ah? How could a supreme powerhouse be an idiot?".

"Bull Demon God, don't be lucky. The Fairy Taiyin was attacked by someone and broke the path to enlightenment. He still has to suffer the backlash of the laws of heaven and earth and fall into reincarnation. What's more, it's this mere morrow. How can he bear the world? Backlash? Fortunately, he did not fall into reincarnation, but he also became an idiot. It is really funny. All the thoughts of the Demon God clan were wasted."

Hearing this, Niu Demon God’s face was blue and white, and he looked at the man in front of Yi, and became angry: "You bitch, you are all in trouble. If it were not for you, how could Yi enter the starry sky, causing my demon clan. Passive".

The Bull Demon's palm grabbed to but saw Yi's arm stretched out, and a large axe appeared out of thin air, slashing towards the Bull Demon.

"You are crazy, you even chop me, even if you become an idiot now, you shouldn't chop me." Facing the faintly large axe, the bull demon **** did not want to conflict with Yiqi, and instantly retreated.

Chang was so frightened that he fell to the ground. After retreating from the Bull Demon God, he came to Chang's side, keeping pace with each other.

"Ask what love in the world is, and I teach life and death. I was interrupted by Enlightenment, suffered a backlash from heaven and earth, and has forgotten everything. I have become an idiot, but I have never forgotten the protection of my wife. It is really embarrassing." Su Jiaozu's face was bleak.

He coughed in the sky, and then said: "It is indeed a pity! It is all God's will, God's will is like a knife."

Fu Yao was silent, seeming to be remembering something. At this time, the heavens and the world were silent, and all the supreme powers were all caught in their memories. In the remote ancient times and even the chaotic ancient times, there was also a person named The woman who agrees with her life and death is just like a knife, and the age is aging. The past and the present have turned into running water, and will never return.

"It's a pity" Taishi taught the ancestors.

"Hey, say so much to do, the past is over," Tai Dou taught the ancestors.

The teaching ancestors were silent, the bull demon **** in the starry sky looked at Yi step by step, and sighed deeply: "It is also your own choice to sacrifice one's life for benevolence and seek benevolence. Now you can finally accompany this **** all day. It will not be separated."

"Hey, you did a good job. I didn't waste this time when I sent you to be caught by the Demon God Clan. You really did not live up to my heart." Fox God slapped his palm and praised him, not forgetting to add oil and jealousy.

"This hatred, my devil clan will never forget" the wolf **** raged.

"I never die," Niu Demon said coldly.

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