The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1920: Judge Pen and Prince Yin Si

The ghost master took a cold look at Tai Dou Jiaozu, and saw that the prince of Yin Si returned to Yin Si, thinking of the treasure in his heart, and he was too lazy to grind with Tai Dou Jiao Zu, so he turned and left. .The fastest update

"The ghost master walks slowly. This treasure is not something your Yinsi family can swallow. Why don't you take out that treasure? How about everyone's understanding?" Tai Yi taught the ancestors of the long and winding river of fate, blocking the ghost. The way of the Lord.

"No, I believe in my own power, I believe in the power of the Yin Division." As soon as the ghost master pointed out, the long river of fate of Tai Yi Jiaozu was cut off in an instant, only the ghost master easily broke through and disappeared.

"What a terrible old thing," Tai Huang taught the ancestors to himself, eyes full of shock.

"How can the strength of this old thing improve so fast?" Tai Dou Jiaozu had too many puzzles in his eyes.

"The treasure is now in the hands of Yinsi, what should we do?" Taishi taught the ancestor.

"Why don't you join forces with the demons and demon gods to break into the Yin Division and seize the treasure?" Taiping taught the ancestors.

"Let's take a look and talk about it" Tai Yi Jiaozu closed his eyes.

"Friends of Taoism, please stay!".

The prince of Yinsi had just stepped into the realm of Yinsi. After returning to his own territory, he breathed a sigh of relief. He was about to relax. He suddenly heard a familiar voice behind him, and turned around and looked at Jade with a smile not far away. Duxiu, a touch of sorrow appeared in her eyes: "There is a way in the heavens, you don't go, and there is no way for you to give in. If you want to die, then you can't blame me."

Said that the prince of Yinsi was holding the Yan Luo sword in his hand, and the sword stabbed towards Yu Duxiu: "You have been severely injured by me, and there was no time to kill you before. Now you are looking for death by yourself, and you deserve to die."

"Really?" Yu Duxiu's lips sneered: "I really thought you, Yan Luo Jian, could do anything to me?".

Yu Duxiu gently tapped a finger: "Innate God Thunder Tribulation".

The long sword stabbed, Yu Duxiu's fingers flicked the long sword, and the blade of the sword instantly deflected, and Yu Duxiu's mouth sneered: "Go to hell."


A blood hole burst open in the prince's chest. The prince and Yu Duxiu passed by. The wound healed instantly, watching Yu Duxiu nonchalantly: "This is your method? It's not very good, just hurt. It’s just my skin."

"Is that really the case?" Yu Duxiu's mouth sneered.


The prince of Yinsi burst out with blood, and an innate divine thunder landed in the void. This divine thunder came too suddenly and unprepared. The three souls and seven souls of the prince of Yinsi almost fell apart, and his body was numb, almost Explode.

If it weren't for the real body of the prince Yan Luo, who was really powerful, I am afraid that I will explain here today.

The prince of Yinsi stared at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "What a powerful method."

"Don't worry! It's just Xiaocheng's innate **** thunder. You can taste the taste of Dacheng's innate **** thunder." Yu Duxiu took a pinch of fingers, and Dacheng's innate **** thunder began to traverse and crisscross, as if it were the Buddha's innate divine thunder. Pointed towards the prince of Yinsi.

"Death! Yan Luo told you to die for the third watch, who dares to keep you for the fifth watch".


Yan Luo's hand was pierced by Yu Duxiu's finger, and the calamity was numerous and wide, and the real body of the Crown Prince of Yin was exploded. His face was pale and reorganized in the distance. A pair of eyes looked at Yu Duxiu in amazement: "It's really a well-deserved reputation."

"The method of this seat has just been used, let's look at my innate fire calamity" Yu Duxiu pointed out again with a finger.

"Yan Luojian".

The long sword in the hands of the Yinsi prince slashed towards Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu's footsteps were wrong, and he avoided the sword of the Yinsi prince: "Your martial arts are too bad, you can't stand a blow, and you can see the flaws in my eyes."

Yu Duxiu's fingers lightly landed on the center of the Yinsi Prince's eyebrows, and the innate divine fire burned out of thin air, enveloping the Yinsi Prince's whole person.

"Where is the judge's pen!" The prince of Yinsi yelled, holding the life and death in his hand, and the thick innate sacred fire was forcibly suppressed by the life and death.

"Swish" the judge's pen crossed the void and came into the hands of Prince Yinsi.

