The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2925: Infiltrate the Yin Division, Hongjun heels

"Hahaha, it's really a feng shui turn, and now you deserve to be unlucky for your Yin Division, and told you to bully me in the past. Now the Yin Division channel is opened by Hongjun, and the powerful in the Yang world have crossed into the Yin Division, and deserve your Yin Division to be robbed." A pair of eyes looked at the yin and yang channels that were spreading in the distance, and suddenly looked up to the sky and smiled: "The blood tribe, gather soldiers!"

"The army set out to pacify the Yin Division, and get rid of the great troubles of my Yang world!".

The generals of the Demon God Clan and the Monster Clan saw the yin and yang passage open, their eyes lighted up, and they couldn't wait to rush into the Yin Division.



A roar of the Golden Dragon of Qi Luck sounded, and the Golden Dragon of Qi Luck of the Demon Race and the Demon God Clan moved along with the army, followed the passage of the two realms, forcibly opened up a pure land belonging to the Yang world, and squeezed out the power of the law in the Yin Division. Kai has become the guardian of the Yang world, and the two realms of heaven and earth are constantly struggling.

Yu Duxiu released her hand, looked at the stable two-world passage, and suddenly smiled: "This time, let’s see how your Yin Division resolves the catastrophe. For the monks in the Yang World, Yin Division is a place of great fear. Now I can enter the Yin Division alive. , Naturally they will try their best to destroy and destroy the Yin Division. After all, no one wants to die."

"Hongjun! You disrupt the yin and yang order, you **** it, you deserve to die." The ghost master took the time to recover and glared at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back: "Really? If you have the ability, you can kill me."

Yu Duxiu absorbs the power of calamity between heaven and earth. At this moment, the Yin Division is in chaos. The quasi-superior powerhouses are looking for their dead relatives. The supreme powerhouse is fighting against the Yin Division powerhouse. Searching for the hero who was suppressed in the ancient times, all the creatures in the yin were overwhelmed, and I don't know how many ghosts were scattered in the turmoil.

"It seems that this sin is really a bit big" Yu Duxiu frowned, watching the power of sin continually fall, a little weird color flashed in Yu Duxiu's eyes.

"Gather the generals, rush into the sea of ​​bleeding, and wantonly plunder the benefits of the Yin Division." The Gorefiend mobilized countless monsters in the sea of ​​blood, and invaded the Yin Division overwhelmingly.

Yu Duxiu stood quietly at the channel between Yin and Yang, and a pair of eyes flashed with jade-colored discs: "Tai Yin! Where are you! Where are you? Damn Hundred Ghosts and Gengjin Taoist, I will be able to cultivate in the future. Furthermore, you must be completely wiped out."

In any case, Taiyin still needs to be searched, but after finding Taiyin, how to explain to the other party the rotten peach blossoms on her body now makes Yu Duxiu a headache.

The prince of Yinsi is now in trouble and is entangled by the **** E. Even the devil's Yama Dao is infinitely powerful. At this time, facing the entanglement of the **** E, he is retreating steadily.

"Eshen, why are you trying so hard?" Prince Yinsi glared at Eshen.

"Hand over the treasure, hand over the crystal of the law, forgive you not to die" E Shen said blankly.

"It was you who forced me." The prince Yinsi glanced at E God, turned and rushed into the camp of the Demon God clan, provoking all the Demon God clan powerhouses to take action.

"Quick death! Quick death! Not quick death!" The prince of Yinsi urged Yan Luo Dadao. Wherever he passed, countless members of the Demon God clan bowed their heads and fell down, no more vitality.

"Asshole! What kind of means is this?" E Shen looked at the prince's means for a moment.

While talking, seeing the large and large deaths of the powerful of the Demon God clan, E God immediately took action to suppress it.

"Eshen! Today I must tell you to see the power of Laozi Yan Luo Dadao."

The E **** and the Yin Si prince were torn apart, and the Yin Si prince continued to escape by relying on the mystery of the Yama Dao, looting and killing the tribes of the Demon God clan. Although the E **** had vast magical powers and boundless mana, the Yin Si prince did not go head-to-head with the E god. It is also helpless to not be able to hit people.

He didn't dare to use the big move, for fear of hurting his own tribe, he could only let the prince of Yin Si get away.

The prince of Yin Division's escape is really fast, especially in Yin Division, the speed is incredible.

"Where is the soul of the master?" Yu Duxiu scanned Yinsi with a pair of eyes.

"Hongjun! Damn you, my yin department will not let you go." Facing so many powerful men, even if he was as strong as the ghost master, he was defeated steadily, and screamed at Yu Duxiu.

"He came at me, you stop him, don't let him destroy the passage between Yin and Yang. If the passage between the two realms is destroyed and the dragon energy in the Yang world is cut off, these billions of elite soldiers will be buried here." Yu Du Xiu watched the ghost master pounce on her with a palm, and didn't move.

"Ghost Lord! Fighting with me, I dare to be distracted. Could it be that I really don't look at this seat in my eyes?" Xiangshen waved a punch, not daring to call the ghost Lord near the passage between Yin and Yang.

Lingshan Pure Land World.

"Sun Chi" Amituo said.

"I have seen my Buddha" Sun Chi respectfully saluted Amitabha.

Amitabha said: "Have you been determined for the ten kings?"

"Enlightenment Lord, it has been determined."

The Buddha nodded: "That's good. Now that all the powerful people join in the Yin Division, it is also an opportunity for my Buddhist family. Xuan Shi Wang sees him."

Human race, the ancestors of the people, look at me and I look at you, Tai Dou taught the ancestors: "There are too many benefits in the Yinsi, we really don't take it?".

Tai Yi Jiaozu shook his head: "It's not that he doesn't make a move, but he waits for the opportunity to make a move!"

"How do you say this?" Taiping taught the ancestors.

"Now the Yin Division is completely finished. Ever since Hongjun forcibly opened the Yin Division channel, the Yin Division has been completely defeated. I didn't expect Hongjun to actually open the Yin and Yang channel by force. The supernatural powers have been cultivated to the state of transformation, which is unfathomable. Nowadays, the cultivation base can only come to Yinsi alone, and it is difficult to open the Yin-Yang channel. I never thought that Hongjun could do it." Tai Yi Jiaozu's face was full of emotion.

"Hongjun is the first person in this world, the first strong man to comprehend the way of the world. Although we are detached, our understanding of the world may not be as good as Hongjun this kid" Tai Dou Jiazuo His eyes are full of emotion.

All the ancestors silently agreed with the words of the ancestor Taidou.

"Sooner or later, the Yin Division will not be able to stand it up any time soon. When the time comes, I will need foreign aid. It is when my Human Race Lion speaks loudly. That’s good, when the time comes, the ghost master can’t stand it and can only seek foreign aid. Now, the only people who can serve as foreign aid are our human race" Tai Yi teaches ancestors with a scheming smile: “What do you want? Both demon gods and demon gods are reckless, and they only think that fighting, killing, and forcibly snatching is the right but they don't know how to use their brains."

A disdainful smile flashed in Taiyi's eyes, and all the teachers nodded together: "That's true."

"Find a way to get Hongjun to open the Yinsi channel" Taishi taught the ancestor.

The ancestors teach you to look at me, and I look at you, silently.

After so many years of competition, although Hongjun has repeatedly fallen into the wrong place, it is undeniable that Hongjun's cultivation base is getting higher and higher, and he can now sit on an equal footing with the supreme powers.

Is Hongjun annoying? .

Of course not. If Hongjun was so provoking, he would not be alive and kicking to this day, and he would continue to set fires everywhere, making troubles everywhere.

"I'm wondering if Hongjun is the heir of the Jade Patriarch, this Hongjun can cause trouble just like the Jade Patriarch, it's really terrifying," Taiyi Teacher joked.

After listening to the words of the ancestor Taiyi, the tortoise shell in the hand of the ancestor Taiyi moved and stopped abruptly: "Don't say it, it is really possible."

After speaking, the teaching ancestors looked at each other, and Tai Huang Jiao Zu looked at Taiping Jiao Zu: "Where are Yu Duxiu's parents?".

"It's just that people say it's an orphan. As for other things? But it's not clear." Taiping Jiaozu raised eyebrows.

The ancestor of Taiyi immediately used the plum blossom technique to count the hexagrams, and then he was shocked: "There is a hazy chaos without a trace."

"I'll try." Taiyi taught the ancestors to run the turtle shell and deduced the secret. After a while, he was stunned: "I didn't see anything, I don't know why. Heart palpitations".

"It's true" Taiyi taught the ancestors.

"In so many years, we have never thought about Hongjun's heels." The Taiping teacher also touched his nose.

"Don't provoke Hongjun to discover our actions," Taishi taught the ancestor cautiously.

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