The prince Yinsi looked at Yu Duxiu with a cold expression: "Hongjun! You are dead today."

"Really? It depends on your methods, whether you can kill me, you must know that a dozen of the supreme powerhouses will not be able to suppress me, let alone you juniors" Yu Duxiu sneered and looked at it with interest. The prince of the Yin Secretary moves.


The life and death book kept turning, the prince of Yin Si held the judge's pen in his hand, staring at the life and death book, suddenly the life and death book stopped, and the prince Yin Si said: "Hongjun! You are guilty!".

"What's the crime?" Yu Duxiu said.

The prince of the Yinsi did not answer, and took the judge's pen to write a note on the life and death book: "It's time for you to cook in a frying pan."

The words fell, the void distorted, the oil pan grew out of thin air, the boiling oil was constantly tumbling, and Yu Duxiu found that he had been in the oil pan.

Looking at the hot oil pan, there was a burst of scorching heat, Yu Duxiu frowned, and continued to absorb the calamity quickly: "What a powerful method, it actually broke all laws and prohibits all magical powers. Fortunately, I have the power of disaster. , Otherwise we will have some hardship today."

Yu Duxiu was idle and bored, but also had the mind to play with the Crown Prince Yin Si, watched the Crown Prince Yin Si slowly, and then slowly sat up, in the boiling oil pot, like a soup bath.

"A very powerful method" The prince of Yinsi jumped his eyes. He knew how powerful his supernatural powers were and how powerful his family was.


The black and white impermanence walked in from the outside world, looking at Yu Duxiu in the hot oil pan, all were taken aback: "How did Hongjun come to Yinsi?".

"You two came just right to help me shake Hongjun's soul, scatter his soul, and let him know how good I am. Today, I must make him suffer enough." The Crown Prince Yinsi looked cold.

Bai Wuchang hesitated a little, and then said: "Prince! Hongjun has so many magical powers, even the ghost master can't help Hongjun. Now the battle between the prince and Hongjun is just a struggle of spirit, it is better to stop, Hongjun let go and turned the fighting into jade silk!".

"No! Hongjun and I must be in the same position." The judge's pen in the hands of Prince Yinsi was changing: "Hongjun, you have a serious sin. You should fall into the sword and bear the sin."

The prince of Yinsi seemed to have turned into an iron-faced judge, and the flames rose, Yu Duxiu's body was changing, and countless cold and radiant knife points stretched out, wanting to cut it thousands of times.

"Although the number of calamities is small, it is better than nothing. Mosquito legs are meaty when they are small." Yu Duxiu looked at Prince Yin Si with an inexplicable smile. The smiling Prince Yin Si had cold hands and feet, and his heart panicked.

"Prince" the judge arrived and looked at the Yinsi Prince and Yu Duxiu and said: "The subordinates followed the trail of the judge's pen, but I did not expect that the Prince had trapped Hongjun."

The prince Yinsi said: "You came just right, and quickly helped me to suppress the evil of Hongjun."

"Want to suppress me?"

Looking at the black and white impermanence and the judge, Yu Duxiu stretched out a palm: "The universe is in the palm."

"Protect the prince, you must not let the prince fall into the universe in your palm, otherwise it must be ten dead and no life, under the control of Hongjun" the judge shouted.

Black and white impermanence teamed up, ignoring the power of the universe in Yu Duxiu's palm, and came directly to the prince of Yin Lifting the prince of Yin Si, ignoring the power of Yu Duxiu, he appeared directly in the palm of the universe. outer.

"Want to run? Can you run?" In Yu Duxiu's palm, the innate immortal aura and the innate immortal real body are vertical and horizontal, turning into a quasi-superior strong, and going to the prince of Yinsi, black and white impermanence, and the judge.

"Hongjun! This is my Yinsi realm. You are too presumptuous." The six reincarnations turned back and forth, and the ghost master appeared in the void and stopped directly in front of Yu Duxiu. The six reincarnations around his body continued to rotate back and forth. The supreme powerhouse actually involuntarily flew towards the six reincarnation vortex surrounding the ghost master.




The quasi-superior powers have turned into bright aurora, disappeared without a trace, and returned to the universe in the palm of the hand. Yu Duxiu looked at the ghost master: "The Yin Division has seized the treasure of this seat, if you are Can't give me a satisfactory answer, we are bound to meet the difficulties of the moon."

"Really? Just do it if you have the ability."

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